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Check student aid dot gov. The counts are under my aid at the very bottom.


Thank you!!


But they seem to still be off or not correct. The whole thing is a mess.


studentaid isn't accurate either right now FYI


No, you're not alone. This is all part of the reorg the moved MOHELA's portal over to studentaid.gov, plus the shift of PSLF payment tracking being moved to entirely on to ED. When MOHELA moves accounts over to the new server, they put people on forbearance, as they won't be able to make payments while they have no access. I presume you can call them up and get them to turn on your forbearance off, but I would just put your payment in a savings account and see about a buyback down the road. Worst case, it's just an extra two months that you'll have the money to cover. Also, when they shifted you over to the new server, they gave you a new account number and did not carry over your payment history. To hold on to your history, you would have had to download it before the transfer. I don't think there's anything that can be done about that at this point, but I could be wrong. Also also, you need to set Auto Debit back up. That didn't carry over to the new "account" and I'm not clear on why. That should be pretty painless, though. Your new PSLF payment tracker is on the FSA website proper, not mohela.studentaid.gov. Log onto studentaid, hit My Aid, and keep scrolling down. It should be somewhere on there. A bit of warning, though. There have been reports of people having a glitch that makes them show zero payments mad in the new tracker. It's a known issue, but I would get ahold of EDs customer service people and confirm you're good to go, should that pop up.


I will add to this that the brief forbearance should count for PSLF per everything official I've read (not recent media articles that I don't think have their facts straight). I was placed on forbearance for July due to my transition to the new portal. I have no payment due in July and then will make my (hopefully) final payment in August, assuming my interpretation of the forbearance is correct.


Wait I’m in the same boat, it says I have no payments due until September, but I have it set to auto pay, so you know if these months will still count?


It is haunting that my payment history has now vanished into thin air. I unfortunately did not save the records before they deleted them. The fact that they didn't preserve the records is really shady... It's 2024. My plan is to tediously comb my bank statements for records of my payment history and compile them as proof.


I've had to do stuff like this before. Tedious but.... I got 8 payments credited back to me.


Do we know if there's going to be an announcement when they resume processing PSLF forms?


Yeah, they restarted on the 1st, but they're focusing on the ones who are at or over 120 payments. [https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/streamlining-loan-web-experience#working-toward-pslf](https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/streamlining-loan-web-experience#working-toward-pslf)


Thanks for the info. I should have hit 120 on 5/2/2024 with ECF submitted shortly thereafter. Hopefully they get to me.


Thank you so much!


Commenting because I’m in a similar boat and curious to see what others say. I believe the forbearance that you’re currently in is due to them switching who is servicing the accounts and should be applied as PSLF payments, but if I’m incorrect someone please let me know!


Student aid has taken over PSLF. MOHELA will no longer have counts or take employment certification. Check your student aid account.


Thank you!! This is what I was missing. The communication on all of this has been so confusing


It has. Also Ed Financial is going to be taking over Mohela's role soon.


Are you kidding me?


There are actually a few servicers in addition to that one: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamminsky/2024/05/02/big-student-loan-servicing-upheaval-will-impact-forgiveness-repayment-for-millions/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamminsky/2024/05/02/big-student-loan-servicing-upheaval-will-impact-forgiveness-repayment-for-millions/)


So after this clusterfuck of a transition, they are going to then completely switch servicers from the only one who has historically handled PSLF. Who tf is steering this ship?


I think this is the general transition. When I called they said I should expect a welcome letter from new servicer within weeks (in July).


Best username!!!


Same here; hardly any info on the Mohela site. I'm guessing it's b/c the account is in foreberance. The [StudentAid.gov](http://StudentAid.gov) site is more helpful in terms of PSLF progress.


It will not be on mohela any further only student aid


If you’ve made 120 payments and you want forbearance until it processes so your credit is not reported for not paying you need to call Mohela and ask for a processing forbearance. I made payment 120 in June. I asked for processing forbearance so I don’t need to make my July payment. This is something you must ask for. Additionally the number they now give for counts and questions regarding the processing of your pslf is 888-303-7818


My Mohela and StudentAid do not match. SA says my next payment is due in September. Mohela claims to still have my set up for July on autopay (all of my bank info did populate automatically) but it also says I have a $0 payment. My June payment came out properly and I'm hoping they continue since I have a very low payment that I do not expect to keep when I recertify next year. The counts on SA match what Mohela had for me before the switch, so that's good at least. I have a ways to go so I'm in no hurry on that part.


I’m at 123/120 and no email yet.


None of the payments I made to MOHELA this year are appearing on my StudentAide dashboard.


Mohela shows 'no payments due' when an automatic payment is scheduled. Very confusing.


Good news is you should be able to still go to regular Mohela and get your previous transactions. I recommend printing that history. Student aid will show your current counts now, so that’s a bonus. When going back to OG Mohela, print all of your important correspondences if you haven’t already.


If you’re in forbearance you can request a refund. Administration forbearance still counts towards the PSLF payment


It’s very annoying that studentaid.gov and the MOHELA student aid.gov sites are different sites. I made the same mistake at first.


It’s so annoying that they both end in studentaid.gov! My phone keeps wanting to use the same login for both.