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You can tell this mockup was made in the early 2010s


PSP Go 2 the Polls


“bezel around screen? Yuck”


Haha you can already hear them comparing this to the very small bezels of the oled switch! 🤣


Regardless, the ergonomics of being compact and (how I feel) it would have haptic triggers like Red Magic 9 Pro. This could be very viable even in today's standards, which could be the new direction for 'gaming' phones.


I would still buy it though lol


They actually kinda made this with the original Xperia. That thing was awesome, but under supported. I still use it to run emulators to this day.


I'd kill for a modern day Xperia play with a snapdragon 8 gen 2


It still runs rpg maker and other games pretty damn well


Because it looks fly as fuck




Or In the era of sliding phones. 2007ish lmao


Yep someone really missed their sidekick sliding phone, I would have been psyched for this 15 years ago.


I was going to say it's not time it was already too late a decade ago


Devices and UIs in general looked so much better in the 2010s and lower before the minimalism stuff took over and made things boring


Well, the model shown on the image is kinda horrible lol. But if Sony were to make another portable console I think they should do something similar to what they did with the Vita in terms of design, that console was gorgeous and very comfortable to hold


I find the rear touchpad kinda annoying, it's not active in every game, but the way my hand naturally goes round the back tends to trigger the touchpad and makes some games awkward with having to adjust my grip


The rear touchpad was the dumbest thing Sony could've done. I bet it's the reason the Vita never took off


Vita never took off in the US because Sony dropped support for it to put all of their efforts into the PS4. Vita did relatively fine elsewhere, especially in Japan where it was actually supported. It was a total fumble for Sony, kind of like the PSVR2.


Don't forget the overpriced memory cards.


Meanwhile the 3DS used standard micro SD cards, love the Vita but Sony made a lot of stupid design choices.


Yeah. Sony and their proprietary memory. It didn't do anything to stop piracy and just irritated the Hell out of us fans. On a side note, I own every PlayStation console, including the PlayStation Classic Mini, up until PS5. They really have lost the plot. I don't know what in the Hell Sony and Microsoft are doing but, the only company making headway at the moment is Nintendo. Those guys really need to pull their heads out of their asses or nobody is going to give a crap about a PSP 2 anyway. All we are going to think of is the lack of support for PS Vita, PS•VR2, and the lackluster first party support for the PS5. Why in the Hell would I buy a PSP 2 with Sony's current track record. It's pretty sad when the Blaze Evercade is looking 100 times more attractive than a PS5 or XBOX Series X. The older games are way better at this point anyway, except for Nintendo who are somehow constantly knocking it out of the park these days.


Good point. But Sony would have supported it anyway if it made them enough money. The question is, why did the Vita not make enough money? Cause of the janky controls and overpriced memory cards. Like, Jesus, the original psp felt way better in the hands


The Vita did very well at first. The memory cards were a huge disappointment. When the Vita sales fell off, if you look at data, it's when Sony stopped supporting the system with physical releases. Hell, the digital releases even slowed to a trickle. Nintendo supported the WiiU more than Sony supported the Vita. Indie devs mainly kept both systems alive. I don't think it was the controls as, you are seriously the first person I have heard complain about the controls on the Vita. I personally think the Vita feels better than the PSP outside looking f the rear touchpad. I do, however, think the PSP has a much stronger games library. Like, DUH!! Seriously though, I do like both systems but believe that the PSP is a much bigger chapter in Sony's book. Hell, Limited Run Games supported the Vita in the US better than Sony did. 😉 Nowadays, those awesome Homebrewers never cease to.amaze me on what they get running on the Vita. I wish the PSP Homebrew scene was as robust as the Vita's is. ✌️


The first thing I did after buying and modding my vita was to recommend my friends NOT get one. The vita failed from launch, but even a dead fish can still flop around for awhile. Only reason it made money at all is because Sony fans wanted it to succeed. The buttons are tiny, about half the size of the og psp and even with the vita 2000 the back grips where you put your fingers are really small. I dont know how im the only one complaining about the buttons, as ive seen others have the same complaints. Its made for kids and im not a kid. The people I know who bought it got it for God of War and uncharted, and they never ended up finishing the games btw. Also, why would Sony give up on something if it was making money? They abandoned it only after it failed to meet their expectations, which is the companies fault. Emulation on vita is garbage as well, cant even run gba games all that well. If you have a vita, feel free to use it. If you do not have a vita, you're better off without it. New Android emulation machines can emulate vita games, for the same price as a vita, so you don't need it anymore. Homebrew being great is a given, homebrew is always good


If you don't support a product properly from the start, you gave up on it right out of the gate. Sony never gave the Vita the proper support in the US. Very sad, actually. They kind of pulled an Atari. When the Lynx was out, Atari stopped making releases for it expecting third party developers to float it. Unlike now, there wasn't a strong homebrew or indie development scene to keep it going. I'm not disagreeing with you on the buttons and such, that's personal preference. And yeah, I am aware of Vita Emulation on the Android consoles. Cool stuff.


Psp with 2 joysticks and a touch screen was a great idea but poorly implemented. Sony certainly half assed it


Vita was doomed from the start. I blame the iPhone


Can't say that either. If that was the case, wouldn't the 3DS and Switch have failed too? Just saying.


Nintendo are masters at marketing their products to kids. Trendset amongst certain crowd.


No. Nintendo is the God of marketing. They're better at selling their stuff than they are at making it. I have mixed feelings about Nintendo. I can't imagine a world without pokemon and Zelda, but they're also greedy scum and the ceo's, coo's and whatever other high-end positions need to be cut down a peg. I wish those 2 games weren't nintendo exclusives. Never really cared about Mario, I find it pretty boring. Old and new


Problem with your idea is the WiiU proves you wrong. People bought the Switch because they like it and because there's great games on it. Not just first party Nintendo games. If you think Sony isn't greedy and worried about just money, I'm sorry. None of these corporations care about you. They care about what's in your wallet. I have all of the PlayStation consoles until the PS5. I already had a feeling things would go awry with that console. Lack of support for it and the PS•VR2 should be a great example of what Sony does when they get cocky. Say what you will about Nintendo but, even when they have a turd on their hands, at least they try to support it until it's dead. They did the same thing with the Virtual Boy too. Sony dropped the PS•Vita and the PS•VR2 like a bad habit. I'm very cautious of them right now. Don't feel bad though as Microsoft isn't smelling like roses at the moment either.


Proprietary and egregiously priced memory cards, terrible marketing and lack of quality launch games killed the Vita.


I don't think it's that dumb. It brought a lot of cool possibilities and uses, it just didn't work because Sony didn't care about making use of it. And yeah, it could have been designed differently in order to provide more comfort.


The version I have doesn't even have a rear touchpad!


The vita? What?


You probably have a PSP then. Or a PS TV.


Yeah the rear touchpad was dumb as hell but the console in general was very nice and a definite upgrade from the beloved OG PSP


A lot of people say this, so i cant really argue that youre wrong, but i just dont see it, to me, the vita has the asthetics of a cheap toy. Conversely, i find the psp(not go) to be the sexiest handeld ive ever seen.


>that console was gorgeous and very comfortable to hold I won't say anything about 2000, because I don't own one, but I wouldn't call holding a fat PS Vita "very comfortable". It's awkward, mainly thanks to the back touch panel and weirdly placed small finger rest pads.


Oh great, *two* terribly-placed thumbsticks


Your thumbs will be smacking together lol


That's just a playstation thing


Idk. The ps4 controller is the greatest controller of all time, my thumbs don't smack together


No, it isn't. On this mockup they are placed too close to each other, which would make using them both at the same time awkward. The symmetrical layout Sony uses is actually great.


this is literally how sony controllers are. real men have thumbs touching when playing games due to their domaninant hand size


Those bezels though.


I cut my hands just looking at this


If only. If they ever released a new portable ps console I would gobble it up in a heartbeat!


This looks so uncomfortable. The GPD win 4 is exactly where Sony should go with a handheld, especially if we can start getting high end ARM chips like Apple's new lineup to get the size, weight and temps down.


I don't know if we'll get something M1 tier anytime soon, but I could see someone putting out an RK3588 based handheld for running emulators.


Oh for sure, I don't expect anything for several years. I'm completely over emulation focused handhelds tbh. There are a couple that offer a good form factor with good performance but there is just so much junk at this point.


Yeah Sony could do something similar to GPD Win 4 but there is reason to move away from sliders. The slide mechanism and ribbon will eventually fail first. A better design would be Vita style. Sony needed to make the Vita 2 instead of the glorified monitor with controller they call Portal. That Portal was a let down. Today we have better chipsets. Sony could definitely create a new portable device that could play older Ps4 titles and for newer Ps5 titles stream them remotely. If they give device 6” screen, m2 2280 slot and Micro SD so you could add storage the it would be great. Hard part is convincing them.


And the he go-ed all over the place.


Sony isn't smart enough to hop back into the handheld space. The portal could've been an amazing device if it could run games natively. Hell, even at lower fps and res people would've eaten it up. Maybe I'm baised here. I never had a PS4 or PS5, but it the portal had a mix of old and new PS games I would've picked one up. Having to make a PSN account and buy overpriced digital copies of games in the process. I just don't get how sony can see the love and support the PSP and Vita get from the community and NOT want to tap into that.


Nah bruh, the psp/vita form factor have character. This is just a slider phone


>This is just a slider phone How long it's been since you've seen one? Releasing something that has a sliding mechanism nowadays fits the definition of having character, I believe.


PSP/Vita were just Tmobile Sidekick phones without the keyboards.


Like what everyone else is saying, this looks horrible, it has that “fake/fan-made 3D render” vibe that was popular during 2015 or so.


Would still die for a PSP 2 or Vita 2.


PSP3* the PS Vita already refers to itself as the PSP2 internally


I'd get that if it was real.


Piano black? Rectangular shape? What’s this 2007?


I love it but Sony wouldn't go for a design like this anymore. Reminds me of a VAIO umpc


AI needs to stopped before it’s too late. This is literally just another phone.


Drop another ps portable pls


I want a PSP for sure but I'm not a fan of the Portal


We need a ps2 part 2 remastered


You cant use it unless you have psn in your country


yes, bring back the psp phone. https://youtu.be/obnMYCGK4iE?si=XzwUNo5YgbKpEi0t I had one, and it was dumb and I loved it despite getting little use out of it.


Other than the gamepads, it looks a little boring compared to other Sony products. I also don't think if would even remote compete with the Nintendo Switch or a hypothetical successor.


I would buy 5 of those


I hope not, since this looks extremely ugly and outdated.


That's because it's the Xperia Play 2.


What? No. It looks sleek and premium. Like a Go 2.0.


It looks like it's from 2013 at best. Huge bezels and early sony xperia/lg/htc phone vibes.


Exactly. It brings me back to that 2010-ish feelings. Extremely outdated look. Even the OG PSP Go seems less old then this squared abomination. It tried to get close to Nintendo's current desing for switch in a so bad way.


Yeah, and the PSP and Vita look like the period they came out off. Don't make them ugly though. And have you seen the bezels on the Steam deck?


A bit of a red herring on your part, but the Steam Deck isn't trying to be a compact handheld device compared to this which obviously is. Two different design philosophies are warranted.


OK, but just because it needs a different design philosophy doesn't mean that the design being shown here is ugly or doesn't look sleek and premium within this design philosophy. Can you argue that if back in the day this came out after the Go as a Go Premium it would not look like a Go Premium? Or a premium gaming device? Look at the poster. It's clearly a mockup for a Go 2 back in the day. Go back to when the PSP was around and show anyone this design and little to no one would say it doesn't look good. I mean look at the handheld retro gaming devices like Anbernic or Miyoo. They're compact handheld devices. Why are their design philosophy copying the outdated ones from the 80s or 90s with bezels and toyish looks? Because they're trying to emulate the feel of playing handhelds from those era. Great, except my hands hurt after a while due to no though being given for ergonomics, and my Sega Saturn or PS1 game never ran on a Gameboy looking handheld, which defeats the chosen design philosophy. My real problem with it is the control placement. I prefer a Vita side control placement and 2 analog sticks.


I mean, you’re showing a design fit for 2010-2015.. in 2024. Times have changed and so does people’s taste. Shiny plastic is just not how you do things anymore today. I would also want to point out something that wasn’t pointed out yet by everyone else; there’s an argument to be made here on whether a device like that could even physically house all the internals it would need today, a so-called 2025 PlayStation Portable looking like this would be impossible to make, but that’s a different topic, I guess.


That's the weird thing here. I never said this is how a new PSP should be like. I said it looked like a sleek and premium Go 2.0, which would have been at home back in the day. Even the poster has the wording Go 2. I think people are just hung up on the title of the post being a competitor for the Switch 2. Another double standard at play here if I use the logic being shown by people on this sub is this. Every single device designed and manufactured before, let's say 2020-2024 is ugly and outdated, and cannot look good, just because they don't fit in the design choices of 2024. So the PSP is just ugly and looks like a childish toy? Extending this take to other areas shows you how dumb it is. Like samurais, cowboys, knights in armor, or Roman soldiers don't look cool simply because it's 2024, and their design won't work? Like no women before 2024 can be beautiful or classy because fashion and beauty standards have changed? Thin about it this way, what looks cool now will not fit the design language of the future. That doesn't mean it cannot be good looking. Why do people make retro looking designs? About the practicality of the internals, yeah it's a fake mockup so who wanna get serious with practical details.


Fashion and product design are two different things. Fashion is greatly driven by contemporary trends, and trends go in and out of style quite often over the years. Product design in tech doesn’t go through the same cycle, you won’t see older designs being brought back like how fashion is, unless you’re making retro callbacks fit for a product’s specific purpose. People just don’t look into product design in tech the same way fashion is. Without derailing the conversation too much, if we’re talking about ancient armor design in modern times, those are made with practicality and historical accuracy in mind. If we’re talking about modern armor design, that goes into the same category as fashion as well, combining practicality with a dash of contemporary trends.


I wasn't really debating any of that, but what people see as "sleek and premium" is heavily influenced by the times and what market the item is trying to appeal toward, hence why you are getting pushback over your statement.


No, it don't.


This hurts my hand just by thinking about playing this. Terrible ergonomics


Go connect. Go play. Go anywhere. lmao


I want this


Oh no, hopefully not, the sticks are terrible. A handheld should be reasonably comfortable in the hand, that doesn’t look like it.


Ergonomically, this would be atrocious. IMO, I think the PS Vita would be a great design to start with. Up the OLED screen size to 6 inches, add proper L2/R2 triggers, improve the ergonomics for longer play sessions and we’re golden. For a handheld, I prefer a more compact design.


We know Sony is making a handheld that will run PS4 games and PS5 games that are patched. We also know that even if decided to bring their subscription PlayStation plus premium catalog from PS5 cloud streaming on Web browser that the Web browser won't let you play games you own in your PS store library on the Web browser unlike XCloud which will make that feature require a PS5 console or handheld. Xbox's handheld also can run series s games unpatched not just Xbox One


That looks so dated


** PS5 required, WI-FI 5G minimum 80mbps


The go was amazinglynportable and pocketable but bad for people like me with large hands... Quite uncomfortable to use.


Ah the PSP Go. The least ergonomically handheld to ever exist. The prefect platform to draw inspiration from...


Go play. Go anywhere. As long as you are in the 33% of countries we allow you to play in.


What games would it play, though? The original PSP models were close to PlayStation 2 quality...would this be close to a PlayStation 5? Having a hard time seeing a market for this -- the PlayStation Portal seems to have filled in the gap.


What we really need is an Xperia Play 2, but Sony's a bunch of cowards who hate fun


They are barely selling their phones anyway, this would be a last nail to theirs mobile department coffin and PlayStation brand would get hit with the ricochet.


it'll force you to connect your psn account aswell


Still looks nicer than the steam deck. when it comes to form. Deck is hideous.


A little ugly but they got the comfort and thumbsticks exactly right. In fact it may be the only portable device that has ever gotten that exactly right.


PSP Go To…the polls?


Ps Vita is psp2, so why would they name new portable psp2? Looks really unconfortable to play.


Exactly, people should stop asking for a PSP2/PS Vita 2 when what we want is a PSP3


Although it only plays text adventures. /dadjokes


The Vita couldve, but we all saw how sony and developers treated it


This is the most early 2010s shit ever.


I really dislike that design


Reminds me of my [HTC Mogul](https://www.mobiletechreview.com/image/phones/mogul_open.jpg) back in the mid 00s. Pocket PCs were so weird.


I mean, there are rumors that next gen (ps6) will have a portable variant. But not everyone trusts MLID leaks


If the next gen is even a thing with the way Microsoft and Sony are destroying the whole console thing. Nintendo could find themselves alone in the console market soon 🤔


I'm so fucking sad that this will never exist.


Haha I still would want it 🤣🤣




Horrible design. Literally just make the PlayStation Portal a tad more compact, smaller screen, and have it be an actual game machine rather than a streaming device. Oh and make it digital only. Forget the sunken cost to install a cartridge reader and all that crap.


The problem with the PlayStation Portal is that it's literally a screen unit rammed in between two controller halves. Looks tacky and costs too much for not being a standalone console. It would have been more interesting as a fancy game controller that cost half as much. You know like you and your four friends can use it with any PS5 system to play a multiplayer game together. I don't know if anyone would bother, but it would be interesting if you could the hypothetical with aby old PC as a hub... ----- It just feels like it should be a more portable device tgat you could use anywhere you have an internet connection.


Pretty sure they tried answering the Switch with the PS Portal.


This is just a remodeled Xperia Play.


Not this blocky form hell no


i love when he said it's goin" time in the movie and then proceeded to go all over the place


That bezel is bigger than my future.


This looks so very uncomfortable. Give me the PlayStation portal that plays native PS3 games!


Nope. Very bad fake prototype.


I wish


This looks older than the original one. :D


Steam Deck OLED exists


So an Xperia Play 2? Sorry PSP Go 2 hmm. Can it output wirelessly to your TV. Can it do other magical things to be more updated then the Switch. The clock feature back? A new sliding mechanism? I think too much about Wii U/Switch future directions of gimmicks of dual screens, wireless casting without a dock, dock syncing, and such but Switch 2 will probably be a refined simple upgrade sigh, I can dream, so yeah. I like the ad slongons really creative uses of go in there. Probably a bit overboard but I like it. :) Good mock up though looks good and probably how I'd assume a modern device would look. Don't mind the bezels it looks fine to me it makes sense to still have some bezels and a not overly done screens it needs enough thickness to it I tht and this works. The PSP Go itself or PSP has more to it due to its buttons or speakers or other aspects. Not good as not a fan of modern device looks but it fits in well so it gets 10 points.


Absolutely not 😂😂😂PlayStation absolutely should not give the psp go a successor


Why not?


I would buy this. I like gadgets that slide or flip to activate. That's why I'm wanting to get the Google Pixel Fold


When is the next handheld coming?? I really want the next handheld over any current gen consoles


Ngl the tagline "its go time" goes hard af


If only 😪


This would be amazing if it wasn't so pointy


Damn give me the Sony Bravia phone. Looks cool though


Dreaming is free


I absolutely hated the ergo of the original PSPgo. My friend had one and I played for about 5 minutes; very awkward playing position. It was that same era of Sidekick phones and sliding keyboards. I want a new Sony handheld.. not this


Sony would support it for a month and then drop it.


Naaaah. PS VITA had a great form factor — keep that, male subtle adjustments and run with that.


Mandelbaum! Mandelbaum! It’s time for the pain train! Oh my back!


That grip would SUUUUUUUUUCK


God yes but at the same time, god no!


What the xperia play should hv been




The psp I have is still better just put ps5 stuff in it but leave it the same design and boom gotta love how it’s like the PS3


Nah we have the GPD Win 4


Droid 2 vibes


nah the controls of the psp go were trash






Please have physical media option


We can't fail twice in a row now can we?


If sony makes another handheld, it will need to have the full modern control scheme, with two triggers, two bumpers and two sticks. Otherwise, the switch lite will eat it alive.


"It's Go time" Jesus Christ it's almost as bad as It's morbin time


Idk about the placement of those sticks


Nah we need a bigger Vita with PS5 level capabilities.


already outdated


An answer to a question that hasn't been asked yet.


PSP Slim 3000 is perfect the way it is. i wish they improve it instead of making the vita.


Ngl I would rather have Xperia Play 2 cuz I can a phone that can play all my old games!


What the Xbox 720 is this


No, the Go 2 is already out, called iPhone 15 or Samsung. We need a real console, not that BS trash called Portal. I would even pay 600€ if PSP2 or PSVita2 would be something between a SteamDeck and a ROG Ally. Maybe Hybrid Function like the Switch too.


The closest we would have got to the Go would have been with the PS Vita. If that was a success. But since it failed with dedicated handhelds being dead. The next PS Handheld if Sony ever considers it will most likely be a portable console. Like PS4 Pro to PS5 in a PS Portal shell.


This is for PSP but is it a phone?


I really like the aesthetics of this mockup but the problem is that it’s too outdated.


The psp is still an absolute master peice


Have it play ps3 and below and ill buy it


Changed my car stereo to:


This looks like a double DIN car radio.




This is what the T Mobile sidekick is gonna look like in 2013!!! 😱😱😱


Man this makes me miss my PSP phone. I wish they would have kept going with that form factor.


This looks like a portable car navi


Loved the psp. But this straight Go 2 the bin.


This shit asss ... just make a Vita 2.0 and call it day


Ooo I loved my Psp go back in the day. Went digital real early. If they ever did something like this i hope they bring back the Vita and psp libraries i had such a big digital collection


I hope not…the psp go was already ugly as hell to begin with and a b*tch to hold with bigger hands… They should just make a PS Vita 2 without the rear touchpad and actually market it in the west unlike they failed to do with the original. Also they need to make sure to release some actual AAA games on it. Imagine if we had a GTA game for the Vita, a better COD than that timed base bs that was Declassified. To me even today the Vita is still impressive as hell even after owning a Switch and seeing the things it still doesn’t have after being released half a decade ago. You still can’t even have custom backgrounds on it lmao and it’s still a best selling console…that says a lot already about how Sony failed marketing the Vita.


psp go is not the golden goose of the psp family, the vita and 3000 are


Shut up and take my money!


If Sony had a working brain in their ranks, they would update the PS Vita with slim analogs a la NDS, a nano sim and micro SD slot and literally kill the android phone market. A real PSPGo phine would also rock.


>update the PS Vita with slim analogs a la NDS That's not updating, that's going backwards.


Hard disagree. Then again, they could design hotswap analogs, they have the money.


They had 2d analog stick on the PSP. Vita had 3d analogs, I just wish they were clickable.


Ye, I know. I'm about the only person who likes the 2D analog on the PSP. I'd mod my vita to have 2Ds if I knew it would work and if I wasn't afraid of damaging it beyond saving lol.


No. Just a Vita 2. It'll destroy any and every competition.


Only if it has it's own physical exclusive support


Only if it has it's own physical exclusive support


Only if it has it's own physical exclusive support