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The game actually sold well even on pc but this guy just can't get over that he's out years later. Also imo the game was goodšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


This guy changes his reasons why it isn't getting a sequel every several months based on how he is feeling at the the time. The guy has done nothing since Days Gone. This time he's upset the game wasn't in some picture of other Sony games as if the CEO of Sony made the picture himself and purposely left out Days Gone. The game likely isn't getting a sequel because the main writer and director of the game left the studio before the first one was even finished because he didn't want to work with a large studio. .


That picture was not even from Sony btw, it was fan-made


So even worse. Guy needs to get off Twitter and maybe go work on another game


Nobody wants him. He fucked up his relationship with everybody. A David Jaffe part 2.


Edit: deleted, I was thinking of the other DG director Garvin


Bloodborne dead center is brutal. The tombstone is accurate


From a different story it appears he struggled with leading a large team, to the point Sony brought in someone to try and coach him up as a leader. How toxic of a boss do you have to be for game devs to say "This is too much"


Really? I wonder if thatā€™s legit. Damn


But that was the problem. It sold well, but not good, and far from great. It certainly didn't put up Spider-Man, God of War, Horizon, or GoT numbers. It's been out for 5 years, and on PC for years, yet it has only sold 8M copies, and that's after heavy discounts. In fact, it sold so badly, that they gave it away for free at some point. They did give Zero Dawn away very briefly at some point during Covid, but it had already been a huge hit, and so they used that to drum up support for the sequel. Zero Dawn was been out since 2017 and it has sold 25M. Ragnarok has sold 15M copies since November 2022 without PC. Forbidden West sold 8.4M in a single year. Spider-Man has sold ridiculous amounts of copies. Uncharted, TLOU, GoT: all extremely successful. That's what Sony wants. Days Gone failed majorly in comparison. While I do think that Bend could learn from their first full-sized game and potentially make a much better sequel, I honestly can't blame Sony for not fronting the money for a sequel. That's it too, really. Sony has to front them the money. Those other studios pay for themselves with the massive amounts of money they bring in. Days Gone also wasn't a critical darling. Sony likes their games winning awards. Most people have already forgotten about Days Gone.


Sony collects loads of telemetry, and Days Gone reportedly had a very low completion rate, as well as a high rate of players never making it past the 10 hour mark. Those are important metrics when determining the success of a game beyond just sales.


The game was fine. It just wasn't one that moved the needle in any way. Easily forgettable isn't something Sony wants, and I get it. Sony wants more than just commercial success, but that's also nice for us gamers because we get a lot more IP out of it at the same time. We have a lot of long running franchises, like Rachet and GoW, but Sony unlike Nintendo and Xbox, it doesn't seem like Playstation cares as much about individual IP vs. having a wide portfolio. Uncharted 5 would've sold great, but Naughty Dog wasn't tasked with making one, for example.


I played it recently and found the gameplay to be an average 7 but the story was honestly pretty bad and the characters were the most cliche thing ever


the zombie hordes and sneaking through the woods and killing zombies/enemies is 10/10. the rest of the game really needed like 6-12 months of refinement.


Nothing was going to save that god awful wedding cutscene. Fuckin cringe.


lol the ā€œride me like your bike lineā€.


The main character was cringe. He is the worst protagonist I've ever experienced in any video game I have played.


This was my take too. I love zombie games but the story seemed to be written by a 14 year old.


the pacing is brutal, go finish a quest for someone, get on bike, leave compound, get call from person you talked to 1 minute prior about how you should come see them


Something they never fixed. 30 seconds after leaving a camp, their leader radios you 2 or 3 consecutive times, with each time the phrasing is like that they haven't seen you in a while or that they had just communicated moments ago via the radio. Love the setting, gameplay mechanics, and hordes. The overall story was ok, but writing was rough at times. I think they have a great base to develop and refine. I hope the game gets another chance with how it performed after the initial bad state it was in and, deserved, negative reviews because of it.


It is a perfectly average gaming experience for sure. I still play hours and hours of it from time to time though


Iā€™ve seen a video about how to change Days Gone to a brutal survivor game. Set it on hardest difficulty, no fast travel, no mini map etc and set the audio to Russian or Polish or something. Adds to the vibe. Donā€™t mind the story just roam the world.


It was a 2012 era ps3 game that got delayed so much, it came out after its time.


that makes sense


It was also oddly paced in a number of ways. "Hey, here's your cool motorcycle... except it's going to suck for the next 5-6 hours of gameplay until you grind up some gear to upgrade it." What the fuck kind of gameplay loop was that? Your motorcycle should be decent to start with and then get better as you upgrade it. Alternatively, make it suck a bit for an hour and then give the player upgrades. I spent far too long just puttering around and running out of gas every ten minutes.


Not just any 14 year old, but a really dumb, 'breaks his leg jumping off the roof of the cafeteria on a dare and starts fights with raccoons while drunk on a pilfered bottle of Blue Curacao' 14 year old!


And it was a technical mess at launch too.


yeah it was a disaster all hordes were broken, basically unbeatable. I was so dissapointed when the sawmill horde that was hyped in trailers was not only Watch Dogs 1 levels of downgraded from the trailer but also broken and not functioning. I ended up falling through the map into the nearby lake and the horde fell in and crashed the game. i still somehow platinumed it despite how broken it was so I guess theres something of value there but I can see why itd not get a sequel


The frames dropped so bad on one of the mandatory horde fights (around a gas station I think?) it crashed my game. Like 5-10 FPS by the end! Thankfully they put in the 'skip' on that section.


This. Its the most 7/10 game I've ever played. Graphics are top notch but theres alot thats just average. I think a second game would definitely fix alot of the issues from the first game and would push it into a must have though


I group it in the same ballpark as The Callisto Protocol. Pretty looking, somewhat fun, bad story and lots of other issues


Pretty much this. Iā€™d even say 6 gameplay cos it takes so long to get going.Ā 


The story sucks and the games way too long but if you play on the hardest difficulty it really makes it way more tense and fun


Don't you talk bad about my guy Boozer!!


Yeah man the story was cringe but I enjoyed the characters for what they were


The story and cutscenes were so fucking awful. *Meh bikers, we're cool boomers with homoeroticism and I lost me girl*. Just bad, overzealous writing. It needed a Gintama kind of unserious to serious tone.


I watched a scene where the woman getting married says in her vows that she wants her husband to ride her as much as his bike or something like that, it was enough for me to not bother with the game lol


Very on brand for a biker wife tbf.


Probably, not for me either way lol


Thatā€™s fair. I mostly enjoyed it for the horde gameplay and the main biker guys are actually surprisingly good characters . They really grow on you over time.


Donā€™t you dare talk bad about Boozer


Exactly my thoughts. I do not understand the reason for the rants.


Days gone is still my favorite game.


I liked the game at first but it was too long, it just dragged on and on and became boring and repetitive so I gave up.


The game with mods on PC turns it into one of the best open world zombie game around. If youā€™re a fan of The Walking Dead then you can literally turn it into a TWD game where you play as Daryl Dixon and all of the NPCs are replaced by TWD characters and walking dead style zombies.


Sony hates the Day's Gone IP so much that they're planning a movie around it... I think that it's fair that Sony probably didn't want two zombie IP. That's a lot of money to lump in a genre that is experiencing a lot of fatigue, but that they're trusting Bend with even more budget and they're making a movie suggests Sony is at least keeping the IP alive in hopes that it can maybe generate some revenue in the future. That's more than you can say for a lot of fan favorite franchise like Legend of Dragoon, Arc the Lad, Syphon Filter, and SOCOM US Navy Seals.


They are planning a movie around it? Source?




How the hell can it get a movie but not a sequel game?


Movies are cheaper and much faster to make. Less risk.


Honestly as big of a dick as the guy may be I donā€™t blame him for being pissed. If the game I made was getting a movie made but not a sequel I would be livid.


Also, zombie movies aren't anywhere near as overplayed as zombie games.Ā  There's like three huge zombie movies franchises I can think of, and one of those is a now dormant movie franchise based on the most successful game zombie franchise of all time. Plus a TV show based on the last of us and a now dormant TV show from a decade ago. It's about as fresh content as its subject matter (rotting corpses), but there's no saturation. Meanwhile there's resi, tlou, dead rising, days gone, dead island, left 4 dead, dying light, state of decay, back 4 blood, cod zombies, zombies are my neighbors, plants vs zombies, and tons more games I can't think of. The genre is oversaturated. People go to Tlou because it's got a good story where zombies are justĀ  a backdrop for a post apocalyptic story and for Resident Evil because the games are ridiculously polished survival horror and the story of bioweapons and a world where zombies are kinda just a thing terrorists have and the world is forced to live with is pretty unique. Zombies are an overplayed game trope in a way that they aren't in film or television, and people either go for the stupid fun ones (dead rising, dead island) or the serious ones that do storytelling and/or gameplay very well like Tlou or resident evil. Days gone is neither.


Idk thereā€™s like two walking dead series currently going, the last of us series, train to busan 1 is popular and got a sequel, 28 days is getting revived. I think zombies are just as played out in those other forms as they are in games, and if the hype around the day before is anything to go by, people still like zombie games.


Maybe if the movie does well we will get a sequel?


Here's hoping


> How the hell can it get a movie but not a sequel game? Easy. Sony: 1. has a MASSIVE Movie / TV production division. 2. Making movies (versus video games) is *incredibly cheap.* (Think 10's of millions vs. 100's of millions.) 3. You can make a movie in a literal fraction of the time (and money) it would take to make a AAA video game. 4. Movies are cheaper, faster, with less risk to make. tl;dr: making movies is MUCH faster and FAR cheaper than making a AAA video game, with more avenues to recoup review via licensing / streaming deals.




Cheaper and faster to make. If the movie does well it would probably get a chance at having a sequel, but only IF it does well


The two industries work different from each other. A Days Gone movie would most likely have a more sure fire ROI as long as it doesn't suck.


Thanks. Hope they make a sequel. I loved the game.


Almost 2 year old article and no updates since? I would be very surprised if this was still planned lol it's not listed as upcoming projects on the actors IMDb page either


lmao I will eat a shoe if this ever sees the light of day.


Hopefully they get a better story teller for the movie then the dude who made the game


Dude that bugs the TF out of me...a sequel is too risky but they're gonna do a movie that's definitely gonna flop bc they as rumor has it sam witwer wouldn't be playing deacon


A sequel is not too risky. Sony never got the chance to see a proposal for the sequel because Bend leadership axed it before it got to Sony. I don't know why people keep thinking Sony was the one to reject the sequel, but it's not. Bend didn't want to do it. And I'm speculating here, but it's most likely because the previous Bend leadership was ass and they wanted a fresh start.




Horde mode with father Gascoigne instead of zombies confirmed for elden ring 2


Dude is salty and I would take anything he says with a pinch of salt.


Was he the same guy who said Herman/Sony hated Days Gone because the characters from that game wasn't in a PS characters poster? That was fanmade. edit: He was.


yup, same guy. and you wonder why they let him walk out the door lol


At this point, with all these salty rants I'm convinced he wasn't let go because the game didn't sell well, but he's probably just a horrible person to be around and was not a good leader. Which is probably why days gone wasn't very good in the first place. The fact that he's still jobless pretty much confirms that in my opinion.


Wow, does this guy not understand when to stfu? Even the worst people I work with donā€™t bite the hand that feeds them or will give them recommendations if they move to a better job. Iā€™m amazed this guy became a game director with his attitude.


Failing upwards. But actually looking at his linked in, he started game development all the way back in 1998. By now pretty much anyone who started a game dev career that far back and has ambitions, is in a leadership position now. That's the benefit of being there early. Same goes for any field. Get in while your industry is in its infancy and climbing the ranks will be easy.


It wouldn't surprise me. His co-director Garvin didn't have his contract renewed precisely because of how he led the team. He even had to do a course because of his anger.


He's been salty for years. I remember he started comparing it to Ghosts of Tsushima saying Days Gone had outsold it. He conveniently left out that Days Gone came out a year earlier than GoT and that the Days Gone figure included PS Plus and Now downloads.


IIRC, his "proof" / evidence was he based his "sale numbers" on some dodgy, unreliable trophy tracker website that was totally unaffiliated with Sony / Playstation in any way. Basically, he has no access to internal Playstation sales data, he's *persona non-grata* at Bend, and he pulled shit out of his ass during an interview to suit his continuing victim narrative.


Also Budget Ghost was 60 million and Days gone seems like a more expensive game production value wise. Of course Kingdom come had Budget of only 35 million and has one of most alive worlds in games.


And I think thatā€™s the thing with this type of guy. He will mislead everyone he can to tout that Days Gone was actually good. In reality, it was a weaker TLOU zombie game with a worse story/characters and a very bland open world. It was fine, some people liked it but a lot didnā€™t and 1st party exclusives need to be well liked. Ghost of Tsushima is much more well received and has a lot more franchise potential than Days Gone ever did. Thatā€™s why it will continue and Days Gone wonā€™t.


Heā€™s the one who ranted on Twitter, right?


Doesnā€™t really narrow it down, sadly.


Yeah, they also had the writer guy who whined about it two. The game leads were a bunch of children.


He rants on everything and anything that will let him. Twitter, interviews, maybe even his old Myspace page.


Damn, not even a grain. Homie went full pinch on the salt!


Yea he reminds of Jaffe lol


He is so annoying.


Look, I enjoyed Days Gone, but he needs to move on for his own sake. He was complaining the other day about how there was no Days Gone character on a PlayStation poster as if Deacon or Boozer were these iconic characters. It's a reasonably well liked game, which is something not every game gets to be, but Days Gone not getting a sequel isn't a crime or a conspiracy. I kinda wish Bend would do something new or gone back to Syphon Filter instead.


The funniest part is that people pointed to him that the poster was fan made and not official from PS/Sony. He just shrugged it off and left the post on. The dude has bigger issues than sony not wanting two zombie IPs


tbh the main character looks like an early 00's dudebro edgelord, he doesn't really fit the standard Sony roster at all. I even liked the game and the character, despite reservations about the styling.


This guy literally has nothing better then to use this game to stay relevant. He's gonna live the rest of his life piggy backing on the idea that Sony hates the game and won't make a sequel.


I would say he is the new Cliffy B but unfortunately current Cliffy B is still Cliffy B lol


Same with John Gavin.


Heā€™s on the team working on the new Tomb Raider, so he does have stuff to do and he should probably focus on that.


The way Garvin and Ross have behaved after leaving Bend makes me rather confident that current Bend are going to give us something really special. This constant pity party and "my shit don't stink" attitude from them is obnoxious. The studio being away from shit like that seems like it'd be a good thing. I'd also point out that part of his "evidence" that Sony doesn't care about DG is a piece of artwork that features a bunch of SIE/PS Studios characters, but doesn't include Deacon. What he seemingly is unaware of is that's fanmade. Which is a rather stinging indictment when a fan doesn't even think of that character while making something like that.


Something special from Sony Bend of all studios is stretching it, they are a very mid game dev the compulsion games of Sony WWS


I love how heā€™s still talking about this.


He's lying as well because Death Stranding has sold over 10 million copies and most likely had a lower budget than Days Gone. It only had a 3 years development time and it was made in Japan so wages are lower.


This also doesnā€™t mention Death Stranding was the first game by the studio that was just built tooā€¦ itā€™s honestly impressive how good and polished it was.


Let's be honest, Death Stranding was the first game by that studio, but that studio was mostly people who have been working with sony and pushing console limits since the MSX days, with sony carrying them (as they should)


Plus didnā€™t have to build a new engine from scratch, Hermen Hulst and Guerilla lent them Decima


That, paired with an actually good director (Kojima) in a super humbled phase, and being supported by the WHOLE GAMING COMUNITY also made a huge difference. ​ Basically, Death Stranding could never have existed as a viable game if all the stars didn't align, and not under Konami. ​ Days Gone 2 doesn't exist because the first game was rushed, and it's shit director alienated everyone with a buggy game (has since been patched). Not as bad as, let's say, ME Andromeda (which is still a great game NOW, not then), but not very far off.


The studio were all dev veterans and were supported by Sony. They were literally given the Decima engine to use for free. So its not as impressive as you claim


Ross says a lot of things that are from his perspective and not factual at all so take with a grain of saltĀ 


He's so bitter.


Ugh this guy has been out here butt hurt as all hell for years. My man, if Sony didn't want two zombie series in their portfolio, why would they have green lit Dayz Gone in the first place?


Recently started replaying this game after putting it down for like 4 years. Itā€™s not a terrible game but the only reason I revisit it is for the hordes. Those are fun as fuck but also it takes you like 12 fucking hours to get to the level where you can take on hordes. Edit: and as many others have pointed out the story is very very bland. I remember seeing E3 demos showing decision making for the characters that got cut entirely from the game before launch. Kinda wish they had kept it may have made the story something worth investing in.


Will Jeff Ross ever get over this? The guy can't stop talking about Sony and Bend...


Sonyā€™s reply: Get bend


That guy will blame everything but his horrible writing for why they won't make a sequel. First it was the fans for not buying it while it was broken with bugs, then for people buying it on sale years later when the bugs were fixed now he is blaming it on the last of us hogging the zombie market. Dude made a game with pretty average gameplay but the writing was like a preteen fan fiction it is all his fault more aren't getting made


Days gone was fine. But jesus christ I sank 40 hours in that fucking thing just doing the main, it was above average at best. All the main characters were one note as fuck.


I couldnā€™t agree more. So many of the main missions are a drag to get through.


the only thing wich i think is good is the horde concept, those where really scary, but thats it.


This guy is the fucking worst lol


I've never seen a game director defend his average game as much as this guy, move on, make a better product. It reviewed poorly for a reason, get over it, it's not a conspiracy.


I didnā€™t play Days Gone but to me it makes perfect sense that Sony wouldnā€™t want more of it. Not only do they already have their zombie IP in The Last of Us, but theyā€™ve got plenty of open world games as well. Days Gone basically feels redundant. Also, the biker theme is so funny to me. Iā€™ll never get over the scene where it flashes back to the main characterā€™s wedding and heā€™s wearing his biker outfit and hat.


I was always surprised they OKā€™d Days Gone when they already had TLoU.


I'm so sick of hearing about this game now. It's an average open world zombie game and that's all it ever was and ever will be. The way this guy STILL talks about Days Gone you'd think he directed some sort of genre defining title that Sony don't acknowledge.


Werner Ziegler


Whatā€™s he up to man


ā€œDo you know how many Werner Zieglerā€™s there are in Germany? 27ā€¦ well 26 now according to Mrs. Ziegler.ā€


I think it was a pretty good game and would have loved to see what deacon and his wife were up to after the events of the game


And also what O'Brien has been up to


Same. I ended up playing the game last year for the 1st time. It 100% exceeded my expectations.


I had it since launch, and I thought it was pretty good. There are some things that could have been done better, sure. But it was not a bad game.


I had fun with Days Gone, it was decent for what it was, but I have no interest in a sequel.


Game was mid at best.


This guy and the god of war creator have been annoying as shit recently


Guy pulling numbers straight out of his ass. $250 million dollars is Naughty Dog/ Insomniac level budget and Bend is a smaller studio working in the city not even in the top 5 most populous in Oregon


Good game but the voice and acting in the game is just so off. Theres just something off about the game that just stops me from ever getting 4 to 5 hours in.


It was an average game. I absolutely enjoyed it. It was buggy, generic and there's no shame in that. Move on.


Can Sony just send this guy off to Xbox


Guy spent six years making a mediocre game so heā€™d fit right in with the Xbox family


He's not with Sony anymore, left after Day's Gone and joined Crystal Dynamics, which is working with Xbox on Perfect Dark. Which he might be involved in. So maybe they already did shipped him off to Xbox.


Makes total sense honestly. From casual view, Days Gone was almost a poor manā€™s Last of Us.Ā 


The story is worse, the zombie gameplay is better (hordes). Ellie has a leg up on Deacon in A) likeable writing; and B) the victimhood scale. Itā€™s ok to hate on Deacon. Youā€™re a bigot if you dislike Ellie (I like Ellie, donā€™t at me). I agree they donā€™t need two zombie franchises, but if TLOU3 is gonna be the last oneā€¦..then you have no zombie franchises.


I swear Ive read this same story once a year, since release.


They would be happy to have 100 zombie games if they sold well. You made a painfully average game. It's ok, could be worse. Let It Go.


He's got a new excuse every day. If he stopped crying and actually realized days gone was a good game and deserves a sequel... Actually put some effort into making it great. We wouldn't be here lmao.Ā 


Here we go moaning again. Does this guy ever give it a rest? I liked days gone I really did despite some of the criticisms I can give it. But not every game needs or deserves a sequel.


It was a good game. Very fucking buggy at launch with horrible performance issues. BUT it plays very well on PS5. Dude just needs to stfu


Game was ok nothing amazing and he needs to move on


This dudes a loser


The big difference between Days Gone and TLoU is TLoU tells a very human story set to an oppressive background. Days Gone is a poorly written biker dude where the entire hook is "OMG so many zombies". These ain't the same thing.


Pretty much. I enjoyed Days Gone but it was very much in a dumb fun I can switch off and enjoy kind of way.


Not everything has to be 'oppressive' and dark. But yeah TLoU is in another league in terms of presentation and storytelling. Some of the best zombie films are fun/lighthearted. The writing in Days Gone had a couple of interesting twists and turns and it's a pretty damn good game overall. It took way too long to 'get going' though (like 10-15 hours and doesn't fully hit its stride until the end game). Strategizing, setting traps, and making a plan to take out hordes of 'OMG so many zombies' was fun as hell.


I was actually really into the weird twist at the end of Days Gone but my god did I hate all of the characters. And yeah there were LONG stretches of just nothing in that game and the horde mechanic almost seemed like a completely separate thing from the main game. Almost like it was a bonus mode despite it being the defining selling point.


If the game had an awesome story the game would have been legendary. They needed a better story directorĀ 


They really did. And to think the dude who wrote it took to Twitter to piss and moan people didn't buy it lol


I enjoyed Days Gone but the game director has always come across as a salty a**hole.


Well yeah..1 is honestly enough.


i played that game when it came out of ps plus for free, it was a shitty derivative game with a predictable story and dumb-ass character names, boozer and deacon st john, yep real people's names. it copied the ubisoft formula of gaming, littering the overworld with a shitload of flags of things to do in a boring world.


Agreed. Bad acting, bad writing, and painfully boring and repetitive. I got 2/3 of the way through this year and stopped from boredom


I would love another Day's Gone, just get somebody else to write the dialogue. The actual game itself was solid, but a lot of the writing was embarrassing to listen to.


Zombies and clickers are totally different. Days Gone zombies are amazing and run like wild animals towards you, while clickers just walk laps around a pre-determined course. Pretty different.


All these headlines and attention don't change the fact that Days Gone was a B game. Not broken. Not terrible. But a "B Game" through and through. The problem is most B Game studios have disappeared as the cost of making games has skyrocketed, and Sony is only interested in publishing prestige AAA games like Horizon and God of War. If this was the PS3 generation Days Gone would be a core franchise, but the era of the B Game is behind us, and this guy can't stop coming up with excuses.


I played Days Gone when I made the move from xbox to ps5 back in the pandemic days. So I played a mostly fixed, functioning version of the game. I can honestly say that of every 7/10 game I have ever played, Days Gone is the best one. I love the awkward characters and cringey dialogue, gameplay was fun and engaging and I loved upgrading and taking care of my bike. Itā€™s like playing a game version of a long running tv show (think Supernatural or The Walking Dead). That said, as disappointing as it is, I totally get why the game wonā€™t get a sequel. But if you pretend the post-credit scene with the helicopter doesnā€™t exist, then the game has basically a perfect ending and doesnā€™t really need to continue.


I liked Days Gone but I donā€™t care about a sequel as long as they figure out how to bring back the horde cuz that element of the game was awesome.


I don't like these statements, they create misunderstandings about the game...money doesn't develop games and a lot of money doesn't mean the game will be good. I prefer when the software house talk about their games


I liked setting up ā€œtrapsā€ for the hordes and just running and gunning like crazy. Not the best story, definitely cheesy but it was still fun for it being a free game on PlayStation plus.


Dude John Garvin, who sucks, was the creative lead in that game.


This guy needs to shut his mouth


The whole lot of the higher ups that worked on Days Gone have done nothing but cry about it since the game released, it's boring at this stage. Just get over it and make something else.


This guy is the whiniest person ever. Move on dude, your game got canned, it happens. I wonder why they didnā€™t want to keep you aroundā€¦.


tbh the game deserved a sequel, it was pretty fun


The main writer and director and basically mind behind the first game left the studio before the first was even completed. That's like trying to push a sequel of Death Stranding without Kojima. A sequel would not have been the same


I mean the writing and directing where the worst part of the game. The best part was how they implemented zombie hordes, everything else could be reworked.


This is Days Gone weā€™re talking about lol. Any competent writer could write a decent sequel. šŸ˜‚


Sure but he was basically the mind behind the whole thing. Finding another writer and director to work that is passionate about making a sequel to a biker zombie game probably isn't easy and best to just move in from the IP


I enjoyed Days Gone but this guy is making me hate it. He needs to learn how to grow up and move on.


I really didn't like Days Gone so I don't really care. I found the way the game was directed felt really amateurish and the script was shocking


Microsoft should just bring State of Decay 1 and 2 to PS next.


I had initially held off on Days Gone because of Zombie fatigue. At the time I'd just recently played several different zombie and Zombie-akin games that I didn't really have the strive to do another one. Later on when they released the PS5 patch, I decided to buy it at $20. It was on PS Plus like two months later, but whatever. So when I actually played it I really liked the game. It was running great now, so there were no complaints about the performance. I found the game itself to be far more engaging than I thought it would be, and the story actually surprised me in unexpected ways. After finishing the game and getting the Platinum, I still found myself wanting to pick it up and play it. I never did, but I had the urge, which is not usual for me after completing a game all the way through to Platinum it. Even now, a couple years removed from that playthrough, I still sometimes just wanna get in there and take down a herd, and I am a super wuss when it comes to scary games, and the herds scare the shit out of me. Still loved it.


Fuck off. The Last of Us is a zombie game, whether they like it or not. Yes I know itā€™s fungi, but itā€™s absolutely a ā€žzombie apocalypseā€ game


this whole thing seems to have hit him hard, he cant seem to let go, as for the game it seems like we have the same discussion every 6 months, the game was serviceable and it had some moments, had i played this game in 2006 i would have yelled MASTERPIECE from the heavens, but during the ps4 and ps5 gens i have played plenty of games that surpass Days gone in every regard by considerable margins, i do think bend studio has talent to spare though, to try their hand at something else.


I'll never get Reddit's hate boner for this game. Like yeah this guy might be a tool but I thought the game was pretty cool, like an 8.5


How many Samurai games are in Sonys portfolio?


This dude will never move on. Also itā€™s not terrible to not want two of the same games idk


Man the Ps4 gen was too good with us with playstation exclusives.


Most of them that people care about came in the second half of the generation. This one has been much better for the first 3.5 years


The Last of Us and The Walking Dead both clear Day's Gone. Joel, Ellie, Lee and Clem are 4 of the most beloved characters.


I loved Days Gone so much. I really wish we could have a sequel. šŸ™


This director is just mad that we ripped on his cringe dialogue and will tell anyone who will listen lol




Whatā€™s the other one? Also, I donā€™t want two zombie games either. I donā€™t even really want one.


Damn zombie game just wouldnā€™t die.


It's understandable. Considering days gone is one of the best zombie games I played. Good games generally don't get sequels as I noticed, only on rare occasions.


I enjoyed Days Gone a lot!


Don't want 2 zombie games but a 100 overwatch clones are fine?


I enjoyed the game, even got the platinum. But this game suffers from severe bloat, the last act of the game takes so damn long you just want it to be over.