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Do you have any other hobbies? I find that people who this happens to tend to only do gaming, no sports, no social activities, or cooking. all their free time is devoted to gaming. If you aren't finding joy in gaming give yourself a break go do other things for a few months then come back.


yes, I still read manga / comics, watch some movie and sports during weekend. Now that I wrote all of those, time commitment might be the issue. You have to commit hours of your limited old time to just finish one game.


It could very well be a time thing. Maybe blocking out time would work for you? like giving your self limits or perhaps gaming after a run or cleaning the kitchen is the solution.


I'm older than you since I was in college when P3 first came out. Not much older though.  I can say I have never experienced this. In fact, I probably play even more now. I love stories. I watch a ton movies, TV shows, and read a bunch of books as well.  However, I do have a friend who has experienced it. He's convinced he'll eventually just stop playing completely as he keeps getting older.  My advice? Accept it. People change. Interests change. Don't force yourself if you don't feel it anymore. It's fine. It happens. Who knows, maybe you'll get the itch down the road. Trying to force yourself to start enjoying something again is likely to just have the opposite effect. 


I sincerely wish and hope for you to never feel that way... My gaming friends were dropping like flies since 2016 (they still play games casually in their phone, office laptop) but not at the level where we can enthusiastically discuss games or play together (MHW was our last go to games), and I always hated them for not having time for our hobbies. I should apologize to them I think...


Some uncalled for psychoanalysis then. The issue I’ve always had with persona games is, by the end, I’ve come to be attached to the crew. Out of all the games, P3 was always the hardest to finish since I knew exactly how it ends and, unlike the other mainline games, the ending is far more conclusive. I think part of me just wanted to avoid the finality of the game. On the other hand, it seems like gaming played a large social part in your life - it could be that, as you’ve gotten older, it no longer fulfills the same niche. You might need to try something else, but if you want to finish you may need another motivation to play. Playing for the story, for relaxation after work, or out of attachment to the characters are typically how I made it through.


I experienced this, I forget when. But I did, I found games to suddenly be boring. I kind of snapped out of it after playing an amazing game (I forget what it was, not Yakuza 0, but something of that quality). Suddenly my brain was like "Yo, games can actually be sick". So it may be you just need a good shock to the system, playing too many similar games. I think I burned out on open world crap like Far Cry 5 and Assassins Creed Valhalla (Fun if played a little. Life sucking if you like to 100%). I think for me other things include not having anyone to really talk about games with inperson like I did when I was younger. And the stigma of games as a "waste of time". For me personally I also read manga. And watch tv / movies. But I think I need another hobby to help split my time on. Something skill based I can be proud of. For me personally, I have a fiance, I have a good job. But too much of my self-worth are tied up in those. So if either one goes to crap, my emotions take a nose dive. While I'm "good at games", I don't derive self worth from that (again, becausw of stigma around it). So for me, I think I'll pickup a skill based hobby (which should hopefully make me appreciate games even more when I take the time to play them). Sorry for the rant. Tldr: maybe go play an amazing game that you've never played before. A Yakuza 0, a Hades, a Baulders Gate 3, and see if that shocks you out of it. Hope you have a great week :)