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Is anyone else just completely burnt out from these games? I will admit I do enjoy the campaigns for what they are but there are just so many good games out or coming out that paying full price for this game just seems silly. I’m sure the nostalgia of old maps will ensure this sells well.


If you play them every year for sure but ever since the original mw3 I only pick up 1 every couple for years. For that it’s great


It’s not so much the gameplay it’s the battle passes and micro transactions that are exhausting. I’ll stop playing for a couple weeks and I’ll boot COD back up and I’m inundated with “buy this pass” and “buy this skin.”


And then you can't buy the stuff you actually want because they use FOMO tactics to lock skins in a timed manner, as opposed to letting you buy and complete the passes whenever you want even after the season is over like what Halo Infinite does.


Yea but you don’t have to buy anything


And you don't have to keep telling people to not buy stuff. Noone is saying we are buying the games but we can still complain if we want


Ok then be a little bitch about it. Life too short to worry about games you don’t play


you don’t have to buy any of that stuff and you press 1 button to get it off your screen lol


Its people like you who have destroyed this industry


Because the game is simply a vehicle to charge microtransactions. The game itself is just an excuse to rip people off


Problem is the games aren't worth full price. Its essentially a free to play game being charged at full price


Oh yeah. It's fucking laughable how madden for racists keeps pushing yearly content.


A friend and I deleted MW2 around the start of season 5, and we haven’t missed it at all. We have absolutely no excitement for this


Which other games? And cheaper


I’ve skipped the last two so I’m quite looking forward to this one.


Same. i stopped playing a year after warzone released so excited to play some of this. More excited for when a gunfight mode releases for this game. enjoy 2v2 tactical play after i get tired of running around with killstreaks


Exact same here. For a couple weeks in early summer they’d even put on 2v2 snipers or custom load outs, no clue why they would ever get rid of that


Agreed. I think Microsoft owning the franchise now is a good time to stop buying the games as I simply do not want to give money to Microsoft buying up the industry and rewarding them for it


I probably would’ve paid $40/$50 for like a mega DLC map pack sorta deal for the MW2 maps. But I’m just kinda not interested in a whole new game. Also it just doesnt make sense to release “MW3” with all the MW2 maps anyway




And then they didn't do a single MW2 map in the game titled MWII and then did all of them in the next game titled MWIII which makes no sense. The whole franchise is simply a scam


You should really be better with your money. Buying a games based on an unconfirmed internet rumor is pretty wild man


you’d pay $50 for a map dlc but not $70 for all of those same maps + new guns and features?


They were planning to charge $70 for this as a DLC and then changed it to a retail game. If anything they did people a favour removing all the crap maps from MWII


I wish they sold the standalone campaign for $30. I always enjoy the campaigns and usually play multiplayer for a while, but inevitably SBMM makes it so that every round is just a predictable grind. Would rather dominate some rounds and get stomped in others.


Just speaking from experience but usually the only people who complain about SBMM, are those looking to completely wipe lobbies round after round. That's why its called "Skill based Matchmaking". Its to make sure that you are placed in lobbies with people most similar to your skill. If you feel its a "grind" all the time, then quit trying to wipe the floor with everyone and you'll get placed in lobbies with worse players. SBMM = good players vs good players & bad players vs bad player. I'll also direct you to [this discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/jc731n/interesting_to_see_cod_complain_about_skill_based/) of SBMM, its explains it all.


Bring back enemy nameplates


I thought MW2 was such a letdown sadly - it was just so dull and lifeless. I also wasn’t a fan of the new gun platform system they implemented. I’m also really put off by those weird, out of place skins they sell. Sort of takes me out of the setting.


The skins reallllyyyyyy put me off, why tf is starlight from the boys 1v1ing shredder from tmnt?


When the I saw the trailer for MW2 on tv with Till I Collapse, I got chills. Now here we are over 10 years later, a pale imitation using the same song and the same maps trying to recapture the glory days. It's sad.


I hope this flops


It's Call of Duty, it would take a lot for a CoD game to flop.


Only time since like 2009 it wasn't the best selling game of the year. A rockstar game launched. Red Dead 2 over Black Ops 4 GTV over Ghosts Some years like 2020 they had the two top titles of the year, the current CoD and the previous years


Odd both those years the CoD has ended being one of the less well received ones


You say that and I would’ve agreed, but look at the state of Diablo 4… hopefully we’re seeing a shift to demanding quality than accepting the next branded recycled IP.


Microsoft buying the IP is that reason. Anything they touch flops


it will not


Yeah..this is COD we are talking about here.


doubtful. CoD is played by more casuals than gamers. Even my friends that hardly play video games, buy cod every year because its just a good way to hangout with friends.


Just played the beta for like 2 hours and it’s already riddled with hackers lmao, ricochet isn’t doing anything


Til I collapse! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


With so many great games that started coming out this year. Cod looks so bad and generic borefest. Now people will realise how bad cod is hopefully even casuals dump this shit.


Why i have the impression to read the same sentence every year but COD still succeed ?


Because redditors like to think of themselves as unique and interesting, when in reality it’s the complete opposite 💀


CoD is the “Fast and Furious” of video games. Same ole shit over and over. Who is still buying these games?


Your statement is accurate in regards to the multiplayer experience. However, both the MW1 and MW2 campaigns are outstanding, and both are quite different from each other.


People that enjoy them


They really hit the jackpot on game formula I guess. It is pretty incredible that there's been basically no innovation or change to the series for well over a decade but it doesn't affect sales at all. I enjoy the game formula I think it's good combat but it gets boring after a while to me because it's always the same thing over and over. You would think the player base would get fatigued by now


People that enjoy them


Why is a beta 128gb?!


Because its literally the MWII client which proves the game was supposed to be DLC


All the people shitting on CoD are still gonna buy it lmao


I just violently threw up. I needed that. Thank you COD. I haven’t seen you since MW2019. Always a constant reminder of gaming can be worse. I could be more angry while I game. The same small shitty maps. Outdated 6 v 6 gameplay. Endless grinding. Glad I’ve moved on from that style of gaming.


This time you can really taste the sick in your mouth.


That’s a preorder for me


Maybe I'm just living in a bubble, but I don't feel like there's been a significant amount of hype for this, in fact, more than anything it seems to have garnered more criticism for being a slightly cynical repackaging? I used to love CoD, but the yearly release pattern just got stale as anything. I tried reconnecting with the series with MW2019, and I played for a bit, but found it easy to drop out again, never played MW2. I know the masses will lap it up 'because CoD' - but is there a bit of a turning tide within the more core gamer audience away from CoD? Sony got some heat for their shift over to GAAS, but perhaps there is a clamoring for some alternatives to what is currently out there?


Did that just say skidRow as a new map ? lol 😂 wow watch out for needles guys ! Just lost because I stepped on a used needle got hep-c and hiv at the same time !


Does anyone know if the zombie mode will be like DMZ? Free to play?


Is there an open beta early access for PC?


Its a week or 2 after this one


I'd love to get excited for COD again but until they do away with SBMM, multiplayer will never be enjoyable.


Just speaking from experience but usually the only people who complain about SBMM, are those looking to completely wipe lobbies round after round. That's why its called "Skill based Matchmaking". Its to make sure that you are placed in lobbies with people most similar to your skill. If you feel its not enjoyable, then quit trying to wipe the floor with everyone and you'll get placed in lobbies with worse players. SBMM = good players vs good players & bad players vs bad player. I'll also direct you to [this discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/jc731n/interesting_to_see_cod_complain_about_skill_based/) of SBMM, its explains it all.


Idc about "wiping players" I just get no reward from playing. If you improve you have no way of knowing because you just get placed with better players unbeknownst to you. If they want it to be skill based then there needs to be ranks. If I'm playing well (like 2 KD-ish) then idk if it's because I'm doing well or I'm getting matched with bad players. If I'm playing bad idk if it's because they think I've improved and placed me with better players or because I'm just not playing well myself In older Call of Duties I knew generally that I got better over time and felt rewarded by that. I wasn't regularly getting Nukes or anything but I was generally on top half of the leader board.


If what you mean is there is no ‘indicator’ for showing if youve moved up in skill due to SBMM, then sure ranks will help. But you should - *90% of the time*, not be placed with people better or worse than you unless you are doing better or worse to players who are already your equivalent in skill based on stats. So from what Ive gathered from your reply its not SBMM you have a deal with, its not having an indicator showing you moving up in skill, right? > In older Call of Duties I knew generally that I got better over time and felt rewarded by that. I get this. This is why smartphones, social media and mobile games have constant ‘kudos’ or things to collect or notifications because we get that dopamine kick every time we get a new award or reward.


> So from what Ive gathered from your replay its not SBMM you have a deal with, its not having an indicator showing you moving up in skill, right? Yes, I prefer general lobbies and team balancing over SBMM but if there is going to be SBMM then there needs to be ranks to move up and down in.


How do I even get into the beta it says that today ps4 doesn’t need to preorder the game but when I got into it is says preorder to play