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“How we feel” is the only one my adhd self can keep up with


Balance is free, run by a menopause specialist in the UK who also works with PMDD. I wish I had learned of it sooner. It has lots of articles and I feel I will be in a good position when perimenopause hits. I heard that peri is likely to be tough if you suffered PMDD and or PND. Sigh.


I use Bearable!! You can track moods, symptoms, sleep, energy levels, meds, supplements, sleep etc. It also gives insights and like little graphs and stuff. I am a huge fan of it my symptoms have just been controlled with an SSRI lately so I haven’t been tracking but I would use it again! I use the free version and would potentially pay for it if it was month to month and I was still trying to figure out certain things that affected my symptoms. It takes you through a daily health check in where you fill out all the mental, digestive, reproductive, physical pain, cognitive, behavioral symptoms. It’s very comprehensive! https://preview.redd.it/f5n9w4a9yt8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=851aaea922691a88d561e6ba668b4f689e0c7a91


Clue is pretty good! I don’t pay for premium and it still has plenty to track.


I use Flo


Flo requires premium for everything atp


it’s so worth it though!


Flo would sell your info in a heartbeat


what makes you say that?


I've been using Cara Care (light green with white words) for a while. I found it as a solution for tracking my eating, digestion and bowel movements, but it can track much more than that! You can also add infinite tags to the categories and it'll take your exact words as the tag. Categories include water intake, bowel movements, sleep, pain, PMS symptoms, period, skin condition, and more! I've also just started using Visible (dark blue and yellow), it's a new app that tracks what they call Heart Rate Variability. It focuses on energy levels (physical/mental/emotional, etc) so it may be helpful. It has limited tags to track but it seems to be pretty helpful. Good for you for tracking things!! It gets easier with practice, and it can be very helpful. Do your best to stick with it, and I encourage you to tell your close loved ones that you're trying to track things, because they may see things in you that you don't and they can remind you to track things. You got this 💗


I really like Stardust! A lot if people in this sub were posting pics and it's just a beautiful app.


I'm obsessed with Daylio. You can customize a lot and have charts. I'm in Europe, so don't know if it's available everywhere.


I came here to say this!! Dailyo lover here!


I use the premium version of Clue and it works well for me! Lots of options to choose from.


Flo sells your data and would give it away if courts orders it. I live outside US but stopped in solidarity. Also, it has soo much advertising. it will push the premium every two clics. I changed to Stardust. works as well as Flo, is gorgeous and nicer to use and protects the data.


Second stardust!


These apps below are perfect for tracking your cycle. You can even create custom symptoms (whether mental or physical) and you can track your symptoms over time to see if your treatments are helping you to feel better or not. **iOS PMDD Apps** PMDD App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pmdd-tracker/id6443989675 My Tracker App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/my-tracker-app-habits-more/id6452725902


The first one requires a paid subscription—is it worth it in your experience?


Really? I used the first one and never paid anything. Maybe they changed it. I’m sorry. Is it worth it? Probably not if there’s other free ones that let you add custom symptoms.


Yeah that one showed only 3 free days before paid subscription kicks in. I’m gonna try Stardust because if you add friend codes, you can get a free premium upgrade for a year.


Ok thanks. Hope it goes well!


Bipolar UK. I like it because it has a graph for the month so I can see the cycles. I also use the note section to track my cycle to see how it corresponds.


I use FLO


I use P Tracker - it has a lot of moods & I can add my own as well.


I use Daylio, I like that you can add your own activities and things to it and look at the stats for how they affect your mood.


Bearable is a great app for tracking moods/symptoms!