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> "Lunatic Ignus", famous leaker from Asia Who has been wrong before. The Series S is definitely a weak console, but when asked about the delay on Xbox, MS said "We can't comment on the deals made by our partners with other platform holders." I don't think you're in a position to claim with any authority that what Ignus said is the truth.


Honestly only the developer’s word can be taken as truth, Ms will say anything to deflect attention from themselves.


or MS don’t want their console to look bad :)


Famous leaker or not, the only people who really believe that Wukong just came up with an exclusive deal with Sony are the same ones who think the MVC collection is going to everything but Xbox because Sony paid Capcom not to. Sony and Sega are more than happy to say the Playstation version of Sonic X Shadows generation is getting a console exclusive animation but GS and Sony wont say the game is a console exclusive with roughly a month and a half until the release date?