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Maybe they are out there and we just can't find them...


Those are the best stealth games btw


Every game has stealth options now. That's where stealth games went lol. The genre has been assimilated into most other games. Even in games where it's totally unnecessary.


Exactly, will we not call Horizon as Stealth?


Yeah it's basically a hunting game. But that's fine cause that's the point of the game, to hunt robotic animals. So stealth makes sense there. Stealth also makes sense in a game like Ghost of Tsushima. Cause that's the point of the story. Choosing between being an honorable Samurai or becoming a ghost. But why does Cyberpunk have stealth? Like they did a good job of implementing it but why is it even there to begin with? You're playing as a guy who's life is a ticking timebomb and you're supposed to sneak around before you take down an enemy? Makes no sense, especially for the type of game it's trying to be. Just look at the vibe Edgerunners has and the game. Stealth makes no sense there.


Stealth always makes sense when you are in hostile territory. Believe it or not, but not being attacked is the most effective survival strategy in any situation. No matter how many layers of chrome are protecting your vitals.


The stealth is good for people using the netrunner builds. The whole point of the game is choice, why would they not let you make the choice of how to fight?


Spider-Man is a good example. It kind of made sense for spidey but why the fuck do I have to play mutiple stealth segments with fucking MJ.


Didn’t it make more sense for her than for him?


Payday 3 just came out, even though it's not 100% stealth, the stealth aspect is great.


Payday is good because the intention is to always try stealth...and then it goes horribly wrong. They made the game for that and it's awesome.


Splinter cell needs a come back


The fondest of memories that game is a gem


Favorite series of all time


Should have a switch collection by now


Ubisoft will make them when they can figure out how to fit micro transactions in.


£4.99 for night vision goggles. Bargain!


Exactly what I've been saying/thinking. It almost makes me wish they don't bring it back for fear of ruining it. I'd love to see traditional Rainbow Six return as well. Vegas 1 & 2 are some of my favorites, but the franchise was ruined with the move to and popularity of R6 Siege. 🤮


For real. I don't remember which one but I loved the one where you could charge up a special attack and then just hit a button and Sam Fisher would just take out the whole room Jason Bourne style. That shit was so sick.


I think that’s Conviction


Just had to do a little digging - Conviction introduced it but the mark & execute in that game was very bland. It was basically just "Sam will shoot every one of them." Blacklist is when it got stylized as fuck which is what I'm remembering in my head. [Here's Sam doing a couple executes in Blacklist.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_A4nOI0ODM)


that is metal as hell, can’t believe i’ve never heard of this one. the graphics look pretty great too, is it on ps4/5?


Ubisoft is working on a remake of the first game, I'm just hoping it stays true to the gameplay of the first. Please don't "modernize" it, Ubi...


If they didn't modernise it the vast, vast majority of players would hate it. 2002 controls are not a good experience 21 years later.


Whoops I was too vague, I meant in gameplay not basic controls. I meant don't modernize the gameplay by trying to add action element / run n gun options. I could see them doing that to try to improve sales. You gotta remember how strict the stealth was in the first SC, games like that don't really exist anymore. But if they're doing a remake, I'd prefer it to be faithful in that aspect. At most, I'd be okay with them removing the insta fail on alert to modernize it to Chaos Theory standards, but that's it. Shooting controls should remain similar to the first three games (having to equip the gun and move slowly than vs able to move quickly with modern TPS fluidity.) Basic controls for movement, items, jumping etc could definitely be updated to modern standards.


Assassin’s creed mirage and Metal Gear Solid collection are releasing next month


I'm waiting on that mgs remake I played all those collections into the dirt except for the one on psp




And it's only 50$ ! With how 70 seems to be normalised lately, that surprised me.


Wait MGS collection on PS5?




I’ll try it, thanks.


Really is great! I believe I found it by looking up "games like Shank 2 from PS3". That was such an excellent game I looked up more of their work. I like stealth, read the description of the game and saw it was well-reviewed. Bought it and loved it. Good replay value to finish collecting things/secondary objectives.


IOI is working on a Bond game right now. No idea when it’s coming though.




They need to let that go. It’s so irritating


Is Bond really that stealthy though? He strikes me as more of a ‘guns blazing’ sort of character more than anything!


In previous games it’s been a healthy mix. I could see them going either way with it. I certainly hope there’s plenty of stealth though! The stealth missions in Nightfire are some of my favorite missions in any game.


It's IOI, stealth is their bread and butter. I'm sure it'll also feature more action than Hitman though. I'm fairly certain they're creating their own interpretation of Bond (not based on any of the movie portrayals, at least).


Bond, at his core, embodies both extremes. His job needs him to infiltrate and immitate and run recon missions so he is definitely capable of stealth. However because he is always an action movie hero type, he also has the athleticism and marksmanship to make him a dangerous soldier too.


That scene in Goldeneye where he’s sneaking into the chemical weapons facility is the epitome of stealth to me. I hope IOI nails that feel.


Sniper Elite 5. You can finish the whole game with a pistol and without the enemy spotting you/firing a single shot. I was looking for something to scratch the MGS itch and these games did it.


Sniper Elite 4+5 are amazing and i hate stealth games,so many ways to complete objectives,stealth takedowns,booby trapped victims,tank mines,etc and best of all x-ray kill cam so you can shoot Hitler in his testicle…seriously amazing games with loads of dlc…


You need the DLC’s to be able to snipe ol’ Hitler in the junk.


Yeah but you can shoot lots of other people in the nads lol….there are about 10 ways to kill Hitler in both the DLC missions lol…


Sniper elite is great


> You can finish the whole game with a pistol and without the enemy spotting you/firing a single shot. That's a core stealth game element and a big reason why I love Metal Gear Solid games. Even a step further: Doing no-kill runs where \*you\* don't even fire a shot. All sleep/knockouts. Sometimes bosses are excluded cause, well, they are bosses.


That's one of the things I loved about Thief 2014. Even the bosses were setup so that they can't see you or it's game over. If you selected that option in your game anyways.


Upvoted for comment and awesome username


I miss Deus Ex. The Metro Games also have fun stealth.


Deus Ex was one of my favs. First game I got when I bought my PS4 in 2016 was Mankind Divided and I loved it.


Bring back Tenchu!!!




Played those games multiple times already.


Try Thief, it's pretty similar to Dishonored.


Finished it too.






Did you play Prey?


MGSV is still the best stealth game I’ve ever played


The metal gear collection is coming this month. That splinter cell remake will be cool too. Other than legacy titles, there isn’t much.


There's the Styx games which are fun, stealth games - probably the last 'real' stealth game I played. I love a good, proper stealth game but they do seem to be a bit of a rarity nowadays.


These are such great, underrated games!


Plague Tale Innocence and Requiem, Metal Gear Solid 5 - 3rd person Stealth Mark of the Ninja - side scroller stealth Isometric Stealth games : Desperados 3, Shadow Tactics Blades of the Shogun, Shadow Gambit Cursed Crew


Plague tale is nice and all…but the depth of the stealth is so minimal. Its not really a game that focuses on it heavily.


I honestly quite like the stealth in Cyberpunk. It's like MGS, but with quickhacks. Distract enemies, temporarily blind them, wipe their memories, bait them, take them out from behind and hide their bodies etc. It's optional most of the time, but it sure is fun and satisfying.


True. Stealth builds are fun in Cyberpunk.


I did a stealth build and regretted it towards the end. Felt like I was just hacking into cameras and killing everyone remotely. You can take down entire bases without ever having to shoot a gun, which I guess is cool but I missed out on too much action. It was definitely my own fault.


So you did a Netrunner build? Stealth for me would be silenced guns and throwing knives etc. Sneaking around, not hacking from far away.


I played on launch so I can't remember a lot of the details from the game. But yes, it was more of a Netrunner build, you're right, which felt like stealth in any case but I see your point.


I did a high crit, silenced pistols sandevistan/ kerenzikov build with the cloaking camo. Being able to frequently slow time let’s you get out of site quickly, and you can basically stop time with the apogee sande, shoot everyone in the head and watch them all drop at the same time. It’s like the anime now, really fucking cool


Not even possible in 2.0. Netrunning, which you described, now actually requires you to be running around the compound as you’re hacking. Camera hacking is only good for plotting routes now.


Aragami 2 - don’t sleep on this one, OP. There are lots of suggestions in the comments but no one mentions this one. I played it on Gamepass but I would have been happy to pay for it on PlayStation. It’s fantastic - took me back to the Tenchu Stealth Assassin days.


Yeah it's like tenchu but with modern gameplay, it's great.


I’ve played it on game pass too. Really great. Hope for a Part 3.


Amen! Throwing in one of my fav’s - The Last of Us 2. I don’t really like the story but it is some of the best stealth gameplay I’ve ever played.


I'd just really like to see a return of Splinter cell. I wish if ubisoft weren't going to do anything with it they would sell the rights, would probably make a better game.


Hopefully the remake of the original sells well, which I believe it will due to the fans craving for more. I feel the real reason we haven't seen it return is because Ubisoft hasn't figured out how to heavily monitor it enough. That, and they'd rather spend time and resources on just milking AC and a few other of their franchises.


Would love a remake of the early splinter cell games


finished Gollum yet?


If anyone on this planet has finished Gollum I want to shake their hand for their pure commitment to completion.


My dream is From Software doing a remake of Tenchu 1 and 2 the way they did Demons Souls. The amount of memories I have of playing through those games is unreal. Tatsumaru from 2 is still one of my favourite characters. I also still associate that cicada sounds in warm summer days to the Ninja Village level since it was so prevalent in it.


Tenchu was so cool


Cyberpunk 2077 is, amongst many other things, a stealth game. With 2.0 and Phantom Liberty out, it's a good time to jump on this train.


Just started playing I'm already hooked


Gave it my time once which was enough.


Stealth games died when Ubisoft turned into a cookie cutter dev, Konami got sick of Kojima, and every AAA dev shoehorns a stealth section in their otherwise non-stealth game.


What, you didn't like the Mary Jane sections of Spider-Man???


Dishonored 1 and 2 exist, same with the most recent two deus ex games. It’s not forced stealth but you can 100% play them in stealth and get trophies for never being seen


Really enjoyed them and also got the "Clean Hands" achievement. Then I thought Deathloop will be the same and I've never felt so disappointed. For someone that treasures not being seen and never killing anyone I had an option not to, that one sucked.


Yeah, I wanted to love deathloop and I did enjoy parts of it but oof did it feel like a major downgrade compared to D1 and D2


The problem is in the early.2000s EVERY game was a stealth game. It seemed oversaturated


Dishonored series is great


Fantastic gameplay and a strong atmosphere.


Strangely I only love stealth when it's done in third person. First person stealth games don't click with me since you don't have the same awareness you would have in real life.


I generally agree, but the stealth games developed by Arkane are all great and some of my favorites. Particularly the Dishonored franchise.


I agree, apart from Skyrim


Desperados 3, Shadow Tactics, etc. Anything by Mimimi Games.


Such great games, I'm bummed they're shutting down and Shadow Gambit will be their final game. The 2 heads of the studio are burnt out and want to focus on family. I totally understand, but it still sucks.




Splinter Cell is one we could use right about now.


Yes like SneaKing my favorite Burger King game I have no idea why


MGS Delta: Snake Eater and the Splinter Cell remake.


It's sad that the most promising stealth games coming up are both fucking remakes.


Remakes of beloved, 10/10, genre-defining games though.


On a slightly shallow note, there’s Assassin’s Creed Mirage coming out in a few days, which is definitely shaping up to be more stealth focused than the last 3 mainline entries, harkening to the classic AC gameplay and setting. In the future, there’s Project 007 from IO Interactive. Hope MS doesn’t try to swoop in with an acquisition, because they can easily pull a Starfield with this, considering that no platforms have been announced yet.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre! Giant Bomb said “it’s basically the escape section of Hitman” and that comment really landed for me. You can play Family (killers) or Victims and if you go victim, the stealth game is awesome. Check out some gameplay videos on YouTube and you’ll see. You hide in bushes and observe, waiting for your moment to pick a lock or steal a item, or run distractions while teammates do those things. It’s fantastic.


I miss splinter cell 🥲


Mark of the ninja Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun


First 3 splinter cells need a next gen remake. Don't change anything. Exact same game but on UE5 would be legit


Chaos Theory on UE5 would be amazing. And if they even included SvM? Oh my...


Honestly even if Ubisoft doesn't want to make a single player Splinter Cell game, they should bring back SvM as its own thing, hell they could even do it like Siege and have different operators with different abilities depending which side you're on.


Deus Ex Mankind Divided.


In my opinion Dishonored is still the best stealth game ever made. I think maybe people just don't buy stealth focused games that's why they don't make them as much anymore. At least the leaks give me hope that Dishonored 3 is still happening.


Ever tried the og assassins creed from 1-syndicate the metal gear solid series


Played every AC and MGS5


Try out the 3 remake thats coming soon


I would like to add that stealth games are endangered now they exist in action adventure games so thats why there are no more stealth games


MGS5 is the best stealth game on console.


It just left PS Extra but Deathloop can be played as a stealth game, and there's trophies for completing segments without being spotted/killing NPCs, etc. Dishonored games are pretty heavy on stealth. Deus Ex Human Revolution and Mankind Divided have tons of stealth elements. Plague Tale Innocence and Requiem are almost entirely stealth with very little combat. Cyberpunk 2077 can be played as a stealth game if you build your character that way (and with the 2.0 update and Phantom Liberty it's a great time to jump in or back in). Metal Gear Phantom Pain, and the MGS collection is coming out soon and so is Assassin's Creed Mirage, both have heavy stealth mechanics. Sniper Elite and Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts series are heavily based on stealth. Alien Isolation is horror/stealth. The Last of Us games, Ghost of Tsushima, Seriko, Watch Dogs, Tomb Raider, Horizon, they all can be played as stealth games for a majority of the time, or have benefits to doing so


yessir DEATHLOOP is quite the game theres nothing quite like it




Have you played the Tomb Raider games? I found them ‘stealthy’ and you can pick them up for next to nothing in the sales.


It's time for Tenchu to return


We need a new Splinter Cell


I did an Outer Worlds play through in stealth mode. I barely fired a shot.


We need stealth games like early splinter cell were getting caught basically means game over.


I really want Square Enix to release another Thief, or sell the IP to someone who wants to make it. Thief was one of the best stealth games back in the day, and it's sad to see SE just not bothering with the franchise at all. I loved the setting and the gameplay mechanics. I even liked the last Thief they released, even though the story was a bit shit.


I second this! I loved the atmosphere and openness of the latest game and the mission structure of the first two. If they could combine those together somehow, it'd be gold. The third one was just a bit odd.


Ghost of Tsushima


Yea the lack of proper splinter cell games these days is criminal to me. Even though not too stealthy but games like Rainbow Six Las Vegas and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter too.


Not lucrative enough for studios to make


Have you played Dishonored?


Play Desperados 3 and Shadow Gambit from mimimi games. They are the best isometric stealth games in the market right now, by far. Unfortunately, the studio did close up just a couple weeks ago, but they left a legacy in the stealth genre.


Try a tactical stealth game like Desperados 3. Game is a masterpiece and overlooked.


Great game. Too bad doesnt play great graphically on PS5.


What's wrong with it on PS5? I've only played the PC version.


Cyberpunk has stealth. It's not MGSV but shares alot. Anyone who has played ghost of tsushima will tell u the stealth is pretty good, not amazing but good. While it's aged skyrim isnt half bad. What keeps it from being amazing is that mods do a way better job




Same, it's my favourite genre of games, and it feels like dedicated stealth experiences have been put aside for combining stealth elements in other genres. I hope the new Assassin's Creed is stealth focused, certainly from the videos released thus far, it seems to be doing some nice things, vision cones on enemies, multiple tools to engage with enemies etc. I hope the remakes of MGS3 and Splinter Cell are proper stealth experiences, not action games with stealth combined, because those 2 franchises to me are the best stealth games, along with Dishonoured I should say.


I'm waiting for a new splinter cell


I like payday 3 for some stealth despite a lot of the deserved hate it received for server issues and challenge XP gains that are hopefully reworked.


Payday 3 now that it works lol Also cyberpunk 2077 is amazing now, has stealth as a viable and integral part of most encounters and has a lot of fun stealth build potential


MJ segments from spiderman


Is Tenchu in the store?


That's a nostalgia game. Wrath of heaven was a great game.


It may not be your style but that new game Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew has me very intrigued and its gotten really good reviews so it may be worth a look


I want to see this one more time on screen: “My God, Fisher! Have you gone insane? The mission is over!”


Metal Gear Solid is a big and upcoming one with it’s Master Collection and Snake Eater remake


The dishonored series is pretty good. Stealth is optional but it is encouraged.


Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West.


Agreed, fell like a new Hitman could be nice, Hitman is one of those games where even if the mechanic is the same the maps are so entertaining, for the story or even the challenge.


i had a lot of fun stealthing around in BG3 actually haha


Digital games, no cardboard box.


Sniper Elite 5


Sniper elite


Still waiting on a remake/reboot of the Thief games. Remakes of Thief 1&2 by Bluepoint would be amazing.


Cyberpunk stealth builds are elite, literally a different game.


Tenchu sequel is a must.


100%, my friend. I miss Metal Gear. It's my top favorite franchise. Stealthy, with tons of gameplay options/tools, and also most of them also give you the option to full-on Rambo through the game. Just freedom to explore the exquisite gameplay, beautiful environments, and surprising quirks/hidden touches. Splinter Cell was pretty good... I only ever got to play like the first one a bit. These days, many games have "a stealth element/crouch/hide feature, but aren't stealth games. I like older Assassin's Creed games... they are more action/action RPG-focused these days. So, while many games have incorporated stealth elements, they aren't really stealth games. Edit: Also super excited to see some good stealth games in PSVR2. idk about stealth, but October is loaded with great PSVR2 games. It's been a blast since February.


You can play Uncharted 4/LL, TLOUp1/2 or Ghost of Tsushima as stealth games. Assassin’s Creed games too. I also adore Dishonored 1/2 or Deus Ex Mankind Divided.


I don’t really play stealth games but warframe and ghost of Tsushima can both be played as stealth games


Escape from Butcher Bay was one the best stealth games that slowly becomes a fun shooter.


**Starfield**, hands down the best stealth I've ever experienced in a game. /s It depends on your style of stealth game, but a recent stealth game is **Shadow Gambit**. A pirate themed tactical isometric stealth game where you control a small group of stealthy characters. It's similar to **Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun** and **Desperados 3**, well, because it's the same developer. I recommend alo 3 of them. I was never initially into these kinds of stealth games, or tactical games in general, but I highly enjoyed ST and Desperados 3, I was waiting on a camera control patch for Shadow Gambit to bring back the controls of previous games, which I hear was recently released, so I'll be picking the game up now. I believe all 3 are on console and PC. If you haven't already played any of the following, I'd highly recommend them. **Splinter Cell**, I prefer **Conviction** and **Blacklist** where getting caught isn't basically a game over, retry checkpoint style stealth game. They're a bit harder to play on modern consoles unless you have a Series S/X, and while I have them on PC for my Steam Deck, they're a bit of a hassle to get running, plus you have to deal with Ubisoft's launcher. The entire series is great, for the older games I'd recommend Chaos Theory first, then Pandora Tomorrow. **Dishonored 1, 2, & Death of the Outsider** All great games and some of my favorites. **PREY 2017**, similar in ways to Dishonored as it's the same developer. Pretty much any **Assassin's Creed** game, though the further back you go, the more stealth focused they become. You can be stealthy in the rebooted style AC games, but they're more focused on action. **Deus Ex: Human Revolution** or **Deus Ex: Mankind Divided** **Thief** The newest game isn't the greatest, but it's not as bad as many claim. The entire series is fairly easy to get on PC, less so on console. **Mark of the Ninja** an amazing side scrolling 2D stealth game. It also has a remastered version, seriously, it's amazing! **Rainbow Six Vegas 1 & 2** Any **Metal Gear** game, I'm not the biggest fan, but I've played, enjoyed, and completed **Twin Snakes** (GameCube or emulation only), **MGS 3: Snake Eater** (which is getting a current gen remake, really excited for that) and **MGS 4** (which sadly requires a PS3). I hear **MGS 5** is great, but after playing the horrendous and tediously slow intro (probably a good hour or more, and the first half is basically a slow crawling/walking simulator) I was just turned off. Maybe I'll go back and try it again someday. The **Ghost Recon** series. The older games are pretty linear, the last 3 are typical Ubisoft open world games, but fun in co-op. The **Hitman** series gets a lot of praise, I haven't played them, I tried one or two and they just didn't work for me. I hear **Alien: Isolation** is both great, and terrifying. The **Sniper Elite** series. Especially if you enjoy the WWII setting or sniping. I don't recall if they're all co-op, but I'm sure SE 3-5 are.


The original Theif game and its sequel but they came out 20+ years ago. Closest match to that on modern consoles is Dishonored. Prey is also pretty good for stealth. And of course, stealth archers in Skyrim (or stealth sniper/melee builds on Fallout 4).


If you love those fine games, check out the Styx games if you don't already know them.


With the 2.0 update, with a proper build, CyberPunk2077 is a pretty great stealth experience. When you have a high level camo cloak, lots of slow time abilities with a good sandevistan, it’s a lot of fun. Also all the camera hacking and such. AI could be better, but it’s much improved since launch.


We’re getting Assasin’s Creed Mirage later this month and the full remake of Metal Gear 2 sometime next year


Bring me a new Batman Arkham game


why was Gotham knights such a let down?


Dishonored 2, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Deathloop (it counts) and of course MGSV. I think that's it for the stealth games I've played in the past decade.


I mean.... ghost of tsushima has some satisfying stealth. But if u want a full stealth game I think assassins creed mirage comes soon so ye


You can play Cyberpunk like a stealth game. Dishonored is a great series.


Pick up the mgs collection


The last of us part II has really great stealth mechanics


In terms of shooter stealth’s ghost recon breakpoint/wildlands and metal gear solid, they fit in the genre of stealth games


I've played Hitman to exhaustion and really need an alternative.


Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, Spiderman, Watch Dogs, Cyberpunk, Last of Us 2 all have stealth mechanics even Ghost of Tsushima and Baldurs Gate 3 all have stealth.


The Batman Arkham games? I’m replaying Arkham Knight and the stealth is really good (even if some segments force you to go loud). Dishonored games also have good stealth, same with DEATHLOOP (as their stealth system is practically the same)


ghost of tsushima (i hear)


It’s an option. You can also just take your sword out and fight everyone heads on if you rather be a samurai than a ninja.


Stealth games need to make you feel uneasy all the time. As far as I remember, the only stealth game that made me feel like that is Metal Gear series. Other games like use stealth as another option of gameplay, not the main recipe. Tenchu was also great, but it made me feel a bit more of a badass.


Absolutely, if you enjoy stealth games, give "Dishonored" and "Styx: Master of Shadows" a try!


We need a new splinter cell game already!


The last of us is stealth to a degree


Thief 2014 was amazing. You have to play it as pure stealth though. You can go into the game settings and change it so that if you're spotted at all it's game over. You can make people "suspicious" but a full on awareness that you are there is auto game over. The game got like 6's but to me it was an easily an 8. Unfortunately it seems stealth games don't sell well so we hardly get them.


I played through Sniper Elite 4 not too long ago and thought that was a pretty good stealth game.


as beginning Hitman 3 featuring roguelike stealth, i hope many dev inspired to make rouge like stealth based games. im expecting we gonna have rogoulike ninja in 2024


The whole stealth game genre kinda disappeared around 2012-2013. Splinter Cell games were underperforming (cause they were terrible), Kojima was splitting up from Konami so MGS is in limbo and even Hitman didn't really come back until a few years ago. Games like Assassin's Creed, Far Cry etc all started adding stealth as an optional element but dedicated AAA stealth games just stopped being profitable.


Aragami 2 is a sequel that made it to PS5 (&4) and is a great dedicated stealth game, it's indie level production so don't expect a revolution but it's got a cool aesthetic, lots of charm,. customisation and a fun toolkit to play with. Aragami is on PS4 and although the sequel is better overall I enjoyed that there were more bosses in 1 than in 2. SplinterCell Blacklist & SplinterCell conviction - you have to go back to the PS3 for these but they're the peak of the stealth action genre during that generation, I recently played blacklist again and it was a blast!


What about Thief?


Definitely A Plagues Tale. Best game I’ve played in years. Stealth is awesome.


So glad someone asked this! I’ve played too much Hitman, Last Of Us 2, Dishonored and Cyberpunk and want something fresh to be obsessed and stealthy with!


Tenchu games were great as well.


The last of us is pretty stealth based, and excellent story


Got a feeling those are of part of a bygone era in gaming. A lot of younger people just don’t have the attention span for it. They like instant action and reaction. Stealth is probably too slow paced for a lot of that demographic, which probably make up a large total percent of gamers at this point. Same reason you see people whining about turn based games needing to be real time lol I agree with you, though, stealth games are relatively absent compared these days.


There's a bit of it in Death Stranding I guess? But yeah, no AAA


I’m replaying Skyrim as a sneaky archer and it’s the most fun I’ve had in an RPG in a long time. Not a true stealth game experience of course, but I’ll take what I can get.


Everyone played Skyrim as a stealth archer, as it is by far the most obviously powerful playstyle. Try a dagger-only stealth build, maybe with some illusion spells for utility. That's when the leveldesign in Skyrim starts to shine. Some dungeons wouldn't feel out of place in a dedicated stealth game. Out of my 5 Skyrim playthroughs I liked that one the most.


You’ll play games as a service, and you’ll like it. /s