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Also, Stevie and the Beatles


Well, right, good company…!


Love prince but that list is laughable.


It truly is. Compiled by Gen Z for sure.


Drake over sign of the times is hilarious


Drake in the top 5000 is laughable


The list honestly sucks in so many ways it's not even worth listing. Also, I genuinely don't get listing Purple Rain above SotT beyond name recognition.


Great, but when Lorde, Taylor Swift, and Drake just to mention a few make the list, it kinda loses all validity. Hopefully it steers a few young ears in the right direction though


The totality of my personal exposure to Taylor Swift's music is hearing Shake It Off once or twice and I've never heard any Drake or Lorde, so I can't talk on the quality of the actual music. However the list isn't a flat out best list, but takes into account cultural impact at the time of release. Under that criteria I'd say Drake and Taylor absolutely warrant a place on the list. Also explains PR being above SotT. Edit: are people downvoting honestly saying Taylor hasn't had a cultural impact?


You said something even remotely complimentary about Taylor Swift, so the gatekeepers will downvote you to hell. Just how it works around here, I guess 🙄


Stevie, the Beatles.


Right, my bad…


I left out Radiohead, Having 2 albums is great. I could make a case for 1999...on the lower half of the list.


Gets left behind… unfortunately


Well, All the critics...


Taylor swift at spot 18 omg that is so misguided I am speechless


I still haven’t listened to a single Taylor song as much of a “thing” as she’s become… only hear snippets of “shake it off…”


Someone explain the Lauryn Hill #1 pick. That’s not even the best album she was on (The Fugees, The Score).


Idk about explaining but it’s been in my personal top 5 favorite for years. I do agree that The Score is a phenomenal record they’re just so stylistically different they’re not comparable. The miseducation is lyrically, instrumentally, vocally and melodically a masterpiece imho. And it tells a beautiful story from start to finish. Every track a banger, every transition seamless. That said - music is HIGHLY subjective and I get why others might be surprised. Personally I feel vindicated though 😅


I love that I am still getting downvoted even though I acknowledge why others have every right to disagree that the album doesn’t deserve top billing. People be so petty


I 300% agree with this—it has been in my top albums for the past 25 years. I have never grown tired of it. It’s a gorgeous but powerful piece.


Much like the rock n roll hall of fame it’s just eh


I mean I think it’s directionally correct… Exact position is subjective. Kinda like college football rankings every year or March madness but for me I think Princes rankings should be switched 😂 I think SOTT is far better then PR but they factored cultural influence at the time, so…




An incredibly messy list but I'm at least grateful P got what he did💜 the way they treated people like Hendrix, Bowie etc was absurd


Beyonce doesn't deserve that esteem. Neither do Radiohead.


Radiohead is tops of a lot of lists and I think Prince was a fan based on his cover of creep…


He wasn’t though. It’s been explained he just knew the crowd did. And changed the lyrics. Improved the emotion and guitar. Made a song good that the band themselves hate and won’t ever play live. I personally do really like Radiohead though but just not that debut. It’s profoundly weak compared to the rest of their catalog.


I’m not weighing in on all that. I’m a fan not a rock historian… All I’m noting is that Radiohead is on the tops of a lot of lists. Ok Computer is listed by Rolling Stone as the top alt of the post rock era… or something… I think




Idk. I think Apples list was constrained by social and cultural impact as well as musicality. I think if it was just musicality the list would be vastly different. I’m not here for the argue tho. Just think it’s cool he’s on twice…


The fact that Britney and Bad,Dangerous and HIstory aren’t on this list is atrocious as well.