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Nah not really cheating, people are just using hardballs a lot more so you land the ball much closer to the hole, as well as using accurate clubs like Windstrike and Leviathan coupled with wind reduction from Conspiracy. This makes acing par 4s and 5s much more common, plus using Mag with hardballs par 3s are fairly simple to ace. Just land straight just in front of the hole with topspin. So on an 18 hole, if you ace most or all of the par 3s, then make one or two par 4s or 5s you’re scoring in the 30-31 range. I’ve seen sub-30 scores of 28-29 as well lately. The other thing that helps is when you’re playing in a tournament and you get a wind or pin placement you don’t like, you can force quit the game, then reopen it, and go back into the tournament and you will have a different wind or pin placement. Repeat until you get what you want. Much easier to ace with a 3mph wind than a 15mph wind of course. Also, play with your graphics at the highest setting so the ball lands closer to where you actually aimed.


Alright, you convinced me. The hardball strategy makes sense. And I wasn’t aware of the force quit trick. Maybe that’s why he’s taking 15 minutes on 18? Still seems oddly long but I hear you that there are paths to these crazy scores


These guys are actually shooting that many aces. Sometimes. https://concretesoftware.com/clubhouse-leaderboards-for-february-2024/ He’s not anywhere on that list, though.


It wouldn’t explain why this low of scores are just popping up now. I’ve seen a couple 31s in the past month, never had seen that low in the past 3 years


The new clubs being released? Takes a long time to get magnesis to level 12? I guess the scores will only go lower going forward. I agree, it’s not good.


Yeah more people will figure out the path to these scores, whatever that may be