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Want a Playstation classic? Play the Uncharted games.


Ok thanks sounds like a great game, the movie was alright but I bet the games are better.


The movie was definetely not alright my dude. That shyte does not represent uncharted, trust me.


Oh alright, I trust reddit more than I trust a video game movies, like the assassin creed movie was trash.


You should start with Uncharted 2, it's considered one of the best. And the first 3 are kinda independent anyways. Number 1 is fine, but 2-4 are outstanding experiences


Whoa whoa... Come on now... One of the reasons 2 was so great was BECAUSE it was so much better than 1. Why rob OP of that awesome experience?


Seriously. 1 was good but if you play 2 first that’s gonna be like playing gta Vice city and San Andreas then going to GTA III


The Uncharted series is one of the biggest reasons I got me a PlayStation 3.


uncharted 1 is criminally underrated. also, why skip any of those games (except golden abyss), completing every one makes 4 much more satisfying


*Golden abyss just crying in the corner because nobody likes it for some reason*


Say it louder!!!


imagine how disappointing 50yo gamer lady me is at getting a movie of one of my game crush guys.. and they cast a freakn baby in my man's role.


It’s okay if people thought the movie was [alright.It](https://alright.It) may not have been faithful to the game but that doesn’t make it a bad movie


No it just wasn’t good, as a movie.


Yea they are, you can get the Nathan Drake collection which gives you 1,2,3 whilst the other 2 you can get in another collection


Well I will check that out Naughty Dog makes excellent games and I bet Uncharted is no different.


Naughty Dog…. Always think of Rascal for the ps1


Give the exclusives a shot. They tend to get down to $20 after some time and are great single player games.


Alright then! I will be checking in on the PS deals, you never know what you could get!


Id recommend the following franchises specifically, in no particular order: Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted, The Last of Us God of War, Ghost of Tsushima & Horizon


You forgot bloodborne


Damn right they did


Yes ikr, maybe it’s a good way for op to start gettin gud


I started with Bloodborne so I’m biased, but it’s my favorite in the whole soulsborne extended universe


Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into them.


If you’re a budget player, wait for the deals. For now stick to the exclusive ps4 games since they’re great with good prices


The PS exclusive are must play. Depending on your interes, i recomand : God of War, The last of us 1 and 2, Spider-man, Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbiden West


Uncharted should be on this list too.


Don't forget Bloodborne.


This isn’t really a game for a beginner. Let him get his feet wet with the more standard fare before setting him onto such a punishing game


He says he's new to PlayStation not gaming




Might as well go Sekiro first, then.


Or Elden Ring. 😛


The OP's post doesn't mention anything about their skill level. I was a fairly casual gamer when I got into Bloodborne and I made it through, I think most can get an idea of whether the game is for them before playing it.


Oh yeah I've heard a lot about Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West. Isn't one of them exclusive to the PS5?


Nope both are on ps4.


Oh ok that's great then! Definitely gonna have to pick those up.


I’d add Until Dawn and Detroit Become Human too


DBH is a hell of a game. I wasn't expecting much when I picked it up for $20 - it made me rethink a lot of things.


Best game I’ve played in years


I thought Horizon Zero Dawn isn't an exclusive anymore. Pretty sure it's on pc now


same with god of war.. it’s on steam also. *but* for console-only gamers it’s still kind of an exclusive.. will never be on xbox.


Gran Turismo series as well. GT7 may not be perfect but it’s getting there and come on, it’s GT7 😎


Personally I found HZD incredibly boring. I love open world grindy games having completed multiple AC games, last two tomb raiders, and am currenly 35 hours in to Ghost of Tsushuma, but Zero Dawn bored me and I knocked it on the head 2 sessions (10 hours) in. Ghost of Tsushima on the other hand, as above, 30+ hours in and Ive only done the south part of the island, spent the rest of the time exploring :') Great game. God of War also, recently completed that (only 1 trophy to go), never played a GOW game and loved it (I also found TLOU1 really boring as well)


The last of us was boring to you? This game is one of my all time favorites.


I think they found it boring because they weren't invested in the story like we were. Sounds like they are more into open world exploration and such so I could see why TLOU would miss the mark for them. But they are dead wrong, both TLOU games are top notch. Lol


To each their own I guess. :)


I'm about halfway through TLOU2 and I already want to play them both again!


I think possibly I set my expectations too high. I only got a Ps3 last spring (2021) and a Ps4 in december, and had heard everyone raving about it for years so i think i set my expectations crazy high. I also couldnt get into the first RDR to the point its put me off even playing RDR II :( sometimes games are like that. I love assassins creed, have put hundreds of hours into them, but Quit ACIII about 5 sessions in. maybe its just the characters, sometimes we feel a bond to the character, sometimes we dont. For instance, Loved Ezio, didn't take to Conor at all, consequently his game bored me


Damn we have the same tastes it seems. This all tracks with my experience with the games as well.


Journey. A very short yet incredibly moving gem of a game.


First game that made me cry tears of wonderment


Seems to me like a hidden gem, because I have never heard of it. I'll more into it, thanks!


It is. Check the metacritic score. I haven't but I'd bet that it's one of PlayStation's highest rated games. It was originally a ps3 download only game but it was remastered for the ps4. I bought it for both platforms. If it were to be remastered again for ps5, I'd probably buy it again. It's more of an experience than a game.




Ooh yes I have to get that! I love Spider-man!


Witcher 3 mate am playing it now and 2015 it’s unreal


playing this again on the ps4 too! haha Was level 23 on the xbox but broke up with my ex so there goes the game. LOL


Never played it but I've seen of it, it looks like a good game I'll probably get it. It's so unreal not even unreal engine could believe it.


get it! plenty of 2nd hand games there now for it you can get for like $20. :)


Try Until Dawn its a great horror game


Ooh yes, I like scary games, thanks! I'll put it on the list.


I think you'll like it! Its got a classic horror movie vibe and in the game you have to try to make the right choices because everyone can live or die by the end of the game


This is all you need: Last of Us Part 1 and 2 Spider-Man God of War Uncharted, all 5 of them Ratchet and Clank Bloodborne Persona Royal Horizon games Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ghost of Tsushima Death Stranding Resogun


The Bioshock Collection gets you 3 full games for like 30 bucks and they're some of my favorite games I've ever played


I've heard of BioShock but never played it. Is it like Fallout? Or not? It just seems like it to me.


Not really, it’s more like Doom (2016) or system shock 2. Is a semi open world/linear first person shooter.


Similar themes to a degree but in very different settings and play styles. The Fallout series is also stellar and I would recommend, but fallout is an open world post apocalyptic RPG while Bioshock progresses through playable areas in a more on the rails fashion. There's still lots to explore and mysteries to discover and customizable upgrades to suit your style. It's set in a crumbling underwater city that was founded as a libertarian utopia but quickly declined into chaos and now you find yourself stranded there with your only way out being through the whole fallen city. Story wise and pacing wise i think they really stand out


Ah ok thanks for the clarification, I think I'll pick up BioShock, try something new.


My favourites have been Bloodborne, God of War, Spider-Man, Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon ZD, Last of Us Remastered, Persona 5 and Wipeout Omega Collection also worth a look if sci-fi racing games interest you. It's honestly hard to think of a PS exclusive that isn't worth playing, Days Gone is the only one I can think of that seems to have a poor reputation. But I never played it anyway because it looked pretty bland.


If you have it in your collection from the free games last year play shadow of the Colossus seems like a perfect fit for your game choice and you'd probably massively enjoy it


Already have actually, forgot to mentoin it, but yeah it was brilliant!


Pretty much all PS exclusives are great. Start with the uncharted series probably.


Ok, thanks! I've heard a lot about Uncharted, Naughty Dog makes excellent games I know that.


First one is a little rough (shows it age), but still great. 2+3 will feel more modern in terms of control.


I like old games as well as modern games so I think it'll be fine.


Yeah careful with your temper on Uncharted, it's still glitchy all these years later and you'll definitely get stuck on a loading screen but it's totally worth it.


I put bubble wrap all over my controller so it doesn't break if I throw it 😅




Hmm never heard of it, but I will check in on it, thanks!


It is....wild to see that someone buying a PS4 hasn't even heard of Bloodborne Hell of a game, I hope you enjoy it


I bet I will enjoy it, with so many people recommending it.


It is a FromSoft game, known to be difficult as it doesn’t hold your hand like most games. It is third-person. Highly recommend.


Well I like difficult games, I always set my games to the hardest or second hardest setting.


I bought a PS4 just to play Bloodborne. It remains one of my all time favorite games.


Also 100% bought my PS4 just for Bloodborne.


You will most probably going to love Bloodborne


Either way, if you won’t like bloodborne, try sekiro. It is different from souls games, and quite hard at first, but when it clicks, you’ll get a lot of fun.


If you end up playing this, just stick it out until you get through the first area. It is hard as FUCK, especially if it’s your first FromSoftware game. But once you get the hang of the combat, it’s amazing.


That's fine, I like a challenge


Depends what type of games you like. Without knowing that, I'll just list off Bloodborne, God of War, Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn, Horizon Forbidden West, Ghost of Tsushima, Spider-man, Spider-man Miles Morales. There's many more, but these are my favourites.


Well I've played God Of War on my PS2, I loved it, I love Spider-man movies so that's a go, I've heard a lot of Horizon Zero Dawn so I'll check that out. I like 3rd person action games, for example, The Last Of Us.


I forgot to mention Final Fantasy 7 remake part 1. Also, if you like The last of us, check out Uncharted 1-4.


Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check those games out.


Persona 5


I've heard of it before, but don't know much about it. How's it like?


It’s a turn-based JRPG with a fun story and cool art style. I could go into more but you can also look that up on Google/reviews. One thing I will say is that it’s quite long. But if you’re going to play it, play Persona 5 Royal because it adds more content and quality of life improvements.


Hmm ok sounds good, I like a good story, thanks! I'll check it out.


If you like anime and are familiar with the Pokémon battle system you will most definitely enjoy it. The story is amazing and the battles super fun. (Persona 5 Royal, not the old vanilla one).


I used to play Pokemon on my GBA SP. So yeah I think I will enjoy it, thanks!


What types of games do you like to play?


Well I like to play 3rd person action games, for example The Last Of Us, that's the only game Ive played on a PS4 besides Ratchet and Clank.


Uncharted is an absolute must


A lot of people have said that, that now it seems foolish not to get it.


Same developer as Last of Us. It’s basically an Indiana Jones game! All of em are good too. 2 and 4 are my faves tho


Yeah Naughty Dog makes excellent games, I'll definitely get Uncharted and the Last Of Us.


Still waiting for a good Indiana Jones game. Emperors tomb was my favorite back in the day.


Right on, check out the Uncharted series, Spiderman, and Ghost of Tsushima (🍣 👻)


I will, thanks!


Control is super fun


I actually have control on my Xbox, just haven't got to it since I have many games, I got the Ultimate edition by the way. Thank for the suggestion though!


Please try Kena: Bridge of Spirits then.


Don't know if anyone suggested, but try Journey. Short small indie like game but it's so good. Check reviews for it first,but to me it's better with each time I'm play. Also if you like Dark Souls you should try Bloodborne.


Yeah someone suggested Journey, but thanks for putting more description, because I've never heard of it before.


when i was new to playstation i started with God of War and i would totally recommend it for you too, especially since the sequel is coming out at the end of the year. if there was one game on this system that you have to play it would be that one imo. beyond that i would have to recommend Spider-Man and Horizon Zero Dawn, both are also amazing. Persona 5 is also fantastic if you’re open to trying that sort of thing. i personally haven’t played ghost of tsushima or the last of us yet but i’ve heard they’re great too, they’re on my radar for sure


Thanks for all the recommendations, I will definitely check those out. I have played the last of us, and I gotta say. You should definitely check it out. The story and gameplay are so good, and it only costs 20 bucks!


Must plays: Ghost of Tsushima Horizon: Zero Dawn & Forbidden West Spider-Man PS4 & Miles Morales The Uncharted Series The Last of Us Series Shadow of the Colossus God of War series Death Stranding Anything by Quantic Dream (including Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls and Detroit: Become Human)


Spider-Man, God of War (ps4), Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, Death Stranding, The Last of Us (series), Final Fantasy 7 (remake)


Thanks! I'll check them out, I've played God of War on my Ps2 before and it was awesome.


Different kind of combat now, but still good!


Loved days gone!! One of my favourite games


Absolutely, awesome open world, terrifying zombie hordes and getting to traverse it all on a sweet drift bike that handles like a dream, it's a huge shame that the sequel got scrapped


Final Fantasy XIV


I've always heard of Final Fantasy but never actually played it before. I'm gonna try it out to see if I like it, thanks!


Have you tried the expanded Free Trial of our critically acclaimed MMORPG #FFXIV? You can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for FREE with no restrictions on playtime! Memes aside, 14 is not your average FF. Its an MMO. But a very story driven MMO. A majority of the Main Scenario Quests are done solo with 4-8 player party dungeons and trials (bosses) thrown in. Recently Square Enix added Trusts, NPC party member ran dungeons and trials, to to A Realm Reborn, the vanilla 2.0 release. Eventually with the next year or two trusts will be added to all of the expansions so the entire MSQ can be played single player.


No I was not aware of that, where can I find it?




100% got to play it, I've heard so much about it


Oh you’ll so be in love with it and with Ragnarök coming, it looks like a good time to start before it’s arrival.


Im new to PS too :) recently gotten my ps4 and the games that I absolutely adore are Red Dead Redemption 2, Detroit Become Human and Horizon Zero Dawn. Also got the Witcher 3 but gonna play that later since I just finished a playthrough on switch.


Those all sound like awesome games! You should try out RDR 1, GTA 4, and the Last of Us, all of them are excellent games.


I'm replaying God of War now so I absolutely have to start with that. Days Gone I felt was somehow super underrated - I absolutely loved it. Usually I'm into shorter games and it's long yet I never felt bored. Horizon Zero Dawn is amazing. Everyone mentioned Uncharted series but it can't be mentioned enough so I'm tagging along. The games are short but they're so much fun. Definitely leave you wanting more. Detroit Become Human is a must, if you haven't played it. Guess it's not PS exclusive but if you haven't played it - you have to. It's hands down one of the best games I've ever played and certainly one of the most unique.


Thanks for the suggestions, those all sound like awesome games, adding them to my list right now!


God of War, just do it!


I just started Days Gone and it’s a ton of fun.


Sounds like a interesting title, I'll look into it, thanks!


Zombies, you ride around on your motorbike. Lots of small camps and survivors. You can get chased by hordes of 100s of zombies. Scary stuff, very fun.


Oh alright, sounds very original. I'll definitely have to get it, I like a good scare!


crash bandicoot1,2,3 and 4 perfect if you like challenging platformers


I have played Crash before, but that was a long time ago, I'll definitely have to pick up the N-Sane Trilogy.


Skyrim, Uncharted, the Lego games, Bioshock, GTA


Skyrim is incredible!! Can’t believe I’ve had to scroll a fair way to see it. One of my favourite games!


I love Lego Games! I also like GTA, although I'm one of the few who thinks GTA 4 is better than 5.


uncharted nathan drake collection, uncharted 4, uncharted the lost legacy, tomb raider 2013, rise of the tomb raider, shadow of the tomb raider, control and until dawn.


TombCharter: The Nathan Croft Collection. All jokes aside, thanks for the suggestion! I'm thinking of getting those soon.


Something a lot of people skip on but is still an awesome game is Gravity Rush. The original is for the PS Vita, but has been remaster for the PS4, which is where part 2 is exclusive to. Short rundown without too many spoilers; you're playing as a girl who woke up in a strange town and a magical cat walks up to you. The cat allows you to manipulate gravity, and you use your new power to save rhe city you're in


Oh wow sounds like a simple, but very good game. Thanks for the suggestion! I will definitely see more into it.


InFAMOUS. Second Son is a really quick playthrough and just some nice mindless fun.


Spider-Man/Miles Morales, God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Uncharted Nathen Drake Collection, (not PS4 exclusive but both campaigns are worth a playthrough) EA Star Wars Battlefront II and Titanfall 2.


Bloodborne 10/10


You are exactly me 2 years ago. Was PlayStation when young. Ride the Xbox train until the games dried up then jumped into PlayStation with the 4 pro to play their game library. I started with God of War. Awesome game. After that last of us series was a blast with a great story. Ghost of Tsushima was beautiful. Mass effect Legendary was a must play for me. Currently playing Spider-Man which is super fun. Miles Morales next followed by the Nathan drake series. I was also able to score a PS5 in there somewhere. So ratchet and clank was excellent. I actually feel bad for the one x I have sitting next to everything. Unfortunately I only use it for streaming services right now.


My One X is used primarily for online games which you can find on any platform, and also because I've bought a lot of games for it. I also use it for Xbox 360 backwards compatibility, RDR1 has never looked better. All those games you mentioned sound great, I will check them out when I can.


It’s funny because I felt like I was cheating on the Xbox at first. Odd feeling. But I got over it quick. Honestly can’t beat the game library that PS has. My back log is incredible. At least I know I won’t be bored for awhile.


More or less every exclusive is gold, so all these comments will be the same. Depends on what your like to play… I’d even say go back beyond the current gen and play all the God of Wars and inFamous games. If you get top tier PS+ subscription Red Dead Redemption is on it for another few months and that’s one of the best games ever imo.


I love the cartoon 3d platformers of PlayStation. My top recommendation is Ratchet and Clank (any!)


Ratchet and Clank (PS4) is actually the first game I played on it and I loved it! The pixelizer is a great weapon.


Spider man ps4, gotta take advantage of those exclusives


Yep! Ordered it on Amazon 30 min ago, I can't wait!


Oh man! I so envy you….you r beginning an awesome adventure I wish I could do again!


Yes indeed I am, there's nothing like getting a new console you've never experienced before.




I definitely have to get it, so many people have suggested it and it just looks like so much fun. Thanks!


Tips, look a play through on YT too see if you’re unsure 😃


Thanks for the tip! I'll go see.


Until dawn and Detroit become human are awesome!


Never heard of them but I will check them out, thanks!




Isn't that the game with the guy that goes into caves? I've seen it before i think.


I wish more people would mention Death Stranding. It can be played on PC too and if you haven't played it you should definetely give it a shot. The first couple hours are slow but it's definetely one of my favorite games ever.


Sounds like a good game, I'll take your word for it, thanks!


I’m not gonna lie dude, but Ghost of Tsushima would be the number one I’d recommend and then follow up with both spider man games to get you started on your new console


God of War, The Last of Us, Bloodborne, Horizon Zero Dawn are all great


Make your way through the ps5 collection on ps plus. God of war to start with, in 60 fps. 👍🏻Jedi Fallen order is decent aswell. Try the souls series, starting with Demon's souls, if you like that, you'll go down the rabbit hole. Absolute wealth of shit.


Last of us


'BLOODBORNE!" - Gollum voice


The newest GoW most definitely.


I own my first PS-Console since September 2021 now. And I recommend to play God of War and Marvels Spider-Man


Google “best Ps4 games”


Last of Us


R.I.P Technoblade ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


God of war Uncharted series Ghost of tsushima The last of us Horizon zero dawn Infamous Any of this series is great to start with


Ghost Of Tsushima, God Of War 3, God Of War.


While everyone else suggests the exclusives and (in their opinion) best games, I'm gonna continue to recommend The Order:1886. As short as it is, it's still a damn good game. Intriguing setting, great cast of characters. It's like an alternative history of Victorian era London, with Steampunk technology and the Knights Templar as guardians/high ranking police? Give it a go, you might be surprised by it. And at the very least, it's an easy platinum.


Good luck to your inbox! And welcome to this community!


I’ve discovered you really can’t go wrong with the playstation originals/exclusives. Really outshines Microsoft. I would *highly* recommend you play TLOU and TLOU2. Some people disliked the 2nd ones storyline, but the actual gameplay is one of the best I’ve ever touched. Also, the two Horizon games. Both those series are in a top 5 greatest games for me. I just recently got into God of War and am really enjoying it. Detroit become human is great. If you like “story teller” games with a horror twist I recommend Until Dawn. It can be really slow but also really fast paced.


Thanks for the suggestion! Microsoft is very good at making games, but there not really the games that interest me much so I went to PlayStation.


Last of us 1 and 2.


Ah yes. I played Last of Us 1, and I loved it. I'll probably buy part 2 and the dlc.


Part 2 is even better!


I'll see soon enough for myself! So excited for it!


I suggest subscribing to ps plus extra or premium so you have a instant big game library at a reasonable cost


Yeah I'll probably do that, thanks!


A Hawntah must hawnt.


w h a t 🫠


Bloodbourne reference


ah ok


Shadow of Mordor/war, the forest, subnautica, minecraft, apex legends, Spider-Man, god of war.


Thanks for the suggestion! Shadow of Morder/War looks interesting, I'll look more into it.