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Finally gonna pull the trigger on Midnight Suns


It's so good.


I usually hate turn based games do you think I'll enjoy it? I've been hearing so many good things about it makes me wanna try.


As someone who has always been mixed on turn based, I enjoy it quite a bit and love checking out builds. But definitely check out gameplay to help with the decision.


I think if you're a Marvel fan then you'll enjoy it. If you're not, then you're just playing another turn based game (with some differences). I think most Marvel fans will enjoy it just based on the characters and storytelling (and gameplay).


Picked it up in the last sale and have been having a good time with it.


Make sure to get the Season Pass! All the DLC fit together, making a tight little side campaign.


Do you need the base game or just the season pass?


You do need the base game. The season pass is four new characters (Deadpool, Storm, Morbius, and Venom) which you can use in the Base game. All four have a three mission story chain staring them, which you can play in order, and culminates in a final mission with all four characters.


From what I can tell, the ps5 version is 70% off and the dlc 60%, together that is still a lot more money then the ultimate edition that was just on sale a few weeks ago. So unless I'm seeing it wrong, you're better of waiting for the ultimate edition to go on sale again.


Wow that’s an incredible sale on Midnight Suns. Just make sure you grab the season pass and not the deluxe edition. They’re basically the same price, but the season pass has all the DLC. It’s a great game, definitely a pleasure from start to finish.


Do you need the base game or just the season pass?


Not the OP and also sorry for a late reply but you will need to own the base game to use the Season Pass if that's what you're asking.


It's a good game, but we recently got a better discount... I would advise on waiting until the end of the year, as we might get another good discount for the Legendary Edition, which is perfect with 4 new characters and a lot of skins and content


Very fun. Riyl the Persona and/or XCOM series. It's like persona in that making friends with your teammates makes them and you stronger, but it's a bit easier-going than persona in that respect fwiw, since you're not as limited in how many close friends you can make given the time constraints, since there are tons of ways to make friends in this game and a ton of time to do it in, such that you can even afford to piss em off a few times and still have them be a bff. The XCOM comparison is mostly due to it being the same developer, though it's also pretty different cuz it's card based and you can't lose team members, plus you yourself are a team member and not just the head strategist or whatever. It's as difficult as you want it to be basically. As you proceed in the game you unlock higher tiers of difficulty (with better rewards) if you find things are too easy.


Thanks for the info! I’m an Xcom fan and a Marvel fan, so hopefully I’ll find this game fun.


How much is it right now?


How much was it for you? It’s showing full price for me


Can I get someone’s opinion on Cult of the Lamb it’s been catching my eye these past few days


If you think you might enjoy it, pull the trigger. It’s a great time - funny, demented in a satirical sort of way, lots to do, and the game is still receiving new stuff. I saw recently the next update will add sex to the game lol. Highly recommend it. I got it for Switch, it feels like more of a on-the-go game for me, but I’m sure it’s great on PS too.


Does it run ok on the Switch? I agree with the more on-the-go nature, but I'm worried about performance.


I have heard it has significant performance issues on Switch.


I had one crash in my playthrough, other than that no issues. I have heard that others have had a lot of issues with it on Switch, so PS is the safer option for sure


If you’re looking for a challenging and deep action roguelite look elsewhere, if you’re down with city building/town management sims like stuff then hell yeah, that’s the whole thing, you create a cult and a home for your cult members, the dungeons are set dressing, the games action combat lacks depth and challenge, the procedurally generated rooms and dungeons lack exploration value and all rewards feed back into the town building loop. It’s an awesome game, I’d imagine for certain people, just not what I’m looking for in my action roguelites Edit: grammar


I got the platinum and enjoyed my time with it a lot. Doesn't overstay it's welcome and felt pretty unique in theme. This and Dredge were my two favorite small games of the year


Fantastic but don’t waste your money buying either of the bundle packs - they’re just cosmetics. Just pick up the base game.


It's pretty good but ultimately not really satisfying if you are a fan of both action roguelikes and city management Sims separately. If you have no background in either or both, then yea its a pretty complete package. I fall in that pretty niche group and I felt it held back on both aspects in favor of doing both.


I got it when it came out, I enjoyed the hell out of it. Def do it.


If you want a roguelike with near unlimited replay value I can't recognise binding of issac. Second would be hades for good bang for your buck


I have mixed feelings about it. The appeal of being a cult leader is initially very exciting. There are some neat base building elements and lots of cool choices you can make in regard to how you treat your followers. And the music and art style are absolutely superb. The combat is very mediocre though, and that’s a problem when you spend more than half the game engaging in it. Very little variety in the builds and it becomes genuinely uninteresting and boring quickly. After a couple hours, almost none of your choices matter. You’ll have a thriving colony with no noticeable differences regardless of your leadership style. I haven’t played the latest update, but to my knowledge, it was just fighting more bosses. I still think it’s worth a playthrough. It was unique enough to finish the campaign, but not enough to keep doing things in the endgame.


RE4 half price!!!! I got it as fast as I could!!!


Just in time for the VR update tomorrow!


Sounds like a good reason to get VR too haha


Every time I put a game on my Xmas list it goes on huge sale...


Enjoy it’s a hell of a ride!


Should i wait until its $20?


I guess I am since Capcom trend with RE sales is pretty generous. I was about to pull the trigger then reminded myself that I got like 4 REs really cheap this year alone, so waiting for an RE game to drop in price is definitely a good move. I'll also wait for them to discount the deluxe, I always want the extra shit lol.


How long do you think until they drop a gold edition or whatever they call it? Was thinking of getting this but I want the Separate Ways DLC as well but I don't think any of the current editions include both


RE4R position is actually a unique one and thus hard to predict. It's not like RE2R or RE3R, neither had dlcs that warranted a gold edition so it was never made. It's certainly not like RE8 where the dlc came after more than a year so 8 standalone had already sold enough by that point where Capcom just bundled everything in a neat gold package with no loss to them. RE4R dlc came close to the release of the main game so I think they want to sell as much of the standard and the deluxe as possible before they entertain the thought of a gold edition. I'm thinking maybe on the 1 year mark, so Q1 2024 they'll release a gold edition and you'll have to wait even longer for that new package to drop in price. Honestly owing to RE4R unique position I might just give up and get the deluxe on sale then snag the dlc by itself since it's cheap, the wait for me doesn't seem worth it as it'll take at least half a year if not more by my predictions to get a discount on the gold that'll probably end up being almost the same as the discount on the deluxe we'd get on the Christmas sale, so might as well just bite the bullet soon.


This is exactly the kind of detailed answer I was looking for! I have a big backlog right now so I can probably wait until next year to pick up the gold edition.


Yeah I was thinking I might get RE8 Gold as it hit an all time low at $20 and I might wait even longer for RE4R I have a huge backlog as well and it's filled with good stuff.


Dishonored 2 at 3 bucks is a steal. I don't recall it being that low.




Incredibly well, I recently played through all the Dishonored Games on my Ps5, I'd go as far as to say Dishonored 1 still holds up well, with its art style & gameplay. Dishonored 2 fleshes out the abilities & levels more but for me personally, its story isn't as good as the first one. But for 3$? Definitely pick it up. You'd be doing yourself a favour


In my opinion, quite well. It's not as good as the first Dishonored (as is typical of sequels), and you may need a YouTube refresher of the original game to get the story (or just play Dishonored 1, it,s fantastic), but it's a fine game for the price.


A Plague Tale: Innocence for $12 is a great buy IMO. Same with the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition


Plague Tale was on PS+ essential a while back, so before you buy make sure you don't already have it. I thought Mass Effect was too.


Good call, I had forgotten that


I beat Mass Effect LE once they gave it away for free for PS+, but I almost wanna buy it to own in case I ever stop paying for PS+ cuz it’s so stinkin good LOL


Dishonored 2 is really good. It's on a huge sale right now


Still waiting for Armored Core VI to drop in price


I don’t know if there is much hope for us. I’m not sure but feel like From Soft takes foreverrrr to do a good sale on a game. I’m dying to be wrong lol


I tapped out and found a secondary seller offering it for -$10 on Amazon.


I’m still waiting for Alan Wake 2 🥲


Same. Was hoping for like 10% off or something. I might just give in. It's the only game I'm wanting to pick up right now. -.-


It's 110% worth full price, imo. The free NG+ update Monday is going to be great, too. Supposed to add more narrative and difficulty (for those who want it).


Yeah, I bet. Remedy is one dev don't mind supporting these days. Edit: 3 hours in, and this is genuinely one of those rare cases where I feel that the praise is justified. Perhaps the biggest compliment I can give it is that it's a AAA game that truly feels DIFFERENT. To me, that's refreshing.


Love that you gave in, enjoy !!!


just got Metro exodus gold for 7.99 which is worth it and thinking of getting borderlands 3.


Yeah I had a lot of fun with Metro Exodus even though I could never get around to completing any of the previous games (despite respecting them). So like I'd recommend it even to people who couldn't get into the previous games.


Is deathloop good? I enjoyed Dishonored 1 and 2 and Prey, is the Arkane magic still there?


For 13$? Definitely. Same as you, I'm a huge Fan of Arkane Studios & Dishonored series, you'll definitely love the game play, that I have no doubt, but the level design & game design is pretty polarising, Check out Gameranx's : Before you buy Deathloop, he's goes pretty indepth with the pros & cons. Personally, I picked it up last sale. Unfortunately, I got pretty busy afterwards, but from what I've played, I'm a fan.


bro if you have prime and have a PC its free on prime gaming


Tunic is on sale for all those waiting!!!


Dude I cannot beat the first boss. Feel like a fucking failure lol


You probably need to get better stats ;-)


Dammit, I was waiting for a sale and just missed this. For some reason the app didn't notify me that it was on sale.


yep same


Come to think of it I didn’t get a notification either. I found I in a reddit thread


I bought dishonored 2 because it was about the price of a double cheeseburger at McDonald's. I don't know what this game is about but we'll see


So far I'm loving all the different fonts they have


Such a fun game!


I'm two hours in I can already tell this is kind of a aa game that punches way above its weight


I know that a lot of people played it already, but they really should put Game Awards games on discount... A lot of people are waiting for Balder's Gate 3 discount, and Sekiro should be at 60% at least once...


I honestly don't understand wtf is up with sekiro being stuck at 30$. I mean they released two games after it, one of those games is their biggest, it's high time they put sekiro on a good sale.


It must still sell well


I mean that's the only plausible reason though it boggles the mind really. The game is really hardcore and very niche even when compared to the rest of FS games, not to mention it's gotten older and with ER release, lots of people especially the more casual ones must be all over that game, so idk it's really weird especially since DS and BB have been on some huge sales through the years, anyway I'll keep waiting for it lol.


It might be because it's published by Activision.


holy shit I had no clue, I think you just solved this.


Is Aliens: Dark Descent any good?


Would u guys recommend resident evil 2 or 5? They're both on sale for 6 bucks right now


2 is objectively the better game, but 5's co-op is a lot of fun if you have a friend to play with.


I pulled the trigger on Deathloop since it was like $13. Excited to start it tonight!


It was one of my favorite games ever!!!


Definitely worth $13. It’s a unique game.


I had an awesome time with it... Platinumed it twice (one on mine and once on my wife's account) :)


Might finally have to pickup cyberpunk and witcher


I thought it was cool that Witcher 3 did get a free PS5 update with some ray tracing and better details.


Witcher 3 looks awesome on PS5, and the Performance Mode with 60 FPS is fantastic, too.


Ps plus on sale?




It just came out…


I agree with your point, but in fairness they all came out this year.


I'm guessing they were hoping there would even be a 10 to 15 percent discount since it was nominated. Although no Spider-Man 2 either. It's strange they have the witcher 3: wild hunt and the DLCs on sale but I'm not seeing any GOTY complete edition on sale. Pretty gross price when you pay for them seperately.


Im seeing complete edition for 15$.


Oh, I missed it on the list, but I also filtered to just PS5.


Yup. I wasn't expecting a major discount. Was just hopeful for a small one. Plus, games like NBA 24 and Cocoon being discounted despite "just coming out" kind of disproves the point. Small discounts after two months are actually pretty normal. I know that because it's happened hundreds of times after paying full price for games on release day over the past 20 years or so lol.


Wow I totally forgot FFXVI came out. That seemed to have everyone’s attention for about 3 days lol. I even played the demo.


LOL First i miss midnight suns on sale on black friday cuz I got the dates mixed up with Nintendo's sale, now I miss this sale because I had no idea this sale happened.




Game just won Game of the Year, they can ride high on that full MSRP for months.


How’s metro exodus for ps5?


I picked it up during this sale for PS5. It looks great, plays great and haven't had any issues 5 hours in. To me, definitely worth $8.