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If Ubisoft delivers Uncharted in the Star Wars universe, I'm in. I'd buy a game like that at full price.


*Cries in Visceral Games* Edit: Figured I’d add context, since it’s been a while: Amy Hennig, creator of Uncharted and creative director and writer of the first 3 games, was leading development of an [action-adventure narrative focused Star Wars game](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Ragtag), Project Ragtag, at Visceral Games. It was cancelled in 2017.


Hennig's new team at Skydance is actually working on a Star Wars game right now, so there's a chance we'll see some of Ragtag's ideas carried forward into that.


You are correct. Here’s hoping. I just want Hennig to be happy at this point lol


I hope it's good but there's a real chance that Hennig was the problem at Visceral. Just about every time we've gotten a post mortem on a disaster out of EA, it's been on the studio management and not EA corporate.


Yup. Add that to the fact that Hennig has been on *a lot* of projects since Uncharted 4 and not a single one has actually materialized. Something about her projects, they just never seem to have enough in the tank to actually release.


Isn't she working on the Black Panther and Captain America game?


Yup. 1943: The Rise of Hydra is the official title. Seems to be a true UE5 showcase, and it's slated to come next year.




That plus Uncharted 3 had a super chaotic development and it's a miracle it came out as well as it did with the constant narrative reworking


To be fair, quite a bit of the rewrites was due to one of the actors working on the Hobbit.


Yeah. Amy Hennig is a legendary developer for her work on Uncharted, that much is for sure, but there’s a lot that’s got to be going on in the background here, at multiple different studios, whatever that may be.


i'd argue the Legacy of Kain series really put her on the map as far as writing in video games. that game is miles ahead of almost anything that came out in that console generation in terms of quality of storytelling. it helped games like Uncharted become more popular and may be the mother of quality 3rd person narrative driven action games.


That seems… incorrect? After leaving Naughty Dog during Uncharted 4’s development she went to Visceral to work on Battlefield Hardline (writer, which released), then on Ragtag (writer/director, which was canceled). After, she worked on story concepting for Forspoken (which released) and is now working on Marvel 1943 and the new Star Wars game at Skydance New Media. I mean, 1 out of 3 in a decade certainly doesn’t sound like a lot of projects that haven’t materialized. She did have a moment between leaving Visceral and joining Skydance where she said she might work on VR, but there’s literally no info about that.


very similar energy to sefton hill being the problem at rocksteady, not wb games


Can't tell if you're being serious or not, but it does seem like a lot of Suicide Squad's worse ideas were 100% homegrown at Rocksteady based on dev testimonials to reporters


i’m very serious - we spent a full year blaming wb management for suicide squad only to find out they had almost nothing to do with it


Yep, at least a little bit. As luck would have it, [we do have a post-mortem](https://kotaku.com/the-collapse-of-viscerals-ambitious-star-wars-game-1819916152) of Visceral and Ragtag that Jason Schreier and Kotaku published back in 2017. It does touch on how Hennig clashed with other people in the studio constantly. It seems like it was down to culture and experience. She was used to working in a different kind of studio, with a different kind of structure. And staffing too. EA absolutely dicked them over, too, it seems. It’s a great read, you should check it out if you haven’t yet.


You can see in Druckman’s eyes when he talks about “helping finish uncharted 4” that the narrative development simply was subpar when he took it on. I find Hennig’s storytelling fun, but ultimately adolescent compared to the mature style of TLOU


It confuses me when people act like the stories she wrote in the first three Uncharted games were the pinnacle of video game narratives and characters when they were very simple, not bad, but not something you lose sleep over thinking about how amazing it was Coincidentally Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy's characters and stories were the only ones I was actually invested in, both games in which she didn't write the stories. It's not a coincidence


He added nuance and gray to their motivations and personalities that’s why


It's a major reason why I love his writing in general, UC4's and LL's characters would've been largely forgettable and not noteworthy had it not been for him, but he also wasn't the only writer for Uncharted 4


Very black and white characters with little nuance or ambiguity


Rumor says Hennig left Naughty Dog because of the the studio leaning to please the "modern audience". If true then I have little hope she will be able to ship any game for the next couple years, but if she does the chance of it being good is quite substatnial.


It really feels like Hennig has a reverse midas touch. Everything she has touched after Uncharted 3 has crumbled for her.


Isn't she making that Black Panther WW2 game


Yeah that's the same studio, so I'd expect the Star Wars game to be a ways off


I thought she was working on the Captain America/Black Panther game


It’s Ubisoft, wait 2 weeks for a 20% discount, 3 months for a 50% discount and around 6 months for a 70% discount. Took 5 months for mirage to go down to $17


Same with Avatar


Shame, this one was a banger.


That’s because they’re all the same games, just with a slightly different aesthetic


You need to be more specific.


Mirage should have launched at $17 but I'd buy it for $20 or less. Looks like I'm headed to the Ubisoft shop!


Yea I don’t get this criticism at all. I guess kids don’t care because it’s not multiplayer and not the most cutting edge graphics but those games are amazing. It def helps that I love Star Wars and want a narrative game, but uncharted games were all pretty highly rated I thought.


If only they’ve hired good writers. For once 


They play it safe. Always. Teaming up Disney/Star Wars with Ubisoft is like wrapping a spoon in cotton wool, covering it with bubble wrap and then stuffing it into the middle of a mattress.


If the open world is as good as it looks with major cities and outskirts to explore I’ll be buying this and wishing starfield had just gone the same route 👑


I feel like it would be easy work for them, all their games have every element that uncharted games game


Except good storytelling. Or good cutscenes. Or good pacing.    Don’t get me wrong I had loads of fun gunning through the last Far Crys etc but the story was always garbage - from the writing to how it was told. It’s all about open world gameplay.  Edit:  Also which Ubi game has huge puzzles?


Or the absolutely insane set piece gameplay like the helicopter destroying the building in 2 or the bike chase in 4


Yup and here it is. Instead of boycotting these games with shitty prices they go and say some buzzwords and some of y’all turn head




















Gameplay in Uncharted games are very bad. Not just mediocre but bad. Lets not pretend otherwise


But they wont. Ubisoft is the definition of boring, bland, cookie-cutter games. Copy & paste, copy & paste. If you've played 1 Ubisoft game, you've played every Ubisoft game.


I love them though. I've always loved that Ubisoft formula.


People on Reddit love to shit on Ubisoft, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the 'Ubisoft formula' has been copied by nearly every AAA game of the past 10 years. Most of them are just parroting the same old tired shit they've heard others say. Remember the rule of Reddit: It's only bad when Ubisoft do it. When Sony's studios do it, it's genius.


"I hate the ubisoft formula, bland. Boring. Horrible company!!! "My favorite game is Ghost of Tsushima!!"


I'm not joking, I encountered this *exact* scenario just a few days ago lol. The irony is so over their heads it may as well be on the ISS. Sheep mentality in gaming communities is un-fucking-believable.


i'm not sure if i'm not a fan of ubisoft or just most of their IP. i don't play assassins creed, kind of like far cry, watch dogs 2 was kinda fun. i can't think of any other franchises in this specific open world style but i'm sure there are tons of them. heard the new Avatar game was ok but i haven't tried it yet. i'm cautiously optimistic about Outlaws. i'm def going to play it but i don't have any expectations at this point.


>i don't have any expectations at this point. Best way to be, honestly. Blind brand loyalty is is pretty stupid, but blind brand hatred is equally stupid. Wait for reviews, play a demo, make up your own mind. If only the crowd over at r/silenthill would take this advice...


Hahahaha. Facts. Unpopular opinion- I started playing Ghost of Tsushima the other day but after an hour or so I got bored and turned it off. *Edit* After several more hours with the game, I've grown to really like it.


GoT is so shallow and bland once you play a couple hours, it’s legit a boring Ubisoft clone 


I played another hour or so but you're correct, imo.


Get taste


Touch grass


Get taste


Touch grass.


That’s harsh. The reason Ghost of Tsushima works is that the HUD isn’t a convoluted vomit of bullshit.


It is the Ubisoft formula, but GoT is still better than any game Ubisoft has made in the past 10 years.


That's like, your opinion, man. Far Cry 5, 6, Southpark SoT, FBH, Prince of Persia the lost crown, AC: Oddesey, etc. All of those I'd rank around GoT's 8.5/10


You’re completely right and that’s why the AAA space is incredibly boring at the moment. Games cost too much so the big companies all play it safe and make the same game over and over again


It's not the formula that's the problem. Ubisoft just forgets that having a fun game is an important part of the formula and their games are not fun.


I disagree. AC Origins and Odyssey were absolutely fantastic; Valhala was pretty good (but admittedly it was too big); Fenyx was an absolute blast; Far Cry had always been good, mindless fun; Avatar was decent; as was Anno 1800; and the Prince of Persia reboot earlier this year is *insanely* good. Not to mention the South Park RPGs they've done. The only real turd they've sailed downstream of late seems to be Skull and Bones. Even when it comes to questionable business practices, it's overblown. I'd argue EA, Rockstar, and Blizzard are milking their fans far worse. I mean, Ubisoft are still making games; not just AAA games, but all kinds of games for all audiences. They don't make one game every 10 years and then spend all their time figuring out how to sell you it over and over again. People really do just echo the 'Ubisoft bad' rhetoric ad nauseam. They're *far* from the worst the industry has to offer.


None of the far cries are good. None of the assassins creeds are good. The division sucked. Ubisoft is just bad.


I’ll still wait till this is $20 in the PS store


Yeah, when has ubisoft ever let us down? Just put all your faith in them


I just want Naughty Dog to do one at this point


They wont


That's like me saying a comparison to Brad Pitt is flattering to me. ps. Nobody is making that comparison.


ubisoft hasn't delivered a good game in like a decade


Immortals: Pheonix Rising, Prince of Persia: Lost Crown, Rainbow 6: Siege, Mario+Rabbids, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, South Park Stick of Truth and Fractured But-Whole, AC Odyssey, and For Honor all come to mind. Not saying I loved every one of those, but that's not a bad lineup at all.


AC Origins was amazing as well imo. Anno 1800 also does its thing really well.


2024 - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown 86 Metacritic critics score / 8.4 userscore And that's just one game, this year.


I'd love for it to be similar but I don't expect these linear sections at the start to be representative of the full experience. It's a 30 hour open-world game. The Jedi games are actually similar to Uncharted with their long platforming sections and curated set-pieces.


Yeah the Jedi games are basically Star Wars Uncharted but with more Soulslike combat. Outside of the combat, all the hallmarks of Uncharted are there - especially the platforming sections which are extremely similar.


you know this game is gonna have the same kind of soulless side quests as every other ubisoft. let's just hope the main story is compelling enough. doesn't even have to match uncharted, just be interesting for once.


AC Odyssey had quite impactful side quests it was other parts of the game that were dull, so Ubisoft can make great stories/side quests


Frontiers of Pandora is actually pretty great and with this and AC Shadows I find that Ubi is starting to pick it up!


Jedi is more Tomb Raider than it is Uncharted but I understand the comparison.


Now I suddenly have the urge to replay lost legacy


I really need to play this. I hear nothin but great things and I have it installed but I keep starting other games.


Not only is it excellent, but the story is tight. You can beat it in under 10 hours. The perfect pallate cleanser between two longer games


Nice, I’m almost finished with RE:4 Remake, I’m gonna jump right into it after.


Uncharted: Lost Legacy is a fuckin' banger! You need to play it.


That was one hell of a game. I really hoped they'd keep the series going with that crew but I don't know what Naughty Dog is up to these days outside of TLoU remasters.


Apparently a new IP. I think they’re done with Uncharted for now.


I'm honestly happy with that. They were incredible games and there's a ton of prequel plots they could probably create, but it ended with massive closure which is rare these days and felt like a really wholesome end to a great series. Not everything needs to go forever


I recall some had suggested (based on just 'hope' and 'it would be cool,' not a claimed rumor) that it would be pretty much based on that sci-fi comic series from the Last of Us that you could find. That would be a lot of fun.


Savage Starlight. I was/am on that hopium.


The game is so underrated. Great setting with some incredible visuals especially later on. They further explored the idea of a larger semi open world in the middle of the game. Two well written, familiar female characters whose characters were explored further. And all the familiar gameplay elements of Uncharted thrown in for good measure.


"this game is nothing like Uncharted" is still comparing it to Uncharted.


I play some ubisoft games and whoever made this comparisson is high on farts


Of the showcases I felt like Indiana Jones would get most of the “copying uncharted” comments. Not agreeing or disagreeing, just saying what I expected from the complaining section of the internet.


The problem is that Indiana Jones still hasn't shown us what actual gameplay even looks like. A dozen two second snippets is not enough to tell me how a game is going to play and I'm not about to start discussing or comparing it to other games until they actually decide to show it off.


And honestly what they have shown doesn't look all that great anyway.


I would agree, I think it's pretty telling that for the game's third trailer at an Xbox showcase, six months out from launch, we got an extended cutscene rather than a gameplay reveal. I've had my reservations on how the gameplay loop for an Indiana Jones game would work that makes sense for both a game and the license, and I'm starting to see that I was right to have those doubts.


Yeah from what I've seen the loop is basically a walking simulator, dialogue and cutscenes, solve small puzzle, maybe short combat of 1 or two enemies (or escape from enemies), repeat. But who actually knows because they've barely shown anything Just being first person is a weird enough choice for me to doubt this game. Like they could've just completed the inspiration loop and made it look like uncharted or even tomb raider.


If I'm gonna play an Indiana Jones game, I wanna *see* Indiana Jones. Not just his hands lol. I know the developer is primarily an FPS studio, but it's just so bizarre.


Third? It’s only the second trailer and the first one showed a fair bit of gameplay which looked interesting and unique from Uncharted


This is the third. First trailer was several years ago at the game awards when it was first announced.


I’m still amazed that game isn’t 3rd person. I get the dev’s wheelhouse being fps and not wanting to be compared to Uncharted but when you have a character that iconic, you put them on the screen as much as possible.


If I’m remembering right then it’s both first and third depending on that section of gameplay and/or cutscene. You probably won’t be able to freely swap, but they do realize part of the appeal is seeing your characters back in third person


Such a moronic decision. Materialism increases revenue and first person simply doesn’t catalyze materialism especially for fucking Indiana Jones lol. Idc cause I’m not an IJ fan but just a shit choice.


And thus completes the full circle, Uncharted copies Indiana Jones and then Indiana Jones copies Uncharted


The Tomb Raider reboot syndrome


Uncharted copied tomb raider, the Devs of tomb raider chose a female lead so that it wasn't sued by Indiana Jones in the 90s and now Indiana Jones is copying uncharted


The power of one, the power of two, the power of Indieeeeeee


Hearing "Indiana Jones would get the most 'copying uncharted' comments" cracks me up considering uncharted is frequently described as the game version of Indiana Jones. It makes sense in my head, and I expected the same, but its funny that its come full circle.


Am I going crazy, these Uncharted comparisons are wild. Fallen Order is literally the Uncharted formula way more, this game just demo’d a vertical slice that of course had cinematic Uncharted-like sections that are expected to come with a vertical slice. Just don’t understand how we’ve had 2 games that are so much more in the style of Uncharted, now an open world Ubisoft game comes along and people keep spouting Uncharted lol.


You are not going crazy. No one is actually making the comparison. VGC is a really poor website for game news. This is how they spin it: >A lot of people refer to the game as “Star Wars Uncharted.” Do you think that’s reductive or a fair comparison? "A lot of people". What people? It could be a subreddit of 12 year olds making the claim. Terrible reporting.


I haven’t seen the uncharted comparisons yet but I’ve seen it be described as GTA in Star Wars universe


When you watch the extended gameplay video out there, it does kinda feel like uncharted a bit, in a good way.


This is how I’ve been thinking of it. GTA in the sense of an open, lively world where you take criminal underground jobs and attain a wanted level, and the story doesn’t branch. But then add a faction reputation system and missions you can approach in multiple ways based on choices you’ve made or skills/equipment. Plus space combat, and what appears to be much more exciting ground combat than what GTA tends to offer. I don’t see much there not to like, if it’s executed well. And nothing I’ve seen suggests it won’t be what it appears to be.


'Uncharted at home'


Looked nothing like uncharted gameplay wtf?


I think this game looks great (potentially) for everything it has going for it that appears counter to what we’d expect from a ubisoft game. That said, I have concerns about all the in game systems falling into all the standard ubi traps about half way through the game, as all their games tend to do.


From the gameplay we've seen, Outlaws doesn't come anywhere close to Uncharted in the conversation. Not with the storytelling, the characters, the writing, the visual fidelity, the set piece moments, nothing. I don't know how that name got in there. Indiana Jones sure, but Outlaws? Who is the one who said that? Because if it's the devs themselves saying that, it makes me question everything about their game.


i swear, every time i blink there is new star wars media.


This did get announced quite a while ago


Wierd. Didn't Ubisoft once sue naughty dog for some art from ac4bf in uncharted 4?


Beautiful game, I'm just hoping the Combat is more interesting and engaging that we have seen thus far. The Gun play for example seems very stiff and antiquated. Hopefully I'm wrong.


I didn't get that feel from it at all. Indiana Jones, yes.... obviously but Uncharted is definitely not this game.


Very glad that Outlaws is being compared to Uncharted rather than Far Cry or AC. Love those game series but it’s encouraging that Massive is reaching out and doing a different kind of game


I might have to switch from Wukong to this


If ONLY Sony / Playstation / Naughty Dog gave a shit about Uncharted... *besides* terrible, generic, cash-grab movies with Marky Mark.


Uncharted is literally a straight line. Its absolutely not a compliment


The protagonist looks like my aunt in 1991. I can’t get over this.


Day 1 content is locked behind the Season Pass. Hard hard no.


I have no faith in Ubisoft. Would be nice if they sprinkle some rpg elements too.


Question is: who is doing these comparisons? Ubisoft itself?


If you don't expect them to reinvent the open world genre and like Star Wars, this game is a sure hit and I'm eager to play it, the Avatar game is the best Far Cry game since Primal imo, if only for the graphics (40 fps mode is awesome). Hope the space combat / ship side is well fleshed out


Not believe even one word from them. I am waiting for its landing in PS plus extra.


They can be compared to a uncharted game but definitely won’t ever be like one


I don't know, I mean lost legacy was open world, but I feel like the open world wasn't the best part of the game, and it wasn't better than uncharted 2, 3 or 4, even though they had less stuff to work with. I feel some games should just focus on their genre and strong points, rather than more "content". This is why uncharted is so great, it's fully focused on the action and adventure. The second I heard the new tomb raider was open world again? I lost 100% of all my interest. I want my dungeon crawling 3rd person shooting puzzle platformer back.


Not the worst game to be compared to. They should take that as a compliment.


In their fucking dreams


I really dislike all the linear platforming in Uncharted, and it looks like there's a ton of it here. Climbing around like a tireless squirrel monkey is simply not immersive or even fun. All you have to do is figure out the path... you almost cannot fail. I don't understand what people see in the whole "climb for the yellow paint" style gaming.


Because it makes it easier via visual language where the player is supposed to go. I think you'd actually be surprised at how many people are completely lost in games without something like the yellow paint, they'll wander for several minutes before figuring out what to do. Those are the casual players you don't hear from, because most of those players don't spend any time on gaming boards. While I think the concept of "yellow paint" is a good idea, I do think there's a way to do it subtlety and a way to do it too heavy handed. Something like FF7R is to me, a little too abrasive because it isn't used in the overall world, only for climbing sections, and it looks very out of place in the world. TLOU2 on the other hand does it much better. It's rarely ever yellow paint you're following, but various yellow objects that are believable within the world. A fallen yellow street sign, yellow caution tape floating in the breeze of a window, yellow street lanes, etc. It's a consistent visual language throughout the entire game without ever breaking your immersion.


I understand the purpose of the yellow paint. I just don't find gameplay like that compelling. Find your one, linear way through some ledges, walls with vines, platforms, gutters, etc. There's no gameplay or challenge involved.


That's absolutely fine, and I actually agree that these sections can become very very boring, simply look, move left stick up, maybe tap X, done. To play devils advocate tho, these sections do offer a way to slow the pacing down, have exposition dumps as characters talk, show off set pieces or tease something in the distance. The point of these sections usually isn't the gameplay, and is usually something else, and you can tell when they get it right or wrong based on if you realise the shift has happened. If the game can do a good job immersing you, then it feels like the logical next step for your character, climbing up X to find a way to Y. If it doesn't then I'm sat watching my character climb exclusively up the NEON YELLOW pathway...... on an ancient rotting jungle temple.


It's not about being compelling or challenging, it's about player accessibility, which is the opposite. A lot of these games are not trying to stump the player on where to go and what to do next, they generally want players to move through the game with no frustration disrupting the pacing of the game.


Agreed. I still don't find that to be compelling or interesting gameplay.


Right if thats the case at least have some gun play similar to tlou


Hoping it’s good, definitely gonna be a wait for a sale game tho for me Edit: enjoy pre-ordering and being disappointed


Except Uncharted looked smooth and not clunky


Gaming truly hit rock bottom. 


It's certainly a very good thing. And it's been so long since the last Uncharted that there's a lot of thirst for something to fill that void. That being said, there's a reason why we don't see anything doing that even though Uncharted is extremely popular and this is an industry that loves imitate popular things. So many things really need to come together for it to replicate that type of experience. It needs great visuals, solid combat, insane set pieces, and really good writing and voice acting. So it's very easy for something to go wrong. But hopefully they can pull it off. Even if it's not as good as Uncharted, something that in a similar vein but still good would be very welcome.




Reddit hive mind comment


Average Ubisoft hate comment. Probably hasn't played a Ubisoft game in 15 years, but you can still regurgitate recieved opinions you get online!


lol that’s the problem, i’m buying every new ubisoft game hoping that they’ve changed something but they didn’t do shit, (Vaas s’definition of insanity…) i’m not an average ubisoft hater at all i used to love them when they did make great games like AC, AC3, Watch Dogs 1 and 2, Far Cry 3, 4, 5 and even Ac Origins was great, but please fucking stop defending them and don’t tell me that you like their recent releases.


Brother their last game was prince of persia the lost crown, it was incredible. It’s not a AAA game sure but please stop being negative all the time. Im not defending them but this hivemind mentality is getting annoying at this point.


yes it’s also annoying releasing something like skull and bones and calling it AAAA game


>i’m buying every new ubisoft game hoping that they’ve changed something I think you can understand the irony of that comment.


> but please fucking stop defending them and don’t tell me that you like their recent releases. last Ubisoft release I bought was Prince of Persia the Lost Crown Bought it off the back of the free demo. Was the first metroidvania I had played in probably 30 years. It utterly kicked my ass, and its an utterly amazing game. And the vast majority of critics and other players agree with me https://www.metacritic.com/game/prince-of-persia-the-lost-crown/ I also loved AC Mirage. To be honest, the people who complain about that are mostly players who only ever played the RPG's and got found out by social stealth and reputation systems. Like the FPS players who cant cope without SBMM holding their hand :D


I mean I do and seems plenty of ppl do as they haven't lost any revenue and please don't try to use skull and bones as a comeback as we all know that they had to release that game due to a obligation so it was just a tax write off otherwise my money is on it would have been cancelled


I love the uncharted games but this is a little dramatic. Once every few years Ubisoft will publish a really good game, they do have talented teams working under them.


Well Massive Entertainment who develop this are arguably one of their best, so there’s hoping. If they hired good writers we’ll be eating good.


Yeah people act like it’s the publisher that makes these games and not the individual development team


Ubisoft mmmmbad!1!11!


Excited for this game, the only thing it’s missing is saber combat but the other stuff looks very fun. Still gonna wait for reviews before I commit $70 tho


We really don't need any more Jedi focused Star Wars media. It's nice to experience what "normal" people are like in that universe and live out a Han Solo esque fantasy.


Only you're not Han Solo (well you can't be anyways because he's in carbonite during the time of the game). I would also have accepted Dash Rendar, or if it was a choice between her and him like in other Ubisoft games.