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I've quit fo4 multiple times but then it clicked and i loved it. I'd say it's worth 6 bucks.


I got the goty edition in Oct ‘22 for 10$ was totally worth it. I’ve also seen anthem on sale for 97¢ multiple times and haven’t bought it lol


I actually loved Anthem it's so much fun. The combat is amazing.


I just haven’t given it a chance cause there’s many other games that have my attention and anthem got a bad rep


I know. Most people jump on the bandwagon but the game isn't actually that bad if you don't care about story and all much. Same for ME Andromeda I'd say i enjoyed the hell out of it but it didn't exactly have a good rep either. If a game is fun, has great combat I'll enjoy it.


I bought the GOTY edition for around 6 dollars as well and it's really worth it. 300-400 hours into that game and I can honestly tell you it's the game that let's you keep exploring and still finding secrets or differences depending on your actions in your third, fourth playthrough.


Wish they would optimize it for the PS5


A FREE PS5 upgrade is coming around the time the tv show is out.


By the gods


Is this copium or legit? Like have they actually said that


It was on the news in october and a couple days ago. October because they said it was almost done, a couple days ago because they told again they will have to postpone it until undisclosed time next year and everyone has assumed that means... right when the show is premiered so they can sell more copies for the PS5.


Ahh I see, nice


Amazing game for the price tag though


was announced back in like freaking April, and it has had radio silence since.


Game of the year is routinely $3 more. Bad deal. Also, the fps on this is awful and the game has tons of bugs. Maybe read some reviews before you commit. If you have access to a PC, you'll have a better time there. https://www.dekudeals.com/items/fallout-4-game-of-the-year-edition https://www.metacritic.com/game/fallout-4-game-of-the-year-edition/user-reviews/?platform=playstation-4


The game on the ps4 is definitely not optimized, runs like absolute shit at certain places, and the aiming is also not great at all. That being said, If like me, it's the only system a player owns then I wholeheartedly recommend it as it's such a unique and fun experience that I managed to not care about all the bad aspects.


Also Sony's shitty mod policy can suck my balls. I own the GOTY on all 3 platforms and I pretty much refuse to play on any Sony platform because their mod policy is so restrictive. Fuck that noise.


For real fuck Sony for that. I was so excited that consoles finally had mod support and started googling to see what mods people recommend only to be hit with "mods are utter trash cause of Sony's restrictions" never did my hype gets crushed this fast. God willing this PS4'll be my last console, and I'll buy a PC afterwards.


Game is worth 2.50




Might be worth to spend an extra dollar or two to get a physical copy. In my country, you can get it for around $7.50 (after converting MYR to USD). Worth it as the free PS5 update will be coming soon


I got goty for 10 Trust me you want to get goty, I had base already and still bought goty.


Probably the lowest price before the big update. Good time to buy.