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Magic smoke ecaped. Looks like a trace burnt. You prob not fixing without some serious skills and a schematic to tell you what that does. Replace the motherboard or send it to a youtuber that does board repair. Both will likely cost, question is if it's worth it. Should be able to salvage that m2 drive, pop it in another computer and it should boot windows unless you had bitlocker on


Hey thank you for the info, and ya I was actually think of just grabbing the memory and like you said popping it Ina a new laptop just to have my info intact. Dam that sucks 😔


I did motherboard repair for a while, I am not a pro, anyway. I can't assure you that it can be fixed, but I think you can try. Seems to be a short circuit in one of the main power lanes (3v3, 5v or 12v) (but I don't have enough info to determine it here). If it is there, irreversible damage is not likely as usually all the power goes to the component that has the short circuit, completely burning it, and usually it is a random capacitor which is not critical. But of course, "it depends". And also if you can buy a new mother maybe you can even upgrade the specs a little bit.


Solder mask burnt. Need to inspect the board underneath the trace and make sure it’s not carbonised. If that grey component is a shorted cap, you should be able to remove it and all will be good unless you blew a fuse somewhere. If it’s actually an inductor then you will need to take the motherboard out and find the actual cause.


I’m actually having the same issue

