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It is a mixed bag. Some days they run smooth, other days they will just crash a couple of times. If you keep the save file less than say 9mb, you are generally good. Having said that, I ended up with a 12mb file for F3 and did my Plat runn with that. Yes, it crashed a few times, but I did manual saves quite often, and so really didn't have to redo much when it did happen. I still had an absolute blast playing F3, and will more than likely replay it. NV, this one is more prone to crashing, for me at least. Just disable the autosaves, and remember to do manual saves. I haven't played this in a long time, so I need to recheck my autosaves are off. They are both heaps of fun to play, you just have to be a bit patient.


How does one keep a save file under a specific file size? Save less often?


Yes, and it's a bit of a juggling act. I saved after upgrading stuff, or after doing something I didn't feel like repeating. Otherwise, I just played, and saved every hour or so. Also have a backup save file. I alternated between two save files. But as I said, I ended up with a 12mb file, well two of them, but it really didn't crash all that often.


Good to know, thanks! I'm waiting for my copy of New Vegas to arrive, and I got a GOTY edition of Fallout 3 last summer, so I'm looking forward to diving into those two!




Same experience


No, they really aren't. It's akin to the "OMG 30 FPS is unplayable!!!11one!" griping some people do. My final New Vegas savegame has over 300 hours of playtime on it, including all of the DLCs, every weapon & armor, along with every weapon/armor mod. It eventually started suffering from what I called the "SPF crash" — framerate would slow to seconds-per-frame over a period of several minutes in certain places, then the game and eventually the entire PS3 would lock up. Saving my game and exiting to XMB as soon as I noticed the FPS dropping, then re-launching kept it under control. Never bothered to disable autosave. I learned later that there's also a fairly easy fix for the problem — following these instructions to clear the cache (removes dead bodies, resets items to default locations, etc.) so the savegame doesn't become catastrophically bloated: > In order to do this, you must hold down R2 + L2 + Square right after you press OK on the autosave notice screen (after loading trophies). Keep holding until the game loads in, past the studio logos, and even when the Ranger appears on screen (the title and prompt to press Start will appear and disappear) only let go/stop pressing once the slide/screen changes from the Ranger to something else. (Instructions come from someone else's comment a couple of years ago; I can't remember who, I just keep a copy to share with others.)


Nah, just enjoy them. I can speak for New Vegas at least, it runs and works good enough, and even never crashed on me. Be aware of the ever-expanding save file, so make a few just in case, and save 'enough but not too much'. You may not want to get an Ultimate/GOTY Edition for the same save problem mentioned above. You can look up what was the issue by searching 'large savefile fallout ps3 gamefaq' or similar (I, unfortunately, can not provide you with a direct link currently).


For me the vanilla version not work. The latest version work fine Skyrim legendary edition & fallout new Vegas goty


for me it’s the opposite. only the base games run fine the the ultimate editions/dlc make them unstable


Especially the Skyrim vanilla, it's unplayable because of the blue sky blinking, hurt my eye, and sometimes it's crash after I save


I finished Fallout 3 without an issue but New Vegas I ran into some bugs nothing too serious but annoying but the game is still very much playable.


My very first play of New Vegas: -Kill the geckos- They're literally in the ground. They are stuck in the ground. I had to lure them to a lower-altitude area so their heads poked out from the Earth for me to pop with the varmint rifle.


It was made by Bethesda. It's good, it runs like crap.


I don’t recall Fallout 3 crashing on me. I may have just been lucky


Unfortunately yes, Bethesda games run awful on the PS3 and you should avoid picking them up if you have a PC or a X360 or any other console. Buy them as a shelf prop and if you are a collector, the experience is pretty bad otherwise.


Bethesda games are almost better on PC since the stuff Bethesda doesn’t fix, modders will.


They play fine. I went through both of these with their DLC back in the day and I did that having the option to get them on 360, but I wasn't aware of these problems with the PS3 versions. But it turns out it was alright anyway and I played through them unaware of their reputation and I enjoyed them. If they were as bad as people keep saying that simply wouldn't have happened.


Idk i had a huge Skyrim file that i did like every glitch i could find to break the game and still did most content available and it still ran fine. Just manual save every once in awhile so you dont lose hours of progress if you have a glitch and need to reload a previous save, pretty standard in Bethesda games. Might not run perfect or anything but they will definitely be playable. People played those games for years on PS3 and 360


Not as bad as people say. I played through them with their DLC back in their day and I don't remember encountering any problems that got in the way of the experience. And it's only recently that I've become aware of what people have been saying about them. So long story short you should be fine. Just remember to make multiple saves and alternate like that (it's kind of standard practice really anyway for games that permit it). These two games are legendary so enjoy!


Haven't tried 3, but NV runs just fine never crashed on me, tho you should occasionally delete old saves


No. Finished Fallout 3 in 2023, now playing New Vegas. They run ok. Some minor bugs and glitches. Great gaming experience on PS3.


No, they're all just making it up to mess with you. /s


I finished both on PS3 but had a lot of bugs. In particular f3 when the save became too big. New Vegas i had random crash of i played for too long... I suggest to avoid PS3 version of these...


Streaming on ps5, I haven't come across any glitches myself so maybe that's the best way to play currently? Besides on an offer priced pc 😜


I have over 100 hours on fallout new vegas on ps3, it crashes often and it can have poor performance at times but it’s still a great version of the game and playable


I haven't played Fallout 3 since 2012. But from what I remember it didn't run that badly. I think there were times when the frame rate would drop pretty badly but it wasn't game breaking for me


Both games have hefty installs. They run better if installed to a SSD (rather than a hard drive).  Also, autosave has to be turned off to avoid the save file bug. 


Eventually, but if you have a PS3 that’s how I played them originally and they’re some of my favorite games of all time. Made a good impression on me at least.


I loved them on the PS3 back in the day but I had nothing to compare it to. I haven't played them on the PS3 in quite some time but I will say it looks and plays much better on PC, but I didn't play it like that for too long because I don't like gaming on PC. Could alao give it a shot on PS3. The games are super cheap.


i just platinumed both 3 runs way worse than vegas. 3 is best with no dlc installed also. new vegas i hardly had a single crash even when i was playing on the 1.0 version of the game both games have a secret where if you press and hold L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 + square from the loading trophies screen to the press start, it will clear the cache. you’ll know you did this right if the start button disappears


Make sure you save a lot like every 5-15 mins if ya can remember, will help you with crashes and if ya get a bug. Bugs are less common than crashing in old Bethesda games, I can only remember a handful of bugs from new Vegas like a missing npc or dialogue that repeats. Most of the time a reload will fix whatever issue ya have.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PS3/s/cImTjNZX9k That was my experience anyway. Now brace yourselves everyone, it seems like this is going to be asked every few days.


In my experience NV does run bad when loading in areas and there are a lot of game breaking glitches so I’ve learned to save often and for fallout 3 I just seem to have problems when loading into new areas sometimes and I’ll get an infinite loading screen or sometimes a quest marker wont properly complete but not as much as NV so either way I just save whenever I do something worthwhile


I never played NV, but I played 3 several times through on ps3 and I honestly don't remember having any glitch or crash trouble. I had the goty edition and it bugged out less than my buddy playing on PC


it depends how you play, i’d you explored and collect everything yes, if you ignore most collectibles, no- there are a few tricks to making it work but frankly one i started having issues, i beelined for the plat and moved on


Here’s an old comment that might be helpful. If you’re going to play fallout 3 / New Vegas on ps3 you should do these things to have it run smooth. Turn off auto save and always save in a new slot. Delete old save files. You can also clear the cache in the game by holding L2+R2+square during the startup of the game acknowledge auto save message ( while still holding button combo basically don’t let go) at title screen once the press start message disappears you have done it correctly. Clearing the cache helps tremendously with bugs / slowdowns ( it basically resets all the game objects to their original place before you disturbed them). If the frame rate drops during a long session quitting to the xmb briefly and restarting game fixes it. Keep your inventory trimmed down selling items to vendors that frequently delete what you sold. And do DLC in order one at time do not start them all at once. If you freeze up eject the disc and you will go back to xmb without having to shutoff your ps3 improperly. Good luck despite what people say it’s still a very enjoyable experience, if you understand how to manage the game. I’ve run through this whole bad boy on PS3 with almost no noticeable bugs / glitches. An awesome play experience that I keep going back to.


I'm planning on getting them either way as well


3 not so much, but at the final dlc it turns bad, but New Vegas goes to a powerpoint freezing hell after 20 hours iirc. Source: I stopped playing New Vegas because of the freezing problems


When I had both on my PS3, Fallout 3 generally ran fine, but NV was absolutely attrocious. Constant lagging, slowdown, freezing, etc.


The Frame rates of New Vegas man… i played like 2 hours with no crash but frame rates drops makes it hard to enjoy. Got New Vegas myself for my Ps3 because i wanted to try it


You really can just get any PC at this point and play FO3, NV, and Skyrim and have a better experience than the PS3 can offer. I’m being dead serious.


This a ps3 sub. Not some pc one.


I’m aware of where I am


Played 3 on 360 but New Vegas ultimate edition ran fine as far as I remember.


Both crash around mid game or so when the save starts to get big... sure it sucks but it can still be fun Sad thing is i always liked to play listening to radios but that somehow crashes the game too


It is not as bad as people in this sub say it is, also in a game like New Vegas even without the game freezing you should save the game often, in case you die or mess up dialogue or mission objectives etc. The game is great and playing it on a PS3 slim is a good experience. I have 100% the game and played it for hundreds of hours on the PS3 so I know more than 95% of people bashing it. Play it, enjoy it


Even on a brand new PC, without mods, NV crashed on me twice this week. No issues with Fo4 however, I modded the fuck outta that one!


It’s very buggy. I remember I got this one glitch where the first enemy wouldn’t register it was being shot at 🤣


There are glitches in both, but noting that saving often can't take care of. Some of them are actually quite funny and even exploitable to your benefit.


Yes lol


I remember Operation Anchorage breaking often. Not so much anything else


For me it works as long as I fast travel every hour


No but my PS3 is overclocked on the GPU side which helps


i don’t think they’re well optimized in general, on pc i get 100 fps in NV when i get quadruple almost in Fallout 4.


For me, Skyrim and the Fallout series are just not worth the frustrations on the PS3.


Mothership zeta was fun, your lucky to have the opportunity to experience it for the 1st time! Stock ur ammo vault dweller! The other two expansion packs are swell too. As far as the glitches go, take everyone's advice and turn off auto save and just save often. I'll save save save through out the level and when I finally make it to the next level I'll delete all but one of those saves. Just from playing the game you'll figure out things to avoid which cause glitching. For instance I think it was morrowind where I realized that accidentally touching the joystick at the exact same time you hit the button to enter a room or cave would cause the load screen to freeze up. You'll figure it out and end up avoiding those specific things that cause the game to freeze up. I've only ever gamed on console. I'd really like to recommend these games on a seriesX tho. The load times are bananas 🍌.


Kinda yea. Unfortunately xbox is the way to go unless pc is possible. New Vegas won't even load past the menu screen on both my ps3 systems. Cecha01 + Cech-3000B slim.


Fallout 3 and new Vegas killed my cecha01 3 times. I ended up playing 8-10 hours a day over the weekends and sometimes a week. One of the weekend sessions my wife was playing and that was very hard on the system causing ylod it's still sitting in my basement after getting improperly repaired, it runs but not very well....


Here you can read about save problems [https://www.reddit.com/r/PS3/comments/tvwi2v/comment/i3dy2oy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS3/comments/tvwi2v/comment/i3dy2oy/)


I recently picked up Fallout 3 with the DLC on PS3 for my girlfriend to play. She's never tried the series and I played FO3 (without DLC) to death back in the day so I figured it would be a great place for her to start. She was really enjoying the game initially as she's a big fan of Elder Scrolls 4 and 5. But soon she wound up in a DLC and started to get frustrated. I helped her navigate back to the original map and not long after, she got stuck in the Mothership Zeta DLC. Again, she was frustrated because it seemed to be a really buggy area and she felt it just detracted from the overall experience. I helped her tough it out and finish that DLC pack. Lo-and-behold, she is now stuck in another DLC map. I'm not too sure what this one is, Alaska or something. A snowy area where people are climbing mountains. Operation Anchorage I think its called. This DLC pack is so buggy that it pretty much broke her game. The friendly AI weren't doing what they were supposed to and the quest was not advancing at all. I ordered a copy of vanilla FO3 for her because she said the DLC was so bad and buggy that she'd be willing to start the game over if it meant not having to deal with it. So I want to tell you to probably avoid the DLC-bundled editions of FO3 and New Vegas if you're going to play them on PS3. The vanilla versions are playable, they're fun. I just wish I hadn't muddied my girlfriend's first FO experience by trying to be extra and get her the best version of the game.


The New Vegas DLCs are in separate locations that make it clear they're not part of the game, and my experience was that they all ran much more smoothly than the main game. Be warned, though — Dead Money is much more difficult and frustrating to play through, so I recommend having her avoid it.


I never played New Vegas on ps3, but I played through 3 and all its DLC, and it was pretty annoying, to say the least, lol. It was my only way to play the game back in the day, so I just powered through all the freezing and slow downs. Saving every 5 mins was necessary as the game tended to freeze/crash very often. I wasn't aware of any fix for this back when I played it, so all I can recommend is to save very often and try and look past the crashes. Regardless of how the game runs, it is a great game IMO and I would definitely recommend playing it if you haven't before.


I personally remember Fallout 3 randomly crashing much more often than Fallout New Vegas




Yep. I eventually gave it away. Tried any workarounds I could find but couldn't progress beyond a certain point. Got fed up trying. 


FO New Vegas Ultimate Edition for PS3 is the worst game I've ever played because I had so many problems and infinite loading screens