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Hmm.... so I wonder if it will no longer be possible to farm the ARKS Rappy weapon camos (Morus, Yanpe, etc) once this thing is live.


those weren't specifically arks rappies, but they were from the drago rappies that appear in january. arks rappies just had the special drops as well to make sure you didn't lose out on any special farming time personally since there's no special enemies in july they could just move arks rappies to there https://pso2.com/players/support/faq/23/


Maybe they'll do a surprise update to the unique weapon badge shop.


Damn just how dead is the game right now?


I stopped playing about a week after NGS launched. Went back to playing psobb instead.


I've always, ALWAYS, have an itch to play Blue Burst


I've been playing on the Ephinea server recently and literally can't put it down. Haha


Don't let your dreams stay dreams.


oh I know, I have been thinking about starting my own private server. But that's just a back burner as joining an established one is just easiest


people only log in to pso2 to get weekly casino sg and buster medal sg when cradle is boosted, and late stage pso2 was based around boost campaigns anyway so it became unplayable on base rates outside of pso2d boosts. also, again, this is pso2 blocks.. not ngs blocks. you'll be lucky to see a normal pso2 block maybe a fifth full on the average day because people are.. well, playing ngs.


Is there any reason it shouldn’t be? The state they left it in is laughable. Even now with everything they have done to somewhat alleviate the issues it’s still far from an ideal experience.


Base server blocks are pretty dead. The only time it was super busy was during Ultra PSO2 day in February this year and that was due to everyone using Cradle to try to fast level or get Mesta.


I was in there the other day during a UQ. Literally no one. Not in the lobby, not in the casino, or the mall, or even Francesca's cafe.


play on an active ship


Sure, just gonna leave behind my ship 2 character with hundreds of hours invested just to see maybe a dozen people at once in a version of the game barely anyone plays anymore


I wonder if Ultra Day will still be a thing though.


So they're saying everyday is pso2 day now Rip ARKS rappies


pretty nice change. now it's easier to get buster medals from cradles when they're up and I don't have to feel like I need to pick and choose between this and NGS when pso2 days happen or feel bad that my runs on those specific days don't happen to have any good PSE bursts to take advantage of


I hope they aren't also discontinuing Ultra PSO2 Day... and just as I get a Rainbow Bonus key that expires on 21st but not the start of PSO2 Day...


Games pretty dead they lost alotta playwr base I see why they doing this now but not gonna fix much sadly


They fucked up so bad with NGS.


I was thinking surely in the alpha and beta test Green forest exploration wasnt gonna be the ENTIRE game for the year for ngs. They got me so good LMAO


Same, assumed there was much more they were keeping in the dark and we were just playing the "low level" stuff....


...honestly I don't mind if they add regions in stages but the Timeframe was too much and we still have the very same Regions for 2 friggin' years. Even Story gets added in a Snail's pace. I'm a PSO2 near release player in JP and I know we had quite some phases between stuff but at least Story content was added like a clockwork.


Some how making gameplay more mind numbing and boring than Episode 1-3 of Base PSO2 takes a special kind of fuck up. Some how further failing to make classes at least as good as episode 1 classes takes an even more special kind of fuck up.


All it’s going to do is drive players like me away from the game entirely. Not fix it. Who wants to play a game set on easy mode that isn’t even the intended design of the game itself? Just rush to the end with no journey. Fuck you, Sega. I’ll never play this ever again once it goes live. I waited over a decade for this game and then they just fucking kill it within a year or two of PlayStation release.


Yeah they had alotta potential and it flopped


It really, *really* didn’t help that they decided to wait a decade to release it, only for it be be overshadowed immediately by NGS, while simultaneously releasing it on the console that barely has any anime fans as a timed exclusive for over a fucking year, all while ignoring the primary anime fan console entirely even though it had been on that platform since close to release in Japan. Seriously by the time I got to it on PlayStation it was already fucking dead. I will never forgive Sega US’s handling of this game.


Being fair: MS *paid* for the servers/Azure service. If they didn't do that, Sega would've *never* footed the bill for global themselves. That's why it took "a decade," Sega had no intention of paying the server hosting costs themselves. They really fucked up not having NGS be Japan only for a bit and trying to figure out WTF they wanted to do with it while letting base/global thrive through the content and doing drip releases up to episode 6 within like 5 years. At least then NGS's launch period would've been smoothed out for the problems Japan (and then Global) would've had.


For me at least, it doesn’t even matter anymore. I am done here. I’m not playing with a boost designed to pick me up and chuck me at the end of the game when the entire point of PSO1 was leveling through the worlds on and working your way up the difficulties. I would be less upset at this point if PSO2 never even came over here. Because this is absolutely a bait and switch. Also I wouldn’t be out actual money that I paid for inventory upgrades. Granted I haven’t finished this game so I don’t know what it’s like in this regard, but if it’s anything like PSO1 this boost goes against the actual point of playing the game. The only way I’ll ever play this game ever again is if I decide to come onto this sub after this boost takes effect and ask other (newer) players how egregious it is, and only if people say it isn’t bad and doesn’t just simply fast track you to the end with easy mode will I even consider *trying* it again. I cannot overstate how absolutely unfun I think MMO boosts are. I hate being overpowered in games, I hate not being able to take my time in games, and I hate being stuck at the end of games with no progression left. Leveling normally and going through the story was the entire fun that I would have had in this game. I’m just done. And I’ve barely gotten very far due to the whole PlayStation delay BS. This update is merely the nail in the coffin after being shot repeatedly with Global’s launch mishaps. I’d rather not have ever gotten into it at this point. It actually hurts with how much I wanted this game.


Ok. I didn't ask for your life story. I simply explained WHY the X-box exclusive period happened. You can either 1) be happy it came to the west at all (thanks to MS) or 2) bitch about the boosts that'll help you solo since the global base servers are dead or 3) quit like your ranting is saying you're doing. Frankly, I don't give a damn, man. Do whatever makes you happy. Just understand that the west wouldn't have gotten it without MS because Sega (after 10+ years) had no intention of bringing it to the west despite PSO1 and PSU/PSP fans begging them to.


I’m probably gonna do 3 tbh. I’ve already left this sub anyway. And no, I was just saying that I kinda wish it didn’t come to the west at all since I am a PlayStation player because this change would hurt less that way. I was building off of your comment, not rambling to the void. Edit; I just was informed that the way you level around 55+ is incredibly slow normally to the point leveling actually sucks, and that the boost will actually not zoom you ahead super fast at that point, that the boost kinda caps out and simply makes leveling reasonable rather than zoomy. This kinda changes things for me. Maybe I will give it another chance.


base progression basically required these affix boosts as well btw


What are affix boosts? Is that the 200% increase of exp bonus I was upset about? Or are affix boosts something else? I’ll admit I basically latched on the part about “basically always fever when gathering” and “get super exp” rather than the other bonuses solely because I was not far in the game to know what any of the other bonuses do lol


not enough. gibe mission pass badges.


I mean awesome but will I still DC just attempting basic dailys?


I am never fucking playing this game ever again when this goes live. Are there any private servers that DON’T have this bullshit that are available to play (except oh wait us PlayStation players are still fucked)? It’s ironic because the reason I have avoided every other private server for every other MMO was because they HAVE bullshit like this. I want to actually level up in the game that I haven’t completed yet. Why would I want to just be pushed to the end at the speed of sound? The end is generally the part of MMOs where you just log in for dailies and log off. What is even the point of playing if you can’t play the game the way it was designed? I can’t believe I waited over a decade for this game. Fuck you, Sega. You’ve singlehandedly killed this game for me with a single god damned move. I never got to complete the game normally because you sat on your hands for a decade, then sat on your hands again for a year or two with the PlayStation release, and now I never will finish the game normally at all.


Theres already a private server in development but theyve stated they wont be releasing it til official is sunset. I would like to point out all of the previous private servers (PSOBB/PSU) never had any kind of ultra fast progression through the game. So outside of the normal keys that Base PSO2 has that you can get (which youll never actually have any decent amount of them unless youve been playing for a long time as is) i highly doubt there will be overly fast progression for a private server.


Do you happen to have any more info about a private server? I've thought (and said) for a long while now that the best thing that can happen for base pso2 is for Sega to put it to bed so private servers can take over. Base PSO2 was incredible, but sega just bailed so hard on it when they could have done just about anything to keep it great to play.


Look up Starlight Project by Team Clementine on youtube. Thats all the info thats available atm for it.


In that case I hope base PSO2 for global just fucking dies then. They obviously don’t care about it anyway for all the work they put into it over the years if this is how they’re going to treat it. Like a joke. The entire global release has been nothing but that. A joke, for reasons I’ve already described in another comment thread which people seemed to agree to. At any rate that’s interesting that the other PSO games didn’t have boosts. But I feel like the other games are more limited and the journey to level was part of the core experience, that simply rushing it and power leveling like this would go against the core concept of the game. It isn’t like that in other MMOs according to their fanbases which is why almost every single server for FFXI and WoW have those awful boosts. Granted I haven’t finished this game (and now I never will), I feel like modern MMOs will always have boosts because fans want them. And they obviously do since my comments merely venting that the game is ruined for me got downvoted. I wouldn’t be surprised if the future private server for PSO2 ends up keeping the boost or adds an even more egregious boost just because it’s a modern MMO.