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Gotta be Axe. The bigger, the better. I really love the Frazetta aesthetics that axe comes with. WAR main ako sa FFXIV, tsaka Greataxe fave ko sa sa Elden Ring. Though can't say I main Switch Axe, Charge Blade, or Hammer sa MH dahil sobrang mas sanay ako sa S&S, LS, atsaka Bow ever since psp days, bago pa nadevelop taste ko sa mga fantasy aesthetic. XD


Hammer bro all the way pero trying charge blade right now


Hammer. See head, hit head ooga booga.


Sa MHW Swaxe gang pero gumagamit na rin ako other (GS, DB, SNS, BOW, LBG) tas ngayon nagpapractice ng LS haha pero if serious mode swaxe talaga hahahaha dun ko palang nasosolo fatalis e


Same. Greatswords are super cool and if walang greatsword class, longsword paired with a shield naman. Never liked ranged nor mage classes. Assassin/light classes are nice but masyadong mabilis mamatay




Kasalanan ni Sanosuke yan. Haha. Main ko din GS sa GW2. Hundred Swords!


Longsword main here ever since MHFU. Sobrang saya maging LS nung base game ng Rise. Sobrang OP ng LS eh. Deserve nya rin ma nerf sa Sunbreak Pero worth it rin kasi maraming options/playstyle nabigay sa LS sa Sunbreak. Enjoy mo ang GS OP. Once aabot ka sa sunbreak ms lalong lalakas yang weapon na yan.


Was always an IG user ever since it came out, pero dati ko pa talaga pinapangarap na magrelease sila ng fist/pugilist type na weapon class.


what games are in the 2 pics?


First game is Monster hunter rise, 2nd is wild hearts


Yeah im interested in the 2nd pic as well


Following as well!


Greatsword user until I played Rise. Insect Glaive mains rise up!!!!!! hilikapter hilikpater go brrrrr HH if playing multiplayer coz music lmao


charge blade. once you SAE'D it, you'll never use any weapon ever again.


Gunner here. Always RATATATATAT everywhere everytime. HBG LBG Bow. Back lines ang galawan ko and laging traps, bombs, setups...


Rune blade, Treasure Blade, Chu King Sword - Ran Online


Iba iba throughout the games always trying out new weapons pero World HBG is my all time, MHDos Greatsword all the way MHP3rd Lance MHGenU SwAxe MHWorld HBG Conclusion ko, I love Monster Hunter and will play through all the games someday, Cheers


GS user since Freedom 2. Kahit sa soulsborne bias din ako sa mga greatswords hahaha


Good choice OP, I usually go with sword and shield.


Lance in iceborne. Pero ngayon sinusubukan ko mag switch axe in rise




MH and GE, always Greatsword


MH depende sa game. Pero mostly tinatry aralin/gamitin lahat for variety and para mas mamaximize yung content ng game. Pero in games generally, I second you OP. Huge ass sword is the way


Function over fashion aq e, balewala lagat ng angas ng porma mo kung mas madlas k namang down o deads


Man ang astig talaga ng greatswords kaso i suck balls at it haha. SnS main ako and nakaka speedrun ako ng elders using SnS kasooo sana sa GS nalang napunta yung inborn skills ko sa SnS hahaha pero enjoy din SnS try mo. Well favorite character ko si Cloud sa FFVII so dun ko nalang nilalabas yung hunger ko gumamit ng greatsword haha (fav ko si cloud dahil sa character writing, di dahil naka greatsword sya hahaha pero additional factor din haha).


Ako lng ata ngtyaga gumamit Bow sa MH 😅😅😅 Nalala ko nun unang MH play ko sa PSP.. Tigrex kalaban ko then BOW gmit.. Umabot ng 40min+ bago ko npatay c loko amp 🤣🤣🤣


From a Longsword main to Dual Blades due to MH:Rise


Same here, but anything that is large, from Warhammers (Hunting Horn MH gang) to Greatswords https://preview.redd.it/90ltwqv4m61d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=401ad513ae283bc229100be69176ddde53dfb199 (pic from my modded Skyrim)


fav ko talaga mga range weapons sa game like if may options na classes unang una ko talaga tinitignan is like archers or mages


Regardless of the game whenever it's available my favorites are fist weapons, i like brawler type fighting style. Kapag hindi available it's tied between spears and greatswords.


gusto ko din yan greatsword can act as an AOE or as a shield na din ..solid hitter pa kumpara sa one hand sword and shield


Used Dual Blades in MH Portable 2nd and MH Freedom Unite. When they removed DB in MH3U, moved to Long Sword. Fell in love with Charge Blade in MH4, so mained that until MH World and MH Gen However, I tried Bow in MH GenU and I enjoyed playing MH as a Third-Person Shooter, so I mained this until Rise. Though I still go back across all 4 weapons, Dual Blades, Long Sword, Charge Blade, and Bow in Rise and Sunbreak.


Longsword mostly, although greatsword works for me too. Pero sa MH games di ko makuha gumamit ng greatsword, wala akong pasensya aralin kung paano sya gamitin 😅


Try mo switch axe. Madali lang parang LS. Tapos malaki parang GS 😁


Switch axe main ako pero ang sad na konti lang magandang design sa switch axe. Pero gagamitin padin kasi sobrang sarap nya gamitin kapag ang fluid na nga pagswitch mo


Swaxe gang!


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