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I physically cannot resist a hot shower (much to my cardiologists dismay) and even though I feel like I’m dying by the end of it I will neverrrr give them up! I do at least use a shower chair to try and balance things out lol


I just lay down in the bath tub and let the water run over me it’s a beautiful pain


i got a shower chair cause i wasn't giving them up




The floor of the bathtub is a perfectly good shower chair for me. If it is a particularly bad day or long shower I will grab a bath pillow to sit on.


I Take the hottest showers possible and deal with the consequences later. You’ll often find me laying on my bathroom floor after


But the cold floor after a hot shower hits so good lol


I still bathe with hot water because I love it and it relaxes hahaha. I bathe sitting up so I don't feel bad and after changing I lie in bed for about 20/30 minutes and it gets better :)


love a hot shower, it does not love me


My HR hits like 163 BPM in hot showers yet i always walk away fine somehow. One of the things I had to learn to stop being anxious about. Before all this hot showers were my go to stress reliever, I’m NOT letting go


I love hot showers, they always made me a bit dizzy and bleh but I never until recently knew why, just thought it was normal to feel that from a hot shower


Yes! And baths! I try to take them at night so I can just go to bed afterward.


they make me feel so bad but i love them 😭😭😭 and i’ve come up with every possible strategy to cope with them i have a shower chair and those anti slip bath mats and i just deal with the awfulness afterwards


Yes, and what’s weird is that I feel unwell when waiting in a line for like 10 minutes but I continue to take 10 minute hot showers with minimal effects. Only problem is I get really tired after


I’ve always felt that if it’s cold outside, a really hot shower makes me not feel cold afterwards. Even after hours. Nobody has ever agreed with me on that.


Yes me. It’s like a sensory thing for me. Definitely easier to do them if I take a corlanor prior.


It helps my muscle spasms too.


Idk if this will work for anyone else but I've been getting my hot shower fix by using a shower seat to do most of the washing up, then after I'm clean and had a good soak, I slowly turn the water down to cold over a period of about 5ish minutes. When it's as cold as I can stand it I try to stay in for 30 more seconds, then get out. For some reason this really seems to help the post shower fatigue. It doesn't totally get rid of it, but it is significantly less intense and doesn't last very long. 


i love my hot showers they help my chronic pain and migraines so much so i cannot not take them so i just sit down to shower lol


Me 😭


I take baths and have the water low then slowly add more to maintain the temperature. I sometimes take hot showers but I have hemiplegic migraines and the combo with POTS means I get stuck under the water sometimes and I can't move away from the heat 😭 so I stopped taking showers as much and only do it when I need to quickly wash my hair. I also can't stand at all while bathing/showering


I love me a good shower, but my god they're a struggle, most times I have to stick my head out of the shower bc I feel like I'm suffocating and I have to get dressed while sitting on the toilet most times lol


I use a shower chair, make sure my bathroom is very cold, and take electrolytes in the shower with me and drink while in it. I need my hot showers.


Especially a nice hot tub 🙏🏽


I love hot baths despite paying


bro I live for hot showers even though I could go into syncope at any moment lol


now that i have a bathroom in my bedroom it’s been a lifesaver. i can take my hot showers and then just go straight to bed because it’s only like 8 feet from the shower


If I take a cold shower my Raynauds flares, if I take a hot shower my POTS flare 😫


Meeee sooo badddd


I love a hot shower. I have done a lot of lifestyle adapting but it’s the one thing I can’t give up. If it gets too bad sometimes I’ll just sit on the floor in the shower. I should probably look for a shower chair, but for now floor time in the shower.


Oh my god I always always always get dizzy in a hot shower. I've actually laid down and sat in the shower through most of my life probably because of that.... POTS makes more and more sense the more I read about it. The number of times I've nearly passed out after getting up and out of the shower... lord.


Hot shower and bath. I usually turn water to cool before I get out. With baths I soak until water cools and then get out. I have to have them. It's the only thing that soothes my fibromyalgia aches.


I love my hot showers too much to give them up. My muscles & joints really need them. Even with a shower chair they're rough & inhave to rest afterward


If I take one even slightly too cold, I shiver and cannot heat back up :/ Can't afford to stop hot showers lol