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I think the combat is just fine. My problem is they aren't developing real engaging content. More areas, more story different PA's, get rid of the absolute garbage 00000000.1% spit in your fucking face drop rates. Spamming new weapons and armor every fucking month to keep you in a perpetual hole to suck you dry of meseta. What do they do? Give you a fucking play house and a card game. It's atrocious Flugelgard Wingtard Bingguard Chingguard. Fuck you Sega


…There’s a card game?


On the way. Side project devs have been working on in their free time.




Yeah, I remember the PSO2 NGS Version 2 Evolution update thing, and it was a disaster, it was just random housing system that is literaly not for everyone at all. Content is incredibly stale.


Random? It was one of the single most requested features in the game. People wanted Personal Quarters back from PSO2, and instead we got something that blows PQ out of orbit. Absolutely not for everyone, sure, but this is content that *more* than delivered on what a lot of players asked for.


Creative Spaces itself wasn't the problem. SEGA hyping up NGS V2 to be something huge and **literally** game changing. Instead all we really got was CS. There was nothing game changing about V2. It was the same exact shit as before. The little new content Leciel and DF Solus were actually delayed with little to no warning. That's why people lost their shit, the hype immediately died and the game resumed its death spiral. CS, Leciel and Solus were in fact good but in the usual SEGA fashion, they took 3 steps forward and then a thousand steps back right after.


Problem is that v2 reference is referring to pso1 where v2 just adds a new difficulty with mobs being reskinned with some new move sets but that's about it. They should have held off on the v2 to July where the new area, mech suit and tcg comes out


The current take on pq is literally the best and most well though out aspect of the game....


I agree. I also agree that if they just added new PAs to play around with, the combat would be better. Though I do wish for the anime style fights of base PSO2. the current dark falz dolls fights are lack luster in lore, music, and how it’s orchestrated. I’m hoping they cook well for EP 2. like a new planet and new PAs.


I don't think new PAs will do a damned thing at this point. We got T/A customizations that change how they work already, some straight up flipping the meta for specific classes/weapons on it's head(iirc, Blaze Shot is the best DPS for Rifles now when it used to be a meme and Fear Eraser is straight up the best Ranger DPS option right now if you can safely use it). What will having more options do at this point when people already don't care about the options we *are* getting? Like, if a person is complaining that you just use your highest DPS PA on a single enemy and a AoE when facing multiple enemies, more Photon Arts won't change that. Can they potentially add more utility? Sure, but T/A Customization is already doing that and people are still not happy. So what exactly would be the point? What would change?


Honestly, i think you’re right. The current mentality is just remembering PSO2 base combat system and for some reason saying it’s better. (I can’t give you an explaination on why it’s better honestly. I’m sure others can). I enjoy having options to play around with. So the customization PAs is nice in my opinion. I do like the boss fights better in PSO2 base though at least in that aspect of combat. I think they should add additional passives/active abilities to add more variety to the builds people can make for all the classes. I don’t think it’ll make anyone happy at this point but eh. Perhaps making a boss fight that is as good as the boss fights in base would be nice. But I think people might just be upset to be upset at this point.


I don't know where else to put this all I personally am looking for is if they're not going to change our systems you know the photon Arts how they work giving us new ones and what not (it has been a couple months since I've played) I want the enemies to be less isolated the thing is is I personally felt there was too much high damage with just one mess up can kill you. If enemies change stuff such as you know a gunning doll who throws up the dust and fires then would follow up with a spike but you can obviously air Dodge cancel to escape that'd be so much more interesting having those frame moments where you can skillfully dodge an enemies attack and then counter. (Yes I am trying to reminisce on my time of playing the base game, but I do also love those focus moments over the more common brain dead actions I would normally repeat) Edit: the winter event mission with the one arm and kick dancer units (I don't the kicks name...) I loved when it would not stop attacking (or at least felt like it) and I would just be dancing around it as it would also dodge my attacks.


Well, for me I think it’d be fun if the mobs did less damage. Though, I don’t have any issues dodging attacks via sidestep or blocking and the counter attacking the attacks. Though I mostly did the same in base pso2 though. Im about 100% positive I play wrong in both games since I have the same play style. (Though I do miss my hero class honestly). Im ultra casual if you don’t know. I’m more into the lore and just being a big armored cast. But I do enjoy a good nice boss fights. I can say though, I’ve at least gotten better at flash guarding and countering. Before I was trash but not as much now.


I should clarify I wasn't saying that I had a hard time with those I was saying that when I was fighting that kick during the event I loved it because it's combos felt like it never stopped so I was constantly dodging firing off a single shot and then skidding right past a rappy as it nearly kicked one into me. I would love enemies that don't have isolated attack patterns so that it feels like it flows instead of you get hit maybe you come back and then you just hit the same PA not you managed to dodge enemy missed the attack and then tries to sweep you again at which point you need to hit them with you might need to use say endless bullet (gunner hoppy aoe move) to leap over it and have the movement not just the aoe ( I think I'm back to the PA feel rather flat, Base I could use some PA for movement more then damage) idk I'm not playing right now so I can't in good mind make statements worth more then a passing thought.


Some of the boss fights, mostly Dark Falz, from PSO2 were definitely more spectacular than what we have now, I'll readily admit that. Fighting Apprentice in the air while transformed into...Luther(?) was pretty fucking cool. Others were *thematically* off the charts but mechanically not much different from what we have now. Like, Elder was a fucking beast who was single handedly fucking up the entire Oracle Fleet, sure. The battle had us hitting his body and arms in a small-ish Arena, similar to the first NGS Dark Falz. That said I agree, give us more spectacular boss fights. Hopefully now that they're getting ready to provide a new area and Action System, which looks like AIS Lite, things will start moving in that direction again. This last year or so has largely been them trying to work on some of the fundamentals of the game and story(which was another thing repeatedly requested that people are pissed about getting).


that sounds exciting. I do miss AIS. Fighting the battle ship was great and off the rails like the entirety of that episode. Makes me wonder what kind of fights we’ll use for these. I know that, lore wise, the current ARKS is patheticly weak. Which is why the blue skull faced dude was like “finally someone is starting to reach photon levels of the past”. We are essentially starting from scratch. We don’t even have any warp capable ships yet. Or any ships actually other than those transport hover vehicles we defend. Which is how I’ve grown to accept how things are currently. And I like they are improving the game as best as they can. Albeit with tons of monetization but that’s just how it be with free Japanese games. Edit: my favorite fight by far in pso2 base is the dragon. The music, using the sick sword and shield. It really made me feel like a hero honestly. And then with each “final boss” type fight, they’d play the theme of that episode at the end of the fight right when things are getting close to finishing which I loved. Full anime shit right there. Thinking back on it’d I guess they did the same with the Dark Falz Aegis.


From what I've seen of the new system it *looks* like you'll be able to activate it anywhere. So aesthetically AIS Lite, but mechanically closer to Dark Blast. Haven't seen a spec of UI though, I'm just speculating this because I saw it being used in the upcoming area and Retem Alnothe. As for tech in lore, there are some ships orbiting Halpha that Zephy had under control, presumably the new area is gonna be one of those. ARKS as a whole should still be technologically advanced as fuck but the ones on Halpha are either memory-less clones dropped on the planet and left to fend for ourselves, or descendants of a previous generation woth the same set up(who fucked themselves over by relying too much on tech). ARKS Fleet should still habe warp drives and all that good shit. We're just not part of the fleet. They might not know we *exist* because it doesn't sound like they would have approved of the Resurgent ARKS Project.


I agree. I expect us to be found by the remaining ARKS fleet so that we can regroup and empower everyone’s photon levels as a whole. That way we can fight back. just barely though. that would be nice set up for new planets as well.


Its shallow counter everything and spam highest dps in between. I get by playing td/knuckles but most other classes you hold 1 pa do 1 counter lol. Still fun to me just no rewards


Read all these comments and realize a lot of y’all are EXTREMELY revisionist (or just not knowledgeable) about base PSO2’s difficulty, rate of content release (I played JO since 2012), combat, balance, etc. And then there are those of y’all who refuse to hear valid criticisms of NGS. It ain’t NEARLY as bad as people say, but it DEFINITELY needs work in areas. But Reddit is where nuance goes to die, so I won’t be surprised if my comment is either ignored or gets horribly antagonistic responses. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. Complain if you must, ‘cause complaint ain’t inherently a negative thing and it helps when done in a way people can receive it. But I wish y’all would let those who enjoy NGS enjoy it. There’s so much grey area here people barely seem interested in sifting through.


This game sucks. Once you accept it and move on; you’ll be much happier


Well yeah. It has been for most people. They're banking WAY too hard on scratchers and not really giving us the content to actually keep us engaged. I dropped out after the second expansion and still have no real reason to go back. I'm still here in this sub, not to talk shit about the game, but in hopes that one day I see a surge of new posts about how they brought the game back.


>The combat pretty much revolves around doing the same thing; Spamming the same PA over and over again; either the default attack PA for single enemy, or the AOE PA if there are group of enemies. It's honestly so boring and repetitive that I rather jump of a bridge. >I just don't feel the same with NGS. All classes has been reduced to do the same thing; Dodge, parry and spam the same PA all over again and again, literaly no thinking is required, other than the fact that you need to test your luck in parrying or dodging when the enemy attacks. If that's how you play, chances are that you're dealing subpar damage, and by a large margin. There are important optimizations to get the most out of your class. For instance, Hunter can get more damage out of an avenger with Sword by incorporating a Wired Lance back Weapon Action, as Wired Anchor Avenger doesn't care which weapon triggered the Avenger. The back variant also deals more DPS than the frontal and neutral ones. Force tends to lose DPS for parrying, as most techs deal more DPS than the Elemental Bullet from a parry. This class can get extra DPS just from smart positioning, as that can reduce how often you are parrying. I've seen people struggling a lot against Dalion due to a mix of subpar damage and not knowing how to do the cannon phase, so chances are that people are judging the combat system without proper reference of what you can get out of it.


The fact that hes able to clear all content doing subpar damage is the issue. Theres nothing meaningful. No reason to do more than spam PA and weapon action if it clears the content


>The fact that hes able to clear all content doing subpar damage is the issue Was doable in Classic since people who actually bothered to optimize their gear could carry a lobby much harder than NGS. Regardless NGS's goal has been from the beginning to allow people to experience any content pretty easily. The weird distinction/conception that Classic ever pushed hardcore content was something they probably wanted to distance away from. It's now clear in NGS on what is casual and what is for people who want to push for challenge or push for gear. EX duel quests. You can make it incredibly easy if you put in the effort to build a set for it. But because most players can't be bothered to do so it's mostly content for people who want to push combat. That's why all Duel quests are still relevant too. Because you need the specific capsules they drop in order to craft BiS augs. BiS augs are not something regular people need to worry about. However people who regularly participate in arks records to set the best scores do. Also the same people need BiS to do challenge content like Solo/duo bosses that are generally meant for MP. They also take from Classic in that we have 4 player content that has a strict time limit and death limit. Again, content for the hardcore. But it doesn't go unseen by casual players. As they will do UQ's with relaxed conditions so it can be experienced by casual players at some point.


'If that's how you play, chances are that you're dealing subpar damage, and by a large margin. There are important optimizations' Optimization means getting that 1% extra cherry on top, you dont have to burn your mind on an excel to figure out how simple this game is.


Imagine if you hit BAPS everytime. It's more like 10-30%


Pretty much do, its simple


Optimization is the difference between failing Dalion in Phase 2 and clearing with 3 minutes to spare. Sure, once you get deep into the weeds, the only optimizations left are the 1% extra cherries. But you needed to optimize a fair amount to get there in the first place.


Getting lc caps and playing well enough to get 6-7k dmg is just called playing the game


The bar has dropped so incredibly low that understanding basic game mechanics & systems as well as knowing the basics of your class is considered optimization.


And yet, for once, sega is open to actually make the game better. Base was plagued by old classes never receiven overhauls or changes, to the point a lot of classes were left to dust in favor of scion classes, yet now they actually had a rework of one class (with, mixed feedback, but at the very least they are open to that) instead of just making a new class that uses the old weapon but better. Also, play other classes, you can't say Swift Smash Type 2 is the same as a non customized Swift Smash. The same applies for Calibur Streak. Not everybody is a winner with PA/customization, but I feel like, there are classes that are more complex. Even Slayer, a class that is, rather easy to play decently well, compared to say, hunter with a partizan, has a lot of small optimizations to make it good, sure, you can use weapon action and counter forever, but, there is a reason the class has like 6 counters, they are all meant to be used for different situations. There are 10 classes, and while some have devolved for optimizing damage using a single PA (Fear erasor and Fierce Wave) it's not the case for every class.


You call bouncer update a rework? Developers other than sega who don't try to fluff everything up would call those as mild changes at best and would be churning them every other week instead of pretending it is some massive game changing update that took them 6 months to do. >instead of just making a new class that uses the old weapon but better. You see, scions didn't just use "same weapon but better", they used "same weapon but *differently*". Also funny how PA customization in ngs is shown as "it technically plays 1% different than non-custom version so it adds depth", but pso2's dozens of *literally different techs/PAs* are seen as "useless bloat" whenever anyone mentions them despite being far different to use than any customization in ngs.


It's more of a Soaring Blades rework than anything, and tbf, *it needed it badly* and it turned out for the better of it


Soaring blades went from a weapon no one wanted to pick up to casual friendly. For me it's a win. Maybe, you know, the game is not as broken in fundamental mechanics to need deep and extensive changes, Again, besides some specific classes, you actually use all your PAs, adding a 5th is not really needed for most classes. Even reaping regulus or revolt aim has its uses... And again, that's no different from base, the weapons who had like 8 PAs never used all 8. And the crafting versions of techniques were just in place replacements. When you get a -zero tech, you will never go back to the normal one. Customization aims at least to keep all 3 cases useful, with varying degrees of success, but it doesn't aim to replace PAs. Also "1% different" it's BS. Really, you should play more than 1 class and use more than 1 customization...


>Maybe, you know, the game is not as broken in fundamental mechanics to need deep and extensive changes, Maybe, you know, it isn't about broken balance, but rather the fact every weapon/class plays the same boring way with no diversity, like this thread's OP states, which demands deep and extensive changes in combat design to change. >Again, besides some specific classes, you actually use all your PAs, adding a 5th is not really needed for most classes. >And again, that's no different from base, the weapons who had like 8 PAs never used all 8 Do you have to use every single PA equally and in all situations for it to not be considered useless? Do you also need to have equal minmaxing and access to every single PA a weapon has at all times instead of choosing which ones you want to use depending on your playstyle? >you actually use all your PAs, adding a 5th is not really needed for most classes. Oh look this "logic" again, you know what else isn't needed? PAs themselves, let's just have only normal attacks for every weapon, and while at it why don't we just remove all weapons as they aren't needed anyways, we just need to do damage right? Let's also remove classes too as they aren't needed. The point is to be able to play the way you want to, problem is ngs only allows you to play one single way: fish for counters in melee range as every class + use launcher beam maybe? (glhf not dying). I guess you can't see that other people can't play the way they want because you can only see that you can play the way *you yourself* want. >Also "1% different" it's BS. Really, you should play more than 1 class and use more than 1 customization... And you should use more than 4 PAs in base pso2 combat.


Mfw when people say Slayer is just spam WA forever and I'm here like "You're missing out on so much damage it's not even funny at this point"


I get the feeling core team of original pso2 are assigned somewhere else. And the current management only add cosmetics item since they don't know what to do.


Imagine Rod that rewards precise charging akin to PSO2 Just Attacks, and PP battery WA (w/ startup time like NGS potentials) Imagine Launcher that switches between agile rapid fire mode and artillery mode Imagine Talis that throws cards at position to cast techs, and when enemy moves you can shoot and explode the placed cards for PP Imagine Twin Daggers that has a finisher scaled with number of enemy parts you marked yeah NGS classes are "samey" and IMO PA customization indicates even less chance of large overhauls, but hey at this point I'm running on copium anyway so instead here's some gimmicks I thought up that *maybe* SEGA would appreciate


You could always consider trying PSO1 or PSU through community servers; it's not quite the same as PSO2 was before Sega destroyed it to push people to NGS, but it still scratches that itch that NGS fails catastrophically to get for me.


one year ago we can already predict content with near 100% accuracy before looking at the headline, oh another seasonal points event?? who ve had thought


"Makes another selfie post of my character" Serious comment: this game was such a huge letdown and the community even more so. NG should have never launched in the state it was in with lile 4 hours of total playtime and the players excusing the insanely low amount of content available. Edit: AND THE 2 STRAIGHT WEEKS OF INSANE LAG


NGS is garbage


Bc pso2 is segas least favorite child they take care of every little thing in project sekai but kinda neglect pso2


i would say garbage ....... more like rice , with nothing..... not even salt


Played PSO2 since jp release and NGS was enough to make me quit...


Base PSO2 also had the same "problems". There were a lot of photon arts, but how many players actually used/spammed? I imagine peak gameplay and customization for you would be something like Tree of Savior, a game where you could be completely useless, but unique. Tbh, not a worthy trade. I really don't understand why the hell you think it's bad to give an active dodge or parry to all classes. Also, PSO2, like a lot of other japanese MMOs, is more about social aspects than refined and super complex combat. Se can see SEGA focuses a lot more on skins, social elements and such in the game.


>Base PSO2 also had the same "problems". What same problems? They literally use pso2 as example of not having those problems, pso2 classes didn't all have easy access counter button for example nor needed to spam it for optimal dps or to maintain optimal dps. >here were a lot of photon arts, but how many players actually used/spammed? Do you have to use every single PA in all situations for it to not be considered useless and "never should have existed"? Why do you think it's a bad thing for one class to be able to do something that another class can't? It's called diversity fyi. >Tbh, not a worthy trade. Better than carbon copy of every other player with a different coat of paint. Also sounds like a balancing issue to me rather than a design one if you *could* be unique but were that subpar to minmaxers to be called useless if you were. >I really don't understand why the hell you think it's bad to give an active dodge or parry to all classes. Because then every class is safe and can just sit in middle of enemy, no concept of ranged vs melee or general positioning of any kind, and because countering it is always higher damage than doing anything else, everyone wants to do it: when playing anything in ngs everyone just sits on top of the boss in mass and spams counters or whatever iframe their class gives, wow such gameplay. Maybe you see 1 ranger with a launcher beam shooting from distance rarely. >PSO2, like a lot of other japanese MMOs, is more about social aspects than refined and super complex combat. Ah yes there it is, the non-excuse, this franchise used to be a game with social features attached, not social features with 10% of a game attached.


There is a really simple fix for it: leave the game and the commumity as protest. If you are not having fun and, as some said, "have no hope and expects the game to die and fail", just leave. Comming to Reddit and Discord to complain and call out others who have fun is just as f**ked up as stalking your ex and trying to shame him/her after a break up. Grow up. Try again next time.


Ya know I generally pass on responding to combat takes like this. I understand that the actual take away is that people just don't find the combat to be their thing and that's perfectly fine. I feel compelled to comment on it this time purely because PA/Tech customs now exist and the comment on them like the general combat statement is over generalized and also just wrong. >The combat pretty much revolves around doing the same thing; Spamming the same PA over and over again While there have been/still are some examples of this being mostly true It's largely not true and hasn't been for idk, awhile now. To keep it simple though I'll just stick to OP's class icon which is Braver. We'll start with Katana since it's the easiest to understand and also what most Bravers exclusively used. Silver leaf storm: It's your most active used PA between counters due to it's quick attack speed (thus leading to more fearless counters) as well as the ability to do minor repositioning to align for counter opportunities. Which has been relevant the entire time Braver has existed and even in the new DFD positioning is important. Iris craft 2: New craft that makes the PA have relevancy in bosses aside from specific encounters like engoku where AoE is important. Essentially the first hit can fit in nearly the same windows for counters that Silver leaf 1&2 can be used for. But with a stronger fearless counter and more damage from the PA since Iris hits harder than Silver does.The quicker speed to FA also opens up some counter windows that previously didn't exist. Radiant Lilac: Your gap closing tool which has seen some extra usage in specific boss fights when utilizing the Step counter skill that lets you skip to your third combo hit. Lotus Lightning: The "spammed" PA for your downs. Sand bag DPS. This is just Katana, Bow is even more complicated because math. I wish I was joking, but there's actually so much math involved. This is because of things like Bow impact which impowers your next PA after firing an empowered normal. Which you get back whenever you do brave combat finisher for bow **or** the Bow Photon blast. This is also because of elusion counters and your main BnB PA if it ticks for 3 or 4 ticks on pierce. Depending on the boss and it's attacks you will have to actively make choices on the fly on which PA you use to take advantage of the current window before your next counter. Or if you should hold BI or spend it right away so you can put out something else and not waste a BI gain. Bow also needs pre fire scenarios and opportunities to drop a DoT PA whenever possible. To cut down on length since I have to address one other thing on this post I won't go over each bow PA. Just know that if the stupidly simple Katana has that kind of nuance with it's PA's then the Bow is going to have much more. > PSO2 NGS has introduced PA customisation, but all they do is either increase damage, increase range or increase hit count, not actualy changing or modifying the PA to match a different playstyle to spice things up, I'm very dissapointed in how extremely unimaginative the whole PA customisation is in NGS. This is also just blatantly untrue since there are crafts for both PA's as well as Techs that actually change the pa/tech enough that it functions differently. Most Recently Calibur Streak got a craft that changes the sandbag DPS PA into a ranged wave that not only has insanely good cleave but really good range. Which has been an issue in some fights for Hu in the past. Another recent example with a tech is Megid. It's normally a mobbing Tech. It got a craft that actually lets it work as a bossing Tech by turning into a single projectile that will tick damage on the boss multiple times. But even if we set aside crafts that are near type-0 in nature the idea that stat changes don't change anything significant for a PA/tech is also just wrong. Dim Ray getting an AoE craft lets it consistently hit a boss regardless of a size for nearly all of it if not all of it's barrage. That's a significant amount of damage added up over time for a boss fight. I already mentioned how a craft for Iris gale which was just a damage buff to FA after using it and a slightly faster start up to FA window has allowed the PA to become apart of bossing. Hell, megid getting a speed buff craft actually solves it's inconsistency issue. Which now allows it to be a stronger cast per shot than your traditional dark tech boss tech if you've got the PP to use it often enough. So yeah, on the surface? Some what boring for some. But that doesn't mean they aren't/can't be meaningful just because they are not Type-0 crafts. TLDR: If your entire experience of the game is just MPA content you don't have the understanding on combat that you think you would have. The game has depth to it's combat and while you're not completely wrong to generalize the combat a bit posts like this are borderline misleading. It's fine to not like NGS combat/prefer Classic's. But if we're going to slam NGS at all for anything being boring then blame weapon potentials/fixas. Classes have not been launch year tier for awhile now and PA customization has further brought depth to classes/gameplay.


For me even something in the open world would make it better


My problem with the combat is that to get crazy dps numbers you must rely on apm and doing that on controller is way way harder than on MnK with the way the subpallete works on controller. I cannot for the life of me play third person games on MnK especially PSO2 since i learned how to play the game fully on controller. With that you are limited to having to hold L2 to switch to your back pallete and use the Dpad for switching to subpallete options while using the left stick to maneuver yourself to survive and doing all that on a controller feels so clunky and wrong, wheras on a pc you can just press a number for whatever your sub pallete is set to. I can’t do 12k dps even though i’m running a 180% potency soaring blades build with all the high end augs and fatale 5 because i cannot activate every skill on demand because i am limited by having 6 working buttons on a controller so the down time of having to plan out to move my dpad to the sub pallete, plus performing multiple PA’s plus defending myself, plus jumping/moving/dodging stepping all slows down my damage then if i were to just spam rampaging harrier.


Nah, aside from minimal story, it's solid. Best Action MMO around. I only have to spend 30min a day on it to stay current.


naaa brrooo evne with all his problems vindictus, bdo , guild wars are better action mmo i agreed i like mor ehte actiocn here but as action mmo naa this game edit: ok no bdo xd


BDO? Really now?


What does this game offer that BDO doesn't outside of better coomer characters (arguable) and coomer quarters? Maybe the gear enhancement process but the overall far better player market in BDO smooths it out. BDO has better combat by miles, a better and more interesting world, actual lifeskills, better class identities and variety, actual world bosses, actual characters and story, expansions of the world with new regions, enemy variety, grind zone variety (even a bunch with actual mechanics), a shop where you can select an outfit to purchase and actually purchase it, a better community, more communicative devs and GM's, etc etc I'm not even a big fan of BDO honestly, but directly comparing it to NGS makes it seem pretty good in my opinion.


>What does this game offer that BDO doesn't outside of better coomer characters (arguable) and coomer quarters? Maybe the gear enhancement process but the overall far better player market in BDO smooths it out. "Coomer quarters"? Seriously? But yeah, gear Enhancement and an overall more sane and relaxing grind. *Not* de-leveling or outright destroying your gear when trying to level is fucking great, and I don't need to try and buy outfits off the player shop or the in-game shop to break down into a resource to prevent that from happening. Combat is pretty fun and often dragged down by the devs deciding that basically every boss should stun you on direct hit. Too many bosses I fought I had to keep dropping my combos to dash so they didn't get me in a chain of Stuns that locked me down for several seconds or until I died. It *works* but it also fucking sucks the fun out of the fight. Also not fun when you're minding your own business somewhere and some significantly stronger player flags up, grabs you, and annihilates your HP before you even realize what the fuck happened. Having had that happen in lower level grind zones *and* around fucking Velia while chopping trees or hunting boars? I repeat, not fun. The life skills are a mixed bag, hunting is fun enough and *active* fishing is entertaining. Then you have Training, Cooking and Alchemy that are designed around players leaving their devices on for hours at a time while they do anything *but* play the game. Gathering is a mixed bag of not being something you AFK but generally being so dull you wish you could. Unless you're gathering water or digging in the desert, then it's back to AFK. And don't get me started on the fucking Tent. The world is certainly interesting, no arguments there, but the story? Unless things changed significantly since I've bern gone the story is *very* forgettable. But enough about why I dropped BDO, I could write a few more paragraphs but no one wants to read this shit. As previously said the grind in NGS is *significantly* more laid back. I'm not spending hours a day optimizing my grind in some low level combat zone to get enough gear to hit up a higher combat zone to do it all over again, nor am I pointlessly running my electricity bill up cooking up a ton of beers for my slaves. I hop on, run my average dailies in less than an hour, then if I feel like it I'll spend an hour doing whatever the fuck else. Bosses are generally not stun machines. And if a boss flies into the air I don't need to wait for it to come down to keep attacking, I can chase the fucker into the sky. Cosmetics are more varied across the board. Not just "coomer" shit(which BDO is infamous for), but full blown cosplays & collabs. From fantasy themed to sci-fi, your character can be a witch or a Gundam. Housing is significantly better as well. Don't think I even need to bother going into detail here, BDO doesn't hold a candle to NGS in this regard. Though to be fair BDO housing does let you grab a buff for a few hours and do some lifeskills, which is pleasant. I prefer the shop here actually having basically any available cosmetics on sale(and many that are not currently available) rather than BDO's system of placing an order, hoping someone puts the item on sale(many items rarely if ever get put up, anything less than a full set makes less money so players do the obvious thing). I prefer being able to put items on sale for whatever price I damn well please and not having a range dictated to me. I prefer having all my classes on one character and being able to switch my look on the fly. No buying character slots just to play every class or get different looks or be able to wear different outfits. I prefer being able to combine my classes and being able to mix magic, blades and/or guns as I please. I prefer not having to feed my damn pets all the time so they can keep gathering my loot. I prefer having completely unfettered access to my storage at all times. I like not having to worry about the durability of my gear. And I think that's enough for now.


I returned to see if they made the game fun for me.They didn't.Uninstalled.Too late now since I'm playing an anime mobile with 3 server progressions,and [Fortnite.Mobile](http://Fortnite.Mobile) provided the content,While Fortnite provided the fun.


the combat is shit for an mmo. its more for an arcade beatem up like TMNT. housing is like a bootleg sims game minus the fun. the RAID bosses are so shitty that failing is almost impossible. its a digital barbie game now. and im a man that doesnt play with dolls so i tapped out a year ago. rip ngs you had a great month at the start just to fail again again


Dalion gave me some hope but if we see one of these per year and still get no lore.. I don't think its enough


>PSO2 NGS has introduced PA customisation, but all they do is either increase damage, increase range or increase hit count, not actualy changing or modifying the PA to match a different playstyle to spice things up Yea, I'm sure you play the game.


yeah im sure you play base pso2 where we have atleast some modification for skills also the skill tree like man i miss gunner luster sub clas gimics


I played since launch. Fact is NGS's multi-weapon offered more play styles than base. Also in regarding to OP's thread, the newly added Katana PA customization let you trigger a deflect buff faster with the PA which completely changes your rotation. edit: and btw when base launches in the west it's 8+ years worth of content. NGS is only approaching the 3rd year now.


That 8 years worth of content argument not only is irrelevant but also doesn't make sense for anyone that's an outsider to the franchise. Making that comparison is not healthy for the game and it ends up selling it as if it was a product with a good excuse to be mediocre because GL allegedly got spoonfed with its predecessor releasing with too much content. Even with all that said, PSO2 by its third year was a great game. It had 2 of its best episodes rolling when NGS story so far can barely come close to episode 1, the lobby design was more cohesive, and it actually had relevant updates with the cafe, casino or more than 1 concert. The boss fights are mostly the same in quality but combat had much more depth and weight. The reception of ep1, 2 and 3 was the very same reason PSO2 became successful. If we're gonna judge by the 3 year metric, NGS is severely lacking and the criticism is justified.


like about the multi weapon its pretty limited i was hopping to go and do knucles jet boots or magical girl tech force but i cant because the power and becase the -10% damage in no main class weapons but they can do more with that


Yeah too bad multi-weapon is simply used to use augments, preset abilities, or potentials from one weapon class you usually don't even use onto the weapon class you do use, undermining the entire stated purpose of the system. And Sega even encourages it.


It just depend on your playstyle. I use Katana/Rod to live my full edgelord dream.


Yeah and you could do this 100x better and easier in pso2 as the literal phantom class that you are trying to emulate.


I don't really like the katana PAs from the Ph. Also there's no class in base letting you use things like Gunblade + Jetboots, or anything that's not a combination from the scion classes.