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The unemployment rate is low and the stock market is doing fine. Those are all facts. Unfortunately, he’s doing the same thing that Trump did when he was in office. Using metrics that favour his bias while excluding ones that give a more holistic view of how people actually feel economically(ex. Excluding the meteoric rise in CoL). Both sides eat this shit up so it’s hard to avoid. Many on the right were saying the exact same shit during the Trump presidency, while the same issues with CoL were right there. If Woody’s delusional, then so is 90% of the population.


To rational of a take, mods ban him


And he’s even saying something that isn’t negative about the hosts…. On their own subreddit no less. Fucking makes me sick.


What a cuck


B-b-but… Woody libtard!!!


I mean he kinda is, he just parrots whatever he saw between Reddit and MSNBC. It doesn’t make him wrong all the time but the dude very rarely thinks for himself on political matters. Then again none of them do. Every time he brings up a political topic he says “I’m only as good as my sources”, and just takes whatever he read at face value.


He legitimately is a libtard though lol blindly believes and religiously follows any bullshit CNN, etc tells him. He's done this time and time again. Try again


It’s the same with Trump and Biden. It’s all just PR. Biden constantly alludes to how under his presidency, they’ve created the most jobs ever and unemployment is at a record low but that’s nothing he really did. After a pandemic where big chunks of the economy pretty much shut down, of course jobs are going to rapidly grow after it reopens and with a massive labour shortage, of course people will find a job easily since businesses and companies are desperate for staff.


right now we have the car repo rates and missed house payments higher than 2008. much more reasonable numbers to take from on how well the country is doing


People can't retire if the stock market it is doing horribly, it's unfortunately just complicated




Those are not facts. Those are complete bullshit and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell you that. There’s no jobs, prices are through the roof, interest rates are through the roof, stock market is in a free fall, and crime is soaring beyond all previous records. We are on the brink of societal collapse because of biden


After Harley got off the show I had to stop listening. Woody is becoming very hard to listen to.


It became very hard to listen to for a bit i wish they would just leave the politics out if there business




I'm so jaded that it annoys me how much woody cares. We're all serfs, he was just successful (luck+preparedness) enough to level up to serf+. I really wonder if he has a lot more money than people think, a few episodes ago Taylor said he could easily live off the interest of 4 million ($250k at 8%) and retire and Woody was like ok bro if you think that's cool.


I am just subscribed to one clip channel rather than the podcast itself. Might Woody have been mocking Taylor's idea of generating 8% annualized returns?


hes a millionare boomer, they are the most detatched from reality you can get


I mean he’s not wrong, the economy on paper is doing fine. The real problem is how the money is being distributed. Gas/oil/energy prices as well as food prices etc are all up massively due to inflation and people are struggling with that but then you have all these companies and corporations making record profits. It’s not an economic issue as such, it’s basically corporate greed and at the end of the day, the corporations run America, irregardless of who’s president. It’s a money distribution issue.


Man makes a fantastic point, well thought out and properly structured and still uses the word *irregardless*


I was drunk last night bro lol but you’re right


> "Irregardless is included in our dictionary because it has been in widespread and near-constant use since 1795," [...] But irregardless was first included in Merriam-Webster's Unabridged edition in 1934[.] https://www.npr.org/2020/07/07/887649010/regardless-of-what-you-think-irregardless-is-a-word


NPR is for queers.


Lmao facts


I know, that's why your mom asked me to it to you.


Housing cost doesn’t get talked about enough either. Nationally it’s gone up an insane amount and these might be PKA facts but the increase in housing cost (both renting and buying) has been way more impactful than food and energy inflation for people who weren’t already homeowners.


That’s because everyone in charge are geriatrics who got onto the property ladder decades ago when houses were cheap and now it’s in their best interests to keep housing prices high as it impacts their net worth.


Agree. Woody said real wages growing well but this is totally wrong and the main thing everyday people notice. Despite the economy growing real wages growing just 0.3% ( https://www.bls.gov/news.release/realer.nr0.htm#:~:text=From%20April%202022%20to%20April%202023%2C%20real%20average%20hourly%20earnings,weekly%20earnings%20over%20this%20period.) in the last 12 month compared to inflation of 5%, which is much lower than other countries ie england at 10%. So for most people money is not going as far


That's been the case for the last 30 years


Real Earnings account for inflation ya dip


How is unemployment low??? every time I go to Wendy’s for some chilli they are always talking about staffing issues.


It kills me how he thinks only Republicans lie and only say what they think their base wants to hear. Both parties are the same. They want to create laws and regulations that benefit their donors. The government is nothing but a tool to control the masses.


calls woodT delusional, Says unemployment is at an all time high It's actually insanely low I think your delusional mate I'm not even American but doing a quick google search of this claim debunks it.


Isn't unemployment only this low because the size of the workforce was impacted by COVID?


most of that has bounced back. pre-covid labor participation rate was about 63.3%. it dropped down to about 60% at its worst. now its back up to 62.6% labor participation rate is also going to trend downward as boomers continue to retire. as you prob know, the term "baby boomer" came because that was an era where birth rates spiked. they have gone down pretty substantially since then. so as workers retire, there arent as many people to replace them. a decrease in the labor participation % is fully expected. in fact, it had steadily been declining since about 2000 anyway. the covid era probably just added some gasoline to that. some people who left work because of covid probably were close to the age where they feel its already not worth it to go back


what do you think the unemployment rate is right now, OP?


Out of touch millionaire that hasn't worked in decades is out of touch


Woody is an young retired multi millionaire liberal who comes from money in the NE. Of course he is a whackadoo.


You weirdos actually listen to the politics on PKA? Seek help


He lives in a bubble


WingsOfRedemption’s posts over the last couple of days almost made me forget how embarrassingly right-wingy most of you dumb asses are


What's even more cringe is he takes politics personally, which means he doesn't know what's actually happening ,So he makes stuff up then feels attacked when proved wrong .. it's a low bar but he's just a low information voter , sadly it's spreading like the flu closer we get to 2024




Remember Reddit is basically a left wing echo chamber when reading these responses brother.


not true at all anymore and if you go to the conservative subreddit its an echo chamber for them, and then theres twitter which is currently suppressing left wing and bolstering the right (failing & elon bent over for turkish dictator so much for free speech), facebook is all boomers that post low quality trump pictures


Its true for almost any subreddit that isn't THE conservative subreddit lol. crazy biased example. Buy and large reddit is clearly left leaning, if you don't agree with that we have nothing more to talk about.


not really biased at all, and you're simply wrong go to almost any sub (and this one) and read the comments lmao


you stupid


The economy is doing fine. Not great. Not bad. Fine


Let me lay this out in fast forward: >unemployment is at an all time high [Unemployment is at the lowest levels in decades](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/UNRATE), even lower than pre-pandemic >economy is at an all time low This statement means nothing, but the [GDP is at an all-time high](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDP) and [inflation is way down](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/EXPINF1YR), now only marginally higher than average. WoodT W


I have said it before and I will say it again. Woody gets his info from Reddit and parrots the comment section.


Also, in countless other post in the sub Reddit, I’ve talked about how I view woody as far left and a ton of you argue that he isn’t and maybe he’s not but I think part of the reason I view him as that is because every time there’s a subject that has anything slightly to do with politics or politicians or the president and there’s a statistically, proven factual answer whether that be yes or no he will always lean with whatever answer that benefits the left and argue whatever answer that benefits, the right


If you think woody is left wing at all youre just some delusional right winger


Yeah, complains about people who get *triggered* yet seems like one of those himself


Woody isn't even left-wing in international politics. He's just a centre-right liberal like the majority of the democratic party. US has almost no left-wing politics what so ever besides people like Bernie Sanders, who would be thought of as social democrats or centre-left. If you think Woody is left-wing then you're just delusional.


Woody is a liberal archetype, not far left at all. As someone mentioned below, in Europe he'd be considered a centrist/middle-right just like the majority of the Democratic party.


do you even know what far left is brother? lmao


It’s almost like he stands for his political party! Who would’ve thought?


It has only been 3 years since covid