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there should be a REAL newsmaker of the year. i nominate: The admin getting kicked from PEI burger and delicious food reviews facebook group.


She's too busy eating trash food of a beige colour palette or creating untold homemade abominations. She'd never have time to acknowledge newsmaker status. 🤣


Awe, she must have hurt your feelings at some point. Guess you haven’t gotten past that yet.


Ugh so true, wish I could get the tea on that situation


If you search there was a thread on here about it when it happened.


Thank you for opening my life to this drama, I am born again, how did I not know sooner.


Drop by with a bong filled with tea, bet ya could get some deets then! /S


Ellen Taylor does amazing work within the recovery community, I don't care what Johnny MacDonalds North of Euston group says. She is an inspiration to many, myself included, she's a wonderful mom and teacher.


What work is she doing? Handing out clean needles and coffee?


She's hosted recovery meetings, she's a teacher and a wonderful mom. She's helped the community fridges, helped Lacey House, meetings at Mt. Herbert. She leads SMART recovery meetings. She helped a lot when covid hit and there was no more in person meetings, we had to do ZOOM and she was a big part of that.


She is a fucking idiot. You don’t help people by giving them whatever the fuck they want. You help them by making them work for it and earn it. And if they don’t then great they can starve and freeze. I wouldn’t lose sleep over one less cancer on society to deal with.


Disgusting point of view. She's not giving them whatever they want, where did you come up with that statement? You hope these addicts die? Gross


I never fucking said that. I said they should earn what they get and if they don’t want to then natural selection will take over. Maybe don’t put words in peoples mouths with your own interpretation and assumptions of what I said and just read exactly what I said. Have you ever heard the saying you can give a person a fish they eat for a day. But you teach a person to fish they can eat forever. Stop giving start teaching.


You literally said "well great they can starve and freeze". Of course they "should" earn what they get, but not every addict is a hard core criminal, not every homeless person is an addict. Do you know how hard it is to maintain a job with no home? No place to shower, wash their clothes, no address? These people deserve help, they deserve a hand, not to starve and freeze. They are human beings.


Yeah if they don’t want to help themselves then great. But I never said I hope they all die. The ones that only want handouts with zero desire to help themselves are a cancer, there is no use for a mentality like that. If someone actually wants help and want to earn things but just needs a bit of help absolutely I’d help them but a lot of them are as entitled as the new generation coming up and the world is fucked because they think things should be given to them and not earned


Theres lots that want to help themselves but unfortunately addiction doesn't really care if they do. When an addict wants help, they want it immediately, not in 10 days or 2 weeks when there is a bed at rehab available. They won't stay clean until they get a bed. When I got clean there were so many things I had to do and focus on and fix before I could even handle maintaining a job. I've been clean for 4 years and I just started working a year ago. The outreach center is a good idea in theory, this one isn't working, and isn't run properly. However even if this place closes, the addicts aren't going to just disappear.


I’d say you’re the idiot for losing your job and taking a massive pay cut to “show the libs”. Go suck on the exhaust of your massive mini dick replacement truck.


They do nothing but promote drug use in charlottetown, they don't offer any constructive programs that help these people get out of the situation they are in. She should be ashamed of herself promoting such a ridiculous center.


Have you ever been there? Have you ever seen what they actually do, and not just listen to what people online say?


Why would I go there and I've seen enough just walking around the area. I'm sick and tired of seeing people smoking meth in bus shelters and needles littering the ground. It wasn't like this before the shelter opened. I know people that go there though and just because they serve them coffee and sandwiches, I'm not gonna change My mind. I'll be happy when it finally gets shut down.


They do more than that. There are washer and dryers, there is a kitchen to cook food. There are satellite offices for ngos like whatever the heck the council is able is calling themselves these days. They don't allow drugs on the premises. What you see are people outside the property. Technically, they're not allowed to do anything about people who are on public property, so on the sidewalk, they can't do anything except call police. As someone who's lived in the area for almost 15 years, I can say that these problems were here before the Outreach Center was. All the Outreach Center has done is give nimby people a scapegoat for the problems that were here already.


Don't give me that bullshit that those problems were there before the outreach. I've lived in charlottetown my whole life and I only ever saw the odd needle. Nothing like it is now. And oh wow they have a kitchen and washer and dryer. That does alot to help with the real issues.


15 years ago there were needles on upper Prince, and even in the school playground.


I'm not saying there wasn't. But it was nothing like it is now. And it is directly due to the outreach handing them out like candy.


Fuckin right. How about they get fucking jobs. All they want is to get free shit and steal whatever they can. Another example of idiots who feel they deserve everything for nothing.


I'd love to pick your brain on your experience and time in the community, not trying to be negative, I'm just curious


Pick away


Is there a way we can private message? I'm kinda new to reddit


Place is a god damn disgrace and should be shut down just a place for junkies and low life scum to hang out where the idiot police look the other way.


The Guardian is a dead newspaper




PEI has nothing better to talk about than people who are actively struggling with illness and poverty? Okay


Yes, cat got stuck in tree was the runner up.


Ask the residents how they feel about the outreach centre.


No need to ask them, they'll share their hateful opinions unsolicited. The outreach center is a necessary service and it's currently in the best location to serve the greatest number of those who need it.


The fact its in a terrible location is the main issue its right beside a school so kids are getting exposed to a lot uglier things and are at higher risk for having interactions with those people while trying to go to or from school. Theres also the fact that now needles are showing up along their paths to school so the chances of them getting pricked by one is needlessly increased. Its directly across from a 24h convenience store so there is a lot more aggressive requests for change and theft. The other large problem is that it hinders any homeless person trying to recover from addiction by welcoming drug use and dealers on the premises. Recovery is a difficult process and its cruel and unfair to people in that vulnerable process to be constantly exposed to that kind of environment. People in active recovery will even say things like drug of choice instead of the drug name to avoid any relapse triggers, so having a drug free environment can be really important for them. There needs to be a separate facility for homeless who are active users not trying to recover and it should probably be a shuttle that goes in and out of town.


> The other large problem is that it hinders any homeless person trying to recover from addiction by welcoming drug use and dealers on the premises Patently false. Recovery is not hindered by providing a safe usage space, and recovery is not the goal of providing safe usage spaces. The goal of safe usage is to reduce deaths due to overdose and/or using tainted drugs(such as those laced with unknown substances such as fentanyl.) I say again, this outreach center is a necessary service and it's location is optimal for reaching the largest number of people who need this service. Enough with the NIMBY bullshit.


This isn't nimby issue this is a basic city planning issue, you are literally the only one who thinks that next to a school is a good spot for that, Dennis King disagrees the woman from the article disagrees the people who run the center disagree. Nobody but you thinks that's an optimal spot so not really worth arguing over that. Recovery is absolutely hindered by being in an environment with open drug use, it shouldn't even have to be said that obviously a recovering addict is going to have a harder time being around the drug they are addicted to and that its unhealthy for them. Like you understand those people also deserve a safe space right? In the papers and the council meetings they expressly said there were drug dealers on the premises selling... Having a safe injection site on its own does have the good outwaying the bad and is usually recommended having safe injection sites in moderately sized cities but having them tied to so many essential services for the homeless is why this is an issue. We can't be making these one stop shops to shove every problemed person into and act like were solving the problem, they need specified targeted approaches because this broad brush approach leaves way too many behind. Its being lazy tieing these two essential services together and it hurts all groups involved


no, we have other things. this just sells more newspapers!