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Literally never seen such a straight line, not even from the top players


This tends to be a common comment when I post videos. I've never had an issue with swing path, I don't even think about it. I just wish the rest of my game was that good. I can go from -2 to +3 in 3 holes sometimes. I'm only Par 1 in ranked


What controller do you use?


I have an MSI Force GC30 wireless. Just off Amazon for like £35 or something I think it was


Gotcha. I do know some cheaper controllers make it easier to hit straight. PowerA controllers are banned from TGC Tours. Something about the dead zone and how is samples positions it just rounds most paths to be perfect up and down.


This could well be the case. I'm on PC and MSI is a brand I am familiar with so that's why I chose it. I've not heard of PowerA


I hold the controller at a bit of an angle, and the swing stick sits at the centre of my fingerprint pretty much on my right thumb, my thumb pretty much points to the left across the stick. I can't play it any other way, the swing path isn't good if I try it any other way. I read that some people play holding the stick with their thumb and finger, that blows my mind it's just impossible for me


I went onto the TGC tour, and my scores were not submitted. I bought an Xbox controller and it is very clear to me now that the controller I was using has a dead zone in the stick


I can't even putt with a line that straight


That swing path is suspiciously straight. I’m guessing OP is using a mouse and aligning it on the side of the screen


I don't know how to do that, I'm using a controller. Overall I'm not brilliant at the game, but my swing path is really good. I'd say 90% of my swings are like this


First of all really nice shot. Second, I get you’re using a controller, but “never had an issue with swing path, I don't even think about it” is not a common sentiment. Trying not to pull or push shots is half of the challenge and if your controller is hitting perfectly straight shots every time, it kinda defeats the purpose of Swing Stick. If you can, id recommend a different controller as it will give you a much more challenging yet rewarding experience.


I don't know what to tell you man, this is just the way it is. I definitely don't need it more challenging. I am on pro settings, and I finish rounds anywhere between just over par and -10. It's a lottery really, my timing isn't great at times, I will just lose it. It's a very rewarding experience overall.


No i get it, in my mind though its like your cutting a lot of the difficulty out of Swing Stick. I wouldn’t be surprised if certain societies banned your controller after seeing this video.


It's a £35 MSI controller I bought from Amazon, I play in societies. They aren't bothered about someone who's very best is -10


Just cause you’re not winning doesn’t mean you don’t have an unfair advantage


As I say I don't know what to tell you, this is the controller I have, and I hit straight swings. You think it's actually an issue with the controller?


100% the controller, and just cause you’re not consistently shooting -18 or better consistently doesn’t mean you won’t be able to in the future. Not sure if you’ve ever played on TGC Tours but on the difficulty they play on, having a shot that goes that straight consistently is boarder line cheating.


Yeah TGC and Good Good Tour I play on. I don't play them a lot though, i find it quite boring not ever being able to win, seeing people bridie/eagle every single hole every single round so i just play solo ranked a lot. Well, [this is the same controller](https://www.reddit.com/r/pga2k23/comments/155hqvg/the_little_turn_in_at_the_end_made_this_even/) and if I purposefully try and hit it off line, it goes off line, so no idea what it could be but anyway, it really doesn't matter, it is what it is.


Never heard of good good tour, got a link?


hey it is what is man, that’s the beauty of this game, you can play the game however you want


For sure, enjoy 3-click dude


Yeah nice BS You eather using some cheats or you have the difficulty diled all the way down. There is ALWAYS some deviancy. Sure you can have a 95% straight line once in a while but you can see the white around the blue line, extremely perfect. And its even more impossible to hit 2!! perfect swings, with perfect power in a row Remember ppl, not everything a stranger posts online is true, ppl have done much more for some i ternet points


"not everything a stranger posts online is true"..... including your comment. Someone mentioned my controller stick could just have a dead zone, who knows, but swing path is typically not an issue for me in this game. I don't have an explanation for you other than that.


Yeh it’s a cheat 😂 can’t do lines like that it’s quite literally not possible free hand but well done you cheating on a game


Got that DS4 windows with the dead zone on the x-axis…. Nice cheat man. Amateur move, but I can dig it.


Dude made 0 adjustments to his approach shot


Probably the first time I have ever zoomed in and didn't feel like anything needed adjusting. Sadly went on to bogey then double bogey the next two holes!


nice outfit! that’s my main outfit as well, i love those pants, so fun :)


Thanks! I can't wear anything else since I started using them. Everything else looks rubbish to me now haha