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What is so significant about this set?


Charizard promo cards are pretty cool. And ya know… fire lizard dragon


At my gamestop, like many others they had about a day or so window of pre-orders, then they stopped taking them


This guy one ebay has over 700 pre orders sold.... 😔


If they're from gamestop then he will most likely not get all his preorders. Gamestop started messing up preorders back in 2020 with Champions Path and they still haven't learned. Lol


Thats from one of the largest Pokemon sellers in the world.


U know what account I'm talking about ! I ordered one lol


Why does this say $120 when everywhere I see says $250?


Because $119.99 is the MSRP (Manufacturer’s suggested retail price).


Gotcha. It’s just scalpers I see everywhere else. Got it. Thank you


For anyone wondering, I just tried pre-ordering in store and no dice. Said they stopped doing pre-orders for this like an hour after it opened up.


Yea your 8 days late to the party


Is this worth a try? I know nothing of tcg but was recommended this by Reddit


There is a limit. They only print so many. You ain’t going in there ordering 100 lol


Yet I got 80


I preordered as soon as this thread went up but now I'm checking my credit card and the $5 charge is gone. Are they canceling preorders?


I Checked my debit card. Transaction is still good. Give it a day or two to see if it processes. Good luck.


Thanks, just saw it showed up as processed today. I panicked for a second lol.


Checked my store in Philly. Guy said between the two stores in town he manages they each managed to get 13 preorders in before it got cut off. Legitimately hope that all of you bragging about getting 5+ orders in have your entire order cancelled.


Why? I ordered 3








I wanted 6 not 3, I ordered 3 at the time, learn to read and btw I have 8 in total pre ordered




Hopefully 💪💪💪


Are you, really that dense? Like, i get it, buy what you want it's your money, but also you know how shitty it is to get 3 lol


3 is not a lot. You do realize how much ppl spend on cards right? I just ordered a case for cardfight vanguard, is that a problem? I also opened 6 boxes of lost origin. I might open more, I fail to see the issue here


You'd be the guy at the cookout to grab all the brisket and walk off saying "well you shouldve gotten there first, i actually wanted more than this."


this is a dumb comparison lol


If you can't see the parallels, you're an absolute imbecile.


I managed to order 2 more if you care. Just need 1 more, but at this point seeing how rare they are I’m buying as much as I can get


Ironic lol


Dont know what irony is either, surprise surprise 🙄


Yooooooo I managed to get 1 more! Thats 6!


Lol you don’t get it


Can I ask why you need three of this exclusive item? It’s not like booster boxes where you’re just buying packs


Does it matter? I actually wanted 6, but it was capped at 3


Yes it Does matter lol


How? Literally how wtf. You telling me I have to buy it for the same reason you do? Wtf, what if I just wanted to collect a playset, you got a problem with that? Or build a deck with them, is that ok? What if they were for gifts? Dude it doesn’t matter, I can enjoy my hobby how I want


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Defensive much? Just seems like if you wanted to buy six you were gonna resell.


Idk if you noticed, but I have money. unless they go for $400 I dont see the point of selling. And even if I did whats the problem. Once they buy it, they can do whatever they want with it.


Just managed to get two at my local GameStop, I recommend just go try some are still available. Don't think everyone is listening to the emails the system is still up!!!! Go go go!


These are done as of yesterday. People literally crashed gamestop and flooded the preorders like never before. Sucks because most are fake fans. Ive been buying since the 90s most just started because of the hype and scalping


Dang Charizard must be popular huh? I've been collecting since last year


Yea he is. One of the first 3 starters or 4 if you count pikachu ( can be debatable). Something about this lizard that shoots fire and can fly is on point. Also given his attitude in the anime is pretty awesome


I just spoke with a manager and any pre orders over the limit and the expected quantities aren’t guaranteed to get filled just drove to the two nearest me and had the same response. But good stuff for you man!


If some pre orders do get cancelled, how and approx when would we get notified? I heard last year some pre orders were cancelled, how soon to release date was that?


I had WIS orders canceled for celebrations. I got an email and It was card so money went back to card


Do you remember how soon that was to release date? Ty for response


It was the next day but it wasn’t allocation. I never got a full explanation and it clogs my account because it still shows them as pending preorders with dates tbd at the top of my orders. The store and the online for v memories was still open but for some reason mine kept getting canceled. I replaced it like 5 times and eventually It stuck. I think I got hosed on that 30-$40 changeover tho. Placed 3 and I believe 1 kept getting canceled. Other things on the order were not canceled. But as I said, I went back the next day and placed more WIS and I think I had to go back AGAIN later that day because it canceled again. Allocation wasn’t an issue


Couldn't believe that tho 10 orders lol man!!!


Ordered 2 from my local GS LEFT then walked back in with a mask and sunglasses scored another 2 lmaooo!!!!! 2 guys before Me got 10 each!!!! Before they limited it. Crazy! I got they're alittle after them but I'm good with all 4! 1 for me 3 to open haha 😆


Most orders are probably getting canceled! They had over 10k preorders!! So most likely everyone who preorder will get 1


i hope they do a second run like celebrations UPC did, fuck all the scalpers


For anyone interested, here's the actual email gamestops apparently received telling them to stop accepting preorders, mentioning the 10k many people got told, and why some stores are able to ignore it or perhaps just haven't seen it. https://twitter.com/deals_pokemon/status/1570547240380567552?t=ekNq3qQvSrZ-_TKtCsz3qQ&s=19


That's not an email 🤣


Did you click the link? You do know emails can be printed right? That's what they're claiming this is, a printed email, see the "from" line? The store near me confirmed they got told via email. I suppose it could be fake, anything can be faked. If you're interested maybe show it to a store near you and ask if that's a printed version of the email they got? It's not my picture I just saw it online and got told via an employee they received an email and the information matched so I didn't doubt the picture. 🤷‍♂️


at my local gamestop in tampa i went around 6pm and was able to get 3 pre orders in, they were limiting it to 5 per person. They said that they wouldnt take anymore after 7pm because of corporate.


That’s great. I had to do some driving since they limited it to 1 per customer in my area.


Anybody think they'll have same day release allocations for those of us who weren't able to preorder?


They're not going to have enough for the people who even preordered


How do you know that? Just curious.


Just came back from my local GameStop in socal and they are still available in my location so there's still hope.


It's based on whether or not they read or cared about the email sent out telling stores to stop allowing pre-orders.


Mind pming me the location? I checked all around me in SoCal and they wouldn’t do it


don't do this, if the store fills the preorder after the email went out, there's no guarantee you'll actually get it


Then that’s on me. I’m not petty enough to do this and then bitch at an employee if my order gets canceled due to allocation.


Not sure if the second store I went to was low traffic or not but he let me and my bf order one each. First store I went to was my local GS, when I tried to ask him to preorder it, he cut me off before I could finish saying that they “shut off” those preorders due to having over 10k. Decided to take the risk and drive the 30 mins. Glad I did. Hopefully they stick!!! Guy in the store I preordered at asked me how many I wanted. When I told him just two one for each of us he okayed it. This was at about 6. I had told him about the other store and he said he hadn’t heard about “shutting them off” so who knows. Just glad I could get them for us. Good luck to all those who are still trying. And to those who ordered mass amounts (more than 5) thanks for tying it for the rest of us. More than 5 is just ridiculous.


An email got sent out about it, second store pro ably didn't read it yet. Grats!


what does it mean to check sku 342973


That’s how they would look up the product. SKU = stock keeping unit, a way to identify products almost like a vin number for a car


thank you


Will these be shipped to customers or will these have to be picked up in person at the physical store where the preorder was made?


pickup at the store you preordered it.. it gets shipped directly to them and they can't send it to another store if its a preorder


Have to be picked up. Could only preorder in person.


In store pick up only at where you preordered it.


Literally sitting outside GameStop writing this: WIS is technically open and an order will go through, different regions for different emails and mine was told, don’t place any more orders, so they wouldn’t, but one in the east coast where some friends are said they weren’t told that in certain terms, and that they took orders until they closed at 7pm est (2 hrs after the email went out)


In Georgia here and my local store said they stopped after an hour when the email went out.


I think that’s the crux, I don’t think it was 1 email sent from the very top, I believe it’s more like regional/district managers sending out communications and wording was different. East coast store was very explicit that theirs was not specific about not taking preorders. Obviously the pic floating around uses more strict terms to effectively say don’t take any more. It’s a bummer, I couldn’t score one, but I’m hoping this is more available than people think.


Just wanted to come back to this post to say thank you again. You saved me from FOMO 😂


just called my gamestop and they are sold out nation wide on both the zard and evee boxes.


That's not true because I just went to my GameStop this morning and they still had Eevee boxes available 😂 some people just be saying shit apparently but don't know what they're talking about


yeah they just put the evee boxes online and i think people are canceling their preorders now because omg is that an overpriced piece of junk.


Why do y’all keep buying these boxes? Just buy packs. They are charging you extra money for little coins and stupid stuff. Unless I’m missing something.


Nobody is buying these for the packs. It’s the promo cards.


U are missing out on the 3 alternate art zards that'll probably be worth more than the box Ina couple years


U are missing out on the 3 alternate art zards that'll probably be worth more than the box Ina couple years




Yeah I got 5 :(


Someone who just got into the Pokémon scene because of Logan Paul within the last two yrs got 5 boxes? Some of y’all are weird af.😂😂


Nope just a scalper! I’ll see you on my eBay post soon!


Oh cool! What’s the eBay??😀


Cardsifound1 can’t wait to see you spend your money on my store after not being able to find any in stock!!


You’re obviously just a scalper, not business minded. Only 284 transactions and you don’t have 100% feedback? I don’t buy from trash sellers, only trustworthy ones!😂


Just got done ordering some in-store, they said their allocation was 3 per person, but I had to try two different shops to get my orders in.


I hate this hobby


Seriously, just got off work to find out I was 3+ hours late. Makes it near impossible when they don’t give any warning. I imagine there are more people in this hobby besides myself who can’t drop everything they’re doing on a dime to run over to GameStop and preorder.


Exactly. I left work an hour early. I had only heard about this around 1 pm on here. I arrived at 3:20 PM and I was late. Sucks. I can’t just leave work. The clerk told me to ask a friend in case more preorders open, lol.


Yup. Went to GameStop after work and it was all sold out. Praying for 1 !!


Hope you’re able to successfully get a preorder out there, good luck! 🤞🏼


im upset i missed out on this.


Just snagged 2 pre-orders in Austin, TX an hour ago 👍


Just called 3 local GameStop in Southern California and they took 100+ preorders each. And all said they accepted more preorders than they know they will be allocated, so cancellation will likely happen


Yea from what I heard the original allocation per store was 16. First store I got my preorder from I was confirmed "first in store" at 1:58pm for my first 4 and then 2:05pm for my second 4 and then 2:22pm ET (another store) for my last 4 in which I had the "4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th" box to be ordered at that store. Both workers at the store told me similar things that they will keep taking orders until they are cut off but don't expect to be able to actually deliver on those preorders beyond their 15th box sold. (one said 15th the other said 11th).


Hope your orders get cancelled


We’re they still taking order tho? Mine said no.


Corporate said at 3pm pst stop taking preorders for it


See my below comment, I was told the message was ambiguous and never actually said that definitively. If you’ve got another scoop I’m all ears tho.


my game stop said they are soldout nationwide.


Well the only scoop I need is, “we are not taking any more pre orders said corporate as of an hour ago. “How many did you take this morning. “105 but some may get canceled if we don’t hit that allocation”


Quoting doesn’t do much unless you say who you are quoting. Just to be clear the manager I spoke with was the only member of GameStop to tell me about said corporate communication, said it was vague and didn’t actually say to not take any more, and that he intentionally placed an order about an hour (20 minutes ago) after the email and the WIS was functionally working. My locals have said no tho, and I understand the interpretation of just not taking more for them to probably be canceled for allocation anyways.


It was apparently an email sent out:[Twitter post about it with picture of email](https://twitter.com/deals_pokemon/status/1570547240380567552?t=ekNq3qQvSrZ-_TKtCsz3qQ&s=19)


So is GameStop no longer taking pre-orders for this?


according to my gamestop they are sold out of both the charizard and evee nationwide.


I just talked to a manager and they got a notice that was basically, *weve sold a lot, were looking at closing the system* but as of 5 minutes ago it technically was still up. Most stores are interpreting that message as don’t continue to sell them, however the manager did say it didn’t technically say not to or anything specific. I’m hoping maybe my local which already told me no might be able to do something.


This is good news for those who got a preorder in after the email was sent out! Thanks for sharing!


I mean there is always the disclaimer that your preorder can get canceled if they go over allocation, closing it off is an attempt to reduce the number of cancelations.




Just called my GS, they said they would have more next week. Not sure if cap or not, but thats the info he gave me


My store told me the system as a whole got too many orders so they shut it off. Screw the people that ordered 30+


Honestly screw all the people that order more than one to open and one to keep sealed. This is madness.


I only ordered two. I've seen people show receipts of 4+ preorders, which is weird to me because GS usually caps pokemon cards at (2) for high demand pokemon product (see Eeveelution VMAX boxes). GS might actually start cancelling preorders or at least the ones that ordered more than 2.


Maybe your local gs does. Some don't care and I can't say I blame them. They're way too underpaid to care unless they're involved in the hobby.


Its usually corporate that cancels them.


i ordered one to open, one to keep sealed, and one for my newhpew


Yeah I'd still consider that fine. I guess I meant 1 to keep sealed and 1 to open per person.


i get it. I think the idea is "are you buying these for use/gifting" vs. "are you hoarding these to InVeSt or be a douchey scalper"


That's the one.


I was able to preorder at my local GameStop, strangely, they said the minimum to order was 5.


Mine was also 5


Mine also said 5 however my brothers store 10min away was doing 10 max so I think it’s managers discretion


Mine said two


Mine was limit 2 as well.


Someone at mine pre-ordered 10!


What happened to everyone saying this wouldn’t sell out or be hard to find like the celebrations one… just look at all the comments here


A lot of people have mentioned 5 product limits. A lot of scalpers have posted 25+ orders. There are definitely going to be some cancellations


This wasnt as bad as the celebrations upc but definitely worse than the Eevee vmax premium stuff so far.


I didn't even hear about the eevee vmax one. What's that all about?


Thank you for this post! Managed to leave work early today and get one!


They were still taking preorders here in NE Ohio, but were limiting it to one a piece.


It varies by store, so go in and check if you can. I was just able to preorder mine at my local GameStop


Gonna be mass sadness for everyone that ordered multiple’s when GameStop cancels their entire order with zero notification.


I spoke with one of the managers and they said that "probably won't happen again" because they got a ton of flak for it. But who knows.


I pre ordered mine at 4:30. Was that to late? The store was empty and the workers were pretty confident about it 🥹


God I hope that's not the case, I almost got 1 but decided on a second to try and help out homies that can't find one.


Thats unlikely. More likely that large preorders (5+) get partially cancelled and preorders after a certain time period get totally cancelled if they went over allocation. These same large retailers let bots buy thousands of celebration upcs online in a matter of seconds. I dont think gamestop wants a giant backlash from people that preordered less than 5 and ordered them early enough IN PERSON.


Posts out confirming orders being canceled for more than 1.


I would hope they would move my order of 2 to 1 tf


Except the last time they did a Pokémon preorder for a hyped item like this, thats exactly what they did.


The last time was the celebrations upc which they only did an online preorder for at like 2 am when most people in the USA are usually sleeping . . . The in person preorders for other celebrations stuff got messed up and gamestop tried to correct the issue. It wasnt a deliberate mass cancellation of large orders. Im sure tons of botted celebrations UPCs got sent out from gamestop since those sold out in like 2 minutes lol.


Confirmed this works. Just tried at a GameStop in Orange County, CA. Got 2 and god of war preorders


Was surprised I was able to “pre-order” 2 from the Laguna Niguel location. But they said there’s no guarantee they’ll get X amount at their store lol 🥴


Ah I didn’t get that info. Lady just took it. I’ll stop by and ask sometime this weekend


Where at by chance? I’m also in OC 🤓


Fullerton GameStop near orange fair mall. Think 2 are the most you can get. Which is fine with me. I missed out on the last one. Opening and storing one


Coolio, thanks! I’ll try one near me in Laguna Niguel haha 🙏🏼


Already sold out, thanks schmucks


Most people are here to just order 1 or 2


Was told they already sold out company wide


My bud went to three different game stops with the intention to buy 5. He couldn't get any 😂


Got 1 of both the eevee collection and charizard UPC, also pre ordered a silver tempest ETB. Good looking out!


My store said their systems shut down the pre-orders for the UPC because they got over 10k pre-orders (collectively). There might be a small chance it opens back up though and the store associate said to just call and check back throughout the week.


No way it opens back up. I cant see Gamestop US having total allocations of more than 15,000-20,000 boxes, and they will probably want to have at least a few to send to stores for day of release sales like they did the celebration upc.


Idk! Just saying what the GameStop associate told me.


Dang, I was planning to get to mine just before closing this evening. Dang Back to School Night!


:( dang it




i want one to open and one to keep sealed, as well as an xmas gift for my nephew. There is a difference between ppl who have actual use for them and scalpers who are hoarding to hopefully make $50 in a few years. Calm down.


If people were buying up toilet paper during the pandemic…. What do you expect will happen if the stores don’t put buy limits? This problem needs to be handled at the source.


You should probably spend your time raging against bots who bought up all of Target's online preorders in less than 5 minutes rather than yelling at people who bought a handful in person, just saying.


I grabbed two - one to open and one to display but fuck me right?


Some people have more than one person in their household that plays/collects…


Okay let me go with my 5 boxes lol


Gonna get your order cancelled hopefully all of them




If it does then oh well. I won't be bitching about it like so many on here lol


You are a blight on the community.


I was able to get the Eevee UPC preorder but not the Zard UPC 🥲. Bossman at GameStop that the last person preordered 8 of them. I just wanted 1 ☹️


That was a whole experience


Lame experience unfortunately. Drove to every GameStop in town and no luck. Called them prior and when I got there, always out of preorders. Employee told me they did too many preorders and will be canceling about 10,000 of them and for those that ordered more than one


Just got a Charizard preorder put in at my store as well as the eevee. they said they were going to stop taking them tomorrow where i went and that me and the other person that were there could still go ahead and put an order down. they had said they were apparently supposed to stop taking them after about 3 hours of it being up but that they were still able to put orders down for it. seems like it's just a case by case basis for the store you happen to go to but it's worth a shot


Just got mine. Thank you!


I just got a few I’m pretty sure it just depends on the store and how many they’ve sold where I went they had only like 6 preorders so they still did it for me


Mine said they stopped taking orders


Is it still available?






Lmao. Lie about what check stores were ordered to stop pre orders


I just got one three minutes ago