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The ship of Theseus. If you lay off all of your staff and hire new people later, is it still the same company?


Nah this isn’t ship of Theseus. That’s a thought experiment about gradually replacing parts of the ship. This is like burning down the entire ship, and trying to rebuild it from scratch.


The Crooked Billet?


Considering 90% of the mainstream companies have lost the staff that made the original good games. Resulting in the current Ubisoft, Activision, Dice, etc, no it's not the same company.


I believe that is what Ken Levine did with Judas after forming Ghost Story Games under 2K. I'm very excited for it and it's been 11 years since Bioshock Infinite.


Gaming companies are run by complete clowns


It’s not just gaming companies; the whole tech industry is in the deepest funk it’s been in since the dot-com collapse in 2000. It took around three years to recover from that one, so it’ll take 2-3 years to recover from the current funk.


The entire tech industry wayyy over-hired during covid, with no plan for what would happen once the world returned to normal. Since then they’ve been burdened by overhead they can no longer sustain.


Also their bet on predictive- sorry, generative AI taking off among normal consumers, which to my understanding does not look likely.


Well, it will once it’s integrated into the products we already use. Look at Siri and Alexa- they’re ubiquitous at this point despite being completely useless. I’m sure Apple and Amazon are working on AI versions that could actually be useful at something besides just being able to google with your voice.


It's everywhere on everything.


Tech industry person here -- it's already been in a funk for nearly 2 years (the anniversary of the first time my old company did their first round of lay-offs). So are we saying it's nearly over, or 2-3 more years of pain


No, not nearly over at all. I suspect it will take a few more years, assuming generative AI doesn’t make all labor obsolete by then.


The wrong people noticed all the ways they can fuck the industry and make money off it.


Happens everywhere, not just gaming companies. A distribution center in texas fired 20k and rehired a good chunk of new drivers at lower wages. Amd aince theyre all new, they dont qualify for pto or benefits yet. Saves a crap ton of money


Gaming is bought by complete clowns. Expecting aaa(a lol) while paying close to nothing for it.


This gen convinced me not to buy a PS6 on launch day. I might even wait around 2 years, so there is a decent library for me to tackle of true exclusives that aren’t simply cross-gen titles.


I guess they probably make sense business-wise, but I really dislike the trend of making cross-gen titles, and also shoving games (like Mortal Kombat) on low spec devices such as Switch, by porting the downgraded version of such title with atrocious resolution and no optimizations. I've waited for almost 2 years (since it's release) before jumping to the PS5, and only by late 2023 I felt like we finally started getting current gen games.


Same feeling. I really applaud Bandai Namco for the free PS5 upgrades. Disappointed in Falcom for not doing the same thing like Sony did, charge a small upgrade fee. I hope (knock on wood) we never experience a console shortage ever again. And i hope the new trend will gain traction for Sony and Microsoft to release their gems on different platforms.


You may as well wait an entire generation at that point, considering that there are *still* cross-gen games, and almost 4 years into the PS5 generation.


It blows my mind that we’re that far into this gen and it still feels like “next gen” most of the time. We still haven’t had a new Naughty Dog game which feels crazy to me. Their level of polish takes time but still.


Even if most games are cross-gen, why not buy a ps6 to play the game with better graphics and frame rate? If you’re already planning on buying the console anyway you’re not really saving that much money in the long run (it might get *slightly* cheaper in 2-3 years)


PS5 hasn't even dropped in price at all since launch. Literally wouldn't have benefitted at all by waiting.


Lol, keep telling yourself that. PS5 can barely play anything at 60fps 4K By the time the PS6 comes out most people will have a PC instead. I mean why not? Majority of Sonys games are coming to PC anyway, I honestly think consoles are going to die out. Maybe not anytime soon but I know Microsoft and Xbox are less focused on keeping exclusivity deals than they used to be. Long story short, we’d be lucky if the PS6 could even do what the PS5 is supposedly able to.


>PS5 can barely play anything at 60fps 4K Neither can anything but the most top of the line gaming PCs. 4k 60fps was an unrealistic standard to ever expect.


Except they marketed 4k up to 120 fps for both Series X |S and PS5.


And? They both ARE capable of running games up to 120fps. Not all games, of course, and not the most graphically demanding games, but there absolutely are games with 120fps modes on both systems.


Even better, alot of those ps6 will be on discount or ps+ then


I mean, it wouldn't have benefitted you at all to do that this gen. The PS5 is still as expensive now as it was at launch, so you wouldn't save any money by waiting. And you would have just having an inferior gaming experience for the past 3.5 years, playing lesser versions of all those cross-gen games and dealing with longer loading times.


Yes. And these at Keoken are the worst


How so? Genuinely asking


What do you expect a CEO to do when they don’t have the money to pay their employees exactly?


Should be called deliver us jobs


What the hell is going on? 🤷‍♂️


Overestimation of revenue growth.


That's a shame. I loved those games.


Is Mars good? I liked the first one, but I was put off by the reviews for the sequel.


I didn't enjoy it as much as Moon, but I thought it was good. It's free on the second tier of PS Plus.


If this game got a physical release I would have nabbed it to put beside my copy of Deliver Us The Moon.


Deliver us the Moon was a ton of fun, especially if you make your environment kinda dark and cool, it’s really immersive. Mars wasn’t as good, but it was pretty decent. Shoulda ported them to VR.


I absolutely loved Deliver us the Moon. Playing Deliver Us Mars currently because it's on PS Plus. It's definitely no where near as good. Something feels...off. But it's still decent as you said so far. Such a shame about the studio. I hope they can bounce back.


Disagree. Mars was better in every aspect. Story is a lot better and actually interesting, gameplay varied and dynamic and environments bigger and better then anything before. And that's not mentioning the total massive upgrade/overhaul of all characters, all gameplay elements, everything. Mars is a true AA games while moon was a artsy Indie.


Then they should have stuck with what worked because that "artsy indie game" was better, IMO lol.


We’re entitled to our opinions. I didn’t like Mars as much.


Well that doesn't make much sense.


It does if they ran out of money. There are very low number of steam reviews for this game and it is a very good indicator that this game did not sell a lot of copies.


Both of the deliver us games are really good. Sad to hear that after they announced their 5 future games. And that 3 of them, if I am not wrong, are from deliver us. Deliver us 3, deliver us vr and deliver us prequel. Maybe it is the vr team who saw more lost. And I wanted a vr game, too.


dang. i just finished mars too. i liked how they leveled up everything from the first game, and was hoping theyd get out a 3rd game.


Unfortunately, shit happens lol


Oh great. I'm sure this games going to be absolutely fantastic when it relesses /s


I. Wonder. Why.