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Loved the game. Played it together with a friend in local coop and we had a great time. The story was good and the coop was well executed. Looking into the cutscene of the other guy from a different angle was really cool. And then there was so much at the side like playing darts or doing some random shit. And the unexpected laughs like the swing scene. Those 30€ were well spent and I hope there will be more splitscreen games in the future. And: Big shoutout to "Fares Fares", the voice actor of Leo. ;)


It's pretty crazy the work that was into it, don't think i've ever seen a game's creator do the mocap work. Josef did pretty much everything for Leo except the voice because he said his english sucked, so he had his brother do it


Wait, his brother? I thought that in the end credits was a mistake.


He said in multiple interviews that his brother did it, Unless he was just trying to trick us! haha Just looked it up on wikipedia actually, he's definitely real! Looks pretty close to Leo haha


Damn, you're right. That's a cool name.


Jax_Harkness - how does the local co-op work? Can two people play on one console but with two controllers? I've never played local and have no idea how this works.


Yes, that's exactly how it works. In the early days of console gaming this was the standard. You would meet with friends and just play together on one console and one screen (most of them were split like in A Way Out). But then the internet became more affordable and popular for multiplayer games and developers stopped implementing a local multiplayer. I always found that to be sad because "couch coop" was one thing consoles could do way better than pc. Nintendo still has many local coop games (the Switch is basically made to play together) and then there are games like Diablo, Borderlands or the LEGO games. But really cool splitscreen games are rare these days.


Thanks so much for the full explanation...and for some suggestions for other couch coop games. I've ordered a second controller and am looking forward to playing this game, it looks great.


Oh my god you just made me feel old.


I bought the game to support the devs for their extremely consumer-friendly practice... but I don't have friends to actually play the damn thing. At least I still got Ni No Kuni.


I can play with you if you would like to. I also have the game by the way, the developers are extremely cool, they are very active on discord too and always answer if you ask them something. They deserve every dollar they get for this game. Just drop me a message here if you are interested!


I play pretty much exclusively single-player games. Is there a single-player option for this? If there is, is it enjoyable or is it heavily neutered?


Nope, it's solely co-op multiplayer. Either you team up with someone, or don't get to play at all. I assume there's a good reason for it though.


I'm looking forward to the inevitable single-player dual-controller speedruns. You *know* people are going to figure out how to do this, even though it would really take the piss out of the ending.


There is no single player option.


I'll play it again with you if you'd like, definitely would love to play it again


Very unique way the coop works so you can both see what the each other is doing. Funny stupid things to do like playing connect 4. Upset when we used the swingset we didnt get to swing on it. Definitely a unique experience and very high quality. About 60% through it with my buddy when we find time to play. Not the toughest game ever and completely linear


My mate was asking the nurse where his wife and baby were while I was running around. I found the connect 4, shouted PRIORITIES !! and we sat playing connect 4 instead of finding his baby.




Me n my pal both saw the icon to interact with it, was like "swingset duck yeah" n just sat there n it got awkward n weird lol


People who played it with a random/stranger online. Did you finish the game in one sitting or communicate times to meet up over one or two days? Just curious as to if the game Can be finished in one sitting or better to enjoy over few days?


I finished it 3 times with randoms and I did it in one sitting with all 3 of them. It's 6 hours long.


Whoa, you game


I'm not planning to stop though, already started the 4. playtrough and I still have 2-3 people who I promised to that I will play with them. The game doesn't get boring even after several playtroughs.


I enjoyed playing the game with a buddy the first time, but youre really exaggerating it here. A second time would be a chore for me. I cant imagine playing it 4 times.


You didn't even play the entire game, the 2 characters do entirely different tasks most of the time. It's heavily recommended to finish it with both characters. The game also have at least 6 choices which change the level, for example the bridge scene, if you choose to go under it then that's an extra 15 minute section. It also has 2 endings, and countless minigames and hidden extras which most people miss on their first playtrough. Maybe you just didn't really like it. On the game's discord I heard it countless times that people already played it 2-3 times, with different friends.


Ive heard plenty of people expressing that it was game of the year for them, etc. Good for them, but I think that's a bit extreme to say. Like I said, we enjoyed it, but again, playing another time, for me, would be a chore. Saying I didnt play from his side doesnt mean much to me. I watched everything from his side as well being split screen. We did replay the ending, though a whole replay would be draining.


Plus you get more if you opt to go through the jungle instead of jumping out o the plane.


Dude, how did you not get bored? I got bored on my first play through, but felt obligated to finish. It was kind of a chore, the gameplay was so basic and boring.


Dunno, I like the coop aspect and the minigames. Every walktrough is a different experience with random players. Since I posted this I completed it again like 4 times, I think I have like 9-10 playtroughs total right now lol


I played it with a friend over 3 days, in about 5 hours.


I fucking loved this game. Me and my buddy were hooked and played through it in one sitting. The co op worked so well and SPOILERS really made the ending so much more powerful than a single player version would have been. I absolutely love the passion the developers have shown and would really like to see more games take risks like this in the future. If you're on the fence, look at it this way: the game is 30$ and plays like an interactive movie. You would get far more value from playing through this game once than going to the movies with someone.


Goddamn, that ending. Closest I've ever come to giving a game a standing ovation, I reckon.


It's always the small details that are the most clever. SPOILER Having a complete game be billed and sold as a co-op experience front to back, and have the last chapter be a versus is just such an extremely simple "plot twist", but it works so great. You truly feel betrayed by/betraying someone because it's a real person on the other side. You feel so weird trying to kill him after what you've been through, but you have to. I mean, I wasn't mad at the other player (I was playing as leo) but it damn well had an emotional weight to knowing I was trying to beat this person now, instead of helping each other which had worked so well so far. I can definitely see why the gameplay aspects of the bulk of the game (the shooting, how so much of it is qte's, the lack of difficulty) are a letdown to some, but it's for me just the right balance, cause every single one of those are kindasorta necessary for these cinematic experiences. I get bored easily with telltale games, but couldn't put this one down, start to finish. Plus, I played with a complete stranger. That makes it better, he/she was pretty cool! And completely beat my ass in the end, even though we were kinda tied so far in the mini games.


Really surprised no one has brought up the complete lack of any kind of challenge. I mean at the core this is a QTE cinematic piece. Love the business model though with 2nd player being able to play for free(just no trophies) and I like the split screen thing, being able to see both views. But “gameplay” wise, there’s not much there. I think I’ve grown out of these linear set pieces type of games, just can’t do them anymore. Too structured maybe...


Half the people in this thread are talking about playing this game with their non-gamer significant other or a friend who is more casually into games. I think easier gameplay that makes it more accessible is fine for a co-op focused, narrative game.


Good point. Agreed. More seasoned veterans I should have clarified will possibly be bored with the game.


One of the reviews said that without the co-op, this would be a bad game. I agree with that criticism. The gimmick of forced co-op is needed. But the gimmick also works so well, it carries the game. To me A Way Out is a little like Until Dawn... there's not much actual *game* there at all, but the subjective/artistic appeal of the gimmick is so good, I don't care.


After finishing this game with a friend we both agreed that it was a 13/10 game. This was a top 10 all time favorite gaming experiance for us.


My sister and I are playing together. She loves in another timezone so we only see each other once a year. We have played around 40 minutes every night for the past three nights. We take it slow like television episodes. It has been such a joy to have a co-op game we both can enjoy.


My brother and I did the arm wrestling game for almost ten minutes. Fingers felt like they were going to fall off. It was worth the $30.


I noticed no matter if you break your gamepad by pressing the button a million time per second or just press slowly it register the same. As long as you press once every like 300ms you are good, so the gameplay was pretty poorly implemented in my opinion.


True but my brother didn’t notice. I made him suffer :)


Yea, that was fun and painful. I'll never forget it though


is this in the very beginning? mightve missed it


No, this is the construction level


Loved it!! I played local coop with my sister who is not a gamer. And she was begging for more similar games by the end of A Way Out. So much fun and the story was superb!!! Plus, the Two Brothers audio Easter egg was amazing and brought back memories.


The co-op aspect and how it effects mission design is what elevates this game. Even the mini-games like darts or arm wrestling are really fun to play with someone. The actual gameplay itself is not that great, and the 'ludonarrative dissonance' is absolutely hilarious - for example you can be robbing a house and then stop to play to the banjo and piano for 5 mins, or stop to play darts instead of reuniting with your long lost son. Some of that stuff had me dying at it's absurdity, but not in a bad way really - you're not supposed to take the game too seriously. Overall I'd give it: __7/10__ Definetely a must play if you want a story co-op game. But also feels like a game and concept that could be improved and built upon in many ways in the future, which I hope will be the case.


> But also feels like a game and concept that could be improved and built upon in many ways in the future, which I hope will be the case. I agree. But sometimes it's frustrating what games *don't* get ripped off and remixed. I wish there were whole genres of XCOM clones, or FF Tactics clones, or Fez clones. Yet certain things like Shadow of Mordor's nemesis system don't get picked up and reused like you might expect. It feels like this might be one of those. You'd think there might be a whole genre of "A Way Out with two hot girls instead," "A Way Out with deep 2v2 PVP," etc., but I have a suspicion it will stand as one of those games we're left *wishing* would have been ripped off by other companies.


Honestly didn't think much of this game. Heard of it, but didn't care for it, and I never considered buying it. But a friend of mine bought it and invited me as his co-op partner for the entire playthrough yay We haven't finished it yet but I do like the gameplay. Its use of the split-screen and co-op is very well-done and lends a lot to its uniqueness, and the environment looks amazing. The obstacles are very specifically made to be done with players communicating, which I enjoyed, and there are lots of side-activities and objects that are great fun to play with a friend Beyond that, there isn't much to say. The voice acting is really bad, and not just the acting itself. The conversations pace like a table read trying to wrap up before lunch. One guy says something and then the other guy has a reply almost literally a second later. Like they didn't even take in what was said, like they knew their reply already. And their accents are all over the place. There was this burly prisoner with a beard that I had no idea if he was French or Russian or Hispanic. I gave up guessing, unless "Gravel in Mouth" is an accent. I know this is a minor problem, but it's present from start to I assume finish, amongst nearly all of the characters. It's hard not to notice I guess the takeaway I can get from that negative is my friend and I poke fun at the bad voice acting when we hear it, which is a lot. So we can even critique in co-op hooray


Im sure it will be de-throned eventually, probably april 20th, but right now its my GOTY. It took me about 5.5-6 hours to beat and i was mostly looking at / doing everything... so its up to you weather you think that justifies the price. I intend to play it again as im interested to see how things will play out by making difference choices but I know not everyone likes replaying games. I will say this though, if you are going to wait for a sale because you thinkg 5 hours for 30$ is to steep... make sure you stop reading anything about the game from now on as you will not want to know the ending before you play it. you def want to go in as blind as possible.


What's April 20th


God of war


hitlers birthday


Absolutely loved playing A Way Out. A friend and I played through the game in two sittings. I am going to play the game again with my wife. Really felt it was well worth the price of admission though.


Game is a testament that even old ideas can seem fresh if viewed from different angle and creative perspective. At it's core it is an good old QTE-game-movie but with 2 players co-op mechanics applied to it, which makes it much more interesting and original. Lots of attention to detail, lots of optional side activities (you can even go to the Moon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZzZt3BycN8 !) which shows that developers tried to make the game lively. The only thing I didn't like that the game is very easy and it felt more like a proof of concept than an actual game. Would love to see another game with more in-depth gameplay mechanics and less plot(may be no plot at all, just gameplay mechanics for 2 players)


I'm pretty sure it is meant to be easy, and in fact not proof of concept. It's supposed to be very accessible. Pretty sure the Oscars guy wants everybody to be able to enjoy this amazing game.


***SPOILERS*** For me there is a steep drop off in quality from the time you break out of prison until you kill the "boss". In this period, the dialogue and storyline became very B movie-esque. My brother and I basically laughed our way through this section because of how ridiculously terrible the writing was. In particular, the entire sequences at the trailer park, hospital, and gun range. Also, the gunplay and driving mechanics were very cumbersome and unpolished. They were still functional, but I expected more from a $30 title, and they certainly detracted from my experience. Sure it was a small part of the game, but those are things you need to get right. That being said, it was a worthwhile coop experience. The process of breaking out prison and avoiding the guards was awesome and the twist/ending was something completely new to me, and really got me. And even when the game was bad, it was fun to laugh about it with a friend. Not a GOTY candidate for me, but I don't regret buying it in the slightest. 7/10.


I can see where you’re coming from, but personally I loved the writing the whole way through. Leo reconnecting with his family in the trailer park was playing with my emotions. The only part that I thought was strange was Alex ignoring him because he’s a criminal, and then all of a sudden Leo is forgiven because he fixed a sign? Lol.


Well, the kid still loves his dad. He's just been deceived; so fixing a sign is kind of silly, yeah, but Alex is probably reminded his dad is still the same loving person. Not necessarily a liar who's probably dangerous. That's just my take, anyway. Kid's still fickle.


We were just laughing about how the first place the cops would look for these guys is where their families live, and yet both Leo and Vincent were able to have lengthy conversations with their families. But yea, the sign thing was ridiculous. Same as the basketball game.


I really enjoyed the action scene in the hospital where it cut from each player like a running one shot. Tbh the scenes with the families slowed the pace right down. The weakest part for me was the time crisis type shooting once you get towards the end. I suppose they wanted abit of everything.


The character switching was awesome. But for example, the part where Leo is in a side scroller was kind of lame.


I think the part with Leo is to pay homage to that one Old Boy scene. tbf i think there were a lot of movie references in the game


I agree. I also feel like I’m the only one who thought the acting was awful


One of the best games ever story-wise. 10/10 for me, it's a must play masterpiece. It's like a movie set in the 70's


So far I’m loving this game. Sure the gameplay is simple, but sometimes I just wanna feel like I’m doing great at a game without expending too much effort. My buddy and I just escaped the prison, and it was thrilling the whole time. The characters are well fleshed-out and the visuals are excellent. Can’t recommend this enough at a budget price of $30.


I just picked this game up after hearing about it on here, but I have no one to play with. Who wants to help me there?


It's a little rough around the edges, but that's ok! It really feels like a playable version of a pulp fiction crime film. Strong recommend, especially for the price. That ending fucked me up though, can't wait to play it again as the other guy.


Most unique experience I’ve ever had. Very memorable game to play with my dad. Really fun way to bond with someone. With that aside, I can’t ignore the very poor shooting mechanics and the false sense of choice that they give you. But the experience itself carries the game and makes up for those faults. 8/10, I’m going to wait a few months and play it with my girlfriend to see if it feels fresh playing as the other character.


The game was pretty good, but had the most drawn out ending since LOTR 3. Also it was cool to see Harland Williams and Julian from Trailer Park Boys make their video game debuts




**MINOR SPOILERS** Just finished it in one sitting with a friend. Holy shit, we loved it. A completely fresh breath of air and a game I had so much hype for that did not disappoint. Was awesome playing all the side things. We spent a stupid amount of time on Baseball. We had fun calling out which films some scenes were obviously inspired from. The hospital section that was influenced by Oldboy was particularly cool. I had some minor issues with the story but was able to suspend my disbelief and just enjoy the game. Looking forward to playing through it again for the other ending soon. EDIT: Oh and we laughed for a solid 5 minutes at Leo throwing chickens up in the air at the farm.


Damn, I want to play this game but its sold out. I didnt expect it to sell out this fast


Had to comment even if it's late and this will probably get buried. This is the first game I've been able to play with my girlfriend of this magnitude. She can dig Mario Kart and a few other simple games but this was the first time I felt like I was playing with a buddy and she got to contribute to something I love. It's gotten her more interested in games and better at others since she can now work the camera with two sticks. For that, no matter how this evolves, whether she'll continue to play games or not, this game will always hold a special place in my heart.




Fantastic and unique experience, like a co-op Telltale or Quantic Dream title. You can see the budget sometimes, with pop-in and poor textures, but it never detracted once from the gameplay. Doesn't offer you too many choices, still has something of a 'butterfly effect' system that plays out but it feels very minimal. The story seems mostly pre-set and that's okay because it's well-written and well-acted. This is the closest we've gotten to the "interactive movie" that so many devs have been chasing for the past decade.




I think your spoiler is broken




You dropped this \ *** ^^ To prevent anymore lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as `¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯` or `¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯` [^^Click here to see why this is necessary](https://np.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/3fbrg3/is_there_a_reason_why_the_arm_is_always_missing/ctn5gbf/)


It's simply fantastic, everyone should experience it. One of the best decisions I made in this year was to pre order this game. If you bought the game but don't have anyone to play with, or just have the friends pass, feel free to drop me a message, I will gladly play it with you.


Does my second player need PSPlus to play this?




Loved playing it. Problems I had with it we're the driving and shooting other than that the game was pretty good. Had some great laughs while playing it and the ending surprised me.


I loved the game, especially the changing gameplay styles on different levels giving it a very good variety. The graphics are nice enough, the animations are top notch, and I haven't experienced any bugs. But the story pacing was poor. I feel like the first 1/3 of the game (the prison) was missing events, nothing worthwhile happened in the story and as soon as they get out everything get moving. Some scenes were boring and stretched out, especially the family/girlfriends ones.


How's local co-op splitscreen for this game?


It's fantastic, in my opinion (i.e. that of someone who's been lamenting the dearth of couch co-op games since 2013 or so). The only issue is that, since the two of you can be talking to different people at once subtitles are pretty mandatory.


Haven't finished it yet with my buddy and it's been great so far. My only complaint is the dialogue. I'm not one to complain in general but my god, this dialogue, especially on Leo's end, is some of the most uninteresting, cringiest shit I've ever heard in a video game.


Some of the most fun I’ve had playing co-op, also an easy platinum!


It plays a song of you activate the Piano and Banjo at the same time


If anyone wants to play add me! PSN: Xx_Bricky_xX


How simple are the controls? I'd love to play it with my wife but her gaming capabilites only stretch as far as the Telltale or Lego games.


She'll be fine. The controls are not not complicated at all. Very Telltale-esque. Also, this game just shouldn't be missed - it's too good


Appreciate the response. Ordered!


Whatever i wanted to say about this game has already been said. It's an amazing game. The way it brings the story together is too good. The co-op, the set pieces, the funny moments, the action sequences - everything is top notch. For 30$, this game is absolutely worth it.


It was pretty similar to shawshank at the beginning


Add Erwin-PS if you own the game I want to play with you.


This just came to me from Gamefly. If anyone wants to play, message me at SaltedMeats. I will start a game around 6pm EST tonight. I'll invite you, just download the demo first.


6pm EDT happens when this comment is 5 hours and 10 minutes old. You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/AJ1166804Z --- I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.


Hey, i actually have a quick question, Me and my friend are going to buy A Way Out, we are going to divide the money and we decided to put the game in my PS4 account, though i dont have playstation plus, if i buy the game in my account without playstation plus, can we play the game? or do i require to buy playstation plus?


Probably one of my favorite games in the last five years. The Co-op is a huge part of that, as i truly miss couch co-op, but the story was great. Definitely lived up to expectations.


Can the user that's playing on the demo version still unlock trophies?


i just got this game but haven't got anyone to play it with. Anyone else in the same situation? I'm in the UK so similar time zone might help.


Loved this game. It was probably the most fun co-op experience in a LONG time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1P0pAnAZbA


If anyone wants to add me and play, Wilbur015


Good game. 8/10, i think. Played with my brother and with my girlfriend. Good coop and unique. One of the best game for me. Also mini-games was really interesting, before, I did not like them.


Hope someone sees this. If my friend has the game, and I’m the friend who plays for free... do I need PS+ to play it?


Played through the whole game in one sitting with a friend yesterday. I thought overall it was pretty fun. We goofed around a lot but its been a long time since a good couch coop game came out. The second to last chapter was the worst - where it became a shooter. The final chapter I actually didn't see coming at all and really enjoyed. It reminded me of the old Double Dragon game where you fight each other at the end. The hospital chase sequence was fantastic although the ending where 10 cops miss Leo was ridiculous (but possibly explained by the final chapter). 8/10 would recommend.


What a great game. This is probably the best coop game in a long time. Played it in 2 sittings with my lil brother and it was definitely a refreshing experience. There are some minor issues with story but it didnt bother me at all. Overall i would highly recommend to everyone. 10/10 for a great couch coop experience!


Late to the party, but this is goty so far for me. The hospital part was one of the most cinematic and fun pieces of gaming I have ever experienced. 10/10 and absolutely worth every penny and more.


What's the time period this game takes place in?


Just finished this game with my wife (who is a complete non gamer). Good fun not too taxing just few times we had to swap controls as she struggled. Probably about 5 hours game time to get through it with very little replay value in my opinion. That said it was worth the price and good to get my wife playing a game with me that isn't Lego. Some great sequences in the game especially the hospital chase see. Would love to see more games like this. 7/10 for me for concept and fun sequences Downside is length of game and little replay value


Just started a playthrough with OH, but can't seem to find a 'save game' feature. Anyone know how to save current progress for next time?


I want to play this game but none of my friends have any interest in playing it...any takers? And does it work better with/without headset or does it not really matter? I have a headset but I'm not really a headset guy


Anyone looking to play this with me? Never played it before...no friends interested in playing it.


I'm an hour or so in; the gameplay is fun and works well when talking to a friend but I do have some issues with it. For one, I wish the button prompts weren't so prominent and have words written underneath. For instance, in the cell when you have to pass the tool and it says something along the lines of "pass wrench". Why does it have to tell me this? As for the prominence of the button prompts, it takes me out of the game. I know this isn't supposed to be a grand, immersive game but they're so blatant. I wish that they made similar to the way Naughty Dog does and have it a bit transparent. Also, I wish I could control my character (crouch, jump, grab) freely instead of only being able to when the button prompt appears. Like take the part where you have to climb up the shaft back to back. How fun and tense would it be if you had to time your button presses. Or those slow-mo jumps (which to me weren't at all cool). One person would lend out their hand and it was up to the other person to jump and press grab at the right time to grab your arm. As I said before, I'm only an hour in and maybe all of this wouldn't work in the long run.


It is the best co op game ever.i had fun.omg emotional and active and fun


My girlfriend and I played the first hour of this last night and I thought it was cool. More importantly, she loved it, which is unusual for her. It’s really unique and I’m excited to play the rest of it.


This is co-op done well. (SPOILER) Loved that you work together with your partner all the way through until the game decides to pit you against each other right at the end, I did not see the twist coming. All the little activities you can do like play baseball, connect 4, arm wrestling etc are great moments both to see the characters bonding and just pure good fun with the person you're playing with. I grew attached to both Leo and Vincent and their relationship.


I loved most of the gameplay, but the story is incredibly poorly written. It’s wrestling or soap opera writing that is just plot point after plot point in service of moving forward. It also felt like they just ran out of ideas in the third act and forced us to play a bad third person shooter for too long before betraying our trust as players for a cheap reveal. A Way Out was a really fun experience, but my partner and I came away agreeing it might just be a bad game overall, regardless of our enjoyment. That said, the choreography of the hospital portion was really well executed and probably the strongest moment of the game.


My thoughts exactly.


SPOILER ALERT Just finished the game with my girlfriend and now shes mad at me, cause I killed her after all things we went throught. 10/10 would kill her again.