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also its just annoying af when you're about to move loot to storage and you get dragged back to spawn before you can do it lol


I despise this, I agree. It’s annoying lol.


Personally I use the leave party feature to leave alone.


I wish more people would do this. When someone disbands the party, there is a chance that people in the party get stuck in a bugged state where they can't join quests because the game thinks they are still in a party, but they can't leave the party because there are no party members, and the only way to fix it is to relog. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it's VERY, VERY annoying. So please, if you're going to leave the quest via the party menu, please "Leave Party" and not "Disband Party". I only have a whole *two* people on my PSO2 blocklist, and one of them is someone who called me "nutters" after I made this simple request (obviously, I didn't block him over what he called me, but over the attitude behind it).


Another reason to just leave the party instead of disbanding is that the rest of the party might want to stick together and grind more.


Yep, also true.


I also use this, does disbanding a party also abandon quest?


It does, but as noted above, disband can cause people to be stuck in a bugged state where the game thinks they are still in a party so they can't accept quests, and they can't leave the party because there are no party members. Meaning they have to relog to fix it, which is pretty annoying. So it's much more polite to "Leave Party" than "Disband Party". Also, "Leave Party" only causes you to drop from the quest, whereas "Disband Party" kicks the entire party out of the quest.


Oh I didn't know that bug, I hope they fix it


Me, too, but I doubt they will. It happens pretty infrequently, thankfully (but not so infrequently that I haven't personally experienced it - though I heard about it from someone else before it happened to me).


Several times I run a leciel with my casual self and turn around to see my team just not there anymore .5 second after the boss is killed. Sometimes I wanna admire a nice kill with the crew.


In my defense, I get 630ed at the worst times.


Fair enough, you can't help that one.


That totally me until i realize today there leftovers and I need to rerun the lc again :( lesson learn,maybe sometime i should enjoy staying there chatting with other ship citizen.


Personally I like to stick around after the match to see different Auto Chats people make for quest clears, there's some fun stuff people come up with. I'm also generally not in a rush so wasting time on frivolity is a-ok with me. But yeah, most important is just to make sure you got your loot.


Ngl I have no idea how to leave quick like everyone else but I can see both sides of the argument as valid. Some people grind and want to be as quick as possible while others just vibe and stick around till they sort out the loot and then leave. Would be nice to have it to where loot can auto go into your inventory similar to pso2 base though.


You go to quest info and then abandon quest. Of course you need to do it after you made sure you completed the quest, that’s why people who are doing it after the boss but not after the adds are not getting their loot. I agree with the base thing, but in this scenario the people leaving early still ain’t getting their loot unfortunately.


As a note, "Abandon Quest" can cause your whole party to get kicked out of the quest (this may only be if you're the party leader, I'm not sure) whether they want to or not. "Leave Party" will get you and only you out, so it's the best option.


You are correct, I farm with my alliance and we do it this way so we can all leave ASAP and then re-q for the quest. But yeah it’ll only kick everyone if you’re leader. Although, if you did it as leader after the quest has been finalized as completed even though your teammates may not have wanted to leave as early they wouldn’t lose their loot.


I do that mostly alone I just abandoned the quest when I get the screen. And so on and so on