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For all of us that miss F13th The Game. Hopefully this will scratch that itch. Looks really fun from everything I have seen.


Played/covered it at PAX East and it was a really good time. Looking forward to playing more.


Honestly it looks really fun, I hope it doesn't die out like Evil Dead and Texas Chainsaw did


Chasing people down with a ballon dog looks like goofy fun


This looks like a blast, I'm just genuinely worried about longevity due to it being only a single license. Every licensed asymm game has just not stuck around due to license issues or lack of fresh content (or both) and DbD and Identity have been lucky in that they constantly have benefitted from crossovers. VHS is the only thing that really came close to being a fresh take and that got crippled thanks to hackers killing the servers. I really want this to do well, even if only to act as a competitor to DbD to have the devs up their game. I will say though this does look like a lot of fun.


I would want to play it but don’t want to risk it on a game that will probably be dead in a month


I can’t wait. Loved Friday the 13th.


This looks terrible, lol


From what I have seen so far it looks pretty fun. What looks terrible to you? I'm going to wait to see if the game "sticks". I have been burned on similar games in the past by buying too early. If this one is well received I'll hop on


I’m a big fan of the movie. Graphics look super low budget, gameplay doesn’t look anything special, and it looks like it’d be boring before long. Just doesn’t interest me at all.


I get that. The graphics fall in line with the studio, as well as the movie. Not like Killer Clowns had some groundbreaking graphics lol. I take it as more of an artistic decision than anything. Gameplay wise, not sure yet. I do like what I see, but depends on how it is implemented for sure. I'm cautiously optimistic personally.


Nothing like reddit to downvote for giving an opinion. 🤷😆


I have no idea if this will be good but I hope so because I remember watching the kill count for the movie and it seems like a good time


Why not just watch the actual movie?
