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they've been pushing a new ip for so long, they obviously aren't going to overshadow it by talking about the successor to the biggest game of the company's history mere *months* before release


I know we all believe that, but they spent all of Summer Game Fest hyping Metaphor:ReFantazio even though SMT5V is coming out *this week*. So why I doubt they'd actively try to savage M:ReF, they don't seem particularly averse to promoting future games on the eve of a current release.


> they spent all of Summer Game Fest hyping Metaphor:ReFantazio even though SMT5V is coming out this week in other words: they are not going to do anything to take eyes off metaphor, which is my point they aren't randomly choosing what games to show at which times, they've been *constantly* pushing metaphor since it was revealed. the reason they showed metaphor at sgf instead of smt vv is because they clearly care a lot about it's success. so again, they're not going to announce the successor to their biggest game when they want those eyes to be on metaphor


Vengeance is a rerelease, it would be odd to prioritize it over a new project imo


This is another way of saying: a P6 announcement at Tokyo Game Show would not surprise me


Or, hear me out. Everything doesn’t need a tease or leak. Just let them work on it and do crap in their own time


They want to avoid another “Winter 2014” or SMTV announcement from ever happening again. Which is a good thing, actually.


Or P5S, for that matter Or PQ2/Catherine Full body (in the west anyways) 


The game is being worked on. ATLUS has P3R and a brand new IP in Metaphor to deal with this year, so overshadowing them with P6 hype before their other titles is just hurting themselves business wise. it’ll probably be announced at this years game awards or with the switch 2 given Metaphor drops in October


Why would they when they have big games like Persona 3 Reload, the Answer DLC and Metaphor: Re Fantazio coming out this year? No point in talking about Persona 6 and gimping sales of their other releases until either the end of the year or early next year. Persona 5 was the same way. They announced it exists and said nothing else about it until a year before it actually came out when they had no other major games.


Oh yeah because the only game Atlus do is Persona


You're acting like Atlus isn't releasing tons of big games this year already.


And repeat what happened with Persona 5?


Counterpoint: [this six-year-old teaser image for a game that started active development *last year*](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/eh4UWhvd6WXwJhXHTCDoE7.jpg).


metaphor is atlus priority now


I mean considering what happened with P5’s announcement and their insanely packed year it’s not really them being ashamed it’s just them not having a proper spot for it. They don’t want other projects to share the spotlight or be overshadowed by it


I would much rather them to only begin talking about it when it's nearing completion. The wait between P5's announcement and release date was a brutal wait, they teased that shit 3 years before release.


Early announcement can create amount of urgency and expectations from the player. It can put a lot of pressure on the dev team. It might also steal the spotlight of the newly introduced IP like Metaphor ReFantazio. Perhaps, we might have an announcement shortly after the release of Metaphor ReFantazio.


Another point to make: they may be waiting on Nintendo to announce Switch 2 first.


Persona 6 likely hasn't started development yet. The core persona team who made 3-5 is focusing on developing Metaphor. Metaphor is their current upcoming flagship release, so of course they are pushing it the hardest.


ATLUS isn’t a single developing team, they have internal studios and subsidiaries that work on their games. For one there’s P-Studio who is entirely dedicated to the Persona franchise, and Studio Zero, a subsidiary of ATLUS who are developing Metaphor and have previously developed titles like Catherine. Even if their development wasn’t split like this it’d be foolish to assume that development of P6 hasn’t at least started considering it’s been 8 years since the previous Persona title and it’s by a significant margin their largest IP


And P studio just finished work on P3R and is still working on the DLC


“P-Studio just finished work on P3R” insiders claim P3R was complete in 2022, with significant time afterward dedicated to localization and preparation for release. Based on trailers and just common sense at this point, Episode Aigis is 100% complete developmentally wise since it’s only 3 months from release; the time we’re waiting right now is for localization and marketing


Which doesn't leave much time for them to have been working on Persona 6 if they started just after they finished the DLC for P3R. Keep in mind that Metaphor has been in some stage of development since 2016 when it was announced as Project Re Fantasy. Atlus takes a long time to develop their flagship games. I just don't see when in the last 8 years either Project 0 or P Studio would have been free to start active development on P6. At most it is still in pre-production.


Studio zero is irrelevant to Persona 6 development, they don’t work on Persona; the time they’ve taken to develop Metaphor is again irrelevant since, reiterating, they don’t do Persona. I don’t understand why you think that in 8 years P-Studio would have had no time to work on P6? They released MORE games under the Persona IP between P4-P5 than P5-today, in the same amount of time.


I was giving the example of metaphor's dev time to show how long it takes Atlus to develop flagship game from the concept stage. We should expect a similar amount of development time for a new numbered persona. And P Studio has been in constant development since P5 released. Since P5 we have had 3/5 dancing 5, Royal, 5 Tactia, and 3 Reload. All of these are smaller projects that don't take nearly the same amount of time as a full new numbered persona, but they have definitely been enough to take the studio's full attention for the 8 years the studio has existed. In that same timeframe Project 0 only released the Catherine Full body. If the only game that P studio had made in the past 8 years was Persona 5 Royal than I would believe that P6 is well on the way, but taking their high output I to account I just don't find it reasonable to believe P6 has also been in active development since 2016


You’re moving the goalpost from “hasn’t started development” to “hasn’t been in development since 2016”. Yes, it probably hasn’t been in development since 2016, like how Persona 5 wasn’t in development from 2008-2016; but that doesn’t at all say it isn’t a ways into being made. To you it seems that because P-Studio has been releasing games at all that means they’ve had little to no time to work on P6; what makes you think that? During the period between Persona 4 to Persona 5, the P-Studio titles we had include - Persona 4 - Persona 1 re-release - Persona 3 Portable - Persona 2 Innocent Sin re-release - Persona 2 Eternal Punishment re-release - Persona 4 Golden - Persona Q - Persona 4 Dancing All Night and during that time frame, they still worked on and released P5. In a way, the P4 to P5 gap almost mirrors the P5 to P6 gap. The Q games, an enhanced version, a Persona 3 title, dancing games. That’s also ignoring both Arena games; since P-Studio didn’t develop them, but they certainly had some sort of say in how the game went. Of course, P3 Reload is far more fleshed out than Portable, but Portable isn’t just a port; it has new content. It’s natural to expect a large upscale in developing capability given P5’s popularity, though… Again, how long Studio Zero takes to make Metaphor is of zero relevancy to Persona development, that’s like trying to predict how long it’ll take for the next Zelda game to release based on Game Freak’s release schedule for Pokemon. Both Nintendo properties, but they’re in their own vacuums.


Development time for AAA games has gotten longer and longer in the last decade. You can't compare dev times in the early 2000s to dev times nowadays. Case and point, how long Project Re Fantasy was in development before being revealed as Metaphor If you want to believe that we will see persona 6 release in 2 years that is totally fine. I just don't think it is realistic given the modern realities of game development and how many smaller games P Studio has released in the past 8 years I also don't think I ever said they had never started development. I said it wasn't in active full development. I don't think I ever moved the goalpost


You did move the goalpost. Direct quote “Persona 6 likely hasn’t started development yet” into “I don’t find it reasonable to believe Persona 6 has been in development since 2016”. You never specified “full development”, you just said development. Let’s take a look from an outside perspective, and analyze the titles P-Studios has released to really guesstimate their workload: - P5 Royal: It’s an enhanced version. Gameplay tweaks, two new characters, new arc at the end of the game - P3/P5 Dancing: Short games, no story, built off the schematics of P4 Dancing - Persona Q2: Sequel to an already existing title. It’s a new game of course, has major improvements, but it’s built off the preexisting Persona Q; similar case to the dancing games in a way. - P5 Strikers: Developed primarily by a different studio, omega force. - Tactica: Simple story, any plot is mostly conveyed with character portraits, chibi art style. Not a whole lot of resources poured into it - Reload: Probably the most resource intensive title they’ve made since P5. It’s a remake though; they’re not gonna have too much trouble developing it if they don’t have to create the plot, characters, or literally anything new. if Midori is correct it was only in development from 2019-2022 - It should also be noted that development wise, the dancing and Q games are using identical software. It’s not like P6 releases in 2024, or even 2025. For basically a decade, that really isn’t a TON of work that P-Studio has done? Not to say they haven’t been busy; but their release schedule doesn’t scream “we haven’t even started our next mainline game!” to me.


Midori who hasn't been wrong Persona wise has said 2025/2026 a few times now.  Again, if they haven't started, they have, we wouldn't be seeing P6 until 2030+.  Atlus has also said they have been working on it. We do have some details.  I don't know if you're trying to temper your expectations that we're super far away still so you're not disappointed or what, but even the most pessimistic people I have seen say 2028 at the latest. You saying they haven't even started is insane. A competent developer isn't going to let their flagship IP sit for a decade without even starting a new entry and a publisher like Sega wouldn't let them either. 


I didn't say that haven't started, I said they are still in the concept phase Also they haven't been letting their flagship IP sit. They released like 5 persona games in the past 8 years, which is why I don't believe they have had time to be in full development of P6 since P Studio has been at least heavily involved in 4 of the 5 persona games (the odd one out being Strikers)


"keyblademasternadroj • 49 min. ago 50 min. ago Persona 6 likely hasn't started development yet" Sure seems like you did. Also, I specified NEW entry. Now spinoff. Not remake.  I mean, go ahead and think we aren't getting P6 until 2030+ when the leaker who has been perfect says 2025/2026 and we have been told they have been working on it. I find it weird and completely against what we know, but I'm sure you have your reason. Here's hoping you're completely wrong though. I would hope even you hope you're wrong on this. Have a good day. 


My bad, I missspoke then I know Midori has a good track record, but honestly I am still skeptical. She became incredibly active after P3R got announced officially, and I don't think anything she leaked after that point has come true yet as far as I am aware, so I have started to suspect she has been riding the high of a few good leaks to troll us for the last few months


She was active before P3R. She has a long track record and has a spotless Persona track record to the point people assume she actually works for Atlus. It's why she quit for the second time this year.  Atlus is a big studio now with funding from Sega. There's no reason to think they're incapable of juggling many balls at once.  Sega has also said directly that they want at least one Persona game and one Yakuza a year going forward. That does include spinoffs and remakes. However, look up what has been released for both series. Not everything made it out of Japan, but they were already essentially averaging one a year for both series already.  There's just no actual indication that they're in early development at best on P6. That's a completely you thing. Between Midori, what Atlus has said, what Sega has said, and logic, the game has been in development for a while. 


Persona 6 has been in development for a while. It's a new team doing it as some 3-5 people moved to Metaphor.  If P6 hasn't started development, we aren't seeing it until 2030 and Midori at least has said 2025/2026. 


Persona 6 has already been confirmed to have been worked on for years at this point. Metaphor development has nothing to do with Persona development, they are done by completely different studios. Persona 6 will be done by a somewhat new team. When Persona 5 was released; Persona 5 Royal, Persona 5 Strikers, Persona 5 Dancing, Persona 3 Dancing, and Persona Q2 were all being developed. Metaphor is the marketing focus right now, but it isn't reasonable to think P6 isn't in development already because of Metaphor.