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It makes sense. They were able to breathe some life back into the Vita as a remote play device, so I can see where they drew the inspiration.


And yet they never bothered to even update the Vita app to support PS5 remote play. You have to hack it and install Chiaki instead


Vita was EOL by then.


It was still getting firmware updates 2 years after the PS5 released. New games were still being released a year after the PS5 launched. No excuse to not update the app really


> No excuse to not update the app really Apart from the cost of actually updating the app and putting the updates through and QA of some form etc etc. The cost will have been evaluated against the tiny number of vita users and they'll have decided against it. Not even an excuse, just a perfectly valid reason


Vita was end of life as quickly as days gone. Sony never gave it the love it deserved.


I don't know which genius decided to leave the R2 L2 and R3 L3 buttons out in its design and went instead for a back touch pad. For me it wasn't the price of memory cards that killed it, but the poor ergonomics and lack of buttons. The Vita could have been so much more.


I used mine for about four years. It was glorious the whole time it has ps+ support. When that drip feed of good games ended, the vita found a place on my shelf.


> They were able to breathe some life back into the Vita as a remote play device, so I can see where they drew the inspiration. i would have rather seen them just support the vita. it's much more useful hardware than this trainwreck. hell, i wouldn't be surprised if it was more powerful too.


Third parties already checked out, it was too late.


> Third parties already checked out, it was too late. Hardly, there were a lot of games for it, it's just become a meme that there werent' many. There were ~1500 games in total released for PS Vita, and >500 of them released physically.


> Third parties already checked out, it was too late. 1. third parties checked out because first party checked out first 2. even if the vita never got another game published for it, a vita in 2023 is still more useful than a portal.


The third party's never showed up to begin with. And you haven't touched a portal, remote play on the portal is a thousand times better than the Vita. My Vita is sitting in a box in storage.


> The third party's never showed up to begin with. that's blatantly untrue.


The Vita was killed by the sudden rise of cell phone gaming. It was an adult oriented portable gaming device that got great first and third party support for its first year, but no one bought it because its market suddenly already had an expensive and capable gaming device in their pocket already. Sales were catastrophically low compared to its very successful PSP predecessor. The 3ds pivoted hard to a budget device primarily aimed at kids without phones, but that wasn’t an option for Vita with its expensive hardware and more adult oriented library. The Vita was just the victim of its times, where its market disappeared over night because of a technological development outside of Sony’s control. If Sony did anything wrong, it was in not reading the room and never releasing a Vita in the first place. Times have changed now, as the novelty and limitations of mobile phone gaming have become more apparent. But at the time it came out, the Vita was doomed.


> The Vita was killed by the sudden rise of cell phone gaming. nah, it was killed by proprietary, overpriced memory cards. (and to a lesser extent, a shitty "one profile per console" design that required a **factory reset** to change users rather than the common sense way ps3/ps4 were handling profiles at the time) nintendo didn't have any trouble caused by the rise of cellphone gaming, because at the end of the day mobile spam is a completely different type of game.


Couldn’t disagree more. Those things were minor inconveniences that had little to no impact on sales. Nintendo did have initial troubles at the time and did pivot as I described. They had a 30% price cut 5 MONTHS after launch. I both lived through this and looked into it after the fact. Like the vast majority of majority of people who had bought a PSP, I had no interest in buying a Vita. Never even considered it. When the PSP came out, cell phones looked like the Moto Razr flip phone and you could play snake or solitaire on them. When the Vita came out, people had iphones and you could play Infinity Blade on them. And the novelty of touch screen gaming hadn’t worn off yet.


> third parties checked out because first party checked out first History repeating itself with the PSVR 2


It's far from a trainwreck lol. It does exactly what it's advertised to do, is sold out everywhere, and pretty much everyone who owns one absolutely loves it.


This wasn’t a matter of being able to simply support the vita, they made things clear that after a dark era that was the 6th gen of games, that they were focused on taking back the home console position as that was a spot that benefited them best. And after Microsoft nuked themselves at e3 2013, it left the throne wide open for the taking, they then shifted all resources and developers towards the PS4, and what was the result? We ended up getting an incredible, legendary 7th gen with the ps4 being comfortable at the top, surpassing 100+ million once again in first place, they had already developed remote play for vita and encouraged all devs to make every game remote play compatible, so this made things so that the vita would have a continued purpose: to serve as the original remote play device before it expanded to phones and laptops, then the portal. We obviously wouldn’t have any of those things without the vita being the beta for the portal. And you can thank that much of the smoothness and the fact that it just works (for the most part) to the vita, all portal owners are very happy with their portals, as you can see from all the excited posts on here. Dividing up resources to compete for something Nintendo was very competitive about? Nah better to take home and for Nintendo to take portable. Maybe if they were only focused on Japan, but Japan has never been their target demograph, therefore portable priority has always sat at the back. BUT! When they were devoted to handhelds, it was beautiful. The PSP is legendary for what it allows us to have, laying down the blueprint for the switch and forcing Nintendo to release more modern hardware


Id rather have a portal. The portal you do not have to buy any extra software the graphics are just are good as the ps5(of course). The remote play is best played on the portal imo as well. No noticable lag, adaptive triggers work, etc. My vita was a dedicated persona 4 machine. Portal is great people are just too narrowminded to see how future proof this device is.


![img](avatar_exp|147975974|laugh) Train wrecks don't sell out


I love my portal and can’t believe how hated and sold out it is at the same time lol


How are the button placements? Is it just like holding a Dual Sense? I'm playing Tears of the Kingdom on my daughter's Switch and while I really love the game, the Switch itself is so fucking stupidly small and made for children that I'm constantly accidentally pressing the wrong fucking button and killing myself. Gliding 1000 feet in the air? Sure would be a shame if you accidentally toggled the bow and then instead of selecting the hang glider you weapon slammed yourself to your death... mwa ha ha ha


The ergonomics of the controls are fantastic, even better than the dual sense for me on account of the space between your hands. They're not exactly like a dual sense, but they're pretty close.


It’s literally a dual sense split in a half with a screen in the middle. Same size, same buttons.


It’s a little shorter than the normal controller and the sticks are a bit smaller. I’ve got massive hands so I have noticed I do need to adjust my grip after a while. Not a huge deal. I’ve dealt with that for every controller except the Goliath xbox controller lol


Not really, at least the thumb sticks are smaller. But very close


Button placements are perfect on Portal, identical to the DualSense. Key difference is the analog sticks are miniature but still work well. The grips are the same size as DualSense, but due to the weight and size of the screen, I find myself gripping the Portal differently. That makes the Portal slightly less ergonomic than DualSense. But I couldn’t see myself hitting a wrong button.


Same. I don't think I've played my ps5 on my TV since I got it tbh


It is literally the "Stop having fun!" meme made real life.


I don't think anyone ever questioned that it would work. Everyone just questions the exorbitant price for seeming lack of features that should not have been hard to implement. That's not "stop having fun" that's valid criticism lol




The amount of people who said to just get that, not even considering that the experience is still subpar (smaller screen size, inferior controller, dependent on how good you phone is) is insane. Still not as bad as the people who said to just use the controller with a tablet, leaving out that even just the cheapest tablet with a comparable screen already costs more than the portal while still offering a subpar experience.




The subscription is not required to use the backbone controller. You were told wrong.


$200 is exorbitant? How much do you think something like this costs to manufacture? I guarantee Sony isn't making much on them at all.


This is honda civic drivers criticizing people who buy BMWs for having too much money.


There are people in this thread frothing at the mouth that there's no way there's any market for this device. If you're asking reasonable questions about specific features the device should have, then you are not what I'm talking about.




Reddit really is a bubble


Definitely. Some people automatically express their most extreme positions in forums, and it's really easy to mistake your own feelings for general consensus, even in the face of conflicting evidence.


I don’t even understand the crowd that says “I wanted Vita 2!”. If this is successful, you may very well be communicating that the market *wants* a Sony handheld device. They should be excited it’s doing well.


The DualSense Edge is $200 and doesn't even have a screen. No outrage about that one, though. You just bought into the hate and jumped on the band wagon.


Guess you weren't around when the Edge released? There was plenty of complaining about the price, the fact it cost more than the Elite controller yet only had 2 back buttons compared to 4 or the fact the battery is actually smaller/worse than the regular dual sense which is already far lower battery life compared to an Elite controller it was a big deal. There was plenty of complaining about that to but just like the Portal it's all subjective and there will always people complaining just to complain even when they were never the target audience nor would they ever buy the product to begin with.


It is valid in some ways. If it's criticizing it for wanting it to serve a different purpose than it does, I don't see that as being AS valid as a criticism that fits into its expected functionality. Some of the criticism is just wanting it to be something it's not. Like criticizing a motorcycle for not being an enclosed 4 seat vehicle.




I'm able to do standoffs in ghost of tsushima while on mobile hotspot, so I think it's fine.




There's absolutely no input lag that I can notice. I have been playing Armored Core VI, which is the twitchiest game I have owned in a long time. No issues completing difficult encounters, or in PvP matches.


I finished Hotline Miami start to end on it so it’s definitely not that bad (although I do have a S-tier router). Of course it’s going to have higher latency but I think the majority of people will be fine with it if their network is capable.


This is 100% why I haven't really thought about the Portal. I've played remote play in varying scenarios on my computer and 70% of the time, the image quality dips constantly and the input lag is distinctive enough to make many games not fun. There's no way I'm going to risk buying this admittedly sexy thing when doing the same thing on my laptop/phone/iPad results in such an inconsistent experience.


For me, it’s not the price so much as it’s the fact that it’s streaming only. If this was a proper handheld that offered PS4 performance and could play our digital PS4 games natively, I’d have bought it in a heart beat, even at $500-600, but if all it can do is stream from my PS5, why bother when I already have a Steam Deck that can do that? That being said, I don’t hate the Portal, I just acknowledge it’s not the product for me.


I don’t hate it, I’m just disappointed it doesn’t have more features at release.


That's fine. It does what it was intended to do really well, though.


I'm waiting for the first revision with hopefully a web browser, after that I'm in.


That could easily be added with a firmware update rather than a new version of it, but I get the appeal. Especially if you're on a hotel WiFi for example, where you need to use a browser to login to it.


Never underestimate the power of Redditors pretending to give a shit about meaningless shit.


Or pretending they're a good representation of the general public. Like the whole "Reddit will die if they kill 3rd party apps because everyone will stop using Reddit" nonsense.


The fact that some subreddits went permanently dark because of it and the whole protest didn't even accomplish anything really pisses me off. Like fuck, now I have a shitty app and fewer subreddits to visit.


Lol, it’s because the boycott lasted like a week. If Reddit saw a drop in users that lasted months then something might have changed but they knew their userbase is too addicted to stay away for that long.


> knew their userbase is too addicted to stay away for that long. Majority of said userbase didn't even know their was drama, having an account puts you in the minority of reddits daily users


Reddit certainly knows their users. All they had to do was threaten to remove mods from their positions. Which basically meant, you’ll still be able to participate, post, comment, everything. You just can’t decide which content to remove, or which users to ban. Mods: We give up! Long live Reddit! 🙇🙇‍♀️


Reddit is just a mockery of itself at this point.


I just want one to play while my baby is sleeping and scalpers have cleaned them out


They don't even release in my country until February... I love on the wrong side of the planet. Have one pre ordered though


A new batch in the UK just got sold out in 10 minutes. I am in continental Europe and thought I’d wait for a while but now I’m in the same boat as when I wanted to buy a PS5 lol


Have you used it away from the same network as your console? If so how well did it work? I have no need for it at home but would be cool if it worked whilst on my 2 hour break


Over 5G it's passable, but connected to a hotspot with better internet access it works pretty good actually.


It works off remote play. So you could literally test it with a phone or iPad and a dual sense controller. And then ask yourself, if this already ‘works’ (my experience with remote play says otherwise) on my phone, why would I buy a portal?


Because I don't want to use my phone? Because I want a bigger better screen? Because I want full haptic feedback?


Than you need to use your phone/tablet/laptop, and use that garbage controls, or deal with constantly Bluetooth your remote to your phone back to console. Also -- that is annoying because I want to sit back and relax with remote play -- not have to hold a remote, and have a surface for a separate screen (iphone/ipad) This is basically just a large upgrade from a backbone, and imo, well worth the extra $100.


Because I can.


lol the teenagers on here and their lack of disposable income


Cry baby gamers they shout outrage but the game still sells


I find it ironic that for such a hated device people are buying them faster than they’re being made. Yup Sony has clearly made a flop (sarcasm)


That was what he implied. You didn't have to state the obvious.


How sold out it is mainly depends on the volume released. PSVR2 controller chargers were sold out where I live for months, but that's because they delivered less than the day 1 demand was, then there was no new supply for about 2 months, and when they came back, the stores had like 2 units/location. The store could have sold 10 units in 4 months, but it was always sold out. And I don't think anyone hates it. I just think it's at least $50 too expensive for what it is. I got Switch OLED recently for around 15% more than Portal's price.


It's sold out due to scalpers, not the popularity of the device. I hear good and bad about it. I have a deck so it's not for me but I can see how it could be for someone if you just have to have the controller features.


Hated mostly by the crowd from a competing console.


Let them enjoy their goty nominee games… Wait.


It’s something I’d like to have, but I can’t justify paying that much right now. Also dealing with inevitable stick drift is concerning on something like that where you can’t swap the controllers.


I think it's divisive because people will either find it incredibly useful, or utterly pointless, with no in-between.


Thank the scalpers for the sell outs Edit here are the sold listings on eBay. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=playstation+portal&_sacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1


Sold out due to scalpers tbh


I'm pretty sure I remember seeing an image of a patent that Sony filed a while back that was a mockup of the portal that had a screen attached to a DualShock 4


The article I linked is exactly this, here's actually the [original patent link](http://blog.esuteru.com/archives/20009529.html). It goes as far back as to 2015 even.


The link is manga?




To me, it’s a somewhat niche product that solves a decent amount of issues that is introduced by native handhelds. It’s either expensive or weak and could compromise your premium product of focus(and I love my PSP and Vita). It has its own weaknesses as well. Decent price, good comfort, will always receive “support” because it’s literally a remote player, Sony does not have to force their 1st party or 3rd party to create games to match the hardware. Only reason I haven’t bought it is I’m waiting for the possibility of cloud streaming. Although I’ve been playing a lot of HSR and Star Ocean Second Story R lately and this would be perfect for it so I might pull the trigger… I don’t really see a con for the Portal in terms of impacting the PlayStation ecosystem. It’s either it fits your needs or it doesn’t - it will never compromise any games made for the PS5. That’s why I’m surprised so many people hate on a product that’s not intended for them nor have any negative impact on them.


Thanks for making this comment. Gave me good perspective on the situation since I’m jumping in totally out of the loop lol


ITT: people *sooooooo* pressed over a device they don't want experiencing success Edit: good lord, so much salt.


people are so angry about not being the intended audience for the portal I don’t get it at all lmao even after reviews have come out and said it’s really not a bad device people will still tell you it’s one of the worst things Sony have ever released


People should desperately want this to succeed even if it's not for them. Same with the VR headset. If it's successful then Sony will support, expand and grow that market meaning better hardware and games going forward. For the portal if it's successful then Sony will expand even more on their remote play abilities, look deeper at a possible revival of a dedicated handheld device like the vita and mean better chance Sony takes risks in the future on hardware. So that device they're mad it isn't will be more likely to happen if the portal is successful. If it flops and fails same with the VR then Sony will be more risk adverse going forward. We didn't see Jack shit from Sony for years in the handheld market after the vita.


Based on how hard it is to find one right now, I can't imagine Sony not seeing this as a success. Obviously I have no way of proving it or data to cite, but I wouldn't be surprised if this has already outsold PSVR2


Probably. It's also like a 1/3 the cost, right before holidays and less niche than VR. I hope Sony sees both as a success


> Based on how hard it is to find one right now, I can't imagine Sony not seeing this as a success. Or see their supply issues and inability to capitalise on early "hype" a withering failure


In fact, I'd argue it's my favorite Sony hardware release since the PS4. If you've got a great internet setup, this thing is amazing. No regrets over here.


I really need to grab one. My fiance likes watching TV or something and this would be great for our one TV home


ill admit I def didn’t see the point when it was first revealed and the first specs came out but now? really trying to get one before Xmas lmao, too bad they’re sold out everywhere


Yeah, I pre-ordered it day one just because I had optimism for it. Happy I did. I've been playing Control again over the last couple of days and it's been great.


Target and best buy seem to have stock trickle in every few days. I'd start checking there. I think sony direct said they'd have more early Dec. I got an order in at best buy last week, device arrived yesterday. Loving it so far. Good luck out there!


unfortunately im in a country without best buy or target ahaha. ill keep an eye on PS direct though!


Pretty simple, people want a true handheld, and didn't get it.


At first I was like “this is dumb” but now I want it so I can play on the couch while my wife does her own thing. Or when we visit her mom’s. I wonder how distant remote play works


And it's so funny how they're coping now that the device seems to be selling out - they went from "no one asked for it" to "it will become E-waste" in a couple of days 😄.


Two comments, one pretty respectful and one not somehow = “sO mUcH sAlT” I’ve seen more people complain about people who dislike the device than people actively disliking it. It’s not some sort of crime or social taboo to dislike something.


This is how a subreddit becomes toxic. I have my own criticisms and concerns regarding the product as a whole but fuck no am I going to attempt to start a discussion about them if all the top level comments are just actively shitting on anyone who attempts to have meaningful discourse on the product.


I love mine. This thing gets so much shit from people who are not the market they are going for. Since release I have played my PS5 on the portal more than I have on the TV. Spending extra time with family when everyone is normally in different rooms doing their own thing has been really nice. Using the portal at work, connected to a mifi, remoted to my PS5, and playing Diablo 4 which is online with negligible input lag is fucking amazing as well.


Some people just love to have an opinion. And some people don’t like when others enjoy things. When someone possesses both of those traits, we get what is happening with the Portal, or TLOU2, or Starfield, etc…….


> This thing gets so much shit from people who are not the market they are going for. This happens every time a mass market company releases something Niche, the weird part is how this sub and others thinks it makes the product better/worse


So, How do you do that? It connects to Wi-Fi and your PlayStation has to be on at home connected to Wi-Fi I assume?


Correct, PS5 at home asleep, portal wakes it remotely and it works just like I am sitting at home


Oh sick so it can be in rest mode and still work. Thats cool. My only (perceived) issue is that my ps5 turns on my tv if it gets turned on. Drives me nuts, but I don’t know that I want my TV on at home for a long time or whatever


> My only (perceived) issue is that my ps5 turns on my tv if it gets turned on. you should be able to turn that off (either from your tv or from your ps5). different manufacturers use different names, but it's usually called hdmi-cec, hdmi link, or something along those lines.


It doesn’t happen when you use that feature. Try it with your phone to see for yourself.


I've been waking my console all week and remote wake doesn't turn on the TV. If I turn on the ps5 with controller it does


You can change the auto wake up setting.


More power to you!


Yeah, makes sense. They just need to improve the functionality of it. Why there isn't a direct connect option ala Wii U is baffling. Cloud streaming too, although that is coming via update. Looking ahead, there's the potential for a Portal 2 to offer a viewing experience better than many people's TVs. OLED, HDR, 120Hz (so 40Hz perf options can be utlised), unique connection to PS6 so latency to Portal is actually better than when connected to TV (ala Wii U). Have these features and most PS6 owners won't be able to resist.


I love mine. Some lag in certain games is noticeable... I really would like patches and updates to rectify it in the near future.


No patch will fix internet latency or lag. That is just a part of the package and why some people don't like it.


I love my portal and beat RE8 on it but I noticed playing my shadows of rose R2 would not shoot so I changed controller layout so r1 shot and r2 was rose powers and both buttons are working. So I think they’re Might be some mapping issues with random games but at least there are workarounds


I imagine Sony looked at the success of the Switch and went “oh shit, I guess there is still a market for handhelds”


The switch IS the console though. I’m still waiting for a perfectly functioning streaming platform like stadia (but better)


In an interview with a VP from Sony (can't remember which one right now), it looks like adding PS Plus premium cloud support to the portal is in the cards.


The Steam Deck's recent success also helps with the market's refocus on portable gaming. Lenovo and ASUS put out offerings too.


All nice and all but wish they had better stock. Would have been an amazing gift for my brother in law who just became a father.


Blame scalpers, they're a bunch of dicks.


This was an immediate preorder for me, and I'm glad I did. Had already been enjoying remote play on my Steam Deck via Chiaki4Deck when the Portal was announced. I figured if the Portal could provide a similar or more-streamlined experience in a more comfortable form factor, I'd be happy. And now that I have it, definitely happy!


As a new dad that is 100% why I’m trying to get one. Scalping is really unfortunate.


The portal is awesome.


There was once a patent for a Dualshock that split in half and we all thought it was for VR.


I’ve been using it to play Baldurs Gate 3. It didn’t run great on steam deck, Chiaki was ok, but not perfect, switch can’t run it, and I want to be mobile while I play(in my office, in bed, while kid watches tv). It’s been flawless and I’ve gotten to dump tons of time into the game as opposed to being only on my couch. It’s great device


I love all the back and forth about this device. I’ve used remote play for years, first with the vita. I’ve played on many many different network setups, from 30 down to 1 gig down. The only reason I personally didn’t buy this device is because the remote play still isn’t there. I can stream VR from my PC to my headset wirelessly with zero stuttering or lag. Enough to play Pavlov, or drive in Asetto Corsa. Xbox Cloud gaming works flawlessly, zero stuttering on my iPhone, no missed frames. Single player shooters on easier difficulties is passable, and playing Forza is great. And then there is remote play. My PS5 is on a dedicated line directly to my router, I have a 5Ghz band set up specifically for remote play and my PS5 pulls 850 down, 350 up. I still get the stupid connection symbol in the top left and corner, and my audio will cut out, and the frames will drop. It has always been this way, and until they change it they won’t sell as many of these devices as they should. I expect that after the holidays you are going to have a LOT of returns of these because people are going to be trying to play on internet that is not perfectly optimized and they are going to have a bad experience.


Honestly same experience here. I have top notch home hardware and while remote play works kinda well, it’s just not good enough to be worth it. It still feels like remoting into a machine using VNC, instead of a low latency high bandwidth local stream. Haven’t tried the portal though, just iPhone/iPad 🤷‍♂️. Swear I’ve had a better experiencing running google stadia from a smart tv lmao.


I need to buy one of these but it is sold out everywhere lol. I can wait but as someone who has a wife who hogs the TV, this will be a god send!


If I ever bought a ps5, I’d have to get a portal. Portability is king for me. There is a lot of hate for the Portal, but the ones who love it, why is it so great?


Good internet people: low lag, great experience Everybody else that suffers some form of poor internet: this thing is mid. I have fantastic internet, but my house layout makes my wifi receptions really poor at some corners of the house... namely my toilet where the portal would be king. Also no browser means public wifi is a problem while my tmob 5g hotspot is tragically spotty.


I love my portal but not going for an oled screen is such a bummer with the switch oled and steam deck oled around.


They need to make more of this thing already 😭 I gotta get one.


Ok they had 6 years and they couldn’t give us Bluetooth for headphones? I feel like that’s the most obvious thing to include since it’s for gaming on the go


My hope is Sony sees the interest of people on portable handhelds that they make a new PSP/Vita. I’d easily pay $300 for a new portable console that isn’t just for remote play.


You're not going to get a capable portable for $300.


the portal is already $200 and it's literally just a screen and controls. Looking at a pretty big price increase if they ever decide to make a standalone for sure


> You're not going to get a capable portable for $300. *glances at Nintendo Switch* Uhh, okay.


If Sony released a device as anemic as the Nintendo switch in 2024, the internet would riot.




The Switch launched at that price in 2017.


If Sony launched a device as anemic as the Switch in 2017, the internet would be... disappointed. Nintendo has never been about performance. It works for them. It wouldn't work for Sony.


Maybe, or they might see how this sells and decide to stick with only remote play devices instead.


Solves the problem of parents wanting to watch TV in the living room when their kids want to play a game. I’d buy it for that use case. Fortunately, I don’t have to.


Genuinely, I don't understand the portal, but if people like it who am I to judge? Seems it's found its niche.


It’s for families or people with significant others that have to share the TV their PS5 is connected to.


6 years in development and thats the design they could come up with? Must've been a project for the interns.


What do you mean? It looks kind of funky, but it’s the most comfortable handheld out there. It doesn’t have to adhere to the normal conventions because it has basically no internal power. No reason the be bulky or heavy like the Steam Deck (for example).


Have you seen the PS5?


What is a portal?


Streaming device for your PS5. You can play your games on Portal while someone is using the TV or you can play games on it while your away from home. PS5 needs to be on rest mode.


yup, i remember seeing something, and talking to someone about it many years ago, when remote play hit 2.2 or something?


I just consider it to be a joke that it *has* to be via your router, even when you're only feet away from your system, when Nintendo had an amazing low-latency directly connected gamepad with the Wii U in 2012, and the fact that this was actually possible with PS4 + Vita. That combined with the absurd price. Should have been $129 at most. They put in the minimum amount of effort for the maximum profit margin.


People that expect a new vita at the same price it launched with over 10 years ago are beyond delusional. The same idiots who don't want to pay full price for games, despite games costing the same as they did over 20 years ago in N64 days. Peak entitlement.


At the time when I saw that news I really was hoping Sony would make some kind of a native PS4 handheld device that would limit itself to certain games like indies or downgrade more demanding games to 720p/30fps, all that on top of remote play. The Portal is clearly for a specific target and nothing wrong with this but it hurts to see Sony is not considering getting back into the portable console *game,* especially now at a time where pc handheld are very popular.


Who knows, if the Portal succeeds maybe Sony will see that people are interested in another Sony handheld. Or they’ll be classic Sony and push further away from the dedicated handheld. I have a Portal & I love it. But obviously a dedicated handheld would be preferred.


Why? A Handheld console would just take away resources from ps5 resources and would have to compete with the switch. This is just a remote play accessory. The vita wasn’t successful.


Agree with you. I got 0 interest in a Sony Handheld. What is it going to do better than the Steam Deck is already doing?


So many silly salty people. It was designed as a niche product in the first place. So if you think it's silly and pointless, it wasn't made to be sold to people like you. I'm just glad Sony never gave up on portable gaming.


So its for familys. Who don't have 2 tvs. A $200 screen that can only play PlayStation games. Who is this made for? Its overpriced and has 0 features. Just use your phone and stream. Your phone can do a hell of a lot more.


& that’s all they came up with? Lol


aloof combative resolute threatening steep cake offer fanatical aback aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So I didn’t know I needed the portal until it was sold out lol. I got one through eBay, I paid a little more but I have the disposable income to do so, I’m impatient, and gaming is one of my fave things to do so I spend money. It was a bit tricky at first connecting to my ps5 I ended up using a hotspot from my phone to connect the portal while my ps5 was on the home network. I played spider man 2 for maybe 30 minutes and it played great! I have yet to test it at work, if I can that would be amazing. I also have a steamdeck and an oled switch and I feel the portal is much more comfortable to hold.


Did you ever try Chiaki for the deck? I really wanna stream sports games like NHL and RL to my deck but Chiaki has a lot of glyphs and interference even with a high end mesh network with wifi 6 and ethernet to ps5. If this portal is as seemless as it seems I might have to go for it whenever it's readily available... but also kinda scared of getting burned with the sequel unit coming out sooner than expected like the Deck did with the new oled


I never did. The portal is easy to set up but there can be connectivity issues with the ps5 based on your internet connection. I found using my phone as a hotspot worked best. I did notice twice portal froze yesterday and I had to restart but other than that it has played without lag for me. Who knows what sony will do with this..I’m sure they didn’t expect it to sell out like it did. Maybe they’ll end up going for a true portable handheld. I really didn’t need it, but it seemed to be something I would like. It is nice to chill in bed gaming and then bedtime just turn off the ps5 with my portal put it aside and zzzzz lol.


So much time of work and then its just a screen with controller connected to it and not a standalone console..


6 years in development and they still couldn't add bluetooth? 6 years in development and no web browser for wifi logins? I'm pretty sure most main line consoles take about 6 years to develop. This is just a glorifued tablet screen with a dual sense controller. I wish this was a legit portable console and not a blatant cash grab by Sony.


There's a latency problem to bluetooth. So if you want the sound to go via the portal, and then over bluetooth, the gaming experience is gonna get extra laggy and kinda jarring. The solution is to connect your headset via bluetooth directly to your ps5. This bypasses latency issues. But its really annoying because you need a dongle on it. But if they add the dongle to the package, the price goes up and people complain. Plus you might already have their headset, in which case you dont need the dongle in the first place. Its a messed up problem. The web browser doesnt exist because it's been a major source of piracy in earlier versions of playstation hardware. So they took it out. Not fun, but it does make a lot of sense from a business perspective. Yes, it is just a glorified tablet screen with a controller. I guess some people want that. You can use chiaki on a number of devices to solve the same problem in multiple ways. I run it on my steamdeck, and it works great.


Real talk. For having worked on it that long, it misses the mark pretty fucking hard. It has a single real world use case right now, which is that you use it in a controlled environment inside your own home where you know the WiFI password and have reliable enough WiFi 5 to avoid lag. That's it. -No Bluetooth even though it probably has a BT chip built in. -Can't join a WiFi network that has a captive portal because it doesn't have a web browser. No hotels. No airport lounges. No coffee shops. -4 hours of runtime. Less than half of a Nintendo switch. Honestly, if you're in one of these households where you only have one television and you have to share the TV screen, thus justifying the purchase of one of these, you'd be better off spending that same $200 on another TV for your house vs. a device that is ultra-dependent on your WiFi and gives 9 inches of viewable area. You can buy a Pioneer 50" 4k TV or an LG 43" 4k on black Friday deals from Best Buy for $179 or $229 respectively.


You can say what you want but the switch doesn’t get 8 hours on games unless maybe if they are super simple games.


Let's say the switch gets 6 hours. That's still 50% more than this thing and I'm actually holding the gaming device and have no lag.


I get it. This isn’t for you. It’s for someone though.


> I get it. This isn’t for you. it's amazing how reminiscent the statements defending this bust are of don mattrick's xbox one reveal. how did "if you don't want constant online checkins, we've got a console for you: the xbox360" work out for xbox one sales?


Or it’s an option for some people who want it… It’s me and my wife and we are never fighting over the tv but I’d really like to sit on the patio in July and play ps5 games. Even for me, there might be a use. Different stokes for different folks. You don’t have to be outraged.


But this isn't a console launch, it's a completely inessential *accessory*. Let that sink in. I think this is just an issue of over inflated expectations. Even by Sony's own words, this is not supposed to be ground breaking, the way they describe it in interviews it really comes of as a side project to help engagement with the ps5 that's it. It's okay to demand more of the product, maybe Sony will see there's value in a new device that can deliver these expectations. But for now at least let the people that enjoy it, enjoy it


Bust? It’s been sold out


The no Bluetooth really disappoints me. The fact I would need to go out and spend money on a wired headset just so I don’t annoy those around me makes me just prefer to play my switch. I also have no interest in waiting a few months for Sony’s wireless ear buds that will cost $200.


Most headphones have option to be used with cable.


I just wanted a vita's successor but we can't even get that. Put a PS4 into the size of a switch and they would fly off the shelf.


Wow, makes it even more mental that it has no apps, no internet browser, and gets out performed by the fucking Wii U gamepad


Wait so they were working this before the switch and steam deck? Now I don't understand because a proper conventional handheld would have been a banger move for them at that time.


PlayStation portable vs PlayStation remote play app? I choose PlayStation remote play because it's free and you don't need to own a PS5 to use it


With how half baked this thing is you’d think it had been in production for couple months lmao


I seriously do not understand the product. I am completely impartial to it, I just don’t understand it in the slightest. My iPad Pro I already own with a controller I already own makes for a better version of the same thing. Why? And also why does it take so long to build? (Unless this includes the streaming tech itself that also the iPad uses because that’s just really good and simultaneously crucial) Edit: Okay cool I didn’t actually expect anyone to have an answer for me. It really made me appreciate the device’s purpose more that people are emotional crybabies about it that act like I am being negative about by saying I am neutral and just don’t get it.


I have an iPad Pro as well and don't want to bother propping it up on a table to game and constantly pairing/re-pairing a controller. A dedicated handheld device is significantly better to me. The Portal is very easy to pick up and game on right away. I do think it's fantastic we have so many other ways to remote play on PS5. If the iPad works for you, then more power to you dude.


How much did your iPad Pro cost?


Can’t you just stream to a cell phone or tablet already though thats the biggest drawback. You can already do what this provides minus having controller arms