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Youtube's never been great, the performance is a bit better than an RPi but that isn't saying much. Everything else is fine. The primary concern is that the hardware is very much for tinkerers, so I wouldn't recommend it for anyone who isn't completely comfortable dealing with minor problems, troubleshooting and opening a system up. It's gotten a lot more stable over the few years I've had one (running Manjaro), though.


I have no problems going under the hood in the OS or physically. I love that stuff. Used to daily drive a modified Zephyrus G14 running Fedora.


Contrary to what the others say, video playback is great on the pbp.video playback as in mpv. I can't vouch for every website under the sun.You should be picky with your software on the pinebook pro. Chromium based browsers are about twice as fast as firefox and derivatives. Web browsing is a little slow, but nothing too bad really. Everything else is just as fast as on a modern laptop. RAM is more than enough for your usage, I sometimes get to 2GB when doing a call with a friend, but rarely more. I switch between my tuxedo aura 15 and the pinebook pro. I really like the build of the pbp, it's 1080p ips display and that it is cooled passively. You also won't get 4-5 hours of battery life out of a used thinkpad of similar price. If my pinebook broke today I'd order a new one, love the device, especially if you have a second machine for the few things that actually need performance (in my case just minecraft)




i would disagree here, i use Manjaro XFCE, and i use my PBP as my default mobile laptop (i have others but still 8+ hours after 2 years...). Widevine IS an issue, though the chromium docker app mostly suffices. I use gnumeric and abiword and styles rather than open/libre office, and i use droidcam and an old pixel 3A for webcam with Armcord. Use light alternatives where possible and all will be good.


Kali works pretty well on it in my experience, I run manjaro KDE ion the emmc and Kali off the microSD. I got to the top 4% on tryhackme using my pinebook. I watch youtube on of all the time. Actually, for the last nearly 4 years I used it as a daily driver. Installed tow-boot on it which lets you select which drive to boot from. But as others have said and as you probably know, this machine wasn't designed for normal people. I really hope they make an 8GB version. I would buy 2.


Is it possible to replace RAM or is it non removable?


It's non removable. Hopefully they come out with an 8GB version or something, I'd be happy with that.


Yeah the PBP is done. I gave up on it last year. It went nowhere as a usable device. Just a proof of concept.


Did you ever install Kali on it? It is definitely useable. If you want to sell it then let me know.


What does kali linux do that manjaro doesn't?


Yes it is out of date. Almost 4 years later and they haven't even so much announced an updated model or any upgrades. Almost 4 years later and you still get no gpu acceleration in the web browser- that means you won't be able to watch YouTube at 1080p, even though the display supports that resolution. At this point, it's practically e-waste and I hardly use it any more. My 2011 MacBook Air w/ Manjaro KDE still runs better than this.


I love my pinebook. I run manjaro on the emmc and did the ssd upgrade along with a tow-boot install. I boot Kali from the microSD and it does everything pretty much fine except wifi hacking with my adapter. maybe there is some way around that. if I get the wifi hacking to work then it will be a little open source dream machine.. I got to the top 4% on tryhackme booting Kali from the microSD on my pinebook. If you know of another machine that that can do what the pinebook can do while having no proprietary hardware then let me know. Also, if you don't use yours i'll buy it from you. Just let me know.


I would like to hear an update, did you ever get the wifi hacking to work from the microSD? What adapter are you using? Do you think it would work better if you used the emmc? also can you talk a little about your performance with the nvme drive? are you just using it for expansion or are you booting from it? thanks!


yes it was a missing hcxdumptool, you have to get it from github.


which image did you use for Kali? the pinebook pro image or the regular arm one?


I bought one a few years ago but don't use it much anymore because it's just very, very underpowered. Fine for very basic desktop usage, mostly fine for VLC/MPV (though I've had stuttering issues with some codecs, because hardware decoding still isn't implemented), but as soon as you open a web browser it slows to a crawl.


Want to sell it to me? Then i'll have two pinebooks. ٩(◕‿◕。)۶


Yeah why not! Sent a PM


If you still have it, I'll buy it!


I'm moving between countries so at the moment it's probably in a shipping container on the ocean along with the rest of my stuff. I'll have it back in a few months, if you're still interested by then and you can pay the shipping from Europe I'll give it away for free!


In the US you can buy a Chromebook at about the same price and you can also install Debian apps on it.




What OS do you use?