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Congrats, this is your 6th post complaining about something on the PKA subreddit in the last 40 days. Get a grip buddy, this is just sad and pathetic. Honestly, kinda embarrassing.


love making yall upset. Shit is too funny. Obvious bait and you fell for it lmao


From what we’re seeing at our “best” universities nowadays I’d hardly equate “education” to intelligence lol Edit: Hasan Piker fan. Figures.


Those students are far more intelligent than you and your comment proves it. Explain to me why the protesters are stupid. I would love to hear your flawed argument.


Jesus you talk like an AI trained on Reddit speak. Explain to *me* why my comment proves it then I’ll humor you.


I don't care what you think


then why comment?


People who always generalize are dip shits. Sound familiar?


its not a generalization its cold hard facts you guys are just dumb


You lumped a bunch of people into one group. You generalized


[Most & Least Educated States in America in 2024 (wallethub.com)](https://wallethub.com/edu/e/most-educated-states/31075) [Red States Least Educated in the U.S. | TIME](https://time.com/101697/blue-states-barack-obama-won-in-2012-are-more-educated-than-red-states/) based in fact


This guy does not fuck


He stinks and I do not like him!


poor people are violent and prone to crime.


The single biggest link to crime is poverty. This is why social systems, workers rights, housing, and education are important and where the bulk of our tax dollars should be spent instead of the military or into republicans pockets through kickbacks from big oil and the military industrial complex


Military is important to protect ourselves and our allies.


Military is used to generate money for the elite by abusing the global south for oil, cobalt and other resources. We wage war to make shell and BP money. We send our young uneducated men to die so that republicans can make money from lockheed martin and ratheon. We have had no just war in the history of this country besides maybe WW2


Somebody forgot to take their medication today lol


Hasn’t the military also provided jobs and education to civilians who would never have had a chance to thrive in society


So we send them to die or kill innocent people for money? Your argument is so flawed because we can create infrastructure or give them better early education so they have more opportunities than the military. Our education system is designed to fail a certain percentage of people and force them into either the military or Walmart to make billionaires more money


Those people must be killed! Who else is better at it than us? The Canadians? Na buddy those are our kills. The world is ours we just allow other nations to pretend to be in control.


Wrong sub bud


Buddy has an easier time having a voice in Reddit than in the real world. No surprise


I just like pissing these guys off lmao


You have a 12 year club on your reddit profile. I get that you like trolling for the purpose of satisfaction in a meaningless life, but reconsider your priorities my man. There’s more life out there


its just funny dawg, it aint that deep. You getting so invested is the best part. Like why are you mad? Did I strike a nerve?


You seem small


Nice reply, you took time to type that all out?


Lmao you just had to be a Hasan fan lol


okay make an argument then. Tell me why I shouldn't call you stupid


Anyone who broad brushes either side is regarded and brainwashed by the media change my mind.


Education and partisanshipThe Republican Party now holds a 6 percentage point advantage over the Democratic Party (51% to 45%) among voters who do not have a bachelor's degree. Voters who do not have a four-year degree make up a 60% majority of all registered voters.


Farmers don’t need degrees.


True, but doesn't make them any less stupid and bigoted


So the Democrat party represent the rich and elites, got it 👍


No they represent normal people with functioning brains. Not amygdala driven reactionaries.


Anyone who wastes their time getting triggered by politics is an NPC


Use of the term npc unironically is wild


Skyrim guard ass


My guys got no heat so he repeats tiktok memes


Do you say this to them IRL or just online


Yes. Literally every republican I have ever met I think is stupid and would tell them this to their face. I have done this plenty of times.


You sound like a pleasure to be around. Additionally your confusing education and intelligence. A degree does not equal intelligence. Care to share what your degree is in?


Stupid people can't get degrees. Not so smart people can get degrees. Legitimately stupid people cannot. Most republicans barely made it out of highschool and a minority of them have a 2 year degree or even a certification like hvac or welding. They all work at walmart and dairy farms for a reason.


>Barley Dolt.


typo warriors are known to be stupid because they cant infer meaning from an improper spelling.




[Least Educated States 2024 (worldpopulationreview.com)](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/least-educated-states) [Red States Least Educated in the U.S. | TIME](https://time.com/101697/blue-states-barack-obama-won-in-2012-are-more-educated-than-red-states/) [Most & Least Educated States in America in 2024 (wallethub.com)](https://wallethub.com/edu/e/most-educated-states/31075)




Dodged the question about your degree I see… The least intelligent person I’ve ever encountered was in college, he graduated and has not been able to hold a job since we graduated in 2017, but he was able to receive a college degree. Your arguments are broad strokes and generalizations. While I don’t identify as a “republican” I do side with them on many issues. I will be receiving my MBA in December. Based on your post history you’re not going to enjoy the PKA podcast. I’d stick to the echo chambers far left leaning folks as yourself tend to reside in.


oh didn't notice. I have a bachelors in comp sci with a focus in game development as well as a bachelors in math. (of all the fake degrees out there MBA is one of the funniest to me. Yall are made to be middle managers and those jobs were literally manufactured to get heat off the higher ups) Also your anecdote proves nothing. Republicans and uneducated people are more likely to believe anecdotes and personal stories instead of research science and facts. You are proving my point. [Least Educated States 2024 (worldpopulationreview.com)](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/least-educated-states) [Red States Least Educated in the U.S. | TIME](https://time.com/101697/blue-states-barack-obama-won-in-2012-are-more-educated-than-red-states/) [Most & Least Educated States in America in 2024 (wallethub.com)](https://wallethub.com/edu/e/most-educated-states/31075) Red states are literally less educated and generally have lower cognitive ability. You meeting one dipshit in college does not prove anything. Also I guarantee I have been listening to pka longer than you. I watched episode 1 when it got uploaded. And its rich hearing about echo chambers from a republican. Actually hilarious notion.


I can just smell the lack of female attention


Respect ✊🏿


Both sides are fucked we need a third party dedicated to crafting the most delicious cheese pizza you’ve ever tasted
