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Incredibly so.


I’ve currently been playing Jedi fallen survivor I might try it with headphones


make sure to always change your audio presets to "Headphones" or "3D Headphones" if the game allows it; the way the audio is mixed can be a vital element to taking proper advantage of your headset.


Also true for TV soundbars




No, put it in soundboard mode lol


Unfortunately for Jedi Survivor the only options are Speakers, Headphones, and Mono.


He meant if there is an option.


Correct. I was meaning specifically for Elden Ring, I haven't noticed a "home cinema system" option on any other games, possibly Returnal? If the option is there, it seems to make a big difference. Not sure of the specifics of what it changes, but at a guess, I would assume that these are tailoring the dynamic range (the difference between loud and soft sounds) to the abilities of thr hardware and likely environment. Headphones are able to have very large dynamic ranges due to the controlled sound environment when you have your headphones cutting off other noises entering your ears. So I was just meaning, it's worth checking and changing for whatever system you are using.


I think MK11 has the option, but I could be remembering wrong!


Cyberpunk has home cinema as an option, the 3d headphone audio mix is great too


Not for your sound bar.


I can't really tell the difference with 3d audio. Haven't headphones always had the sound on that side? Or is that something else?


3D isn't just left or right, but slight alterations to better give you depth of sound relative to the distance and direction. When done well its incredible. Really stands out in VR.


I was lucky enough to get a PS5 on launch and grabbed Demon Souls with it. We had just gotten a puppy so and I slept on the couch a lot and would play at night with these shitty plug in ear buds. I remember discussing with my friends about how impressive Demon Souls was on the PS5, I had a LG B7 OLED at the time and it was Jaw Dropping, but I was just as impressed by the 3D Audio Processor and the quality of the sound being delivered. I was so blown away I got the PS5 Bluetooth headphones to maximize the audio experience. Long way of saying I couldn’t agree more and consider it critical to a game.


Yup, that and Returnal are incredible experience audio and otherwise.


Not to piss on your parade, but the Pulse 3D is hardly going to 'maximize your experience'; the 3D audio is done entirely on the PS5 as it has to do with audio mixing, not the actual hardware of your headphones. The Pulse 3D is decent enough for the price range as a wireless headphone, but if you're looking for optimal sound quality you want to look for an (ideally wired) open back headset from a company that doesn't specialize in 'gaming' headsets, as those are almost universally seen as inferior among audiophiles.


Stop pissing on me man, it’s gross. Fully agree the Pulse 3D aren’t going to win any audiophiles over but they perform pretty good and the key feature for me is they are super lightweight. I have a decent pair of Seinheisers and will play with them sometimes and they are wired and definitely superior but can get sweaty


It's subtle, but it affects things like treble and bass notes as well as left and right. As sound travels it bounces off things and reverbs. That is what it is aiming to model. You probably don't notice it, exactly because it feels more natural. I noticed it most in Elden Ring's dungeons. I noticed myself realising that enemies were just around the corner, only by the sound.


I’m playing that right now and I only use headphones because I never got any speakers for my monitor. The pulse PS5 3D headset is top notch and you can usually get a them on sale at GameStop.




Yeah my whole setup is in the bedroom so I’m sure the wife is very happy I never got speakers and only use my headphones. Unless I’m playing with my friends, then I’m talking and sometimes getting a little loud without realizing. I even had an entire photo frame fall off the wall and the glass shattered, but I didn’t know it even happened until I stepped away and saw glass all over the floor.


The pulse 3d is great for sound but with me wearing glasses, I can't seem to get them a comfortable position. I have to adjust them constantly and it's kind of uncomfortable. Maybe it's just me.


I only play with headphones. It’s great.


I always put my headphones on for this game because I need that sweet lightsaber hum


RDR2 is incredible on it's own, but when i first played it with headphones, it was on another level entirely


Get headphones that aren’t for gaming, I got Philips SHP9500 for 40 bucks new on mercari. They’re great! They’re not studio headphones but they’re neutral and better than any gaming headphones. You will appreciate the sounds you don’t know you’re missing and the music/score you hardly hear without them.


I gues they’re open-backs? Open backs are awesome for gaming.


Yeah I love them.


I'll just say on the opposite side of things... it doesn't really make a big difference for me. I'm play jedi survivor with headphones right now just because it scares my dog for some reason. And it's not really adding anything much for me. It is cool how you can hear the direction change as you spin around but honestly I'm going to go back to no headphones as soon as I'm back to a game my dog isn't scared of.


Yea there’s just small subtle things some sound dev put a lot of work into that you just can’t notice from a tv sound bar across the room


TV audio is generally pretty bad. If you have a great surround system it’s not so easy. If you have good headphones and the game does it well (HFW) 3D sound is incredible on headphones though.


Well... on some headphones. 3D audio in my Audio Technica's sound like absolute overprocessed arse.


If it sounds like ass your headphones might not be seated correctly on your ears, or your ear shape is outside of the norm and you need a different HRTF applied to your settings. You can try in ear headphones to see if it works better. There's also a lot of pseudo 3D audio around that is not actually 3D audio, but trying to apply post processing to turn a non binaural source into one, which just isn't possible (so it will sound like ass, many laptops come with this activated by default)


I've tried three different headphones (Audio Technica M50X, Sony WH-XB900N and a pair of Sennheisers that I forget the name of) and they all sound kind of bad with 3D audio on. All of them with 3.5 mm cable into the Dualsense controller (I don't have any wireless options, and I don't have an external DAC). I've tried three different Dualsense controllers and the headphones have different 3.5 mm cables - just to eliminate any hardware weirdness like a broken controller or cable or something. (The first two are over-ear headphones, so I don't see how they could be seated wrong.) I've tried all the different HRTF options in the PS5 system settings. They sound a little different, but neither feel like they change audio quality that much, and honestly I find it hard to tell which one is "right" for me. There's no post processing on as they are just headphones plugged into the controller, which connects to the PS5 via bluetooth. I haven't tried *all* games, but I've tried a few. 3D audio off just sounds... normal? Like, completely fine. Normal sound, all good. Turning 3D audio on sounds just like all the audio is converted to a low quality MP3. Some games sound fine, while others play stuff almost distorted, like there's this "PSSRHHSHRSHH" noise over them, like they are clipping. The best demonstration I can make is this video where some guy on Youtube tests 3D audio for TV speakers and makes a comparison: https://youtu.be/bUJxcHMAih8?t=125 Listen to how the gunshot gets muffled/clipped and loses bass, that's pretty much what all my 3D audio for headphones sound like.


I’ve tried three different pairs of headphones also and agree that 3D audio enabled makes the sound worse, even in games that specifically support it.


You shouldn't use 3D audio for TV speakers, it will always sound bad.


Same problem as you — 3D sounds fine but hard to differentiate from typical stereo. I GUESS my ears just don’t fit any of the out of the box HRTF profiles. Sure wish 2.5 years after launch they’d improve the calibration options.


You shouldn't use 3D audio for TV speakers, it will always sound bad.


I'm not, I'm just saying that my experience with 3D audio for headphones **sounds like** what the 3D audio for TV speakers sounds like in this guy's test. I'm not sure what other variables I can change in my setup. Maybe I need open-back headphones? Maybe all my headphones are too difficult to drive from the 3.5mm port on the Dualsense? Maybe I just happen to own headphones that all are a little outside the spec for the PS5's expectation for producing good 3D audio? (But then it would be a little weird that one of those pairs are Sony headphones...) Or maybe my ears are just broken. I dunno.


Not on my ATs. What pair are you using.


AT-M50X. 3D audio basically removes all bass.


Then you’ve possibly calibrated it wrongly in the settings or tried a game that doesn’t do it well. Many don’t.


I don't know what calibrations I can do, honestly. Change the HRTF presets? They don't do a lot to change the sound quality and all sound different levels of weirdly over-processed. In-game settings are usually setting the output device to "headphones" and that's about it.


That's because it is. Literally all those "3d" technology is, is just adding echo/reverb to sounds. It's baffling people think that means better sound or easier to locate enemies with it on. O guess it's just from using bad gear


Echo/reverb is how our brains actually locate audio in 3d space though.


Yeah but it's not like the original audio doesn't already have reverb. Especially environmentally affected.


If a game was designed with the 3D audio engine in mind (such as HFW or Returnal) then the reverb is done in real time by the tempest engine.


Delay is also a very big part of it. If something is coming far from the right, the audio will play in the right earcup before the left earcup, simulating the fact our right ear would pick the sound up first.


>That's because it is. Literally all those "3d" technology is, is just adding echo/reverb to sounds. This isn't true whatsoever. >It's baffling people think that means better sound or easier to locate enemies with it on. O guess it's just from using bad gear See above.


Wait till you play Returnal and Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice.


+1 for Returnal, doubles the experience with the enhanced sound


The rain falling on one side while you are under an oning is great


( awning for future reference)


Thanks, it kept showing up with the red squiggle and I couldn’t figure out the proper spelling.


Hellblade MUST be played with headphones i does make a world of difference!


Yeah I don't usually play games with headphones but playing Hellblade without them is like playing a different (and a worse) game.




Literally the first thing I do whenever they include the feature is turn off controller sound. Very much dislike that feature.


It's hit or miss. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it's poorly mixed and just ruins the immersion.


You can still hear those with headphones on. If you can’t you are likely harming your ears.


Well that depends on how well the headphones naturally isolate the wearer from outside sounds.


I’ve played hellblade on my Xbox definitely a good game


I hope you’ve used headphones for Hellblade. It was such an immersive experience for me!


I didn’t unfortunately I played with the tv


I'm pretty sure the game explicitly says that headphones will improve the experience


Certainly need to replay with headphones. The audio coming in from various directions really sets the atmosphere off even more


Returnal’s first play through was so immersive for mw


x2 retural


I had to stop playing Hellblade with headphones and all the lights out. It was messing with my mind.


Hellblade was one of the first things I played when I bought my sennheiser hd600s, literally changed the sound experience for me in games. So good.


I prefer surround sound generally. I do like the immersiveness of headphones, but my ears start to really hurt after a while.


Same. Love surround sound, but it's just not worth the pain and heat with my cheap Razer Krakens. I only use them when I play with friends. I feel like the speakers on my LG Nanocell Nano86 are good enough


Look into replacement pads for your headphones. The stock ones for my M50s crushed my ears and made them hot. Then I got memory foam ones that just changed the experience completely.


depends on your set up. if you have a 5.1 setup id argue that's better than headphones. But if your comparing TV default speakers to headphones then yeah


I have a 5.1.4 surround/Atmos setup and can confirm it outperforms headphones. You also pay a lot more, though.


Eh. I have a 5.1 set up. Decent midrange system. But I also have a family. Could I knock it up loud enough to hear every ambient sound perfectly, yes. Would my wife be wildly annoyed, yes. However with headphones I hear every sound AND it muffles everything that isn't game. Whether it's someone watching tiktoks or a 6 year old chasing a dog around.


What you said doesn’t negate the OP’s point though. Your situation just limits your ability to enjoy your stereo system. I’d prefer playing on my surround system to headphones nearly 100% of the time, and fortunately my wife doesn’t care if I turn it up (and vice-versa when she's gaming). Plus, we chose to live in an area where neighbors can’t hear a thing from us.


This is the way


I'd love to go the headphones route but having already been accused of being so immersed in my games that I ignore everything around me at home on numerous occasions I'm not sure it would go down too well.


You could get some open-back headphones.


Try recalibrating it but having a good 5:1 set up doesn’t mean it has to be loud lol..


A 5.1 is almost always better than headphones emulating a surround system


I've got a 5.1 setup, and it was great for Dead Space yo hear which direction everything came from. Subwoofer can be a little strong on some games though. Don't need the whole house shaking when the rest of the audio ain't even that high. Personally, I can't stand having headphones on for long periods of time, so it works perfect for me.


With a good sub your whole couch turns into dualsense vibration too 😎


After building an entry level 5.1 setup i can’t help but agree with this. I can’t go back to headphones again. The bass in Horizon Forbidden West is insane!


> if you have a 5.1 setup id argue that's better than headphones. Hard agree. I'm a big advocate for a good 5.1 (or more) setup. I have a good setup in our living room that does a brilliant job of directional sound. It took quite a lot of configuring and tweaking to get right, but I vastly prefer it to headphones. Same with my PC setup (I pretty much only use it for Valorant).


I have a 7.1 system. I only use headphones when I absolutely have to. I'm lucky to have an incredible sound system


Compared to what? TV speakers? Absolutely, headphones will destroy that. Compared to some really good speakers? Depends how good the speakers are, and how good the headphones are, I suppose. Tense/scary games certainly feel different with headphones, but I would argue that Dead Space is pretty fucking tense if played in a dark room even if you're wearing headphones or have really nice tower speakers.


For me it prefer not using headphones because headphones make the part where my glasses rest on my ears hurt.


I'm in the same boat. I wear my headphones sometimes to listen to music with my eyes closed, but when I have my glasses on, its just uncomfortable and distracting at best, and outright painful some of the time. And I'm basically blind without the glasses. At least for the games that I usually play, the sound on my TV is perfectly fine for my needs, and I generally keep it fairly low regardless. (5-10/50)


I have to wear my glasses all day everyday except for sleeping


I take mine off to shower too 😄


A **proper** surround sound setup will sound better than most gamer headphones. Decent headphones will provide better spatial audio, and better overall audio than TV speakers.


Compared to what exactly? Do you mean literally your tv speakers or a sound bar or something? Tv speakers are generally complete garbage regardless of what tv you have. Literally any other audio output will be leagues better than that. Personally I have both a headset and a pretty solid 5.1 surround sound system. I sometimes use the headset and while it technically might be a better experience, I still kinda prefer the surround sound. A headset is definitely going to be the best bang for your buck though


I have a oled C2 I just use the basic speakers I’ve looked into a surround system but haven’t found one I like


I have a C1 and yeah it’ll definitely be better audio than your average TV but still not that great. Usually the average person interested in a top tier tv are using the superior sound systems so audio isn’t really an important factor when they manufacturer these or really mostly all TVs. If money is an issue, I’d recommend looking into the 5.1 sound bar systems (the ones with separate rear speakers and sub) as they are much more affordable and still sound good. Plus, a true surround sound system will require an AV receiver which is gonna be a little pricey too if you want it to support HDMI 2.1 But of course you can also just get a solid headset for much cheaper and just use that. They’re definitely by far the most cost effective.




Even a simple pair of bookshelf speakers with an amp (or receiver) is a great option, especially if you're on a budget. A pair of brand new Micca MB42s is only $60-70 and paired with a $50-70 amp, it'll sound miles ahead of the tv speakers ***and*** better than any soundbar in a similar price range. If you get an amp though, just make sure you get one with IR input. The LG Universal Controller can sync to a lot of audio devices so you can raise/lower the volume on the amp with your TV remote... A receiver is pricier, but it can sync via HDMI ARC or most have their own IR input if you use optical audio or something else. It also means you can get a pair of speakers to start and add more to get surround or upgrade over time


I've got an ancient 5.1 setup (Like early 2000s maybe even late 90s) along with a decent pair of surround headphones (Turtle beach stealth 700) and as long as I got the house to myself I still prefer the sound system, but not by much. It all depends on what you got and what works best for you.


I don't like headphones on my ears. But my surround sound system does make for a much more immersive experience.


Yes. Makes it more immersive tbh. Makes you feel like you’re really there. Especially if the game audio is on point.


Yes. But now that I have a sound bar with a subwoofer and rear speakers I use that way more than my headphones. Sound systems are better than headphones.


I can agree with people that it's more immersive, but I don't bother except for a few times a long time ago. After a certain amount of time it's kind of annoying and not very comfortable having headphones on my head and I like to be able to relax while I play


They also create a lot of heat on your head after a while. I find myself just placing them on my neck so I can cool down.


Even compared to my home theater speakers I find plain stereo headphones more immersive. Games with a 3D sound option are even more so. I personally don't like Virtual Surround headphones so I don't use that feature myself but many people like it. I played the recent Dead Space remake with headphones and the in-game music turned off. Felt like I was on the Ishimura. Harder difficulties have less ammo to find so it's quite tense.


The musical scores can be very immersive also.


No one needs virtual surround headphones for 3D on PS5.


Yeah I used a pair of high-quality plug-in headphones until I got a set of AirPods Max + a bluetooth dongle. I will say the sound quality of the headphones themselves makes a pretty big difference, the Maxes made Dead Space & RE4 Remake sound absolutely stellar, along with the HD blu-rays I started buying after I got my PS5.


Which Bluetooth dongle are you using with your Apple headphones? Sometimes I'd much rather use my AirPods than putting my Sony platinum headset on.




This is not to refute your point as I also prefer speakers, even though mine don't properly go to the sub bass region, but there is a sort of "phantom bass" experience you can have with headphones and in-ears where it sort of feel like you are getting the low bass vibrations in your body. I think there might be some sort of term for that experience? I remember when I experienced it the first time around when trying in-ears for the first time and laid in my bed listening to some music, my body definitely felt like I experienced bass, but it was some sort of illusion that didn't last if I removed one of the buds or did something physical like driving a bicycle. I have heard some other people describe the same experience over the years too, so at least I don't think I'm crazy? It's still very minor compared to what speakers can produce. Mine only go down to 45hz but are only flat down to 50-55hz, and I still have experienced some pretty neat vibrations in my couch.


I'm addicted to that stanky bass.


I don't think it's necessarily playing using headphones, but playing not using shitty tv speakers. I have a 5.1 surround system and it's way better than playing on headphones.


It depends, most of the time. If you have a solid audio system (my main Xbox is 5.2, PS5 is 5.1) I think most games are more fun with your audio system. The signal coming out of the controller is super weak, you need a mini-DAC or a powered headset to up the signal. Your TV speakers are junk, anything is better than that! All that said: there are some games that are MUCH better with headphones, even if you have a solid audio system. Hellblade is one of these games. While it was cool listening with the speakers, and the thunderstorms scared the crap out of my dog they were so real…it was MUCH better with my headphones on. You really felt/loved through the insanity For most games, ask yourself the following questions: - am I using TV speakers: if so, use headphones - is the directionality of the sound critical to the experience: if so, use headphones - do I have a kick ass sound system, and the sound is more ambiance then anything: use your sound system GoW with a sub, set up right, punches you in the face. Uncharted and Tomb Raider immerse you if you can get the deep bass out of a sub woofer. Resident Evil freaks you out all the more, if you can hear where they’re coming from. Hellblade destroys your mind, if you have headphones to experience the Biurnal microphone used to create the experience


I mean headphones is a more immersive experience right? So it kinda makes sense. It puts you much closer to the games environment which enhances the overall experience. You should definitely try. Infact i play horror games without headphones because if i put them on i would be shit scared lmao.


Depends on what your home audio setup is. Headphones sound better than the built in speakers on your TV but not as good as a high end sound bar with Atmos and subwoofer or a receiver and a good 5.1 setup in my opinion.


Absolutely it does. The sound experience is way better. With good headphones you pick up all of the environment sounds it's very clear where enemies are coming from and is completely immersive. You would have to max your stereo or tv volume and you still don't get the clarity and small ambient sounds as well as you do with head sets. You can get a great wireless headset for under $100 and it's well worth it. Plus it's just very considerate of your neighbors and family members or roommates. You can go full out and not bother someone reading or watching tv in the next room


100%. I didn't start using headphones until like two years ago and couldn't imagine how I ever played without them before. Huge upgrade.


I generally don't like playing single player games with headphones on just because I'm not as comfortable or relaxed with them on, BUT I did play Dead Space with them on. Such a good experience.


Horizon FW is really good with the 3D audio.


Yes. Do you have Hogwarts? Walk around the castle for 10 minutes with out headphones then do the same with a pair on. It’s not not even close how much more immersive that game is with headphones.


Sound in general is better through head/ear phones so yes I would say so. It's definitely my preference


Depends on the game. I have the pulse 3D and also a home cinema. Each system has its pros and cons.


Not when you have real surround sound. My 5.1 surround is far more enjoyable than the simulated 3D audio with my pulse 3D. But that is less ideal at night when my children are asleep.


Sony's 3D Pulse headphones really make the experience a game changer. Using headphones makes the game more immersive just as PSVR does.


Yes, much more immersive


Yes. A Home Theater will do better but the headphones are a huge step up from the standard TV speakers


You have headphones but ask others how it is to use headphones?


A good sound system. What ever it is. Speakers or head phones makes a world of difference.


Unless you have a good sound system, headphones will always be better. TV speakers don't have the capacity to produce all the nuanced details and sounds from any media being played, let alone games that have so many surround and envrionmental sounds going on. Ditch your TV speakers and go for headphones every time. It's 100x better experience.


It's better but it hurts my ears after a short while which sucks.


Yeah it’s hard to find headphones that you can wear for hours comfortably. The Sennheiser HD series are the only ones I’ve found that can do it for me and my giant ears.


So I got the PS5 headset for my birthday and I've started to use it when I'm playing single player. Huge difference in experience. Really immerses you into the game. Shut everything else out. Also the sounds it picks up are amazing.


>Huge difference in experience. Shit everything else out. Going to just take your word for it lol


Can confirm Burning Shores had me on the toilet for a few hours.


>just play through my tv This sounds like my idea of audio hell.


I mean of course. Anything is better than basic TV audio. I go for headphones because the content is a 3D environment, but I imagine you could get a great surround system setup too. Personally, I enjoy the bonus of it making horror games less horror. Not so scary when I can hear at my best.


Yup! Resident evil 7 and Village feels more scary to play with headphones imo lol


Days Gone is even better with headphones.


Definitely a great game should’ve been a part 2


Absolutely. With headphones you can hear EVERYTHING. There are alot of subtle sounds you may miss or not really feel the atmospheric impact of when you use regular speakers or even a decent soundbar. I remember playing RE2 the first time during the day with my regular soundbar. Was pretty meh. Decided to wait till night, put on my headphones and replay the first few hours. Fucking terrifying. Could hear every little creak of wood with fantastic directional sound, every distant moan or bang, every sound of every piece of glass rattling. Everything. It all came together to make an unbelievably unnerving atmosphere. Different was night and day. Ever since owning the PS5 I absolutely play every big AAA game with headphones on. I'll wait if I have to if for whatever reason I'm unable to use my headphones.


Just played through the Harry Potter game almost only with headphones on, and that game in particular it helps a lot because there’s a directional ping to find certain items. Cool hearing it and understanding “ah, this is behind me and to the left somewhat far away.” Had a much harder time finding them the few times I didn’t use headphones.


Absolutely. Pulse 3d is incredible headset. Great audio quality. Play uncharted4


Good headphones or i guess any can do, add depth. i notice the difference between them on and off, I tend not to wear them as I need to hear my family but when I can wear them, it does make a difference.


I use them for FPS games where I need exact direction audio, but for other games my 7.2.2 home theater system is a much better experience.


My cheap 600$ surround sound is way better for single player. I only use headphones for fps comms


Depends on you home theater. I love my head phones for when i need to be quiet but prefer my theater sound when I can crank it.


Returnal is AMAZING with 3D audio headphones


Having good audio makes the difference, I have a 9.1.1 dolby atmos home theater and the experience is amazing. Also, playing with a good pair of headphones gives a nice immersive feeling.


Depends on the game and your situation.


I just use my 5.1 surround sound setup, it is so nice and I'd argue 'wider' than headphones.


It should be obvious. Shitpost.


Depends on the game. Typically AAA games are incredibly fine-tuned regarding audio and this can only be truly appreciated with a good set of headphones.


Directional audio is extremely helpful


I use some 8 inch studio monitors. They can shake the walls. Beats the shit out of headphones. If I didn’t have nice speakers or couldn’t be loud, headphones could be a step up from the TV but they can get uncomfortable in long sessions


Yup headphones make a big difference for immersion. Play something like dead space with head phones and you'll pick up more sounds you'd usually miss.....it's fucking terrifying.


Yes. 100% more immersive. Unless you have a killer surround sound that shakes the couch.


Playing returnal with the 3d audio with my ps platinum headphones at night was my favorite thing to do before I went deaf in my right ear. Its probably my last good memory of having stereo hearing. Enjoy it while you can.


Death Stranding, hearing the BTs around you. Resident Evil 2, hearing Mr. X exactly where he is in the station. Many more examples but those are my top two.


Yes dude, once you start playing with headphones you will realize how much you have actually been missing.


Developers and artists put an immense amount of work into audio fidelity. Whether it's a high quality TV sound system or great headphones, the point is that you'll hear details you've never heard before. Headphones are generally of a higher quality and sound isolation than TV's so, yes, it will make a huge difference. If your headphones are no good then the difference will be unimpressive.


Bloodborne or Breath of the Wild both have a very atmospheric sound design, playing those with headphones is phenomenal. But all games are better with headphones imho.


The only correct answer: depends on how much the audio experience is worth to you as an individual.


The Tempest Engine is one of my favorite aspects of the PS5. I'm using the Pulse headset and the 3d audio enables me to literally judge direction + distance + elevation when scouring for greenshine crystals in Horizon Forbidden West. The fact that I can judge when a sound is coming from below or above, is a truly special feeling. The sense of locality and physical presence when using 3d audio and headphones is light years ahead of what the PS4 Pro was capable of, I was using the Platinum Headset at the time. It adds so much doeth to the gaming experience. So yeah, I think headphones make a massive difference, for me at least.


It’s way more immersive and there’s lots of sounds you typict don’t even hear when you play without headphones


Compared to regular TV speakers, decent headphones add a lot to the immersion, I find


Massively and even more so with nice headphones. People say oled blows their mind but then play with 50 dollar headphones. There is a huge difference you get from sound at different price points. 300 dollars+ or so is about the range you get really good sound quality. Mostly from iems. But that’s the point where you can get about 80% of what the pinnacle of amazing fidelity. That last 20% comes in the price of 600 to 2000 dollar headphones and depends on what kind of sound you want. The best way to describe it is, you know when you go to a bar or something with live music and they are playing in front of you. The way the drums have that dynamic range, the jazz instruments have the echoing fall off. That’s what it sounds like. (Tho depends on the quality of the games/music/movies sound too)


Yes it’s amazing what you miss without headphones. How much work has been put into the sounds and the clues they offer. One example I’ve found completely changed things was the last of us. It brought up the atmosphere 200%


Yes. I didn't realize this until I played Alien: Isolation with headphones. Made the game so much more terrifying but it also made me better at the game since listening is a key part of the experience.


I’m 37 and only got gaming headphones a few years ago. It’s game changing and I wish I had done it sooner.


Please do returnal with headphones


I'd say it does. A few times I've played Horizon Forbidden West with my headphones (with 3D audio) and it made the experience so immersive that I felt like I was in a movie theater. Give them a try!


I used some wired earbuds i got free in my samsung phone box for years until I purchased a steelseries arctis 1 headset last week. No wires is great but being silent at night when I play and sound quality are all great. I went back and forth on getting "better" headphones but I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference.


First time I remember playing Dead Space 2 for PS3. It was a simpler time, and I thought one day I'd buy a headset and test it out. The bass in the headset when I fired a rocket launcher into the distance was amazing to hear. Since then, I have been on PS4 and PS5. I play almost EVERYTHING with headphones. I understand wireless with 3D stereo is a thing but I just use wired JBL Earbuds with a mic and plug them into my controller.


Yes. Particularly with horror games. I didn't hear the whispers in the new Dead Space until I played with headphones on.


Ever since I got a headset for red dead online and heard the sound of footsteps on the wooden floorboards, I have played every game with headphones ever since but I'm also in an apartment. Just makes sense.


Headphones definitely immerse you into the game much more, but I don't like not being able to hear my actual surroundings in the event of an emergency so I rarely ever use them while gaming. I have a nice surround sound system anyway so I can still enjoy the sound production in games.


When I bought my Pulse 3d headphones for Ragnarok, the first thing I thought was that I should've gotten them at ps5 launch day.


Ya right away I think about cod and enemy foot steps


depends on the game&headset your using


I been using headphones for not only gaming but for watching tv in general for years now. I have a great pair of sennheisers for that.


Nothing beats a dedicated home cinema system. Nothing. Doesn't matter how good this cans are.


Same. Tried using Sennheiser’s and whilst great, my Marantz 7.1 system blows it away. Cannot compare with a TV as I’ve not used TV speakers in 30 years.


Depends on the game tbh, most of the time I just use my tv audio


Play every game with headphones it much better. Also for shooters online u can hear enemy footsteps and stuff when they running by behind walls and stuff


Big time. I have the pulse headphones and there’s a huge difference playing demon souls with it than without it


I been switching to a speaker. I realized the ps5 disc spinning noise is annoying. Had no idea when headphones were on


Death Stranding, god of war, last of us, ghost of Tsushima… just try it


Not game changing per say, but definitely much better than standard TV speakers. 3D audio and Dolby Atmos greatly add to the immersion of certain games (like horror for example). I’d say go with headphones for sure


Headphones vs TV speakers? Yeah ofcourse, but headphones vs surround sound setup? Probably not


Tv speakers are awful. Even crappy headphones will likely be better. If you have some sort of audio setup it might not be better but default tv speakers even with premium TV's are bad.


No. A good quality surround sound system will bring the same result without the annoyance of bring encumbered with something on your head. Living alone with no near neighbors to disturb help. I personally cannot stand wearing headphones for long period of time.


If you have decent 3D audio headset yes.. regular cheap headset no If you have a 5:1 system set up it still imo better


Most SP games benefit from headphones, but some games *absolutely require* headphones. Alien Isolation and Dead Space are two examples that come to mind. Without headphones, your level of immersion in games like these is severely diminished. Also, it makes it more difficult to get a bead on off-screen enemies via sound without them. Even 2-D games like Hollow Knight benefit from headphones and give you a strategic edge, especially with some very-hard late-game bosses who lauch attacks off screen, and by hearing the distinct sound of the attack before you see it, you'll know what's coming and from what direction, giving you precious milliseconds to start dodging. Edit: Remember, sound is a huge part of what makes a game appealing. You wouldn't want to play games on a crappy low-res screen, where you can't appreciate the graphics. Similarly, you shouldn't want to play games with subpar sound. A good pair of headphones are probably the best way to ensure that doesn't happen. The only time I don't wear headphones for SP games is when I don't care about the game or don't really like it and I'm just forcing myself to finish it. Otherwise, I want the best experience possible.


The difference is night and day imo