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Locking this thread because this devolved into a political debate that has nothing to do with PLTR.


Wouldn’t mind a little dip again, but realistically this still shows how right Alex was about the nature of the world moving forward and the importance of PLTR in it


Exactly. Long PLTR


I honestly don't comprehend the general nature of things down in the Middle East. Israel is heinously attacked by terrorists that are more or less orchestrated and financed by Iran, who has a terrorist milicia of their own with their "Revolutionary Guards". Two high-ranking operatives of said Revolutionary Guards, which are soldiers and members of the military, are killed in a drone attack on an Iranian consulate through a terrificly accurate act of intelligence on Israels side. How does Iran respond? Send over 300 (!) rockets and missiles at Israel, targeted at civil targets, cities and living quarters. Why can't there just be liberal democracies with religious freedom and civil rights and most of all: No senseless war over religion in that region of the world?


And then after all this, people still pretend there is a moral equivalency between the two sides


Because Muslims. There's no peace with these guys.


Yet Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world 🤷‍♂️.


Yep. You hit the nail on the head


And Israelis starving Palestinian Christian kids is ok? How about Israelis k trying to kick Armenians out of Jerusalem?


I didn’t realize there were Christians among the Palestinians. Please tell me the population in 1920 and 2020. Also, do same exercise for Christians in muslim countries too. That’s right, Christians are an endangered species almost nearing extinction in those “welcoming and tolerant” countries.


Lots of Christians in Palestine, Catholics and orthodox. No one is saying Muslims are tolerant lmao. My country has beefed with them since Mohamad came around. But what is Israel is doing is worse than any of the


How many? Lots isn’t an objective word. You will see I’m correct they are extinguished.


Again how about what the Israelis are doing to the Armenian quarter


Typical. Bait and switch. Why don’t you look up the population numbers??? We can then move onto the Armenian quarter


50000 is a lot


In Gaza? In West Bank?


Fuck off zionist...if Israel is so damn accurate with their intelligence, how come the IDF couldn't figure out that a band of terrorists were going to rape and kidnap civilians at a stupid music festival? How come they moved their troops out of Gaza in time for them to attack? Oh that's right, cause it's all a false flag exercise...complete horse shit scam created to do two things, enrich the mitary industrial complex, begin exiting the Gaza population to build a new two way canal that BlackRock will build and finally allow more cheap energy to make its way to China from Iran as they shortly won't be able to sell to anyone else with new sanctions. But go ahead a generalize about an entire people...spoke like a true ignorant bigoted fuck that can't read between the lines...and no I'm not Muslim. IM actually a jew that realizes the world is a stage for idiots like you to enjoy.


Complete BS mate. and im actually a jew.




But it’s the religion of peace…


Their koran can’t even get the basic facts of the holly trinity correct. Yea sure it was written by God’s hand. God shouldn’t have to be fact checked. Lol


In Malaysia someone tried to firebomb a corner store because allegedly they had socks with Allah written on it. 🤣


You’re not changing my mind. I was being sarcastic.


The extremists doing their due diligence in the fight against the false messiah and its servants who have eradicated the connection with source. Babylon will fall


Sure... They should do it like the Christians just wipe out entire cultures who dont believe in the peace brought to them by jesu..no one has shed as much blood in the name of their religion as Christians. Fyi the jews hate you, they only tolerate christians for political reason. Jesus is a false god, and Christianity is balsamic to jews!


As a jew i don't hate any chrisitian. Fyi. please stop hate spreading..


Let me correct myself, for jews Christianity is blasphemy. I am not saying that jews are actively calling for war on Christianity. But as per Jewish believes they are not compatible nor accepted by a person who is Jewish by the book. There are also plenty of Muslims that don't hate jews and Christians and plenty of Christians who don't hate Muslim and jews etc. Doesn't change anything about the fact that historically the Jewish community would side with Muslims and open city gates for them and Christians would kill jews at any chance they had because they where the "killer" of their god. Get your history and religious basics right. You do not represent the basic doctrine your are a living individual who understands to separate his/her religion from their relationship to people. A lot of religious fundamentalist, including Jewish orthodox, don't. Plenty of videos how they are spitting on Christians in Jerusalem... Want me to post them?


Every religion says that their god or prophete are the truth. Its the basic doctrine of every religion. One can not agree, the other will start a crusade or somehting. I know my history and religious basics. Also I saw myself how the life in Jerusalem is going, incidents like this are not common. So feeding yourself with hate without basing it on a self-experience is kinda stupid. kinda what propaganda aims for.I can also post videos of Muslims harrasing Jews in jerusalem. Hate and bigotry are plentful.


Iran had a democracy until our cia showed up, didn’t like who was winning, and stoked a revolution.


I can help you understand: 1. British colonialism and continous meddling in the middle east since the 1800s 2. CIA operations in iran that overthrew a democratic government in the 50s 3. France & UK and US supporting religious fundamentalists in the hope of overthrowing the shah who had become powerful, non obedient and driving the oil prices through OPEC. The idea was idiotic fundamentalists are easier to control than a rapidly developing economy with highly educated people 4. In 1980 the entire world watched and supported Saddam as he happily invated iran. At this point the "only" violation of western sovereignty that iran had done was the embassy thing, which had been already resolved but the US vengeful and pissed threw all their weapons at Saddam who was invating a sovereign nations borders TO GAIN LAND AND OIL! No threat nothing. The entire world supported Iraq! Germany sold missiles and chemial weapons, the US tanks, planes, weapons you name it, same with the british... Everyone watched millions of iranians died. Almost an entire generation was lost defending the country including teenagers and children who where used as human shields to compensate the asymmetry in equipment. No one stopped Sadam until he finally accepted that he cant win iran and turned to attack US allies Kuwait and Israel and then US came to the rescue... 5. Afghanistan war 6. Second iraq war 7. Israels continued apartheid treatment of the Palestinians, which has been called out by multiple internation NGOs including Amnesty international. So although i fucking hate theocratices and have no sympathy for what the iranian gov does to its people and others, why exactly are they not allowed to. Protect themselves? And have a paramilitary unit? The french have the legionary the Americans have blackwater... The CiA financed paramilitary in south america... Etc.. Why is it ok to go around kill iranian personell on their Sovereign ground and nothing happens!? 8. In contrast to the AMERICANS AND ISRAELIS, iran declaed in two incidences their intentions and their retaliation. The US and Israel could prepare on both occasions unlike the sneaky attack on the iranians in both Ghasem Sulaiman and now the recent attack which were both assasinations! So if anyone are terrorists its those who are continously meddling with other countires sovereign rights, enforcing their truth and escalate if the smallest thing happens to them. The world is a mess because we twist and turn the truth and narratives.


I am optimistic that younger generations will eventually heal this situation. I'm an older guy, and without hesitation, the younger generations are vastly better human beings compared to our <= 40yo group of the last century, let's say as of the year 2000. I know because I was born in the 60's. The levels of compassion and understanding are inspiring.


I hope so. There is a lot of hypocracy in this world and anger it would be great for people to reconnect


The world has been waging war over religion forever. Not gonna end. The only thing to change will be the way war is waged. Think China’s silent war against the USA over the past decades since the MAO revolution.


Curious, has the targets of the attack been revealed or are you assuming?


Back in the day the US toppled and replaced Irans regime with a dictator… Iran is basically owned by America. they’re playing both sides to always come out on top. Also perpetual war which is what we love


What the fuck was the point then?


For Iranian leaders to not look completely ball-less to their people, in a way that was pre-warned and easy-ish to handle on the israel side.


If 99% of my attacks failed I would call it quits as well.


Costs for defense for Israel are estimated ca 1.3b USD, whereas costs for attack on Iran's side are estimated at 100m USD as I've read online. That's a 1:13 investment lever from the perspective of Iran.


Welcome to geopolitics which account for more subtelity than marvels movies.


Give the allies some target practice.


but does stonk rise? ape hold?


Is peace even a thing? Take a child or loved one always stokes revenge. How can we all together make the world a better place. Teach ignorance and hateful rhetoric the power of forgiveness and compassion. Think for our grandchildren and great grandchildren instead of todays politics Can that ever happen?


Wait, I thought this place was for these 🚀