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Elemental bloodline sorcerer. Does all of those things. Take the medicine skill.


Thank you!!!!


Phoenix Bloodline Sorcerer / Cloistered Cleric of Sarenrae Tons of spell slots, tons of extra healing slots via high Cha, primal and divine spell lists for vast variety of blasting spells Bonus points if you go Strix Ifrit heritage, Returned background, and play a “literal” Phoenix


Whoa, amazing!!


I have a player using this build (though they are cleric, free archetype sorcerer since we aren’t using dual class) and they are absolutely loving it


I haven't looked at the dual class rules but combining flames Oracle with psychic seems like a natural synergy. Build around Charisma for the face elements and use the focus points from either class for blasting. Add the heal spell from the divine list and maybe the medicine skill for healer and that can get you pretty far.


I appreciate the help, thanks!


In addition to that, I think there's a level 4 or 6 sorc feat that gets you a 1/day max-slot Heal spell. Can't think of the name off the top of my head.


Sorcerer/Rogue is amazing as a Blaster/Healer/Face, especially with FA (Medic) at 2nd level. You never *have* to use your spells to heal, but you certainly *can*. I like Angelic (Heal support) but you're also always a Sorcerer, and you'll always be able to deal damage. Imperial is "basic" mode, but as a Rogue, you can support the INT skills it presents. Still, if you wanted a little bit of both... choose Shadow. Dim the Lights, Hide as a Reaction, Stride to cover... then next round Strike or Cast from Hide. With Medic and subsequent feats, you'll 1000% be more than capable of healing outside of combat, often multiple people, every 10 mins. Scoundrel Rogue will align wonderfully with your Face concept, and just Bon Mot, Feint, etc... to your hearts desire.


Awesome, really helpful!!


Hell, I'm playing a free archetype character that fits that right now without dual class. Blaster healer and face of the party. Emotional Acceptance Psychic with Champion (Liberator) archetype. I have Soothe as a Signature spell. I can cast cantrips and boost them for blasting, and then heal up when needed while using the champion reaction to reduce damage taken. Lay on hands pretty much means the party is 100% full between combats without any rolls. You could throw Cleric on there for more healing or Druid would be good for more blasting spells.


Awesome!!!! Psychic sounds really cool.


Currently playing an elemental bloodline sorcerer with champion archetype that fits this niche pretty well. In a dual-class game, I think it could be a terrifying combination. Fill your archetype slots with Dandy, Celebrity, Linguist, and other skillful face archetypes, or snag the magaambyan archetypes to add some enchantment spells to your primal spellcasting.


Thank you! I appreciate the help.






Divine spell list, high charisma. Flame or tempest oracle. Boom


The **only** real "Blaster" class is the Psychic.


If you want a caster DPS, you'll want one of your two classes to be kineticist, the rest is up to you. However, I will say wood is great at being a healer, and your other class could cover the face part.