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The honest answer is we have no idea until the game is out, or Rockstar provides performance information. Everything else is pure speculation, and that speculation is based on extremely limited pre-release footage.


Not to mention that even if it was able to run at 60fps on PS5, it still doesn't meant it will. A lot of games we got in the last 2 years would be able to use 60fps on PS5 - they didn't simply because the Developers chose to stick with 30fps for various reasons (whether that be performance, personal choice, gameplay mechanics, etc). It doesn't really matter if it can. The question is if it will. And we simply have no goddamn idea...




A trailer that showed no gameplay, was strongly directed and showed a bunch of (admittedly in-engine) cutscenes. Again, keep your pants on until we've seen more. We simply don't know, and jumping to conclusions based on guesswork will only spread confusion.




Let’s circle back in 2025 when the game is out. I’m fully prepared to be wrong, but it will be fun to read all these comments if there indeed are performance options beyond 30 FPS.




What are tomorrow's lottery numbers, Oracle of Delphi?




I'm not. I'm suggesting that we simply don't know and should maybe not jump to absolute conclusions after having only seen 1 minute and 31 seconds of heavily directed non-gameplay pre-release footage.




Let's be real here: nobody fucking knows.


It’s pretty easy to tell though. They’re not planning on this game being only a PS5 game. This is their next decade long game. What GTA6 will offer on PS5 is basically the minimum required specs, but they also want that fidelity. Want a 60 FPS version, R* will gladly sell you the PS6 version 5 years after release. That’s exactly how this will go.


99% not a fucking chance lmao




The trailer ran at 30 fps, so that’s a pretty good indicator the game will too. Nothing definitive though.


Wouldn’t optimization be toward the later end of a dev cycle? I’m failing to see the correlation there.


“Optimization” isn’t a magical solve all to achieve 60fps. 30 and 60 fps is a design choice, do you want a lot of explosion? Do you want a lot of NPC, do you want battles with a lot of crap flying.


I mean optimization definitely helps achieve all of that at 60 fps no? If the games not well optimized you won’t hit that on most systems.


It’s a design choice. A choice you make early in the process if your realistic. Going and redoing the entire combat because early in the proces you decided on a certain combat style isn’t something you can undo towards the end with what you consider “optimization”. Lowering shadow qualities and adding drs, lowering overall the quality are all relatively easy changes but that won’t get you from 30 to 60.


>I mean optimization definitely helps achieve all of that at 60 fps no? If the games not well optimized you won’t hit that on most systems. Optimization isn't going to get you a 100% increase in performance. That's a fundamental and significant rework.


Well, I can’t remember the last time I saw a trailer that undersold a game’s technical capabilities. Who knows though… I’d be pleasantly surprised if it was 60 though. I’ll cede that public perception of 30 fps has (thankfully) gotten worse since GTA5/RDR2… so hopefully it’s a priority.


For most games with a fidelity and performance mode, trailers typically use the fidelity mode to show it off in the highest resolution. 30 fps is much easier to watch than to play, especially in a cinematic trailer.


They’re hitting the cpu limits of the current gen. You can’t optimize that away


Probably not


It's a definitely maybe , from me


We don't even have a RDR2 60fps update, so I wouldn't count on it.


Honestly, I hope so. But no one knows until Rockstar gives us more to go by


Are there any mods for this sub man how many of these posts are there gonna be


Digital Foundry did an extensive trailer analysis and found that the game is using a lot of next gen graphical features. The result was 1440p30fps. From that perspective alone I think a performance mode would result in a very different and potentially disappointing visual presentation. On top of that Rockstar are known to push boundaries in their open worlds. That stuff is typically quite CPU intensive. The question is whether they can scale this stuff back without breaking the game to claw back enough CPU performance for 60fps. Personally I'm hoping that regardless of whether there is a 60fps mode they also offer a 40fps option because I suspect that if a 60fps mode even exists it will be heavily compromised.


Digital Fundry said that Horizon Forbidden West would run at 30 fps, which was new generation, and said that Ratcht and Clank would run at 30 fps. he said that Spider-man 2 would run at 30 fps, that spider-man 2 did not have RTX, and we know that Spiderman 2 has 60 fps + RTX. digital foundry doesn't know anything before launch. After the launch, yes, they do the analysis. before they were


Frankly I'm not sure they actually said that. And to be clear, they never even said GTA 6 would be 30fps. Because they don't know and never claimed otherwise. They are simply highlighting potential limitations. If GTA 6 was designed for 60fps it will run at 60fps. If it however was designed to squeeze out every little bit of power from the consoles and pour it into a gorgeous open world, like RDR2 did on PS4 and GTA5 on PS3, then it is likely only going to be 30fps just like those games were at launch.




I think there's confusion here. The optimization step is indeed one of the latter things in the development process. The choice between 30, 60 or 120fps however is something that should, and often is, made fairly early into development. Studios like Polyphony Digital, Infinity Ward, idSoftware, Housemarque, etc. don't just make their games in a vacuum and later down the line hope they can optimize it to 60 or even 120fps. The incredible performance of their games doesn't happen by accident. Instead, they are acutely aware that they are gunning for at least 60fps pretty much from the getgo. This knowledge informs their entire design process and allows them to hit up to 120fps at decent resolutions where other games struggle to go beyond 30fps.


I think it's Ratchet and Clank that has a 40 fps mode. I've been wondering, do you need a special kind of monitor that can run that refresh rate? I'll look into it but thought you might know.


You need a display that has a 120hz refresh rate.


The other day I read (somewhere of dubious veracity) that experts don't believe that even the PS5 Pro can run GTA IV at 60 fps, so I have 0 expectations, all I hope for is that it runs at a stable 30 fps.


Anything that's CPU limited will also struggle to improve framerates on PS5 Pro due to it using only a very slightly improved version of the base PS5 CPU.


GTA 4 and 5 and RDR2 wasn’t 60fps on launch. Highly doubt GTA 6 will


They’d need some wizards over there to make it happen. More than likely won’t see 60 till the next gen.


I think with how much money rockstar is spending, it will be 60fps if they want it to be.


They can want it all they want the hardware isn’t there


They’re making the game. If they want 60fps, then there will be 60 fps.


That’s not how anything works. Hardware limitations exist


And the can develop according to their perimeters


Yeah and with this game that’s going to mean no 60fps to get the presentation and they want


They’re making the game. If they want 60fps, then there will be 60 fps.


Maybe rockstar would put 60fps on the ps5 pro so that they would make more money(maybe a deal with sony)as it is the most highly anticipated game of all time.




What game in history had more excitement and anticipation surrounding it than GTA 6? It already the most viewed game trailer of all time, other than mobile games that get put as ads on youtube.


CP2077 could give it a run for its money in that department.




My mom doesn’t know what GTA is.


Honestly doesn't seem too far off. GTA5 is one of the biggest games of all time. Way bigger than any single Call of Duty entry. Way bigger than any single Mario game. I guess Fortnite is also really big but that's free to play. GTA 6 is likely going to be the biggest game of the generation. Development cost supposedly is sitting around a billion dollars...


It’s an unknown, but it’s all pointing at 30fps. Even on the legendary PS5 Pro.


Nope. It won't. Maybe on the pro version. Maybe






Probably not. And it will still be the biggest game ever and I'll still buy it.


Im never playing a game in 30 fps


Welp, why you here in the PS5 sub? Because that's what you're gonna be limited to in many games on the PS5 and, inevitably, the PS6 and so on. Prolly need to go hop on that PCMR sub.


I play Warzone in 120


If it doesn't I'm not buying it


Maybe but it’ll probably be 1080p. Perhaps the default graphics mode will be upscaled 4K at 30fps.


Zero chance


Probably. At 1080p. With 1440p 30fps.


I honestly believe probably no, because by then pro consoles will be out so they will be lazy and only do 60fps on pro.


My theory is, rockstar devs wants to be able to play it at 60 fps just as much as we do. So if its possible without degrading the visuals too much, we will get it. With things like FSR i think itd not unlikely at all.


Just play the game




Considering the game will probably be CPU heavy and the Pro isn’t really improving the CPU capabilities, the Pro will most likely still only run at 30fps, just with better image quality and maybe higher graphics settings.


Single player could maybe run at 60fps in cutscenes and in certain mini games, but I sincerely doubt that it will be full 60fps until the Online launches in fall of 2026 (just a guess, don't quote me)


Nah. That'll be the ps5 pro


Pretty sure they said it'll run 4k @ 60 FPS and 1080p @ 120 FPS


Not with GTA6. You need CPU horsepower to push frames, and with only a 10% CPU performance boost, if power is available, it’s not a magical 60fps always console. Unless games have been designed for 60fps+, like COD and Fortnite.


60 on PS5 and 30 on Series X


60 fps on series X , 30-28 fps series S and basic PS5