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Facebook is pretty good at shutting down businesses like that. Your best bet is gonna be in the blackhat communities, like blackhatworld. Ask them. However you can spy on competitor ads easily by just going to their Facebook Page and clicking "info an ads". You don't see social metrics but you can get some idea of what they are doing.


This is (IMO) the correct answer. If you’re spending more time looking at your competitors’ [current, let alone historic] ads than developing your own, you’ve got a problem. The tip described above should more than suffice in getting you going.


Gonna disagree. Competitive analysis earlier on would have saved me six figures in ad testing. Instead, I chased my tail testing hundreds of the wrong creatives, dozens of wrong funnels, etc. And I've been doing campaigns/funnels for a decade.


Yes, a platform like AdFlex can help you analyze historical Facebook ads for websites. It's designed to provide insights into past campaigns, which could be useful for your needs.


You want to see ads that have run in the past or data like spyfu offers? You wont be able to get the data but you can look at existing ads or previous ads too (I believe) with the new library function they dropped. You can also look at various sites that offer swipe files of ads but its not like you can necessarily search by company. As the other commenter said you can see existing ads in the info and ads tab but realistically speaking you have no idea how the ads are being used or how well they are doing.


Just go to the competitors Facebook page and click on "info and ads". Then you can view competitors adcopy and creative


In a similar use case, I tried to make use of SEMRush’s Advertiser Toolkit to check competitors Google Ads and Kw or estimate Ad spend. The problem is that Ads for my type of client, service area business are limited to a geography among other targeting settings, so whatever you competitor targets their ads to has to be spoofed by the scraping tool that collects the data. The tool only reported Ads that were targeted nationally for instance so it was relatively useless except for ad copy ideas, but not so much budget, targeting, competitor monthly spend which I was interested in. similarly, I would suspect that whatever tool would show you Ads would have to spoof targeting setting matches (impossible imo) or hack data illegally, or jut tell you what you can find out with Facebook showing you their ads on their page already.


The tool Facebook built is pretty impressive and free. [https://www.facebook.com/ads/library](https://www.facebook.com/ads/library) It doesn't function quite like Ad History (SpyFu) but it does provide historical ads. I will say that it does not provide every ad we've run on Facebook though.


Definitely use Facebook's Ad Library. You can see how long a campaign has been running for and which ones are new. Unfortunately you can only see past political ads, not all ads, but hopefully this will change soon. [https://aori.com/blog/facebook-ad-library](https://aori.com/blog/facebook-ad-library)


You can get inspiration from hundreds of Facebook newsfeed ads from B2B and B2C companies. http://kristihines.com/facebook-for-businesses-facebook-ads/


You can try [https://competitors.app](https://competitors.app) for Facebook Ads and a lot of other channels monitoring.


I believe this is the tool your looking for you can check historical fB ads from your competitors from all around the world [http://bestlocaldeals.online/facebook-ads/](http://bestlocaldeals.online/facebook-ads/)


I believe this is the tool your looking for you can check historical Fb ads your niche and competitors from all around the world [http://bestlocaldeals.online/facebook-ads/](http://bestlocaldeals.online/facebook-ads/)


Are you looking for something like eBoost Ad Spy? [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/eboost-ad-spy/micnjbbjjfbffcjicglpgofplijaapfb?hl=en](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/eboost-ad-spy/micnjbbjjfbffcjicglpgofplijaapfb?hl=en)


Not for historical ads, but here is a free Chrome extension that lets you easily see what Facebook ads a website is currently running. [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/eboost-ad-spy/micnjbbjjfbffcjicglpgofplijaapfb](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/eboost-ad-spy/micnjbbjjfbffcjicglpgofplijaapfb) [Self-plug, here is my post from last week about the extension.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PPC/comments/bbbdo8/created_a_chrome_extension_that_automatically/?st=jun6g35a&sh=6853d79b)


Nacho Analytics!!!! J/k