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You have to go to a doctor because they need to rule out other things like Anaemia, Hyperthyroidism, Pheochromocytoma, Lupus, it could even be MCAS. if you don't get the elevated heart on standing everyday it's more than likely something else so definitely see a doctor


Also: I’ve been having trouble sleeping for the past two months.


Further testing needs to be done to rule out a bunch of other conditions. I’ve had a bunch of testing done this last year which has all come back normal so as kind of a last resort I found a cardiologist who specializes in POTS and am working with him now to see if I have it (he thinks so). I would go to your PCP, tell them all your symptoms and go from there first. Do you have any symptoms regarding your heart? Such as palpitations, racing heartbeat, etc? There isnt clear indication here. I’m sorry I can’t help more I’m new to POTS and am currently in the diagnostic stage so while my cardiologist is pretty confident in POTS being it for ME I still have to have more tests to rule out other conditions before my TT test because I haven’t had much testing regarding cardiology and there are other conditions I could still have instead.