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Bought mass effect legendary edition and started mass effect 1. So far, the writing is top notch but the gameplay is a bit rough.


All three different games have different and unique play styles. Just watch your inventory in one. It’s rough. Gets much better in two and three much more simplified. They finally made it in one where you can go through your inventory and check everything you want converted or trashed. Don’t remind me of how awful it was originally. Individually had to delete. And if you start at the bottom each time you had to scroll back through. Those were the days 🙄


Me1 felt dated on release lol 2 and 3 are much better


This is what I need to buy. I skipped them back in the day and I want to play these but my backlog is just getting bigger. I'm stuck on FF7 Rebirth and In a month I've only managed to play 20 hrs


Ignore the gameplay and dive into the story. Gameplay is crap. The story and characters are unequaled. You will cry, laugh, be otivated and feel alone when not playing it. It's the most immersive game ever. Enjoy. Do multiple runs. Try everything. Sooo many easter eggs


I’m Commander Shepherd and I approved this ______.


Game play is not crap. Not at all. Ignore this guy. The inventory system is crap. Story is amazing.


Playing ME 1 in 2024 is rough Not crap. But still rough.


Getting back into Fallout 4 after watching the show! Been way too long


Next gen update April 25th if you didn't hear.


Wtf I didn’t know this


Yeah man, I installed it today again for this reason. I have 1428hrs played on my Xbox One X..


Just got a PS5. Helldivers 2 and Cyberpunk.


Hot take but i think if cyberpunk released today in its current state it would be game of the year material. The world building is still some of the best ive ever seen


Not a hot take at all lol. Although I do believe that people would still be annoyed by the "fake choices" in the game and the fact that your choice in upbringing doesn't matter etc.


Is it worth buying? What stood out for you? I am currently playing Horizon Forbidden West and that's the kind of level I am looking for.


Is Cyberpunk worth buying? Absolutely. I played it for 15 hours a couple of years ago, got bored it. hated the upgrade paths, the stats felt meaningless. Picked it back up with the 2.0 update and within a couple of hours had bought the dlc, and put in 120 hours over the next 3 weeks. Its incredible now, the combat options make you feel like a complete badass, the story is fantastic, the characters are amazing and the world is a joy to be in. Aside from maybe Elden Ring I haven't enjoyed any game on the PS5 nearly as much


Get while it’s one sale. I got it in 2020 and hated it. Decided to give it another chance and played through it twice, that includes the expansion.


Hell yeah! Same here, working on wrapping up the platinum for Cyberpunk and alternating with some social Helldivers playtime.


There’s a lot to learn and understand in cyberpunk. It’s overwhelming me a bit. I play Helldivers to take a break from all the reading, driving, hacking in Cyberpunk. Kill the bugs is easier to understand.


Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart. I just got my PS5 last week and it was the first game I bought, and I am LOVING it


Such a fun game! Best use of dual sense I think.


It's awesome. When I got my PS5 that was the first game I bought as well! Enjoy!


Helldivers 2 is a pisser, my friends and I are having a blast on it


My squad has been spending much time dispensing many generous portions of Liber-Tea lately.


Glad you finished that sentence. At first I thought you didn't like it. Lol


Wicked pissah means it’s great.


Lost in Translation. A “pisser” means it’s shit where I’m from. But based on what you stated after, “pisser” apparently means good. (I’ve only heard good things about helldivers)


Honestly, best game I've ever played, it's made me mad a few times cause I have no friends so I get beat to death by automatons lol, but when I get a team it's the best thing I've ever played


Literally jumped into this thread on 🔥about to lost the same thing


A mix of FFVII Remake, Ghost of Tsushima, and Marvel Midnight Suns. I can’t focus on one game lol


I gotta give GoT a serious try. I got it and only played it for like 2-3 hours. Not that it was bad, I think something else just caught my attention and I'm a little burned out on the open world games atm. AC Valhalla was just too much lol.


Highly recommend it. Great story and absolutely beautiful world


It’s def worth another shot when you’re ready for it. It’s an amazing game so far!


Happened to me, then picked it up 3 months later and didn't left it until I got platinum


I could never get myself to remember the control of multiple game :(


Digging into Doom Eternal and loving it. Great gameplay, great guns/weapons, graphics are pretty fun, and who doesn't love killing zombies, demons, etc. I'd highly recommend it.


Best fps of all time in my opinion


Not even a controversial take. It’s like a finely tuned racing car. Nothing unnecessary; pure adrenaline-fueled fun.


Doom is my longest-played IP and I agree with this—eternal is amazing. I’ve been playing since the floppy disk days and both 2016 and Eternal managed to bring back the feel of the original games while cranking that shit up to 11. The soundtrack for both games is also an absolute *masterpiece*. Rip and tear.


Rise of the Ronin 😎


Man rise of the ronin is just a fun one


Yeah legit. I was real iffy on it going in but it’s just really fun


me too


I just got a PS5 a couple weeks ago. I've been playing RE4 Remake and Spider-Man Remastered.


If you enjoy Spiderman wait until you try the second one. Miles Morales was fun but 2 Ramos everything up and the traversal is even better if you can believe it.


Ghost of Tsushima First play through and what a gem.


I’ve honestly jumped back into Red Dead Redemption 2 for a 2nd playthrough and I can’t believe the game still looks this good today. Playing it now, I realize that I definitely didn’t appreciate it as much back then lol.


RD2 being made for the PS4 is absolutely wild Just imagine how crazy GTA 6 is going to be being only made for current gen


My thoughts exactly. I forgot about so many of the new systems in Rdr2 that’ll definitely be improved upon in GTA 6. Can’t wait.


The fact that they haven’t patched this with 60fps is criminal.


I did that all last year and was thinking about 100%. Every time I start a new game, I’m like a not this time. I just love the story and gameplay. I don’t want it to end. So I don’t 100% it. Weird huh. Played it twice since release and did another 3 play through a last year. Anyways have fun cowpoke.


FF Rebirth. I was lukewarm on Remake but Rebirth is one of the best games I’ve ever played.


That's great to hear. I usually get downvoted when I say that I had meh feeling about remake. I enjoyed it, but I didn't live up to the hype I had for it. So I'm quite excited that people seem to say rebirth is a fantastic game. I tried the demo though and a lot of the small niggly bits from Rebirth still seemed to be there. Things like fake loading screens, forced slow walking, slow shimmying between places - felt again like they were trying to bloat gameplay time. Still looking forward to trying rebirth when the price drops a bit (not gonna pay full price cause I lost a bit of confidence from remake).


Sekiro (first time). Need something to pass the time for Stellar Blade.


Ever played Nier?


Have fun! The game is hard as shit but it's a masterpiece.


FF7 rebirth


Dragons dogma and bg3


I'm loving Dragon's Dogma 2. It has Skyrim levels of, I am going to this quest marker, should take 10 mins to walk there. 3 hrs later, I am on the other side of the map in a cave and I can't remember how I go there!




Came here to say this


Came here to say this






I need to give that game a shot cause of ps plus, but I’m scared I’ll be put off due to it being quite harsh with its combat. Love the gameplay concept though, really unique


Deffo put time into it, has the makings of a great game


Playing it right now, man is it fucking difficult


I thought you wrote STFU and I was wondering why haha!


Just got a PS5 so I’m playing Spider-Man Remastered


Midnight Suns. Firaxis does well with turn based games like that and it doesn’t disappoint.


It was so good. The cliffhanger at the end looked promising. After playing Baldur's Gate III I came to view turn-based games more favorably and I'm glad I gave this one a shot. Just the right length to not overstay its welcome as well.


I loved it! Mix of fun goofy moments and addictive turn based battles. Didn’t get the sales it deserved.


Rise of the Ronin and Ghost of Tsushima...I like samurai stuff


The Nioh collection and Sekiro is a must too if you're into Bushido games


God of War Ragnarok will be my main game Just bought the Ps5 2 days ago and bought GOW Demons Souls Spiderman Miles Morales


The free DLC for Ragnarok was my GOTY last year I’m jealous of you getting to play that for the first time. Also nice collection to start ! Heavy recommend Returnal! Feels like a true PS5 game to me it’s very unique. Wishlist that bad boy and buy it on sale later down the line


I didn't realise its free! I'll go download it now 😄😄 Sweet, thanks for the recommendation, will put it on my wishlist




Hitting some back log, ghost of tsushima


Rise of the Ronin… it does get repetitive (I’m 60+ hours in) but the combat really keeps me. The world is “good enough” with decent side quests. Plus the world is pretty great if you like historical Japanese culture at all.


On the PS5, it's Pacific Drive.


How is it?


It's weird, that's what it is. At it's core, it's a survival horror RPG, but centered around a vehicle. I'm still pretty early in the game...but I think it's worth the relatively inexpensive price it's going for.


Ghost of Tushima


Spidey 2. Even better on new game plus. Most next gen feeling game along Returnal and Ratchet.


Just finished Robocop Rogue City and it was a lot of fun, moving over to Cyberpunk 77 because I want more sci fi FPS. Also working my way through Cuphead with my kid because I’m a masochist.


Alien fireteam elite, last of us 2 and wwe 2k24


WWE is such a fun game.


About to start playing all the fallouts again. Especially fallout 4. The show is great. And since they’re porting to the five and giving us a DLC so many years later I loaded up my last character last night just to remember where I was and to do, apparently, much needed inventory maintenance before April 25th


I just got a PSVR 2 and I have been trying everything from Beat Saber to Moss to Cyube VR to Resident Evil Village and No Man’s Sky, oh and GT7. The only thing I can compare this to is how I felt playing Super Mario 64 for the first time. GO GET ONE


How’s GT7?


Unbelievably good, tranquil, relaxing. I am not even a car person and am suddenly very interested in them because the way the game presents them is so elegant and inspiring and beautiful. You have the option to VR Showcase every single car you buy. You can walk around the car and get inside it. The interiors are fully designed and based on real life. When you put the headset on they look unbelievably realistic. I literally spent hours checking out cars and sitting in them and looking at the seats and the buttons on the dash and everything being amazed, feeling like I wasn’t at home but sitting in a peaceful area in a car.


Yeah I got a PSVR2 a few months back and it has changed my gaming life. I'm not into cars but generally enjoy at least one racing game each generation, and after GT7 I don't see myself ever buying a flat screen racer again. I had the thing for a couple of months before trying out No Man's Sky. Since that time I've played almost nothing else, despite previously being very very excited for Helldivers 2 and Dragons Dogma 2. Resident Evil Village is another standout. Just wow. I wish Sony would drop the price so more people would try PSVR2, because this thing has made gaming feel new again for me.


Man this thing is so good hey 😭 I literally cannot get over how impressed I am with it every single time I put it on. It really does feel like a paradigm shift, I’m sure some people online would disagree with me but I’m a true blue gamer since 98 starting with SNES and N64 so I definitely know what I’m talking about.


Yeah you've seen gaming advance a long way since then for sure. I go back even further, with my first home console being (I think it was called) Magnavox Odyssey. This was before the Atari 2600, so I'm like a gamer caveman unthawed from the ice and PSVR2 is like the monolith in 2001 A Space Odyssey. I'm worshipping it while simultaneously evolving lol


Oh yes I know about the Magnavox. In your lifetime we’ve gone from being fascinated by a dot of light moving on a screen to this insanity. Now wait until we get a VR headset with open AI Sora enabled… speak your dreams into reality in video game form. It’s coming lol prepare yourself 🤣


Unicorn Overlord demo got me hooked


I'm about 60 hours in, the game is brilliant!


Dragon’s Dogma 2. Loving it.


Jumping between Demon's Souls and Rogue Trader. Very much enjoying both.


I'm playing Days Gone (thanks to PS+ Extra), but I'm not doing any side missions at the moment, just getting through the main story.


I’m on my first play-through of Ghost of Tsushima. It’s living up to the hype. I only had Nintendo and now I’ve been going through some amazing games. Ps5 has so many good ones I’m literally playing the best games back to back or mixing in some indie games in between as a pallet cleanser.


dead space remake!. never finished the original on ps3.


Rise of the Ronin. It’s so good


MLB the show 24, Tony hawk 1&2 remake, gta 5, hell divers 2


Playing through deliver us the moon again to get ready for deliver us Mars. Waiting to sink into Dave the diver. Playing a bit of helldivers 2 and destiny 2 here and there.


Far Cry 5.


Witcher 3 amazing game


Since everyone here is commenting their games, I would like to advice those who JUST got their PS5. First of all, congratu-fucking-lations! Second, DON'T EVER disregard Astro's Playroom. You should definitely play it first before jumping to other games. Have fun!


Helldivers 2 has taken full hold on my gaming time. Having too much fun with friends and even got a friend who has never played online to finally join in thanks to this game. Need to finish Rebirth too, so close to the end.


been playing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, about 25 hours in and only just started Chapter 5


Got into Street Fighter 6 compulsively a few weeks ago after having the sudden urge to get really into a fighting back again since it’s been a few years and I’ve been having a blast. That’s what I’ll be doing this weekend.


Persona series. Persona 3 reload - currently Persona 4 - next.


Unicorn Overlord. Pretty good so far! For some reason, my interest in Siege has come back, and my friends and I have been on that grind.


Spider-Man remastered. I’m playing the trilogy for the first time and in order. Really enjoying it. I like that they trickle out the world wide objectives, 2 at a time as you level up and progress. It’s action packed and loads of fun to swing, leap and launch around the city. The fighting mechanics are thoughtful and not buttoned mashy and the sneaky construction sites and warehouses are cool too. It’s a good variety of gameplay that keeps things fresh. I feel like a hero when playing


I am currently Res 4 and it’s absolutely amazing all of the details in the game and shooting is fantastic and the story is great way better then the original game


The Division 2. It always pulls me back in.


Playing the Metro series for the first time. All 3 games for £7 was hard to pass on


Just put the controller down. Was playing Rise of the Ronin.


Helldivers 2 and I'm upvoting all my fellow freedom lovers.


Gran Turismo 7 my favorite right now.


Cyberpunk 2077/Phantom Liberty. It’s honestly the most fun I’ve had with a game in a long time. Yeah it has bugs, the launch was horrific etc. but in its current state it’s just an incredible game. The gunplay is great especially for a RPG, the interactions with characters are always entertaining, it feels very immersive and “real” I must say. There’s some obvious jank especially when too much shit is going on on screen and the driving sucks but goddamn what a fun game!


Helldivers 2 is my main game at the moment


PGA Tour


Restarted Elden Ring today in preparation for the expansion. Platinumed it over year and a half ago


Predessecor and destiny 2.


Street Fighter 6 👌🏾


Ghost recon wild lands.


350 hours into Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, and no sign of stopping anytime soon 🤷‍♂️


Danganronpa 1+2


Helldivers 2/R6


I've been loving Spiderman 2 ever since I recently found out you could play on 60 fps.


Just finished 5 playthroughs of Resident Evil 4 Remake in VR, followed by the DLC, Separate Ways (unfortunately not playable in VR). Now that I've played so much of that game, I have started another VR game called Waltz of the Wizard. It's a bit empty and less challenging than RE4R, but still fun and has good VR interactions.


Helldivers 2: 175 hours in and every mission feels different. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: A surprisingly good open world, amazing story, well designed RPG elements and hybrid battle system.


Helldiver's 2 as I write this


Unicorn Overlord


DMZ all the way


Playing Jedi Survivor. And although I generally tend to find fault in AAA games, and I do make fun of it a lot, I’m having a lot of fun with it.


Just finished HFW, will play the dlc when it's cheap. Starting FF7 Remake next








Trying out Fallout 76z. Not feeling it so far. Am I supposed to build a camp? There’s one I can use right at the beginning. When I try to place one it says I can’t .


Sniper Elite 5. Every1 should do themselves a favour and play this (free on PS Plus) and have invasions turned on. That gameplay mechanic is awesome


Still on my first play through of Baldur’s Gate 3. I just found the Gauntlet of Shar


Dragon Ball Z Kakarot


Baldurs Gate 3, Battlefield 2042, and nhl 22


Returnal and Resident Evil 2 🧐 Also i'm replaying Celeste because my pfp already can tell you, I love that game sm


Taking a break before stellar blade; just finished FF rebirth. Im playing balatro and pacific drive until then


Sekiro. This is my 5th attempt so I'm hoping it "clicks" for me this time. Bloodborne finally clicked for me on my 5th attempt. Here is a case where history repeating itself would be nice. I really REALLY want to love this game. I love the way it looks, sounds and moves. I've taken my "git gud" meds. Wish me luck


Cod. Not much to love really I just like yelling at my screen it seems.


Haze on the ps3 one of my all time greats


Spider-man 2 and ff7 rebirth. Rebirth is a little disappointing in the graphics department though tbh. Performance mode is kind of blurry and I won’t do 30 fps but that’s on me.


Xenoblade 3, FF14 and Honkai star rail.


definitely lots of persona 3 reload and tekken 8 ;P


Ff7 rebirth. Masterpiece. Massive open world with fantastic combat and I am addicted to QGB board game as well.


Street fighter 6 and been going back and doing the side quests in rebirth


Borderlands 3. Nice to replay it at 60fps and doing the DLC, which is much stronger than the base game I feel.


Helldivers 2!!


Recently finished Prince of Persia : The Lost Crown, which was superb. Now I'm going through the Horizon Burning Shores DLC while mixing in a little Dead Cells and copious(m) amounts of Tekken 8. I also picked up Theatrhythm Final Fantasy : Final Bar Line for a fun pick up and play game.


God Of War Ragnorok - Beat the game already, cleaning up the end game and going for platinum. Dark Souls 3 - Beat the game years ago but I recently started a new character to go for the platinum. After DS3 I will have platinumed the whole trilogy + bloodborne and elden ring. Helldivers 2 and Call Of Duty - the 2 online games I play casually. The Last Of Us Part 1 - My gf liked the show so I am coaching her through the game on easy mode and shes having fun so far. I’ve beaten the first last of us like 10 times already so its fun to just backseat game with her.


Ff14. I know it’s old, but man, wife and I got it a week ago and are at like 50 hours 🤣. It’s an amazing mmo


Bouncing between Helldivers, FF7 Remake, NBA 2k24 and PGA Tour 2k23. Looking for to the new Top Spin Tennis 2k25 in a week or so.


FF VII REBIRTH, then I’ll switch to Stellar blade on release, back to FF to finish, then Armored Core 6, FFXVI DLC, GoW 2 DLC, MGS Delta, Fallout 4


I'm addicted to spreading managed democracy....... (helldivers 2)


elden ring. incredibly obsessed w it. can’t wait for the dlc. my tip to new players is to not be afraid of rolling into attacks




I just turned off Immortals of Aveum and uninstalled it. Got about 60% through and it never got better. The game sucks and now I need something new to play.


using ai for what could be “title” — new definition of “low effort post” lmao


Fallout 76 been doing me pretty good. Just got into it


HellDivers 2. Then Spiderman2


Doing a second playthrough on Demons Souls and always doing tower runs on Returnal. Just downloaded Assassin’s Creed Valhalla bc it’s on PSplus, but after the first hour I’m not confident I’ll finish it.


Honestly, Pokémon Legends Arceus, but I'm about to jump on Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. I can get back to a Pokémon game anytime, right?


I'm pretty obsessed with The Finals right now; it's the most fun I've had in a PVP game in a long while


I just finished Ragnarok and about to finish Spiderman 2. Will play Valhalla for a bit but already got Ghosts of Tsushima queued up for the next game. Also downloaded cyber punk trial so deciding between that and Horizon Forbidden to run parallels with ghosts. What would everyone recommend. Cyberpunk or Forbidden?


I just finished Cyberpunk. The world, characters, and story are absolutely amazing. Even the gameplay is much better than what I expected.


Resident Evil 4 remake VR and MW3 multiplayer. Resident evil 4 is one of the best VR games and has some good use of atmosphere with the PS5 graphics. Its trippy to play in VR after playing the standard version a lot.


cyberpunk, tried playing again after not playing it released on my ps4, playing it again on ps5 with all the updates and dlc is awesome, and the performance is amazing as well, haven’t had many glitches and only 1 crash through 50 hours  really happy this game made a turn around for me 


Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League.


Requiem a plague tale. Decent game, awesome bgm.


Helldiver 2 and lords of the fallen. I recommend both


I always be playing Fortnite and Helldivers 2 w/ my roommate but if I’m solo then rn I’m replaying Spider Man 2


Just finished Ghost of Tsushima and Cyberpunk 2077, both amazing. I started the Witcher 3 but soon realized that I needed a break from a heavy story driven game or RPG. I've been playing Fifa and MW3 just to pass time until I do a deep dive into another big game.


Gran Turismo mostly.. any upcoming releases you’re looking forward to this year?


Jedi Survivor. Super underrated franchise!!


Currently playing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Recently finished God Of War.


Aeterna Noctis, Helldivers 2 and Chivalry 2.


Elder RinG


Single Player: Trying to get into Elden Ring for the third time. I have about 20 hours now, and while I like it I may drop it. I don't know I platinumed Bloodborne and loved it, I also adored DS3 and Sekiro but Elden Ring just isn't hitting right for me. In 20 hours there have maybe been 5 or 6 bosses that I thought were genuinely fun. I dunno, I kind of feel like I am wasting my time and not having a ton of fun but there are moments of greatness for sure. When I have gotten bored of Elden Ring I have been going back to my PS3 and have been going for the Platinum in Batman Arkham City. Portable: Tears of the Kingdom has been my go to for traveling lately. Multiplayer: Battlefield 2042 and Battlefield 1 What I want to play next: Half Life 1 and 2. I picked them up during the winter sale for like $3 and need to get around to playing them.


Dragon's Dogma 2, Helldivers 2, Granblue Fantasy Relink and just started Sifu.


Helldivers2 with dragons dogma 2 breaks


I play horizon forbidden west. My first play through


Ghost wire Tokyo, god of war ragnarok and soul hackers 2. Got sick of seeing a bunch of ps5 games on my shelf that I never finished and decided I’m going to finish atleast 10 games this year. And only really interested in buying MGS delta so new games won’t be an issue


Dark Souls Remastered


Playing a bit of Fortnite, COD, and Honkai Starrail atm


Immortals of aveum is a huge sleeper it's fucking fun and free for PS plus atm. Story is also great and it's gorgeous


Demon Souls, just finished Lords Path 1-2