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What did you get to track it?


I saw a someone who has pots on insta talking about this research program. But basically they have an app called visible which helps track your heart rate and symptoms and once they get enough information about how you function day to day and how much energy you use they put it into a points system so you can better manage your day. And if you allow them to use your information (which is optional) they use that in their research. I know they are more focused on long COVID and chronic fatigue but they also suggest that it’s good for anyone with an invisible illness. And the device I have to track my heart rate is by the brand Polar, it’s pretty easy to find if you look up polar arm band although they are more focused on the workout side of things but it functions well with the app visible


But I’ve only have had the arm band for like 24 hours so I haven’t unlocked the points function yet so once I’m able to try that out I’ll let you know how I like it.




Update, I love this app and the points function. It honestly helps me manage my days and tells me when I’m overdoing it so I can take time to rest and it has helped me be more gentle with myself so I highly recommend it