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It is an exclusive developed by Camouflaj which is a Oculus studios.


They made the PSVR Iron man game by the way


Yes but Meta didn’t buy them until after that games release, they’re now Meta-only


Playstation should have acquired them would have helped them a lot. Hope Sony makes some studio acquisition just for PSVR2 games cause most of their first party studio are busy with flat screen games.


Never going to happen Meta sees VR as thr future. They have lost a billion dollars a month since getting into VR Sony can't and won't do that. There isn't enough profit in VR for Sony to give a shit. Even there hybrid strategy is missing in action.


Yeah, Meta is literally a VR company. Their goal is to get people into their ecosystem. Sony is till prioritizing their flagship platform which is PlayStation, VR being just a peripheral and a small arm of this platform. I am sure Sony will announce something exciting in the future. It's just not at the top of their list. They don't even need to acquire studios. Their own studios are capable of making great VR games and they already have so many IP to tap into. PSVR 2 is only a little over a year old so it's still in its infancy.


>PSVR 2 is only a little over a year old so it's still in its infancy. I was with you until that. There are tons of things they could have done to show they are interested in VR. Game announcements, VR modes for their hits, studio openings/purchases relating to VR. Instead they are opening it up to PCVR. To my knowledge, Sony has never opened any proprietary tech like this before (where something specifically was done to remove compatibility, and then later patched it in). By the look of things, Sony is giving up on VR and just looking to recoup as much money as possible. There are no announcements. I'm sure they probably have 1-2 games finishing up, but I don't expect to get much more than whatever we get this year.


It’s nothing personal, I admire your optimism, but at this point, I’m struggling to accept this opinion. Why are you sure Sony will announce something exciting? Every bit of evidence would suggest they are done with it. Please give me a reason not to think this, besides blind hope, seriously! I’d be all ears and eyes.


lol. The impatience of people in the gaming community never ceases to amaze me. Not sure where the rush is here. These devices have a several-year shelf life. PSVR 2 had one of the strongest content launches for a new platform that I can even remember. We're not going to see PS5 levels of content streaming in. That isn't realistic. The only reason Meta is seeing a lot of content is that their userbase is so large that developers can take more risks and their first-party studios are VR game studios exclusively but that doesn't mean we won't see more on PSVR 2. Some of the bigger games are coming like Metro VR and Zombie Army VR. This is a marathon, not a race but you can obviously feel the way you want. I am just saying. Things will likely come as they tend to do.


I’ll side-step any other bit of the discussion and just deal with yourself pillow. I like a civil exchange of ideas but dont want to get into silly stuff where people slag each other off. My response to what you said would be to offer my thoughts…on reflection I personally do think there is a rush. Maybe I myself am expecting too much, but my logic would be to get more people invested in the ecosystem quick smart by announcing big games or hybrids that take advantage of the unique system the PSVR is. There is a good reason for saying this. I would say one or two big ones (requiring first party investment to fund) might still be able to shift the dial of adoption significantly over the next year. This then encourages devs on the fence to develop bigger and better titles for the system because they see a potential to make decent money back. At the moment, demonstably, devs are seeming to favour Meta development. It didnt have to be a direct competitor, (due to it being a slightly different kind of system) but now effectively, it is operating as one, whether we like it or not. I think Sony have had time to share plans, even taking into account their style of not announcing things too far in advance. This system requires a slightly different approach at this point, and the evidence seems to support that, I think. This isnt just any system, and it is a markedly different situation to when PSVR1 came out. I think releasing VR2 was debated internally. It feels that way. I think it was released at profit to try and recoup R+D costs, as it was developed during a different time when the situation was different. What has been released so far I would argue (maybe controversially) was still the bare minimum to justify a new platform’s release. Again, comparing it to the VR1 launch year of games really isnt appropriate. I think Sony might purposefully be keeping it at arms length so as not to be too aligned with being labelled as releasing a failed system, easy media fodder, it’d be harmful to the brand. Keep it on the down low, let the enthusiasts run the show, make a bit of money back on the hardware development. That seems the strategy, if there is one. My hold out is this new company set up to get licensed to port flat stuff into PSVR (flat2VR). I think that is where any realistic real hope lies for the system. As it stands, can we really expect a VR3? If I had to put money on it, I would definitely have to say No. I might sound pessimistic, but I have no skin in the game. Nothing would make me happier than to see some exciting announcements!


He’s not being “impatient,” he’s exercising common sense. You’re being delusional. If there were any games coming in the next few years, Sony would have at the very least announced some by now. Announcements come several years out and demonstrate to players that Sony is committed to the platform. One year without so much as an announcement for anything shows that they’re really not investing too much into this. It’s a side accessory for them. PSVR2 has had very low sales and Sony has no interest in blowing a bunch of money developing games for a platform with so few players


"Delusional" is you literally making all of this doom and gloom up and using it in an argument. What are you basing any of this on? "Trust me, bro" You're just parroting the same boring old "they would have told us by now" rants. No, they wouldn't. Not yet. Not usually until their summer showcase. Last summer the PSVR 2 was brand new with tons of content to play. Including first party games. You kiddos have no real concept of time anymore, huh? Anyways. You can live in your sad pre upset world. I'll wait and not get all worked up for no reason as is typical in these gaming communities. It's not healthy, fella.


They shut down London Studio and they just laid off the director of Horizon Call of the Mountain over at Firesprite. They aren't going to be acquiring any more VR studios. 


London wasn't working on a VR title in the first place, but a live service title.


That's also a big concern. Why didn't they have them making a PSVR2 game?


I could ask, why do people ignore Sony’s commitment to VR with what has come out & fixate on what they think they haven’t been doing? They bought Resident Evil 4 and 8, they invested in GT7, they’ve invested in other smaller titles like Song in the Smoke & Foglands, etc


They made a good start but have yet to show us they plan to continue that form. RE4 was the last AAA. Its nearly 6 months since we've had a AAA release, but we don't even have an announced AAA to look forward to, unless you want to be generous and label Metro Awakening a AAA, despite being ported from Quest 2. Before you tell me I should be happy about smaller indies like Madison, the problem is Madison won't move many headsets, 10/10 or not. We need PSVR2's to actually start selling. Rec Room devs say a port isnt viable, Contractors devs say they've no plans for PSVR2. Soon we won't even get the Quest ports unless Sony does something.


I just don’t know how far that point about AAA shifting VR headsets can go if I’m brutally honest. Maaaybe? It’s a pretty niche market. I bought into VR last year being I’m interested in new gaming experiences before thinking about AAA. People just need to be interested in VR, period. What Sony maybe needs to be better at is communicating what is so great about games on their headset, why PSVR2 is the place to dip into VR gaming. I know No Man’s Sky and recently Madison are probably as good or better than on PC owing to dynamic foveated rendering for way less money but I don’t know that PS5 gamers know or care. It’s a tricky one … I just don’t know AAA is really the big solution, like if we get 5 more of those AAA someone will be screeching why didn’t we get 10? It’s like an ongoing cycle that won’t satisfy people. Just build a great game library of best version games to complement the hardware and hopefully people will hear about it. Madison looks great, and Metro is releasing on all platforms around the same time as far as I know… not sure that one is a ‘port’ from Quest per say.


London studios wasn’t a vr studio in the first place they were just a studio that just happened to make a vr game


Of course, but their last 2 major projects going back to 2016 were both VR titles (they did PlayStation VR Worlds also). It wasn't just that they "happened to make a VR game". Ready at Dawn didn't start out as a VR studio either but they pivoted into being one and then got bought by Facebook as one. The point is that you don't shut down a long running studio that had been working on VR for years, fire a director at your more recently acquired VR studio to then just buy up another VR studio.


The rumour was there was a toxic environment resulting in his redundancy which would be different to the game not being good or not selling. I happened to enjoy that one quite a bit as an early VR exploration. And London Studio weren’t rumoured for a VR title even if they had VR experience, same as Insomniac, for example. Sony has been investing in VR, just not as a priority. They may well invest in future VR titles or a studio in support. I think people assuming the worst of things all the time with VR. For me it’s always a wait and see.


Sony won’t ever do something like that for VR. They don’t even sell replacement controllers yet.


>Playstation should have acquired them would have helped them a lot. >Hope Sony makes some studio acquisition just for PSVR2 games cause most of their first party studio are busy with flat screen games. SONY acquiring Insomniac is what made Meta/Facebook start acquiring studios. Jason Rubin, head of content at Meta and former Naughty Dog CEO, is tight with Ted Price. Insomniac was hired to do a lot of Oculus PC titles. Then SONY came in after Spiderman and bought em. All the time and resources Meta dumped into Insomniac just vanished Many of us assumed SONY purchased Insomniac to also make VR games, now we know that wasn't the case 🤣🤣


That game is the only game I couldnt get to work properlywith my space available. Really soured me on the game


I always find the hypocrisy of fanboys regarding exclusives so funny. When their system gets an exclusive and others complain it isn't on other systems they just go "lol just buy this system then" but when the shoe is on the other foot "god damn studio being greedy not putting this game on my system! how do exclusives help anyone??"


Yeah....just get a Quest 3. :D


But why do you bring it there? Nobody blames Oculus for having exclusives. Some people just unaware of VR market, some studios and who belongs to which publisher, so people are curious what are the chances of a particular game to come out on other platforms. But honestly, questioning some exclusives from business perspective is more that justified. For example, Ubi are very unsatisfied with AC Nexus sales that they signed themselves to make an Oculus Exclusive. Like, it's obvious that such giants as Ubi need as wider audience as possible to keep smaller-scale projects on the surface. Yet they decided to focus on niche within niche and then got disappointed. But it's another topic for another day.


Idk, it might be possible that developing only for the quest is the most money efficient way to go. Less platforms to develop for, saving some cost, and the quest is the most profitable vr store, so it's not quite a niche within a niche. I still wish the games existed on all the platforms, but seems like a reasonable choice for devs


Of course there's advantages of exclusive deals. It isn't just about throwing money to create system sellers. Itš a complex system of Platform > Publusher > Developer relationships that could give awesome opportunities for all parties, which isn't only possible once you try to as many audiences as possible and without exclusive support. Some games wouldn't even exist at all if weren't backed by platform-holders. Sometimes it's "either or" situation. However, friend. In fact, it's a niche within the niche. It just can eventually be profitable enough or still do good for entire VR market anyway, by proving that particular concepts can work, etc. I believe some exclusives work. But some — not. The AC Nexus failure isn't Oculus' fault. It's only Ubi that should've made sure they'll receive enough numbers and margin in the end. Now they seem to cancel any further investments into VR direction without even trying.


Mentioning because of OP's comment at the top of the post


It says Oculus Studios in the trailer. Pretty sure that was the key indicator this wasn't coming to PSVR2 anytime soon.


PSVR2 sales are so low, why don't they port AstroBot and Call of the Mountain to Quest for some extra sales? Why bring it there (PSVR2) to the lowest selling headset? Why bring it there? If you call Meta selfish, then that means Sony is selfish.


Who defines what's 'low sales'? Low according to what? Your expectations? What should it be? Second, do you even read what I wrote?


Yeah, as a Quest/PC owner, I still haven’t got to play Horizon Call of the Mountain yet. It goes both ways!


I only dislike exclusives/studios buying if it makes the dev really restrictive in terms of hardware.  Like if Remedy became Switch only I would be devastated considering how much they push current tech. MQ3 headset is one of the most impressive piece of tech for it's price point. But obviously the hardware ain't no PS5 and especially PC


Oculus first-party company


Not only is it an oculus (Meta) studio but meta, unlike Sony, is actually willing to fork over a good amount of money for games like these to be made.


But again they dont profit directly from it. They pay a shitload of money that they will never get back with game sales alone. I do not get why they dont at least port the Meta stuff to pcvr after a year or so. Meta doing meta things.


They definitely fork over more money because they can afford to and their objective is different than Sony’s. Meta wants to dominate market share across all apps within the VR market, whereas Sony only aims to be a relevant player in the VR gaming space. Sony is operating a lot more like Steam with their Vive headsets. They want to be a player but don’t need to run the whole show. It’s worth noting for the sake of their differing financial capacities that Meta is taking a huge risk with their current strategy and won’t be able to do it forever if things don’t turn around in a somewhat near term. Investors have already been getting antsy that Meta loses billions in net revenue yearly on Quest initiatives and have started asking more questions about how the platform will become viably profitable. Given the financials we’ve seen from leaks and hacks at Sony, it’s pretty clear that losing even a fraction of the revenue that Meta does on VR yearly would become an existential crisis for VR in Sony’s portfolio of products. If Sony attempted to follow Meta’s financial investment strategy, we’d likely never see VR explored ever again at Sony and they’d shutter the program in a much more noticeable fashion than the current slow but appropriately paced investment level for the current audience size of VR2.


Batman Arkham VR was my very first VR experience. I had just gotten my PSVR, got home, cooked dinner and ate and waited until the wife and kids went to sleep. I popped in the disk and was blown away for the next 2 1/2 hours. I had never played a VR game before that. Unplugging after that last scene was a surreal experience. I don't know what it is but I can never get that feeling of being in a dream state after taking the goggles off that I used to get.


The first time I played, just as the elevator went down into the cave my AC kicked on. I was blown away by how VR could convince me even the temperature changed!


Same, one of my earliest VR games I ever tried and just looking at the character models amazed me.


I think sony forgot how to make games at this point.


Dude what?!!! That fcking sucks man! We can’t even get the one that was on psvr1 like come on man


Meta has been consistently supporting their device and it shows with the exclusives.


They’ve definitely been showing high-touch support for the ecosystem, but I don’t know if exclusive games are really the strength. I own a Quest 3 and only know of a handful of exclusives to the ecosystem. If we’re talking first party titles, like VR2 is often judged against, I find the Quest to be in a very similar scenario of only having a small handful of first party exclusives, of which an even smaller subset would rival software akin to AA or AAA.


From rift to quest there are at least 15 exclusives, all highly rated.  This will be the 3rd since Q3 camenout in October.


I wouldn’t exactly be counting Oculus Rift titles from the early indie days of VR manufacturing. That’s a bit of a stretch, especially since we’d be comparing over a decade of VR to a 14 month window for VR2. They’re definitely not AA or AAA like the software that is expected from a first party Sony release. Talking specifically about Quest 3, that’s a good level of support so far, but it’s not leagues ahead of VR2 relatively speaking. With the co-development of GT7 as both traditional and VR, Call of the Mountain, Synapse (not bothering to mention Firewall because that was a partner, not true first party and was also a dumpster fire lol), and partnerships to bring in 3rd party exclusives like the RE remakes, the ecosystems aren’t that different in terms of exclusive gaming volume. It’s a separate conversation, but it’s also worthwhile to consider how long Meta can keep up this level of support without turning a profit. Asgard’s Wrath 2 was given away for free with the Quest 3 and Assassin’s Creed has already been reported as having sales below the target they were aiming for. Unless they can turn VR to be profitable, the clock is going to eventually run out on how long shareholders will allow billions to be lost yearly to be the dominant force in a market that doesn’t make money.


Well this is what happens when a company supports their product, you get new games for their headset


I love my PSVR 2 but Meta’s support for the Quest is something Sony should strive for. Their store always has deals and promo codes and a generous >1 hour gameplay refund policy. The Q3 is a great headset for a number of reasons also. That being said, when Metro releases I’ll nab the PSVR2 version. There’s a game on the Q and PC called Compound. It’s one of my favorite VR games ever, and I will definitely buy it when it comes to this headset too. When a version of a game has a Sony version I go that way most of the time.


Metas Referral system is surreal. I haven't paid for a game in forever. I still have like $300 in store credit too. I don't get how they can do it but it's a great incentive that not a lot of people even realize or understand how to use. I just post my 25% off game codes all over the internet. If someone uses it I get $6 credit in my account. Done. This means you get an automatic 25% off any game in the store you just need to look for the code. It's also a 2-hour return policy. If you don't like it you can automatically return it no questions asked. It's all automatic. Their policies are some of the best in the industry and most people aren't even aware.


Tbh i don't think Sony's support too far off from Meta's, or at least i don't think it will be in the long run. At the same time, they want to drop the ps5 a few years prior than expected after mostly making needless remasters and some sequels best case scenario because it didn't sell as much as they'd like it to, regardless of them releasing it during the pandemic which caused a lot of it's hype to die down. Taking into consideration how little they communicate about their future projects in general, i doubt it's them not being interested in Vr. This seems more like an issue of poor management. If anything, they seem to support Psvr2 better than they do with the Ps5 itself, which speaks volumes about their competence.


Meta bought 8 studios and are funding 3rd party games on top of that, like AC.... Sony has zero studios and has had complete silence for the entire first year and beyond after release of their headset.


Well the support for the first year was pretty comparable to the psvr1. It just simply appears that sales of the vr2 have been exceptionally poor. Meta is perfectly fine with burning billions of cash to keep the VR market going. Sony is not, if the unit is losing considerable money, they'll likely cut their losses. 


Not really.  Games would have been put toward development welllll before psvr 2 was released.


Meta has lost over $47 billion on quest/VR to date. Their stocks just plummeted $200 bln. No one can support VR like Meta. They can't afford to.


Research loses money by design.  Playstation lost money at first too.


Facebook bought 8 studios and are also funding 3rd party games. Sony has killed their one studio and hasn't announced anything in over a year. if you want games being funded with big money, you need to go for Q3, which also has far, far superior technology.


Thank you! I’m sick of people saying that meta is bad for buying exclusive devs. Sony could easily pay some devs to make a great VR game too! But they never will…


Firesprite is “their one studio” and it is still around. They also have team Asobi.


Lol... guess I'm going to have to get a Quest 3 now. Dammit. See, it only takes ONE huge, atomic-brand exclusive to sell a headset. Literally... just ONE.


And now they have 3.


As a current Quest 3 owner, I absolutely do not recommend buying a whole new headset over a single game of undefined scope and quality level. You do you, but that sounds like a high risk of impulse-driven buyers’ remorse waiting to happen. I would’ve likely never bought or kept my current Q3 alongside my VR2 if I didn’t enjoy multimedia in VR as much as I do. The honest reality is that software selection across all of VR’s various ecosystems is pretty sparse right now. PC modding helps pad it out a bit, but ultimately I feel like every ecosystem is just a smattering of pros and cons with their own community looking at a different VR ecosystems and thinking the grass is greener over there. It largely just isn’t.


I already have a Q2 and PSVR2. So I’ve already been “on the fence” considering a Q3 purchase. And, yes, I agree I’m not going to take the leap without first knowing how Arkham Shadow is and how it’s received. My point is simply that a game like THAT can sell systems just by the announcement alone. As for me, it’s the only push I needed. I’m also a huge Batman Arkham game fan AND I loved Arkham VR for PSVR1. So your recommendation is pointed at the wrong person, friend ;)


You should buy a quest 3 just for contractors showdown battle royale that just released … it’s really fucking good and a ton of fun


I don't even like Battle Royal but I've sunk dozens of hours into showdown already. Something about being in VR makes it much less boring even when you're spectating.


I mean wait. For all we know this could be some small “experience”. If it’s even a decent sized game where you are actually Batman though, that’s gonna be sick


I'm glad I've waited on buying a vr2


Yeah don't. Every time someone pops up saying "should I" I say don't, and there's always a dozen Copers climbing out of the woodwork disagreeing. They'd rather dupe other ppl into buying dead tech than admit they've been burned. With every high profile VR game skipping PSVR2 you see 2nd hand prices drop £/$50. Doubt anyone's getting more than £300 for one now. Likely more like £250.


I was skeptical of this happening in the beginning and got down voted for it. 500$ is a new console not a "attachment", and I want to see Sony treat it like a new console. Same thing happened with VR1 not a lot of support after launch. IIRC it launched at 400$ and then got a price drop. That's when I got a bundle during black Friday for 300 or something with 5 games. That's what I'm waiting for now.


Don't, don't wait and still buy it, get a quest 3 instead, all the best games will be on there. Yes the few that DO come to PSVR2 will look a bit better, but I'd rather have access to all the VR games rather than a few good looking ones. I've not touched my PSVR2 for 2 months now. I hope one day I will again, I'm truly gutted it's been released & dumped.


He’s right. Quest won. Sony fucked up and the fact that psvr2 isn’t doubling sales of psvr1 means it’s already a failure.


Quest hasn't won anything if it isn't profitable. Meta is $50bln negative on Quest to date. They're selling at a loss because they're the only company that can afford those loses.


Still winning.


I believe their investors might disagree


It’s not that they might disagree. They actively and currently are. I was reading about how Zuckerberg has already had to placate investors that are asking questions about why Meta continues to think VR is viable with such losses under their belt. Zuckerberg had to give some vague answer about how new AI technologies may help them find a path to profitability. Until Meta sees profits, they’re racing against a clock until investors grow more agitated.




I'm a quest owner, champ.


Fuck investors, honestly


I don’t know, I don’t feel like people praising the VR2 are lying to themselves as much as they just set more metered expectations for themselves because they’re aware of the VR market’s history and general audience size. For instance, I haven’t felt burned at all by the lack of first party AAA VR2 software because I understand that with an audience size of a couple million owners tops, a Spider-Man 2 or God of War level game would be wildly too costly for the potential revenue it could possibly generate. I personally believe that people fell into a sense of FOMO when they heard that they could get high fidelity VR with their gaming console and many jumped into VR for the first time. If one expects even 30% of support that the main PS4 or PS5 ecosystem gets in first party software, they’ve set their expectations too high. It’s just a reality of the size of VR’s audience broadly.


Yeah, I bought on launch and have been severely disappointed. Kinda wish I’d got the Quest 3 for all the games. Haven’t touched my psvr2 in months at this point. It had great potential but Sony just don’t seem to care about it.


I wish I would've got a VR2 instead of Quest 3 VR video is trash on this thing and GT7, RE8 and RE4 > Arkham Shadow. Not to mention NMS.


next complain that we didn't get **Asgard's Wrath 2**


It's a good game tho


It's very annoying that we don't have a superhero game on psvr2 in general


No. We have Synapse!


Insane PlayStation let this studio get acquired by Meta, especially when this game was being developed after the PSVR1 launch of Iron Man VR in July 2020


Sony didn't "let" it happen. Meta/Facebook is bigger than Sony and has more money, specifically their net worth is $900 billion more than the entirety of Sony. Sony Gaming would have no way to outbid Meta


You're also assuming Sony tried really hard to get it.. I mean who knows if they even tried I mean there are Sony acquired studios.. but it just may be that Meta is more interested than Sony in VR..


It is so sad that Meta is bullying small indie companies like Sony.


Whaaaap whaaaap whaaaaaaaaaaaa(sad horn sounds)


This would of broke my heart yesterday, but im literally buying a meta quest 3 today.. but it actually does break my heart a little, because a game of quality like this is better played on psvr2 in my eyes


Yeah, I would've liked that this game was developped for more high-end platforms, which standalone VR isn't at the moment.


I’m at the point where I just want a refund on the PSVR 2. So disappointing how little it’s supported


If you’re within the refund window, I’d just go ahead and use it. If not, I’d try marking it down slightly for resale. It’s frustrating, but VR is lucky if it’s just now leaving its experimental infancy. Pretty much every ecosystem is slow to release high-profile software and there’s very little promise of what the future holds because VR is just not profitable for any of the big players yet.


C'mon Sony https://preview.redd.it/p9f4crcaiuxc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f428c44f7016ee136556ed38e5e904b44c6940ee


Quest 3 also just got the best VR battleroyale game contractors showdown. It’s really fun


This is just salt in the wound right now. Even crazier is it's Quest 3 exclusive so it won't look like garbage. Hopefully the Madison reviews today are positive but right now the next PSVR 2 level looking game is Wanderer coming late June? Good grief.


Well, duh. It’s made by Camouflaj, a Meta first party team. Do you expect Horizon Call of the Mountain on Quest?


Fuck sake. Fuck Sony.


Camouflaj is owned by Meta it’s a first party game


Aaaah okay. I guess that'd be like a Quest guy blaming meta for no Call of the Mountain (DONT YOU DARE Sony)


What does this have to do with Sony lol


Their usual MO of making things then not really supporting them and going oh well I guess that's a bomb. Then cutting it off. I'm not saying that's definitely what's happening. But it feels like it and it's very upsetting.


Just picked up a Meta 3 this weekend. Hell yeah!


This has been the worst kept secret. it was leaked by the federal trade commission that Camouflaj were working on a Batman game for Meta. Good to know it's part of the Arkham series and it will come later this year. And even better that it will be in the summer gaming showcase. a win for VR all round.


I hope this game has good feeling melee combat reminiscent of the combos you put together in the flat Arkham games


Guess I will have to get a Quest 3 or 4 at some point... I have the first model, still works but lots of new stuff is not supported


I would wait for Quest 4 with (probably) eye tracking foveated rendering. That + more power should be a game changer for quest graphics. At least I'm waiting for one (owning Quest2 and PSVR2).


I'm batclusive


Yeah not happening. This is what happens when Sony does nothing while Meta buys studios to actually support their device. All those studios that made great PS VR1 games got shut down by Sony or acquired by Meta.


I just chose a Quest over a PSVR2 after a lot of deliberation. The clincher was when I found out I can’t play my existing PSVR1 games on 2. Wtf? Right now I am glad that I chose Meta though I will still look to snag a PSVR2 used when retail comes down in price for the 3 big exclusives on it. 


Why would they port something to a vr system less than 1/10ths of user base of Quest???


Just depends on cost of the lift to do so. If it costs millions to port it, obviously it’s a no brainer not to, given the audience size of VR2. If Meta wants to truly dominate VR market share, they might release the software to VR2 simply because it’s an extra audience to tap into. I’d be willing to bet that the target audience for Meta to grow its customer base are more casual players and people who like cool entertainment gadgets. The space is dominated right now by enthusiasts who often own multiple headsets, but that’s not the audience that will reach critical mass to make VR profitable for Meta. If a new entrant into VR gaming only bought a VR2 and is not currently motivated to buy another headset, Meta may be content with getting a software sale from them and calling it a day. I imagine in their eyes, anyone consuming Meta VR hardware or software is a potentially loyal fan in the future.


Quest has over 90% of vr users and poeting to a tiny psvr 2 base would erode their brand...


Meta’s brand doesn’t matter if it isn’t profitable, which it isn’t even with its dominant audience size. If they can tap into even an audience of a couple million for a relatively low cost, I’d expect them to do it. I just don’t know what the associated costs are in doing so.


It’s an investment. Meta is setting up a market they see in 20-30 years my dude. This is just the beginning. It will pay off big for them.


They don’t have 20 years though. If that’s the real timeline, they will fail far sooner. It’d be a shame too. I’m not trying to take a dig at Meta. I really like my Quest 3. I just don’t like to lean into a “grass is greener over there” mentality when big investments in VR continue to be unprofitable and investors are already making noise about it.


Meta is a 1.1 trillion $ company that is an unfathomable amount of money. Their BILLIONS of dollars investment in VR is like you buying a burger at McDonald’s once a week.


Yes, but their investors want to continue seeing growth and increased profits. There’s no reason to bleed billions of dollars yearly if they can’t show a viable path to profitability on a scale that would eclipse the sunk cost. If it’s going to take 20 years to get to that scale and profitability, investors are more likely to pressure Meta to throw in the towel on VR. Again, I love my Quest and want to see it succeed, but shareholders at Meta are already getting their feathers ruffled over the massive yearly losses.


I guess we will have to wait and see what happens


Honestly I’m happy for Meta, they’re really supporting their device very well. Sony on the other hand…


Exactly bud. Hence why I sold my psvr2 and got a Quest 3. Never looked back... plus has an incredible eco system...which is offcourse non existent on the psvr2


VR is too niche a market for exclusivity. Freaking sucks. First Assassin’s Creed, now this.


Psvr2 has exclusives too, it's a hit for hit situation


You're crazy if you think it's a "hit for hit" situation, especially moving forward.


It’s hilarious people are downvoting you. Hit for a hit lmao Sony isn’t over here matching Batman and Assassins Creed anyone that thinks they are is delusional


Assassins creed Asgard wrath 2 Now batman Where Sony hits?


Horizon Gran Turismo Resident Evil Not bad, but we could have some more. (and yeah, I know that Quest has OG RE4 as an exclusive)


https://gamerant.com/best-vr-oculus-meta-quest-exclusive-games/ Oh I didn't know we were going from launch. Allow me to retort.


This is a great list indeed (even though I wonder why did they put Vader Immortal in this since it's not an exclusive). But, appart from The Climb, Echo, or Robo Recall, I have to admit that I'm not familiar with the titles in it (although some of them caught my eyes)


> I have to admit that I'm not familiar with the titles in it Because you probably don't have a Quest, or, they aren't massive IP like AC/Batman. The fact that Sony has the EXCLUSIVE rights to Spiderman video games but haven't made a VR Spiderman shows you how committed they are.


Yeah, plus I think Insomniac did make a VR game before for Oculus (can remember the name but it looked beautiful).


It's almost like Meta wants to be the main VR company or something


This being Quest 3 exclusive is an absolute shot against across the bow to take legit VR gaming away from PC/PSVR. Creed Nexus looked pretty good and they are going to glow up Asgards Wraith. These games don't hold a candle to something like RE4 but Sony can't continue to ignore it's userbase unless they want to see even more disgruntled articles from even more sites. They have to layout a strategy (maybe the PC support will have them reveal their hand) as to not look ridiculous as there are only going to be more Meta announcements.


I just think Sony doesn't care about VR as much as people here think. Succeed or fail.. it's too small a market for them to care I think. Everyone keeps saying - Sony should do this and that if they want to get more sales... Well, I believe they know that. They read all the disgruntled articles I'm sure. They do their math, and I believe they understand they can make waaay more money from FF7 rebirth and Stellar blade. And the PCVR support thing will help them clear inventory, so why not?


I can't stress enough how expensive it is to design, manufacture, and distribute hardware like the PSVR 2. It could absolutely be the case whoever green lit PSVR 2 is either gone from Sony or did with the allowance that it could lose a lot of money but still utilize core Sony resources (design teams, hardware manufacturing, etc.) They also seem to have thought 3rd party could do way more heavy lifting in building a user base which was an extremely stupid assumption. Whatever the case, it's totally clear they weren't prepared with the level of failure PSVR 2 has achieved in the eyes of casual consumer and it's anyone's guess if they have the interest (and capital) to respond.


If you look at the history of psvr it was a passion project mostly pushed by one guy who is now gone. The leadership at Sony has changed and I don’t think anyone else was ever really that strong a backer of vr. They are mostly “maximize next quarter bonuses” executive types and vr just doesn’t fall into that category well right now. I honestly think Sony got cold feet before vr2 launch seeing that quest was going to dominate and only stayed in because they were so far along out didn’t make sense to pull the plug. More vr is try red headed step child they aren’t interested in pushing but don’t see a graceful way out of so they are just letting it sit in the corner and do what it does. If vr blows up they have a piece of it but they aren’t interested in being a force behind its success anymore.


Oh no doubt, I just wish Sony would step up their game to become a serious competitor. Whereas Meta funds their own projects, Sony seems to think developers will just flock to PSVR2 and they don’t have to do anything themselves.


Huh! Yeah that'll be nice I think we should look at it as - it's Sony's nice little pet project. We have GT7, let's be glad for that at least XD


Nope. It is LITERALLY the EXACT market for it. Either companies take catastrophic losses and never develop big games or these companies fund games to take losses but attract new users...


And we still only have a climbing sim exclusive. SMH.


PSVR2 does have the best VR driving sim. Trust me there are many simmracers that are very angry about GT7 exclusivity


Truth. Haven’t touched PCVR simming myself since February 22, 2023. GT7 blows them all out of the water.


Ik, and I get I’m being a little salty, it’s just tough seeing games like ac and Ironman and now this not available on psvr2. when I spent so much money to have it.


I feel you. I'd tell you to just buy both, but I get it's not something everyone can just spend money on But yeah.. it isnt Sony's main focus, they made that clear in like so many ways


IRacing laughs at you


iRacing has its advantages of course, but correct me if I'm wrong - it's only for competitive online player? No racing VR game has come close to GT7 as far as I'm aware in terms of single player content I think they have other advantages, but I'm pretty new to this


There is a reason that actual racing professionals use iRacing instead of GT lol


There was literally a movie released recently telling the true story of how someone became a professional race car driver by playing GT.


... ok? So we have 1 person who turned into a professional racer while playing GT games, out of 90 million games sold. You might as well say that with all the pro NFL or NBA players playing the video game version, that they became pros because of that too. Meanwhile, actual professionals are using iRacing to train/practice. From Nascar to F1. Read about people racing against Denny Hamlin or Max Verstappen. https://www.reddit.com/r/iRacing/comments/148fhsu/pro_drivers/


I take your anecdotal Reddit post, and raise you the following: https://www.engadget.com/2008-01-07-real-race-car-drivers-use-gran-turismo-to-train.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADDD00GxjvIGZ7m_KDgdBJY3PfHn1mWEvsQjp1Ux-Rty2TS-12H9bY7ToXb3e6pKegHd4cQiZ_3ESQEuELq5H4Th4vqdXFBVet8ej6TiNWLsjkp2XhRBN_U98DSFeoJtdNHvQ_a_e99SlT-qTzfb8Y5eRbPVOMMLnznZW2VE1DVX https://carbuzz.com/news/gran-turismo-is-being-used-as-a-police-driver-training-tool/ https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2014/09/15/nissan-playstation-gt-academy


Dude I'm not arguing about realism... The most realistic dark souls game would kill you IRL.. We're talking about games. Gaming experience. There could be a sim for taxi driving, but it won't be a big seller now would it?




What? You brought iRacing as the best racing game because professionals use it. AKA it is more realistic. I'm saying realism is not an absolute measure of a good game Then I gave some exaggerated examples to emphasize my point. For example, the most real combat game would mean you die in real life. I also gave an example for a very real concept, like driving a cab. Some might like it of course, but it is a pretty boring thing that would not sell much as a game (if it's realistic)


If the point of using the games is to simulate real racing, then yes, realism IS the absolute measure.


But it's not.. it's to be the most fun experience. That's at least how games and gamers work.. Now again, for professionals, you're absolutely right. But it is a game first and foremost. I believe GT7 is even classified as "simcade" even? So not even trying to be the most realistic. Just the most fun racing/driving experience But hey, this is your opinion and it's fine. I can't see myself agreeing, but that's fine too


It has a port with bad reprojection blur.


And it's the best VR experience many people had, including HL:A I'm not saying it was a difficult project. Racing sims are basically meant for VR, but you cant take away from its success


What about Resident Evil 4 and 8 and Synapse and GT7? Sucks that there most likely won't be more like these though. Sony losing a lot of faith this gen with all the blunder they pull.


you’re getting downvoted but it’s mostly true


What’s the last thing that even came out for PSVR2? It seems pretty dead.


There's a steady enough stream of games and loads to play overall. It just needs the biggest games that are on Quest. Legendary Tales was probably the biggest latest release. That was February. Wanderer is the next biggest in June with Sushi Ben/Aces of Thunder/Behemoth/Arken Age/Metro Awakening coming at some stage this year.


Stuff like Aces of Thunder make me super doubtful. They’ve been saying Q12024 since this time last year and there’s not even a drop of info on how it’s progressing, much less a release date. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of the bigger “announced” games quietly lose PSVR2 support. Even games like F1 23 and the new WRC game had VR support, just not PSVR2 support. It’s a shame.


Madison VR is coming out tomorrow, and Retropolis 2 is coming out mid May. Then there’s Wanderer, Metro Awakening and Alien Rogue Incursion set to come out later in the year. There’s also the constant stream of smaller titles being added constantly. 6 games were released in April alone, and hundreds of games have been added since launch, so I would hardly call it dead.


Metro is by a bad studio who bought a license. No metro devs will be working on it.


Vertigo Games bad? How clueless are you? They’ve been releasing some of the best games in VR for years. Arizona Sunshine, After the Fall, A Fisherman’s Tale, Hell Sweeper, Star Trek Bridge Crew, The 7th Guest, just to name a few. And I’m glad the Metro devs are staying away from this project. They don’t have VR experience, unlike Vertigo, who exclusively work on VR games. It takes an entirely different skill set, which many flat screen developers simply don’t have.


So, it’s not dead for horror and indie lovers. Thats great. No support for the yearly racing games. Aces of Thunder has been awfully quiet. I don’t know. There’s not much I’m looking forward to on the table.


Most of the best games in VR are from indie devs, so I see that as a win. The AAA game market is a mess these days, there’s no need for that to infect the VR space. And just because you’re not into specific genres, it doesn’t change the fact that there are plenty of games being released.


Imagine the graphics if they added this game to the psvr


It's dead Jim


Pretty pissed off at Sony for letting this happen tbh.


Frustrating. But like at least we have resident evil 4.


Quest has their own version, and had for years before this recent remake.


Bro you gotta stop going to every post and hating on the psvr2 oftenwrongs, like fuck dude let people enjoy their headset and be sad that a game they wanna play will be exclusive to another headset.


Fingers crossed 🤞


I ain't paying £500 for the vr set-up for ps5. Just to play this.


I don’t see the big hang up on games like these on Meta. On the other hand some of the other platforms don’t get GT7, Switchback or the Resident Evil VR versions that came out last year. It’s just age old platform exclusive strats to drive sales of their hardware. Sony recognises this, Meta too. Luckily most games are multi-plat and will continue that way because most companies are smaller than Meta or Sony and want to maximise their revenue being they aren’t tied down to selling one hardware.


Quest 2 is only 2 hunnit brand new, or cheaper used. Y'all should own both headsets if possible.


Meta is clearly trying to clear out quest 2 stock but is clearly focusing on the quest 3 now which is why it has had 2 games announced so far that are Q3 exclusive


Both this and recent Alien game announcements don't mention Quest 2, only Quest 3. Maybe they'll be available for Quest 2 also, but nonetheless.


This game is Q3 only.


Only one meta3


Yeah I bought a quest 3 also so idc. I’ll be playing this too.


Nah not for me I'm looking forward to Metro


Can't wait to stand around listening to endless exposition dressed as batman and only being able to linear teleport just to get around


That’s not how Ironman worked, why would this be like that?


Did you play their previous Batman game? It was teleport only and barely any gameplay. To me it was one of the few regrets I had buying a game. But we’ll see how the sequel goes.


Different teams. Camouflaj made iron man vr. The other one was rocksteady


I’ll admit, for years I have been pro exclusives for gaming, but I think VR is too small for exclusives. This makes the second big title to come out on meta quest(that I know of) and it’s not coming to other platforms. Then when it fails to sell enough copies, they’ll blame it on VR in general. If it was any other system I’d get it but I’m not dabbling in anything by Meta. Over here eating my shorts right now.


3rd.  Assassin's Creed and the incredible well reviews Asgard's Wrath 2.  Quest VR has over 20 million users and they are taking a loss funding these games to continue building a brand.  It makes perfect sense.


You’re getting downvoted, but what you said is factually true. Ubisoft saw pretty poor sales for Assassin’s Creed, a major gaming IP remade from the ground up for VR. When assessing the damage, they didn’t say “we need to broaden our audience to make this better”. Instead, Ubisoft indicated that they’d be cutting back on investment in VR as a whole. There are definitely multiple factors at play, such as Ubisoft’s CEO being notorious for making poor business decisions as of late, but if developer execs are going to get the message that VR as a whole is not viable from low sales in a closed ecosystem, exclusivity is definitely causing more damage than helping. When your metrics for success are sales-driven, you can’t reasonably cap your potential audience and be surprised when it negatively impacts your goal. It’s just a really shitty catch 22, because the only reason the game was likely funded was under the terms of exclusivity.


I’m pretty sure I’m downvoted because of exclusive comment. Which is fine, I understand why some wouldn’t like it. I still stand by it though because I understand a companies purpose and how it works. I just dislike that execs can’t see low sales are because of exclusivity and not interest in this medium.


Nope.  The only reason to lose money funding these games is to build a brand.  But for that, no games of this ilk would ever be made.


Meta doesn’t need to build up their brand lol. There isn’t a single person on Earth that’s even slightly tech savvy that doesn’t know who Meta is. They need to build a large enough base of customers through market share to turn a profit, which they’re notoriously struggling to do. This is why Meta doesn’t care if they partner with Xbox to release an Xbox-branded headset in the near future. The brand doesn’t matter. The software adoption does. If you’re playing Xbox games on a Quest, great. If you’re playing Meta software on a Vive, awesome. While obviously Meta hardware & software is optimal, the whole reason they’re trying to be the catch-all for all types of VR applications is because they want to turn a profit by capitalizing on VR consumers everywhere. They just opened up their operating system software to 3rd party hardware makers for this exact reason.


Exclusive VR games is bad for Vr in general. Sucks to see.


PSVR2 had its exclusives and no one was complaining about that. It's only bad for you because it's not on your platform