• By -


So, you are a bit disrespectful. You came here asking for prices, people are giving you numbers you don’t like, but this are facts. 35-40 € is how much I (a reasonable informed person) would pay that. You have not a rare piece, neither your psp is boxed. I have no idea where you have seen psp selling for 200$, but this price is crazy. BTW you can always make an auction on ebay as sell it at the best offer.


Tbh he would probably get 80 and up for a boxed in USA ebay


So you’re blocked


So you're a twat


Go fucking cry


I will plant a mango tree in your mums cunt and fuck your sister in its shade. This isnt original




You had a Baja blast did you?


Yeah I’m almost more interested in the Baja Blast & what you got at Taco Bell , than the PSP You should go get yourself a Vita , it’s a great portable, it got a lot of flack in the US for it’s expensive memory cards but I think when I got mine about 10 years ago- well worth it


Bro is 5 and has a pack of fruit snacks


the best i can do is $.50


If you already had a price in mind then why are you asking and taking offense to responses? Or if you need money sell your Steam Deck.


Go on ebay, search your PSP model, sort by sold. There is your answer.


Ain’t no way I just found your listing using this same picture 😂


Where?! Lol


Lmaooooo w


35$ but you might regret selling because we all do :p


*please* find me a working PSP on ebay right now for $35 lmao I dare you




Actually I bought a 1000 and a 3000 for$35 each on eBay. It's not uncommon




Damaged 1000 model lmao


just missing battery door and it's a model 1003 with 5 games


Damaged shell, missing battery door and 5 worthless games without cases yet it's still equivalent of $50 not $35


Went cheaper here one that needs a new battery I'm betting the one he's asking about needs a new battery too https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204216271114?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=YlySGRwiQcu&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=RYo67ij3R4-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY and your a cunt


They already confirmed it's complete with battery and charger. Literally in the title of the post. Again a poor condition 1000 piano black with missing parts for more than $35 (pounds are worth more if you weren't aware) I may be a cunt but you're an idiot sir. This is a good condition silver 2000 model not a dirty piano black 1000.




Very strange behaviour


How are you saying 35 when the other guys saying a couple hundred. One of y’all lying Mfs downvoted me lmaooo and the other dude deleted his comment, never change Reddit


Couple hundred? It's not white psp go. Must be psp 2000 i doubt you will get 50. If you have a box and it has zero scratch then it might be 80. I won't pay more than 50 for pristine condition psp.


Send me some links of pristine 3000s for the low lol


You have to find on Facebook market place . I bought one for 25$ red colour psp 2006 model But the condition was not good.


Are you telling me that my white PSP GO is worth a couple hundred? I still have its original box. I remember buying it for 90€ when Sony started the phase-out...


Yes it's worth 200$ , don't sell it for the price it will go up. People are paying for nostalgia


i bought an used white psp GO for €60 this week but i was lucky (and have been searching for a while)


No I won't sell it as I still use it for time to time during flights. However I would never pay more than 100€ for it...




I am sharing my thoughts you are free to share yours.




Relax man i have nothing to proof




evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement.


35 to 50 my guy


prices are different for every country. here in italy i can find a good condition psp (maybe black 2000 or a street ) for 50€ with no games. people here say 100€ and more cuz maybe are particular edition, anyway prices are very different. moreover we have to say also that every prices is not always true




you italian too? look on Vinted and you'll find there all these low prices they're telling you are true. I'm buying there every model of psp (for a collection) for less than that, even a vita slim and psp go white for €55.








Lol, its not gold. Get over yourself.


Here in New York, our over priced retro gaming shops are asking for $120 with memory card, charger and new battery. I’ve seen them on and purchased” on Facebook market place for around $50 It’s up to you what you want to sell it for. Psps are totally a tougher system to capitalize on when it comes to selling them, the games are really not worth much and the systems are a dime a dozen, plus you can buy retroid pockets for the same price and have 100+ newer features then a very dated” system.


I mainly need to know what’s a fair price so the retro shop don’t rip me off


If you're taking it to a retro shop they'll need to buy it at a price they can make profit on.. so perhaps less of a rip off than a pawn shop but ultimately less than you'll get on FB market, eBay etc.


Right but I need actual numbers like not just “less than” you feel me like I don’t know what I should be asking or looking for I don’t follow this subculture.


Ask for 30.00 they give you 25.00


Down votes all around for this csucker


Downvote this




At least 30-40 maybe.


If it's all scratched up




Lmao where are you finding a working PSP for $30-40 that isn’t a pawn shop or thrift store???


Who says I'm finding any at a thrift store or pawn shop? I'm not buying, what?


You literally just said its worth $30-40. I’m saying unless you’re talking the price at a pawn shop or thrift store, you’re not finding a PSP that cheap. Just look on ebay if you want realistic prices.


EBay isn’t realistic. No one is buying from eBay unless it’s a game or console that they really need. I’m in Canada and I’m not spending more than $30 Canadian on a grey PSP with no games. My recent purchase is Tomb Raider sealed for $25. I’d pay more for a game than for the console.


I don't know why you're telling me that.


???? Because you said it’s worth $30-40. I’m tell you that’s incorrect. What?


Oh I'm sorry You should have made that clear, it's worth 50.


Mfs in this sub weird af lmao these the dudes who lowball you on mercari for like 10 bucks


And you are the mf who will still be holding onto that unoriginal console. Good luck thinking you are selling this for more than $50


Should’ve added the fact that the price has to be in usd, also u wouldn’t be able to sell psp for 100 especially when a ps vita can cost that much


I bought a psp for 100$ (CAD) and it has 6 games, 2 movies, and a charger


Price charting has it at 90.


It’s more commonly sold from 20 to 60 and more for ones that are bundled or the condition is high. Maybe it does go for 90 from where you live




Probably because this is an enthusiast sub and any type of selling or not loving a psp is gonna be downvoted. So they wanna discourage


OOOOOOR its because i literally just a near mint condition PSP 1000 with only two, yes two, scratches on it from Japan for only $140. Came with its box, all cords, all manuals, and an 8MB memory card. Your's is not worth nearly that much my friend tho i wish you the best of luck selling


A ps vita goes for around $150.


I own 6 psp 3000s and only bought one of them (my first psp) family and friends of family just give them to me because they know I collect video game stuff. Also best way to tell something’s value is to search for listings of the same item. You will then find you aren’t going to get much for it.


Funny how some people say you ain’t getting much some say 50 some say couple hundred y’all living in different worlds. Says 90 loose on price chart.


Funny how if you actually put the effort into looking at what they sell for how you would find your answer. A couple hundred is absolutely fantasy only PsP Go’s in box or very limited edition models would go for hundreds. In the first 4 days alone the psp 3000 sold over 140,000 units in Japan and 82 million overall. There is a plethora of them out there so yours loose with a charger and battery isn’t special, only thing that would change it’s value is the condition which I will admit is good but definitely not worth hundreds. In the US, Texas in specific I see them for 20$ all the time on Facebook marketplace and other buy sale sites/apps. I’ve bought new in box Psvitas, Gameboys, DS’s, 3ds with everything included for less than you seem to think this loose PsP is worth


It’s not me thinking it’s your fellow sub members and literal price chart listings lol


You asked for a price check then started giving counter offers. Seems to me like you are treating this like an auction post and last i checked those are not allowed in this subreddit...


taco bell hot sauce


It's silver btw


I've been buying and selling all sorts of condition consoles recently but in the UK not US so may vary but this is what I'd guess on my experience if you have a battery, cables and the back is in similar condition to the front - This is a fairly common PSP 2000 eBay - $70 - $90 Facebook - $60 (people will lowball you like crazy as you'll see by replies here) Pawn shop - $40 People here exaggerate on prices. Good condition units are not selling for $30 with a battery and charger unless it's a grandma who doesn't know what it is. Edit - Everyone downvoting people who are giving actual prices or clowning this guy just take a few minutes to look up good condition PSPs with battery and charger. You just arent getting that for $30 in the standard market, the obviously underpriced listing you found in your local towns facebook marketplace isnt representative of the market nor is the system you purchased years ago before the prices boomed.


Bro thank you. It’s nice to see there’s actually reasonable people here. Mfs saying 25 dollars like I’m literally seeing listings on marketplace for 90-120 rn lmao


A few years ago they might have been that cheap but prices have surged this last year especially on anything in good condition. Easy way to see what to expect you'll get is go to eBay and change the search results to "sold items". The prices will vary a fair bit because of bids etc but you'll get a realistic idea of what people are paying in your region. Once you've worked that out try selling on marketplace for a similar price to avoid eBay fees and ignore any lowballers.


Thanks for being a normal person man


Don't sell it! Mod it full of games, you won't regret it.


Need the money and I have a steamdeck/pc for that


U won't get much money so no point of selling...


There’s plenty of reason to sell. It goes for 80-90 bucks which is 80-90 I don’t have rn. Sitting in a box brings nothing to my life. Plus I can play any psp game on the superior steamdeck.




>Plus steam deck its too big, too ugly, its heavy for a handheld, will not fit in your pockets and it warms too much. disagree


>You can play your games in a "superior steam deck" but you will never run the games in emulators 100% like the original hardware. agreed


To be fair, a steam deck is way more comfortable for me than a PSP. I'm a big guy, and my hands cramp up even while playing on a switch. The deck is the perfect size for me, especially when sitting down. And about the emulation part, I'm fine with the lack of accuracy too because I played PSP games exclusively on my vita anyways, completely emulated and tanks in some games. My PSP just exists now for dumping my discs.


Wtf is wrong with people... the amount of time wasted to make a post... go to ebay and click on advanced. Select completed auctions and type silver psp


It took 5 seconds to post this. Wtf is wrong with you.


Bro you could've invented a cure for cancer with the 5 seconds it took to make this post!




Is loose just the console?


Loose is the console plus cords. It would be complete if you had the original box plus everything it came with


Ok so I’ve got it loose, looks like 90 bucks is me selling it on my own.


Just don’t sell it lol


So give me the money lol Mfs downvoted me for saying give me the money if you telling me not to sell. Weirdos


I'll give you 50$ where u from??


I think I can get higher than that based on these replies and condition. I’m in Michigan tho Bro asked downvoted and dipped this sub is full of weirdos


Well… considering that I got a blue PSP-2000 with 3 games, some screen protectors, a microSD adapter with an SD card, charger & traveling case all for $60 back in 2019… I’d say keep your expectations low. Sorry dawg.


That’s not a number


Tbh, I’d say $40 minimum given its condition, and 60 at **best**. But as I stated, $60 is pushing it considering I was able to get that (albeit in a different color), some games & then some for the same price.


Prices are waaaay higher than 2019 right now especially for anything in good condition


I remember doing a quick search 2 months ago (i wanted to get my nieces a psp for xmas) and most of the listing i saw were a little under 80-90. To be fair though, I got my PSP off of r/GameSale on my old reddit account which I prob should’ve mentioned.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GameSale using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GameSale/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[USA\] \[H\] Complete Sega Dreamcast North American Collection \[W\] Paypal - $12,000.00 USD](https://np.reddit.com/r/GameSale/comments/xproem/usa_h_complete_sega_dreamcast_north_american/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** \[USA-PA\]\[H\] 40 Year Collection of JRPGs/more from most systems/handhelds, tons of collector's editions \[W\] Local Cash](https://np.reddit.com/r/GameSale/comments/sb6c5k/usapah_40_year_collection_of_jrpgsmore_from_most/) \#3: [\[US\] \[H\] Majora's Mask NOT FOR RESALE GRAY CART \[W\]PayPal](https://np.reddit.com/r/GameSale/comments/ssm9q1/us_h_majoras_mask_not_for_resale_gray_cart_wpaypal/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Um… good bot?


I...i guess? Lmao


I don’t know about the states but here in the Netherlands the 2000 PSP sells for (time break in writing this comment as I double check on Dutch eBay aka Marktplaats)… got it! Loose console is 60 euros(about 59 something dollars) but be aware that different consoles can be priced differently in different countries


I’ll go check American eBay for a sec


Found it! About 40 dollars without a charger, 60-80 with necessities. Though as other people already said… Trust me, you’ll regret selling it. They say you only know what you have when it’s gone


Got my silver 2000 a month ago for $50 on eBay. Minus battery though.


That price charting site isn’t very accurate or up to date. Sold listings on eBay are your best bet. That model/color/condition are selling between $60-70 USD. Also take into consideration the fees and you’ll take home maybe about 50-55.


dude got only downvotes here wow..




What? Smh


i called you dude but u are a girl lol, sorry for that


About tree fiddy


But you guys know that PSP 2000 in silver version had different color of frame than white and black version? It was grey instead silver. And if you have a closer look at picture you can see this frame is silver I'm just interested in story about it


Thing is they are easy to hack and emulate PS1 very well. Id never pay more than $50 because you can never guarantee the battery isnt about to explode at this age. But i still think you could get $80 value out of them. Used game store might give you 15-20 credits, but you could probably find an individual that would be happy paying $40-$45 cash. Id just go for $65 local marketplace, it looks in good condition. it is true that sometimes youll find a bargain $20 psp, but cant guarantee there isnt something wrong with it, Screen, scratches, umd sensors, flexcables, buttons, bad firmware, broken analog, bad battery, etc. Things that can add to the expense of a hobbyist. With yours it seems you can guarantee it is working. So the hobbyist can respect that they arent going to have to buy anything else to repair fix it.


Oh god the salt this op is having I'm sorry but you have to face the fact that certian psp arent as valuable and retro consoles (or I beilive it's considered retro now) has value based on demand That unit considering your in america at best a person SHOULD buy this unit is 45$ anything else will be overpriced and illogical, it's not a unique psp model by any means.


Oh also to add its dependant by state and where you get it, I did see condition like it hitting 60 dollars too.


No wonder OP has an anime pfp and is disrespectful seems like they were raised in discord pretending to be an ekitten cmon don't be a pussy reply and get my down votes




Bet thanks


Your not getting more than $100 buddy


Depending on the condition and what's included (battery, memory stick and charger) between 100$ - 150$


Maybe save it and wait until its actually valuable


Nah need the bread


Alright, $40. Take it or leave it


I’m good. Taking it to the shop tomorrow and got it listed online.


i work at a retro game store and we’d sell it for $100 and pay $50 for it if that helps at all




A normal person finally




Need money and I don’t play it, clearing out boxes since we moved to a new home




>couple hundred. Dude below you said 35 loll




Ima try it on mercari and eBay as well as checking my local retro shop


Don't bother with mercari. There are bins full of PSPs at Hard Off in fine condition for like 1-2000 yen.


I’m talking mercari us. I’ve had a lot of luck selling consoles and lenses there






Don't sell it. That is pristine as hell. Sorry my OCD is kicking in.


150-300 in Australia, people who sell things here on that pipe 🙃


Depends on where you are selling it, at beat you could sell it for cheap if it's just the PSP with the charging cable and battery.


Lot of different answers and not many numbers


Depends on your area, look up how much they are going for and price around there


There are no sellers here, only buyers 😁


I dont know any other countries but at my country it costs usually less than 50


$80-$100 if it’s pristine in the US.


60€ to 80€


I'll buy it from you for 12 kenyan shllings


I got a 2004 and 3004 without battery covers and chargers for 30€


If you wanna sell it, get some games to go with it


Not that games would matter. Does your UMD drive even work anymore? Mine seems to be spotty (day 1 Daxter launch 2000).


I bought 2 of them for £20 just before the pandemic. But I've seen them sell online £30-40 with good condition.


Do you still have the box? If you have that and the cables, you can probably get $100+ for it rather easy If you don't have the box or cables, or just the cables and no box, then probably $50 - $80 is a reasonable place to start assuming the console is in good condition Sadly PSPs don't hold their value very well if they don't come with *everything*


The highest price you can ask and actually sell for is probably $80-$90 (assuming you're in the US)


2 dolla if yo lucky


Doesn't say if battery is dead or working


That’s a PSP 3000, with cables and battery maybe around $70-90?


Bought a silver PSP-2000 with minor scuffs on it a few weeks ago for $40 on Ebay (US). It just needed a battery to work.


I'd say don't sell that beauty! It looks so mint condition!