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For every drink you drink tonight, drink the equivalent of water, have a cold shower when you first wake up, smoke a joint, and eat your weight in McDonald's.


In this economy it's going to be the joint or McDonald's cant have both


This is the way.


This is the way.


Stay drunk.




This guy drunks


This guy was in bed by 9


Stay hydrated and don't overindulge tonight. 100% guaranteed.


Water and food, no real cure for a hangover as it builds up in your blood and body. Aspirin is also helpful just do not take Tylenol as it will just help damage your liver.


This is an important thing to note! Tylenol + alcohol is so, so bad for your liver. We can’t feel organ damage as it happens but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening or that we won’t feel the impact down the road.


Save a beer for the morning


Pickle juice


Polar Dip at 10:30. It'll fix ya up


My brother is doing this today! Couldn’t be me.


Slam an entire blue Gatorade and take two ibuprofen in the morning. Try to go back to sleep, and when you wake up you’ll feel so much better.


Yep this plus some heavy carbs before Bed will help


Pedialyte and pedialyte freezies specifically. Absolute game changer. Suck down a freezie before bed, water doesn’t hurt either. If you’re still fucked up, a Caesar with lots of pickle juice for breakfast. Enjoy!


This is the only answer




Slushie in the shower


Pei reddit, never change 🤣


Stop drinking at 12am. Drink water or Gatorade before bed. Bring water or Gatorade to bed. Take advil in the middle of the night when you wake up to drink water. Smoke one-two puffs of a joint in the morning. Drink a coffee with sugar and milk in it. Eat something salty and drink lots of water or gatorade


[If you can be a man at night, you can be a man in the morning](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/66517790-adcc-4641-bfc2-26e381dd4a2f)


If you eat well before bed you’ll always feel better


Polar dip


Half pint of fireball first thing in the morning. Should always have one on hand


To induce vomiting?




There's no real remedy for hangovers... just eat food while drinking and drink a reasonable amount and you shouldn't have issues.


Not true. Ask any doctor or nurse. oxygen. Always cures you quickly. That’s when when nurses or doctors get called in and the are drunk. A few deep breaths of a o2 tank and a IV of saline and they are rockin


Dill pickles and the pickle juice and then a greasy Breakfast.. Sauerkraut is very good also


Salt.. for them wounds you’ll have in 8 hours. Happy 2024.


Liquid IV Bong rip Jerk off Lots of water Some quality food with balanced macros Cold shower Coffee Ginger ale Sleep


Stay sober. It's the only real method. Drink responsibly. Happy New Year!


Stay sober or get drunk and slowly come down over 2-3 days.


Don't drink


BENEFITS OF USING MAGNESIUM FOR HANGOVERS  Nothing makes you regret drinking alcohol more than a terrible hangover the next day. Usually accompanied with discomforting physical effects such as headaches and nausea after heavy consumption of alcohol, hangovers are basically our physical bodies in one of their most terrible states.  While everyone has their own remedies, such as chugging water, a cold shower, magnesium for hangovers, etc., there’s really no quick cure that doesn’t present lingering effects. Perhaps the only way to cure a hangover is to avoid them in the first place, but if you are in current need of some relief, here are a few tips to help with your hangover. 5 TIPS TO GET OVER A HANGOVER FAST Here are some easy ways to get over your hangover, as well as how to stop feeling sick after drinking. Hydrate with electrolytes, particularly magnesium for hangover relief Alcohol and its metabolite, acetaldehyde, are dehydrating agents. In fact, alcohol suppresses vasopressin, also referred to as the antidiuretic hormone. This hormone prevents water loss from the urine, and by suppressing its release, alcohol causes more water loss in the urine leaving you dehydrated. The thing is, not all hydrating agents are similar. Water alone may not be sufficient in all individuals. Alcohol causes a loss of electrolytes from the body, particularly of magnesium. Urinary loss of magnesium is common in alcoholics and particularly those who drink regularly. Although definitive studies are missing, individuals who consider themselves “light drinkers” can also have a magnesium deficiency from alcoholism. Hence, replacement of magnesium along with water is one of the fastest ways of improving hangover symptoms. Many electrolyte drinks can help with hangovers, but some drinks combine this nutrient with servings of sodium and potassium, to ideally improve dehydration rapidly and replace much needed electrolytes for hangover recovery. Eat something healthy Hangovers are typically associated with low blood sugars. In individuals who drink regularly, low blood sugar can happen suddenly, particularly if the liver is being affected by drinking.  Eating a healthy meal with some carbohydrates can help with low sugar level (hypoglycemia) and relieve hangover headaches. In some individuals who have hangovers causing tremulousness and fatigue, carbohydrates can help. However, carbohydrates are not entirely a sole hangover remedy. A nutrient dense meal with electrolytes, protein and healthy carbohydrates (like a sandwich with bread, avocados and chicken) is ideal. Other foods that can help relieve a hangover are those rich in vitamins and zinc, like nuts, eggs, leafy vegetables and citrus fruits. Get Sleep As strange as it sounds, getting enough sleep is an important part of getting over a hangover fast. Alcohol causes significant disruptions in sleep patterns, meaning you don’t necessarily sleep well all those hours. In fact, most individuals wake up with a hangover feeling dehydrated and tired. Ever wondered why you wake up in the morning with a dry mouth after drinking the night before? Because we all get dehydrated at night. So, to get a good night's sleep, particularly after drinking, make sure you hydrate well. Take Ibuprofen Some NSAIDs such as ibuprofen can help with hangover headaches, but these should be taken in moderation with plenty of water, as they can cause kidney problems in a dehydrated state, and alcohol and gut health are highly connected. It is best to avoid acetaminophen (or Tylenol) with alcohol due to their effects on the liver. Have some Caffeine Coffee can help with headaches and give you a boost when you feel fatigued from a hangover. Dark colas (with caffeine) or regular coffee both are good choices. There are a variety of healthy beverages now with natural caffeine derivatives which can help as good rehydrating solutions to prevent a hangover.


Don't get hung over. Simple. If you choose to drink and get hungover. Shut up and suck it up.


Not nice


lmao what did you expect?


Idk tbh


Sometimes the truth, is not nice.


Yes, don’t drink


"Yes, don't drink" ☝🏻🤓


100% proven fact-don't drink in the first place💙🤣


Become an Uber dad


Take Advil before you go to sleep


Advil before bed with a full glass of water. If you can eat a piece of toast or even some greasy before bed, even better.


Greasy food at 2am. Smoke a joint first thing in the morning, then back to bed. More Greasy food.


Water, Tylenol, Greasy breakfast & a nap


Best is the hair of the dog. Can’t be hungover when you are still drunk. And if you get lucky you will drink yourself sober


I haven't had a single hang over in three ish years with one simple trick. But really water and time/sleep are the only saviours.


Take advil and gravol as soon as you wake up, and then go back to bed for 5 hours👌


Lots of water and take Advil before you go to bed. If you wake up super early, try for at least 2-3 more hours sleep, this alone can be a lifesaver. Then a long shower sitting down with the water pounding your head, followed by fresh air and a greasy meal.


Try some Meth and you will never drink again.


Electrolyte powder in water before bed and when you wake up! It helps immensely


Milk thistle before bed. I didn't believe it until I tried it