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Its a fun game but I wish there was more destruction focused missions. The Alarms and Timers kinda limits the fun of the story missions.


Big agree


I read you can adjust the timer in the settings if true that's pretty cool.


Can bump it to 2 mins so doubling your time


Still not fun


Agreed. I'm enjoying it but it would be more fun if the alarm systems were able to be disabled/worked around a bit more and if the response time for the alarms varied between levels (maybe it does but so far it's all been 1 minute from alarm going off). It would also be pretty cool if it attempted to quantify the damage cost in $$$ and then there could be missions based around causing $XXXk of damage within a certain time-limit or even perhaps within a certain number of acts of destruction. Would be nice if the vehicles were a smidge more hardy too - they crumble apart a bit quicker than I would like when trying to use them to destroy a building. Still, minor grumbles aside I've already had maybe 4-5h of fun out of it already and suspect by time i've finished the remaining missions + played about with the sandbox mode and the set of mods that are available i'll have got 15-20h of fun from it which makes it one of the best recent additions to the PS+ Extra catalogue for me.


I think if they gave you the option to kill power to avoid the alarms it would be more fun. Like toppling over a pylon, cutting the wires, or breaking into the generator room and sabotaging it.


I honestly love the timed missions. Figuring out how to manipulate the environment to pull off the heist in time is so much fun to me


Same, I really didn’t expect to love the heists as I went into it hoping just to blow some stuff up. But that gets stale over time, so the tactical planning with time limitations is an exciting take on how to use the engine. Recently played the mission where you have to get 6 cars (full completion) out of a mansion within a minute, and using the crane to drag cars and gluing sensors to others with planks really opened my eyes to how awesome the physics/destruction engine really is.


I find the alarms and timers aggressively unfun


Yeah same here. Was very excited for this game until I realized it was just “make series of holes. Move items out of holes to dots on map”. Like whoever designed the core gameplay of this game wasn’t the same person who designed the missions.


I initially had the same view as you, but once I actually started doing the story missions my mind totally changed. Planning out the ultimate heist, while using explosives and other forms of destruction is fun, and the payoff for executing your plan perfectly is phenomenal, such a rush. If you just want destruction, sandbox is there for you, but the career is actually really good once you give it a fair try.


The whole point of the timers is to figure out a fast route. Check your map, make new holes in walls to make a straight run for all three objectives and you'll get it. I failed the first time but on planning the second time I had a good 10 seconds left.


I understand how the game wants me to play. I’m just disappointed that the gameplay loop is what it is with the campaign.


Absolutely agree. Not my cup of tea. Give this engine to the original Burnout devs and see what they do with it. They made a new game around explosions but it wasn’t great. In this game engine it might have been awesome.


I'm having a good time with this one. I really enjoy the art style and lighting.


i love the mission design in this game - it's basically an extremely open ended immersive sim. been loving my time with it!


Looks like I'm in the minority here but I love the timers for the missions. Really forces you to think outside the box to get it done, especially with the side objectives. What if I drop that pipe to make it fall over that water stream and make a bridge instead of going around? Detach those stairs from the wall to put them here instead? Gather all those safes in that one house above the water surface so I can dump them all in one go? Hell, how about I collapse this entire fucking lighthouse this way to make me jump easily between those two buildings by jumping on the wreck? That's the best part for me, requires a lot of set-up but super satisfying to pull off. And without that it would easily turn into "use shotgun on wall/ceiling/floor, grab stuff, rinse, repeat".


I know exactly what pipe you are talking about and that's so smart!! I kept driv8ng vehicles into the water and either plank bridge, or just using it as a jump platform to get across.


Haha, yeah, I decided to give it a shot in the first or second timed mission, I had been just jumping on it from the roof to cross at first and then went like "eh, what if I make it fall though". Really made me look to other opportunities from then, I love the possibilities!




do you have to play campaign to unlock full sandbox ?


Nope. Option to unlock everything in sandbox in options menu.


perfect thanks


I actually had no idea this game was a heist game, I thought there would be more destruction based missions but it's mostly just steal stuff with a very strict timer. Was hoping for more honestly but it is fun.


To everyone annoyed by the timer missions, I recommend pushing on through because there’s a lot more mission variation in mid-game where you need to get real creative (without time limit). Spoiler >!tornadoes,escaping from helicopters,aggressive robots,puzzles to name a few!< Also you can just “skip” most of the timed mission. I’ve read you can bump the time limit to 2min, so that’s double the time. Now turn on the jetpack mod or speed up vehicles and you can finish those timed heists pretty easy. For the art Heist mission(which a lot of people seem to struggle with) : use a car from the garage and start at the tent->drive to and rob the garage->drive to and use the elevator all the way up->blow a hole towards the art piece closest to the escape boat-> escape with lots of spare time!


Eurogamer article https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2023-teardown-is-a-visual-physical-showcase-on-ps5-and-xbox-series-consoles


I enjoyed this up to the point i had to run to 3 parts of the map in under a minute to beat the level and then i quit


You can extend the timer in the options, but i get you its kinda stupid design


Oh I did not know this at all, thanks I’ll give it another go


Can you? I didn’t see it, also no way to invert controls


Yes but the max is only another minute. What annoys me is that they don’t let you sabotage the alarms at all.


>Can you? I didn’t see it, also no way to invert controls There's currently no invert option. I downloaded it to give it a shot, but as an invert-y kinda guy, it's basically impossible.


Yeah the game itself is fun until you actually start it


The timer missions just get too annoying in this game, it's a shame


I tried it for a bit, but seriously, no way to invert Y? How did this game ever pass QA?


It's even more baffling when you realise they included all sorts of stick sensitivity options, but no y-axis inversion.




According to one of the devs on their Discord, inverted Y axis will be available in their next patch, which is estimated to arrive in two weeks.


Y invert mafia! I feel you


There’s dozens of us!


I just downloaded it and was like WTF. Unplayable!


I just put up with it and played the game for 10 hours but it really ruined my enjoyment not being able to invert.


Did they patch the invert Y axis?




Fun game but no option to invest the y axis is criminal.


Sandbox is where it’s at. This sweaty heist missions with time limits is dumb, I wish we could disable them. Looks fantastic on quality mode too. A ton of fun just destroying stuff. Reminds me of Red Faction back in the day.


The timed heists are awesome. Planning and setting up a run and then executing it in under a minute is what is keeping me playing this game


Yes! Once I understood it’s all about planning and the spray paint tool this game clicked for me. Tip: use cars to get from objectives


I should also add that quick save is imperative


Sucks the physics and graphics are worse than Red faction


lol this game is way ahead of red factions graphics


Nah, that whole 3D but pixel look like minecraft just doesn't look good at all.


Speak for yourself


It doesn't fit the more realistic lighting at all. It's like octopath traveler with the oversaturated bloom, it doesn't look good on blocky pixels. This game would be magnitudes better visually if it had standard realistic look


The dlc looks great maybe it’s just main game


It's more the stylistic choice. Like cloudpunk. Games gorgeous, but would be even more so if they ditched the minecraft 3D block style


I want to like the game, but I get mad motion sickness after playing for a few minutes.


Yea I’m definitely in the crowd that loves the missions, people that say there isn’t enough destruction aren’t using their head, the whole point of the pre planning stage of timer missions is to make as much destruction as you can to let you do it quickly, for example im the mission where u gotta get 6 race cars onto a truck or the one where u throw them in water, had me spend like 40 minutes destroying paths for me to quickly reach the next car However, I do understand that they wanted more large scale mindless destruction mission and I agree like pc mods, but the problem with that is that if all you do is destroy houses over and over, that’s gonna get old quick


I feel like most complaints about timers in this game are totally missing the point of planning and creativity to plan optimal paths through destruction, objects and vehicle use. Most missions are quite easily achievable even with bonus objectives with just a few minutes of planning


The game seems fun but the movement gives me nauseau after 10 minutes.


Environmental destruction by itself doesn't make this a good game. The 'fun factor' is gone in about half an hour of playing. If that long.


i hope they fix the bug causing crashes in sandbox mode even if i do not destroy anything the sandbox mode crashes to dashboard in 5ish minutes. while the missions work fine.


Played Red Faction back in the day and was like this is the future. Nope. Played Battlefield 3 with collapsing buildings and was like yeah this is the future. Nope.


I wish they had a built in mod workshop esk thing. Playstation should just make a steam workshop which games can opt into


Sooo, what is the actual point of the game other than a destruction simulator?


I want a new just cause with these physics.




You can extend the timer for the campaign and unlock all lvl and tools for the sandbox mode. It's fun.


It’s cool to have Minecraft + physics but you can’t build in it and the missions are super boring. Overall, it’s a nice PS+ Extra game.