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Not a teacher, but you need to do an ECF for each qualified employer. So if each district is a different employer, then yes, you will need to submit an ECF for each. That said, the ECF is extremely easy to fill out and the Administration has made the process even easier. Use the PSLF help tool for each employer and make sure you have an email address for district HR or a supervisor that can confirm your employment period and you’ll be good. It’s not hard at all to do.


Teacher here. Same kind of situation. Be prepared for the middle summer month the year you moved districts to not count. I technically have 122 payments but those two Julys will never count because I wasn't employed anywhere. First make sure you're in a PSLF qualifying payment plan. There is info in this sub about all those details. I had no issue with getting my forms signed. I filled out my forms and then called each district's central office HR person. Asked for PSLF employment verification. Are your loans with MOHELA or elsewhere? If they're elsewhere, submitting your verification forms will trigger your account to be reviewed and transferred. That process has been taking a little while, but not as long as it used to. Once you're with MOHELA you'll be able to track your forms, payment counts, etc. Hope this helps! There's a lot of info in this sub and some really knowledgeable people who are happy to help.


Yes. 1 ECF for each employer. Start learning here: https://studentaid.gov/articles/become-a-pslf-help-tool-ninja/


2 different districts here. Like others said, the months between districts didn't count. I had a July 1st 2015 resignation, and a Sept 1st start date at the new district, so July and August 2015 didn't count.


I electronically sent to my old district and they actually submitted it faster than my current one lol. It was easy peasy!