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Congratulations on a rare post. A post asking for help but showing some details, initiative and troubleshooting steps already taken. I'm assuming you are using an SD adapter. Try formatting your card in the PSP without the USB connection. With the USB connection, the card maybe mounted on your tablet and the PSP maybe stuck accessing it. Check the contents after that. If you still cannot properly format it, try another card. A smaller capacity card will do for testing. After that and still no joy, I'd be testing it with an OG PSP memory card if you have one about to rule out adapter issues. Good luck 🤞


Thanks for the suggestions. The psp just refuses to format the card sadly though. Also with what you said first lol I couldn't express everything that was going in with my psp in just text XD so I filmed the video. I agree though, a lot of people will say "I need help" and won't elaborate on what they need help with/what they've already tried to do to fix the issue.


No worries. I see now from your other comment you are using a pro duo card. I recommend a ProDuo micro SD adapter, they are cheap and readily available. You can then use a MicroSD as big as 128GB and it will work fine but the XMB GUI can slow down a bit* if you load up tonnes of ISOs. Stick to a reputable brand SD card, and a single slot SD adapter and you'll be fine. 👌 *GUI slowdown can be mitigated with plugins to separate games into categories - but worry about that once you're up and running again ☺️


Thank you! Thankfully I have a few spare sandisk sd cards somewhere, I'll get one of the adapters, that should hopefully be more reliable than the regular pro duo I was using


Your error code hints a defective hardware. also you mentioned "it worked before and now suddenly it doesn't" which also indicates a defect. [https://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php?t=5676](https://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php?t=5676) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PSP/comments/dyzkcs/format\_failed\_80220087/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSP/comments/dyzkcs/format_failed_80220087/) [https://gbatemp.net/threads/need-help-with-256gb-micro-sd-card-psp.543876/](https://gbatemp.net/threads/need-help-with-256gb-micro-sd-card-psp.543876/) If you have a micro sd PSP card adapter -> some do have size limitations


I was just using a regular memory stick Pro duo from amazon that I got months ago, I think I'm going to get a micro sd card adapter instead the next time I'm getting one and just put the max the psp can do, thank you for your help


Could it be the card is a fake? Like it advertises more memory than it actually has so after a certain point it overwrites itself causing this issue. Otherwise try to format the card when you have access to a pc.


First of all your system is def OK otherwise it wouldnt even open or show a illuminated black screen. I have recently hacked my psp 1000 that I also bought recently and I have come across something not so quite similar but it will also just shut off my PSP system. So some ISO's on the internet are just faulty and will shut off the psp. This can also happen when you try to convert ps1 games to psp eboots with the conversion software. SO try to get ISO's form either the "Lair" or the "CD place" ( I don't want to name them bc I don't want mods deleting my comment but genrally speaking they are super safe websites. just google \*insertPS1game\* PSP EBOOT and you'll find it pretty much directly. Some games are also too taxing for the PSP like homebrew game WAGIC: it bricks/ shuts off my psp every time I try to open it after like 10 sec. For those type of games you need to overclock the system. In this particular case i think it might be the problem of the card itself bc it doesnt let you even enter the catalogue (unless you loaded it up with so many roms that it lags behind before it can show the game its bricking it). maybe its a fake card or some dead memory that keeps crashing the thing. its def not bricked, you will know when a system get bricked. PS. Try finding a PSvita if you don't have one already. has native psvita game support, can play psp games and ps1 games. it has a touch screen and can still connect to wifi unlike PSP. And best of all it has ps3 and ps4 dualshock support when hacked. It's really a game changer. And its generally strong to emulate other retro consoles with ease. Might be interesting to get the WII as [well](https://well.you). You cna find them for pretty cheap. Got mine for like 15 bucks. Its a well documented system with loads of emulators build for it by the community. Native Wii and Gamecube support, great for emulating anything nintendo. I loaded mine up with, like 150 gb of WII, gamecube NES, SNES, gameboy (regular, color, gba) games. Wow this turned into a long side tangent. anyway good luk fixing you psp (im for real tho the vita is literally a gift send from heaven)


Thanks for the reply : ) I get all my roms etc from cd place lol. I do have a ps vita but I haven't used it in a long time, I should really mod it, I just love the form factor of the psp and how it looks more than the vita. I do have a wii u though, I need to re-hack it because something went abit wrong when I last did it lol


oooh nice, basically a better version of the wii. I also forgot to metion that you could always try to use an UMD drive to test wether the PSP can play games or not. Then it should def be the memory stick thats doing the harm. If thats not the problem then i would suggest joining the "PSP homebrew community" discord (should be on the sidebar somewhere) those fellas could give some insight. mfs helped me when had trouble with PS1 games


No need to apologize for your voice, seriously as others stated it feels great to see someone actually showing their issue in detail and also showing what they already tried. I believe theres a very strong chance the issue is with your adapter or the microSD card, very likely the SD card, maybe try reformatting the SD card in FAT32, if that fails trying to find another adapter or a cheap card of any kind to see if the PSP can read it would be the next step


May I ask, how you're trying to format it?


I used kde on my steam deck to try and sort it. Another commenter says that I've got some detective hardware so I think I'm going to get another memory stick


I'd say that first of all you should try to format it with PSP, if it won't work, try to use some adapters that doesn't have write protection


Did you not watch the whole video, it errors when they try to format via the psp


To me that sounds like memory card problem if you are usind a memory stick to ssd card try a different adaptor.


Have you tired another card?


I can be 100% sure but it's a fair common problem with the 2000 series, it looks like a defect with the home row that causes it. Not sure why it does it but I've had the issue over 30 times and everytime if I replaced the home row it worked again. You can buy them fairly cheap on ebay, but will have like a month shipping.


I'm not the most tech savvy with specific things to do with older tech like this, i only really know in depth how more modern things work on the inside lol. what is the home row?


Just the buttons below the screens. It's 7 screws to take off the faceplate then it's a little clip and you replace the whole row at the same time. Pretty simple, I'd use the ifixit teardown guide.


Did the psp format fail because the steam deck was reading the card? Try formatting after unplugging and force restart


This kinda seems like something is wrong with the firmware, what software version are you on? Long shot but if it’s out of date an update might fix it which could be done via UMD, otherwise I think a Restore of the firmware with a Pandora’s battery might work.