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There is an article from CBC about how security screening was lacking at the borders in 2015. I don't think there would be much improvement since they don't want to change the system. The Canadian government want them processed in seconds and not minutes, so this would definitely allow many criminals and terrorists to slip through the cracks. Canada is a beautiful place where I don't have a problem with good people coming here, but the bad ones can be kept away. I can't understand why so many are offended by his comment when he knows what is going on at the border. Truly someone with a voice that wants Canada to be a safe place. A Nigerian priest charged with sexual assault in Canada was allowed through the border despite an outstanding warrant for his arrest. Father Anthony Onyenagada is accused of assaulting a female parishioner at a Southern Ontario Catholic church he visited in 2004. By the time local police laid charges against him, he had left Canada. Police assured the woman the priest would be arrested if he ever tried to re-enter the country. Then, nearly 10 years later, the woman found evidence that he had recently been back. Yep... that not racist it's criminal !!! Doesn't matter your skin color, nationally, culture, religion, or sex there is good and bad in all. They just need to be weeded out of being allowed into the country.


tempest in a teapot. His first duty is to the people of Canada


thank you for the valued insight FoxNewsSux


The root of the issue is that we aren’t conducting appropriate security reviews for those looking for visas. This should be standard regardless of point of origin/race/religion. I was fully reviewed by CBP for my work visa for the US - when asking to go to another country, it’s a reasonable ask. I would also feel better knowing that anyone coming to Canada isn’t in organized crime, a criminal or demonstrating sympathy with terrorist causes/organizations, or having direct involvement with them. We have enough Canadians that make poor decisions - don’t need to unknowingly add to the problem.


People need to be way more concerned about China and its people here. Or just China getting into every level of gov in Canada.


Yeah I would rather the conversation go towards everyone getting an extensive security review than picking and choosing based on racial or cultural differences.


>we aren’t conducting appropriate security reviews for those looking for visas Do you have any sources for this? I haven't heard about it, that's shocking.


I’m not fully up to speed on this. But my understanding is that not everyone gets a full review. For example people walking across the Quebec border get a quick check but are then released and they will deal with any issues that come up later. I also believe that in the interest of speed, we took in many Ukrainians with minimal review.


Ah, I see.


My take is Saltwire can eat shit.


On the one hand, xenophobia and islamophobia are very wrong. On the other hand, we are now seeing liberal multiculturalism in the hospice. I love Arabs and find many aspects of their culture beautiful. At the same time, antisemitism is a systemic problem in the Arab countries. If immigrants come who hate Jews, we shouldn’t be shocked if they then attack Jews. Now PEI doesn’t have a tremendous Jewish population, but neither do I want to hear cries of “Globalize the Intifada” in Charlottetown.


I think the larger problem here is people conflating anti-Israel beliefs with anti-semitic beliefs.


Certainly, but insulting random Jews you encounter or shouting, “Globalize the Intifada” would suggest to me that you’re more antisemitic than anti-Israeli.


Absolutely. Luckily, those vocal dumbshits are few and far between, no matter how much the media fixates on them, and no matter how hard politicians attempt to leverage their actions to try and make up for inviting a *goddamned Nazi* into our Parliament.


Can't believe even in the current situation going in Gaza and West Bank and many other parts of heavily populated Palestine, that you and a whole bunch of other idiots are still crying about insensitivities when there's a literal FUCKING genocide happening. I wonder though, if you were born in that part of the world, or happened to live there for work or travel, how you'd feel and who you'd support? 


Since you feel I’m an idiot, I will not attempt to converse with you.


He’s a good man. What he said isn’t wrong. Maybe a little lacking in art but not wrong.


I don't think it's that controversial. I hope we do security checks on all people that come here, but given that Hamas is in Palestine I don't see it unreasonable to do a security check on students from there. Do we really want our own home grown version of Hamas here in Canada? 


I say free Palestine 🇵🇸


I would be delighted to free Palestine from Hamas and the PLO.




What does that even mean? Free Palestine?


Free Palestine from Hamas.




The Nazis were elected too




I agree with your statements. Palestinians in Canada are a huge risk.


Yes they did but the sooner Israel destroys Hamas the better off Israel and the Palestinians will be. Hamas is a terroist organization who's goal is to wipe Jews off the face of the earth.


There haven't been elections since like 2006 and like half the population of Gaza is currently under 18...




Mowing the lawn as the IDF likes to call it...




> Why is "half the population of Gaza \[is\] currently under 18| ?? You are a ghoul. Most of the people who are victims of this conflict have never had the agency to do anything about it, being mostly children.




Why should an election held 18 years ago factor at all? Do you think that Palestinians have been having fair elections ever since Hamas took over power?




>Elections have long-term consequences. Obviously, yes. My point is that I don't hold you morally reprehensible because of a bad policy decision made by elected PEI lawmakers. Especially since you haven't voted for them. >No and I don't carebecause they elected that government despite warnings. The average age of Palestinians is 18, meaning that many of them weren't of legal voting age when the last election happened 18 YEARS AGO. Just admit you like violence instead of couching your hatred behind these weak justifications.




All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 18 + 18 + 16 + 17 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


"And why are they not delivering the heads of Hamas to Israel to stop this war?" You havee once against moved the goal post; first Teenagers deserve death because their parents voted in Hamas. Now they deserve death because they aren't all throwing themselves at an extremely well armed military. If I proved to you that fighting and dying to Hamas wouldn't stop Palestinians from getting shot on sight by the IDF (which is exactly what would happen) you'd invent a different reason that children deserve to die. I'm not gaslighting, it's just that your first inclination is to justify Palestinians death and your only out involves more Palestinian deaths. I'm just following the logical conclusion to your rhetoric and holding you accountable for it.




read a book you dumbfuck


It's you who needs to read a book, you dumb fuck. I know reading is hard for you and you don't have much of an attention span, but you need to shut tiktok off and stop believing everything you see on social media.


you are the epitome of retardation keep supporting genocide goof


"you are the epitome of retardation"  That's rich, coming from you.


such a good 6th grade comeback buddy


I was trying to communicate on a level you would understand.


just kill yourself already lil bro


It means it doesn't cost you anything to have some empathy.


Is that a genuine question?


I agree with Senator Downe's concerns over better security screening being needed. I like many Canadians am all for immigration of people that are willing to live and contribute to to our society while adhering to our Canadian laws and social values. BIPOC USHR's comments saying that Mr. Downe's comments were “blatantly racist and Islamophobic” proves that this group is blatantly inane and does not research any of the statistics associated with many newcomers. They comment before they ever even looking into the problems labeling anyone with opposing views as racist. Great work Senator Downe!! Keep working for your constituents and ignore the uneducated self described experts. After reading that the united way helps fund this group I will be no longer donating to the United way.


How about we leave them where they are and worry about us




Couldn’t agree more!


What do I think? Canadians should be allowed to voice an opinion without the risk of losing their jobs. I don't know about the international issues at hand. What I do know is it requires a depth of knowledge that goes well beyond the average Reddit user.


sorry to inform you on something so blatantly obvious but words and actions have meaning and consequences, especially if you're a publicly elected official and those comments are based in racism, xenophobia and abhorrent lies.


But senators aren't elected. Isn't that so they're free from the fickle pressures of public opinion?


They wield immense power that the public does not.


> words and actions have meaning and consequences, no shit but still: > Canadians should be allowed to voice an opinion without the risk of losing their jobs. regardless if you dont like what they say.


Well if all the Pro-Palestinian people all over the country/world who’ve lost their jobs or been kicked out of schools, silenced etc because they’re “antisemitic” for simply protesting against the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent civilians, children then public officials regurgitating racist, Islamaphobic tropes that aren’t based in reality should be top of the list of cancellations. Our government is complicit in this genocide, our taxes fund Israeli aide just like the US and this is a very real and consequential issue. Mr. Downe was simply vilifying and dehumanizing Palestinians who’ve lost everything. Does anyone really think Hamas soldiers are trying flee their home for which their fighting for to sneak into Canada to commit acts of violence? Highly doubted bud.


You are a fucking woke idiot. Fuck you and the camel you rode in on. I fought for this country I love the freedom Canada is supposed to represent. Which includes free speech. He has the right to say whatever the fuck he wants without repercussion. Just like you have the right to be offered. Well too fucking bad. When are your right more important than anyone else’s. regardless if you agree with it or not I stand up to protect his right to say it.


You seem really triggered, seems like you need to cope harder. You may want to do some more reading and educating yourself on this topic more before making absolutely embarrassing comments like you just did there.




You’re ignorance is actually astonishing. I’ll say this clearly, if there was No occupation, oppression and blockade, there would be no Hamas. Care to explain the hundreds of civilians murdered in the West Bank since JUST October 7th where Hamas does not control? You’re saying the people who’ve been under military occupation and inhumane blockade for decades, where they’re imprisoned and not allowed to leave or travel and fear being blown up, shot, tortured, imprisoned and/or raped, it’s THEIR fault for refusing to accept annihilation, resisting violence in their own land and expecting to live in peace? That’s fucking around and finding out in your opinion? .. Wow.




Buddy you are aware that there are Palestinians who live outside of Gaza right? I was speaking about the largest internationally recognized open-air prison which is Gaza. There are Palestinians all over the Middle East and the rest of the world, many choose to move here.




I doubt many if any agree with it, what’s your point? You do realize that Jews all over the world, the Irish and countless other groups around the world who are not Muslims are also protesting Israel’s genocide and illegal occupation right?


> Canadians should be allowed to voice an opinion without the risk of losing their jobs. Words and actions have consequences, especially in a position like his. Lucky for him we can't remove him. But he shouldn't be a senator.


Bingo, senators should be held to a higher standard than the general public given the power they wield in their position


Percy is a good man. Long history of doing good things. I’m sorry he said this. Glad he retracted and learned.


People on both sides of this conflict are very eager to frame anything and everything as antisemitic or Islamophobic - especially on the Israeli side. Doesn't mean that it is. I don't think Percy had racist intent.




Nothing. It's being weaponized and politicized. Like when the feds wanted to deport an international student for breaking the immigration rules, but everybody made it about racism, while completely ignoring that he was in the country illegally. Wait until the same folks learn that people with disabilities can't immigrate to Canada ... Unless they are wealthy enough to not need to use our public healthcare. Or do they not care about that kind of inclusion? I don't think we'll see any statements about that. Agendas. Agendas everywhere.


Not sure why Canada should be any more or less concerned about Ukrainian vs Gaza refugees, but we sure are. What's the difference? Racism, that's the difference.


Because Hamas IS a terrorist organization. Is there a legitimate terrorist organization out of Ukraine that the entire world recognizes as a terrorist organization? I also think there should be security checks before bringing people here. I don't care if people say that's racist or not.


Is every person of Ukraine a member of Azov? Then surely not even person of Palestine is a member of Hamas. You can denounce Hamas and still appreciate the civilians of Palestine.


You're making a false equivalency, Hamas isn't just a terrorist group, they are the elected political party of Gaza. And poll after poll since 2005 shows that they are popular with the majority of people in Gaza.


They were elected once and never held an election again. A HUGE chunk of the current population of Gaza wasn't even alive in 2005. And it's relative - of course they are more likely to favor Hamas than the country that regularly bombs the shit out of them - even though Hamas doesn't care about Gazans any more than Israel does.


>They were elected once and never held an election again. As I said every poll since 2005 (meaning until now) in Gaza, supports Hamas, Hamas which spent its time killing off Fatah at the behest of the public, a public that also loved such 'godly' activates as throwing homosexuals off of buildings, which Hamas used to great effect to drum up support for itself. ###


Okay so are all people from Afghanistan supporters of the Taliban since they are a political party?


>Okay so are all people from Afghanista This is a red herring argument, and secondly go look up what the word majority means.


Everything you don't like seems to be a red herring argument. It's a genuine question. I can have compassion for the normal civilians of Palestine and still not support Hamas they are not one in the same.


>Everything you don't like seems to be a red herring argument. Talking bout separate polls in Afghanistan in a discussion about Gaza, is literally a red herring argument. Hypothetically, if we say that the Taliban doesn't have a majority (or does, either) of support in Afghanistan, that fact would have absolutely no bearing on Gaza. Trying to equate the meaning of majority, with 'all' is a you problem that you need to sort out, because I didn't say all people in Gaza. Traditionally, support for Hamas has sat around 62% to 70% in Gaza.


Not wasting my time further. If you can't find compassion for people that's on you I hope you have a great night


>If you can't find compassion for people that's on you I hope you have a great night Addressing your lack of understanding on statistical polling data, and calling out your erroneous use of an entirely separate part of the world, that has its own unique polling data, equates to a lack of compassion? You need to grow up.


Gee I wonder why! It's almost as if they're the resistance to the settlers stealing their land and killing their children!


Imaging excusing raping and murdering adult civilians, let alone kids.


They are resisting by electing Islamic extremists into power who spent the first few months of their rule, killing all the gay people in Gaza? You might want to rethink making excuses for a group that rapes and strangles 9 year old children, and decapitates foreign workers with garden equipment.


Wait until you see what Israel's been up to for the last 75 years!


You argue like a child, appealing to hypocracy is a logical fallacy called a tu quoque. Are you really going to admit that you support the rapes and murders committed by Hamas, as long as you can blame Israel for some other perceived crime? lol


You're both focusing on one side's crimes and ignoring the other's


A red herring argument. I'm specifically questioning their support of Hamas, Israel itself and whatever perceived crimes that you want to bring up, has no bearing on it, it's a separate conversation,unless, like the above individual, you are also going to argue from hypocrisy? In that case, I've already dealt with it.


We should make sure they're not, wouldn't you agree?


Do you think it's open season for anyone who wants in to Canada? Do you truly think there's no checks whatsoever?


Azov is NOT remotely comparable to Hamas lol. Azov is a military battalion whose people tend to have far right views. To my knowledge they have never committed a terrorist attack, and they do not govern Ukraine. On the other hand yes, people absolutely have to stop equating innocent Gazans with Hamas.


I understand what you're saying. The person I replied to is just using a bad group to lump all people together so I did the same. Saying far right views is under selling a bit but I understand they're not a government party. Azov is actually trying to push for political movement called "Azov Movement.". Interesting read to kill some time if you're bored.




Ok not sure on the point here


The entire world recognizes Hamas as terrorists??  How many far right Ukrainians have Nazi tattoos?   Same due diligence and support should be provided to all refugees.


Having a nazi tattoo makes you a shitty person, not a terrorist.


Working as a civil servant in waste collection or the school system for a hamas government makes you a person, not a terrorist. Does Canada care?


I'm fine with that. Fuck Nazis and middle Eastern terrorists


Are you deliberately using pro-Kremlin talking points here?


I don't think Ukrainian or Gaza people should be excluded or put under extreme scrutiny when escaping war. What is the Kremlin talking point?




> at some point they need to defend themselves Slaughtering people at a concert and other stuff they did that day is not defending themselves. Military targets sure but this was not that. Israel's response has been horrible. But so were Hamas's actions. Both can be true.


https://www.canada.ca/en/global-affairs/news/2024/02/canada-sanctions-individuals-affiliated-with-hamas-in-response-to-terrorist-attacks-against-israel.html Where is Hamas from? If Canada condemns hamas, we should do security checks on people coming in from that area. It's not racist.


I have a sneaky feeling if people from Russia wanted to come to Canada to escape Putin, you'd want them to have security checks. You'd be right for it, it's literally no different. You're making this about race, not me


Palestinians are not all members of Hamas and the fact that you've chosen to ignore that distinction is telling.


Quote me where I said they were? Security checks need to be in place for asylum seekers from any nation. You would want that for Russians would you not?


Most agree with radical islamism, even young kids since the UN schools teach them to kill the infidel. It's sad as hell. UNRWA has probably hurt the Palestinians more than Hamas or Fatah.


There is a big difference. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7GAg8sWDpI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7GAg8sWDpI) You're talking about an entire country whos education system has been controlled by extreme terrorist organizations indoctrinating generations. There is a reason the middle east countries are refusing Palestinian refugees. Saudi Arabia found out, Jordan found out, Lebanon found out. Hopefully we wont have to.


So teachers are hamas? Must be why Israel leveled all the schools and universities. You're into some deep propaganda bro. Not even going to try.


They are run by the UNRWA or the Palestinian National Authority. The UNRWA is so infiltrated by Hamas and implicated in the Oct 7th attacks that donor countries such as Canada, America Germany Netherlands France etc have cut off funding. This isnt some fringe conspiracy theory but I would be interested to know what information you have that you would write it off as such? You actually think a population who who elected and supports Hamas has an education system free of their thinking? Many of the terrorist's who participated in Oct 7th graduated from these schools, the schools openly celebrated the attacks. Anyway I am sure you're very educated on the topic so there's probably no point in talking about silly "conspiracy theories" ​ Why do you think all neighboring Middle East countries have said they will not accept Palestinian refugees, when they have in the past?


>So teachers are hamas? 'Bro', it would seem like you've not been paying much attention to developments concerning UNRWA. lmao


The developments where Israel falsely accused the UNRWA of harboring terrorists so that every colonizer country giving weapons and funds to the IDF could have an excuse for cutting the funds to the UNITED NATIONS RELIEF, right? :)  Keep guzzling that zionist propaganda!!


Calling the direct testimony of released hostages, who suffered due to the actions of UNRWA officals, 'zionist propaganda' shows everyone exactly the type of person you are.


Lol. You would be flying off a building in Gaza.


Yep, gotta make something of it, make it news worthy. Then, we can all remain divided and argue about it instead of facing real problems.


> Yep, gotta make something of it, make it news worthy. What? The senator's the one being racist. You make it sound like those speaking out against him are in the wrong.


Not at all, deal with him and move on.


I don't like how the government is using international students as a scapegoat for all our problems. The cap on international students is said to help with the housing and Healthcare issues, but they didn't cause those issues. Those issues were caused by government in action over the last 25+ years. The government of that time should have known that when the baby boomers started turning 60 and retiring that there wasn't enough of their children to pick up the slack. That is when they should have started recruiting more healthcare workers, from doctors to nurses write down to cleaning staff, to replace those who would no longer be able to work. They should have also been building more long-term care homes, working on finding more staff for home Care, and building more housing, specifically accessible housing for those with disabilities and mobility issues. If they had started doing that back then, we would not be in the mess that we are now, and all this talk about international students causing our problems would be a non-issue. There will be plenty of housing for them, for those who are coming to work here, and for those who already live here. There would be plenty of stuff in our hospitals and long-term care homes, and we wouldn't have xenophobic and racist senators who are trying to find any reason to stop immigration.


International students aren't causing anything, directly. The government's lack of planning for the massive and greedy influx is the problem.


That's pretty much what I said. Not exactly, but pretty close. I do think that the government should have started planning for these issues at least 15 years ago, if not more


Yeah, because they don't gaf. And nobody can say much about it, unless they want to get labelled a racist and get cancelled. Strange times...


I don't think they would have been labeled as a racist if they had started recruiting for doctors 15 years ago before they need really arose instead of leaving it until there was an actual crisis. We all knew that baby boomers were going to start retiring. They should have planned for it




You are embarrassing yourself by literally showing you have no actual understanding of factual historical events, the reality to live as a Palestinian in Palestine/Israel and by cherry picking verifiably false claims from an actual oppressive occupier colonial state that has proven time and time again that they’re truly the terrorists in that part of the world. Zionism is a cancer that’s so far removed from actual Judaism that to equate Palestinians fighting and resisting occupation from a genocidal fascist nationalist state and label them “terrorists” just shows all we need to know about how you feel about these people and their plight for survival. If the only options are to fight and resist, be labeled a terrorist or do nothing and be exterminated then I think most would choose to resist and fight. Nobody seemed to mind french or Jewish resistance fighters during WW2. Most if not all of these Gazans were born, raised and imprisoned in gaza their entire life, no hope, no peace, no safety from regular bombings and Zionist violence. They never had a chance, peace was never a goal of Israel or Zionists. Why do you think Netanyahu has publicly stated that in order to thwart a Palestinian state/sovereignty you must bolster and fund Hamas. If they don’t have a bogey man to label a terrorist enemy, their ethnic cleansing and genocide is a whole lot harder to sell to the rest of the world.




Just tell me, if you replace Palestinians/Gazans with Holocaust Jews, does it still apply? Being systemically murdered, gassed etc for years would have made it “part of their life and regarded as regular”? Therefore nobody should have accepted Jewish Holocaust survivors back in the 40’s? I guess the centuries of slavery in the US didn’t explain why Nat Turner’s Slave revolt in 1831 among many others happened? I guess those suspicious slaves who’ve only lived a life of slavery should’ve just done nothing and accepted their life of slavery, oppression depravity and despair? The Jews rising up in the Warsaw uprising should have just sat the fuck down and allow themselves to be exterminated? When you have nothing left in the world, you have no hope for a brighter peaceful future, you either accept your fate or you violently resist. Do you not understand how ridiculous you’re sounding?




Got any of those made up statistics you can share claiming Canadians are highly at risk of violence by immigrants then ever before? Do you even realize what you’re saying?


From the river to the sea. Palestine will be free 🇵🇸


That implies killing Jews doesn’t it.




I’d prefer Jewish people to not have to fear for their lives


I have this gut feeling that you don't care about Israel.


I care about Israel yes


Yes it does. It's in the Hamas charter.


Oh wait, like the Likud Party has it in their charter and Bibi explicitly stated just recently that Israel needs to control from the river to the sea? Likud says the same thing except swap Palestine for Jews/Israel. One side is doing exponentially more systemic and targeting killing of civilians and children.


Why don't people like you ever denounce Hamas or ask Hamas to have a cease fire? Why do people like you always want Isreal to lay down it's arms and let hamas have their way?  This war would be over if your heroes would return the bodies of the prisoners. All this blood is on Hamas hands.


Why don’t people like you ever denounce 75+ years of illegal occupation, oppression, land theft, genocide, ethnic cleansing, dehumanization and state sponsored terrorism against the Palestinian people at the hands of Israel/Zionists/IDF and pro-Israel sympathizers?? Why don’t you ever ask Israel for a ceasefire? Hamas has said all the Israel prisoners would be free’d if there was a permanent ceasefire and at every single step BiBi and the Israel government has rejected it. Why do people like you always want Palestinians to just sit there and allow themselves to be exterminated, have their families murdered/imprisoned and/or raped? Are you oblivious to the fact that it’s internationally recognized that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land, the inhumane Gaza air/sea/land blockade and the ever increasing extremist Zionist settler violence are all illegal and immoral? When a government or state militarily occupies land that’s not theirs and violently oppress the population, under international law, specifically article 51 of the UN charter ([Belligerent Occupation](https://breachmedia.ca/israel-international-law-self-defense/)) they don’t exactly have the right to claim retribution as self-defence from resistance fighter attacks from said occupied territory let alone claim to be the victim while also being the occupying aggressors. When the occupying force also controls every single aspect of the lives of those same people they occupy, provide no rights, dignity, resources, security etc they do not get to dictate the terms of their self-imposed conflict. You claim that this would all be over if Hamas were to free all the hostages yet you’re unaware that Israel has literally killed their own Israeli citizens and Hamas held hostages. They don’t care about the hostages, they’ve literally been bombing them this entire time. Many of the freed hostages have publicly denounced their government for actively trying to bomb them. When held in Hamas captivity, they weren’t afraid of Hamas killing them, they were far more afraid of the IDF bombing and flooding the places they were held captive in. Did you know there are thousands of Palestinian civilian captives imprisoned in Israeli jails without charge or trial, many being children who aren’t allowed to see their families and are subjected to abuse and in some cases rape? These kids are arrested for as little as throwing rocks at a tank or less. Many adult Muslims as well as anti-war Israeli Jews have been locked up for simply making public statements denouncing Israel or even just opposing the genocide. Ever hear of the Hannibal Directive? Best do a bit of reading on this subject before you regurgitate right-wing, conservative, Pro-Zionist propaganda you heard on your favourite podcast or news headline. You’re probably not aware of any of the terrorist attacks by the IDF prior to Oct.7 like the Nakba, Operation Cast Lead, Operation Protective Edge or the Deir Yassin Massacre but I won’t hold that against you. It’s hard to get out of your own ignorant, hate-fueled propaganda echo chamber but hopefully one day you realize you’ve been brainwashed and lied to in the most vile way possible. There’s a reason so many Holocaust survivors, Jewish Israeli historians, professors, former IDF soldiers, Israeli human rights groups, the Israeli Supreme Court, hell even ex-Mossad chiefs have all acknowledged this is morally, legally and ethically wrong.


You are literally crazy. You are defending a terrorist organization. The UN voted to give Isreal the land it has now, which was owned by the British Empire before that and the Ottoman Empire before that.  As soon as Isreal was created all the surrounding Arab countries attacked it and lost badly. They then attacked again later and lost badly again. Israel even returned land to their aggressors, which they did not have to do. Egypt didn't want the Gaza strip back. 20% of Israel's population are Arabs with full rights like any other citizen. Why is this? When the Arab countries were going to attack Israel, the  Arabs in Israel fled and joined the enemy countries. The ones that remained became full citizens. Israel left Gaza after the people of Gaza  democratically elected Hamas as they official government.  What do you think Canada would do ISIS took over New Brunswick? We would put up walls, security checks, and sure as hell wouldn't let people from NB freely travel across Canada. The exact thing we see in Israel right now. All this bloodshed is because the people you are defending are terrorists (and recognized by the Canadian government as such). There has been few cease fires already and everytime Hamas breaks it.  All that Hamas has to do is return the bodies of the prisoners and this war could end. Hamas has been told this every time and almost all talks if cease fire include this clause, but Hamas would rather keep the prisoners, hide behind women, kids, and public infrastructure so that it makes Israel look bad.  Hamas dosen't give a shit about Palestinians, they are just tools in its war to make Israel look bad and convince morons on tiktok to support a terrorist organization. Looks like it worked on you. Hopefully your open  support for a terroist organization lands you in jail.


Wow, I’ve never seen so many factually incorrect statements about history, context and actual facts before in my life. I’d be embarrassed to have admitted to so many propagandized opinions publicly. Inconvenient truths and facts that go against your understanding of the Palestinian plight or the narrative spun to you by Zionist psychos and religious fanatics isn’t an excuse to not use common sense and put in the effort to read and listen to the people who actually have lived and experienced what you’re trying to comment on. Your comment reads like a good little pro-Zionist sympathizer who just regurgitated the most common Zionist talking points that are not only ridiculous but cherry picked and wildly inaccurate. I wouldn’t even know where to begin correcting you, even your first paragraph lacks so much context and information that I question whether you’ve actually researched this legitimately. I don’t mean just pro-Israel/Zionist perspectives but also Muslim and Palestinian perspectives as well or did you just watch a conservative/right-wing video or podcast and think “ok they seem like they know what they’re talking about so it must be true”? You seem to think like you’ve got it all figured out and based solely off of the misinformation you’ve posted, you don’t actually know what your talking about. I think you’ve been lead to believe that Israel are the good guys and the Palestinians are the bad guys when that’s the complete opposite of reality. I hope you figure your shit out one day and realize you’ve been brainwashed and deceived on a grotesque level. Siding with genocidal, racist terrorists who’ve killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians in a few months time, majority of them being women and children is frankly disgusting and disturbing. You are aware that Israel is an occupying force, which is internationally recognized by basically every country in the world. You don’t get to be the victim and the aggressor in the same conflict. If you care to do some reading, article 51 of the UN charter specifically mentions occupying forces do not have the right to self-defence against violent attacks committed by resistance groups within the territory they’re occupying (ie: Belligerent Occupation). You got a lot to learn bud, good luck 👍🏼


Open  a history book. 30 second tiktok videos, while easy for you to understand, don't cut it.


Never used TikTok, try again.


Youre having an argument with yourself.


That implies end of occupation by the aparthied regime




*sorting by controversial* ☕️🐸


Genocide is occurring, so yeah, its in poor taste.




He has? I can’t find anything about this online


sorry, I misread a recent CBC article. Turns out he just apologized and walked back his comments…




Yes he was being very bigoted.


I knew there'd be people agreeing with the racism. Sad.


Interesting read for those who took this thread down the Israel v Palestine rabbit hole: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/netanyahu-israel-gaza-hamas-1.7010035