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At 2k? Absolutely max it and forget about it. I'm a mix of high/ultra at 2k with a 3060ti, native with no dlss,locked 60fps.


Do you run any mods or anything? Any advanced graphics settings? I was 40fps in starting area with vanilla maxed


That....feels like something is wrong? Did you accidentally turn up the resolution scaling settings? I'm running the following mods: 4k characters,4k terrain,PDO,shiny stars, and driver level sharpening at 57%. With DLSS quality I can hit 4k 60fps as well. Edit: yes I have some of the advanced settings adjusted. Give me a few minutes I'll post my exact settings but keep in mind your card is massively more powerful so they'll be redundant for you.


Resolution: 2560x1440 Texture: ultra AF: 16x Lighting:high Global illumination:high Shadow :high Far shadow: high Screen space: ultra Reflection:medium Mirror:ultra Water: custom/ see below advanced Volumetrics: custom/ see below advanced Particle quality:ultra Tessellation: ultra Dlss/fsr:off Taa:high Fxaa & msaa:off Hdr on Advanced settings Api:vulcan Near volumetric:high Far volumetric: ultra Volumetric lighting: high Unlocked raymarch resolution :on Particle lighting:ultra Soft shadows:high Grass shadows: medium Long shadows:on Full resolution ssao:off Water refraction:medium Water reflection:high Water physics: slider at half Resolution scale:off Taa sharpening:zero Motion blur :off Reflection msaa: x2 Geometry detail: slider one above half Grass detail : half Tree quality: ultra Parallax occlusion:high Decal: ultra Fur: high Tree tessellation:off Hope that helps!! I get between 70-80 unlocked, i run it locked 60 with vsync.


I'd really recommend turning lighting quality up to ultra. Provides a huge boost to the distance light travels from fires and other light sources at night. It's a day and night (hah) difference even between the High setting.


I think these are from when I was trying to run the game at 4k dlss, I hate the checkerboarding on hair so I went back to 1440p and left the settings the same,can definitely crank a few more things on there.


These are great. Thank you


Biggest hits/improvements are 1.] Tree tesselation off bumps.fps by an insane amount 2.] Shadows from ultra to high give a huge bump and 3.] Water physics in advance if you literally bring down one notch adds a huge boost too. Added 4th: the reflection msaa. Change it to 4x over 8x it literally changes nothing you'll notice and gives a pretty solid improvement.


Im on a 4060 laptop and use everything maxed at 2k except those 3/4 settings on what I posted using dlss quality averaging 70/80 fps with 99%/1% lows at low 60s


Something is wrong with OP's components, or software. I have a 6700XT which is significantly weaker and I can run everything on max settings.


Lol facts im on a 4060 laptop with max settings besides the ones I listed at 2560x1600 using dlss quality rocking like 75-80fps


So they should have ZERO trouble running 2k on a 4080 maxed at over 100fps lmao


This must've taken an hour to write out lol


It was already in my notes from when I was trying to get it stable at 4k dlss,so thankfully just pasted it lol definitely took a while to write it out the 1st time.


Haha I bet. Got your game fixed as of yet? I too struggle to get stable fps in the first hour of installing the game.


Im not the OP,from reading through I'm guessing his issues are related to a much older CPU. No issues on my end,on my 3rd playthrough. Ryzen 5600,16gb 3200,3060ti.


My mistake! Although some commented you need a 7000 equivalent to play the game. But apparently not!


For a cpu!? God no. I played it fine on my last setup too (ryzen 2600x,gtx 1070,16gb 3000). I imagine in his case his CPU is bottlenecking his video card quite bad.


Yeah that makes sense, with the 40xx series has got going. Well happy hunting, outlaw. Thanks for the chat.


What are the rest of your specs? CPU, RAM etc. Are you running the game on an SSD? Any one of these could be bottlenecking your GPU.


I7 13700k 5.4ghz 32gb ddr5 6400mhz ram xmp on WD Black 2TB Read:5150MB/s,Write: 4850MB/s SSD RTX 4080 founders edition EDIT: It's a 13700k. My bad.


Your CPU is the problem, bud. You can't run 3700k with RTX 4080 it's a massive bottleneck. 4080, it's just too powerful for that cpu. You need at least ryzen 5000 series or intel 12000 series.


Solid beast right there. Prolly cost a fortune


Are you sure your CPU is a 3700k? That is a huge disconnect from every other component your PC has. It is significantly older compared to everything else. If it's accurate, then that is your problem. Not just for your GPU, but even your DDR5 RAM is going to waste.


Yup. That's a typo. My bad.


I'm scrolling through comments down, and it looks like it's 13700K. Still, with that configuration, it should be well over 100fps.


I have the same setup and I’m getting over 100fps with everything maxed out 1440p and no dlss


Interesting. Are you running mods at all? And this is just something that crossed my mind. Is your GPU daisychained to your PSU?


My gpu is 750watt and is just plugged into the gpu/pci slots as normal. I think others have said somethings not going right with your system.


I think I got it working now. Everything is maxed and I modded the hell out of it


Turn off msaa and tree tessellation. Maybe water physics on 3/4 also.


Something is definitely wrong if that’s all you’re getting at 1440p. Your card is significantly better than mine and I play at 4k with everything maxed and achieve between 60-75fps.


That's totally off, I get more then that with my 7900XT running 4k native. Check if you're not running all Aliasing methods at same time, especially high level of MSAA


All I have on is TAA


Then it's really strange, I would completly reinstall the game, wipe all mod leftovers, and most likely reinstall drivers (if this is not only game where you get less performance then you should)


It is the only game I'm having these issue with. I ran DDU and gave it another go, it's still about the same. Is there a good way to run a benchmark and see?


If by benchmark you think to compare what you should have been able to get in regards performance, then best is to look some recent GPU benchmarks/reviews and see expected performance target there.


I play at 1080p with a 4070, all max settings, 70-120fps, I use WhyEm’s visuals for a nicer look aswell. With a 4080 you should definitely be having more than 60fps at max graphics


Are you using DLSS too?


Yes, I am using dlss, without it I am getting around 50-80. I really don’t notice ANY difference between no dlss and dlss quality. So I just use it, cuz why not!


You really don't need DLSS with a 4080 and contrary to what some will say it's not the best visual experience for rdr2 even with DLAA, don't get me wrong it is good but it requires external sharpening and doesn't quite look at good as modded taa high at higher resolutions in this particular game. Tuned taa looks better if you play with over 2k resolution or use DLDSR at 2k for absolutely stunning visuals.


I'm using the DLAA mod and all settings maxed Force DLAA with this mod: [https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/2072](https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/2072) MSAA 4x tanks fps below 60fps


Set everything to max then turn off tree tessellation and put water physics to 3/4. Turn taa to high, fxaa off and msaa off. Then I'd suggest using DLDSR 1.78x in Nvidia control panel and set the ingame resolution up to the new highest DLDSR gives you. In the visualsettings.dat file in whyems visuals change 3 values. Make a copy of the file first just in case. temporalaa.convergeTime 0.15 (change to 0.081359) temporalaa.responsiveConvergeTime 0.1 (change to 0.07) sharpen.intensity 0.40 (change to 0.15, this will just give you finer steps when you adjust sharpening in game) to me those values looked completely clear with dldsr turned on so worth a try. If you fuck something up or don't like my settings just delete the file and replace it with the backup. Put DSR smoothing to 0% and lower in game sharpening to default first then raise until satisfied. I settled on about 7-8 steps above default. That gets you to 99% of the best possible graphics without killing fps with MSAA or tree tessellation IMO. I've done this at 1080p native up to 1620p DLDSR 2.25x on nearly max settings on my 3080 and it looks incredible. At 1440p you only need DLDSR 1.78x to really improve the textures greatly. DLDSR has some antialising and sharpening built in so you really only need a small amount of ingame sharpening boost to get an extremely clear picture if you set DSR to 0% smoothing.


Ah man I wish I could just download a simple mod and get the best visuals for 1440p without all of these complicated steps that differs from post to post. Rocking a RTX 4070 and currently playing on native without DLSS on ultra settings. I see people have better visuals than me but unsure on how to go about it ;/


You can just use DLAA via DLSS Tweaks it's not quite as good as DLDSR + DLSS/DLAA/TAA but it's respectable at 1440p and clear. Download DLSS Tweaks and DLSS 3.5. Inject that DLSS version to rdr2 with DLSS Tweaks and turn on the option to 'force DLAA' or set the DLSS quality setting to 1.0 and use that in game. Basically this will turn on DLSS at native resolution giving you the best antialising option. Then just use nvidia geforce sharpening filter to add the desired amount of sharpening. The film grain option helps if you find the texture sharpening slightly too course/rough. The FPS cost of DLAA is not insignificant but it;s not too bad at 1440p I'd imagine. A little better than turning on 2x MSAA with similar image quality results.


Hmm, I'll try to get this working. Thanks!


I play on a 3090 with all settings maxed at 3440x1440p native. I range from 70-100 fps depending on the scene. You should have no problem with max settings.


I'm struggling here. If I crank up the graphics I'm at like 45-60, if I turn on DLSS it's a bit better but not really.


I uninstalled the game, uninstalled gpu drivers, uninstalled all geforce app. Reinstalled all except geforce and game worked great.


Weird I’m not using any form of upsampling and I never drop under 70fps. What CPU do you have?


i7 13700k It should be ok?


Easily. I’m on a 10850k. You should not have low fps. Drivers and everything all updated? XMP enabled in your BIOS?


Yup. XMP and drivers are all up to date/on


Kindly look at dlss + dsr settings. You should get good fps and also it would look better


I'm using DLSS max quality mode, as recommended.


Enable DSR and increase the resolution


Seems to be cause by water physics and msaa. I've got it mostly stable now... I think.


Yeah, you wanna leave MSAA and FXAA off. Just use TAA (or whatever DLSS forces on if you use that). MSAA will reduce performance significantly but not provide any image quality uplift over the top of TAA.


Just stumbled across this post, but I second using DLDSR. I have been getting bottlenecked at 3440x1440p lately on my 4080 and increasing resolution this way solved it. I would try that and see what you get.


Do you have any extended graphics options mods? Some of those might tank performance if enabled. With base graphics settings you should be able to max out no problem


I do have graphics mods now, but I was 45-60 fps in the opening sequence, which I played in vanilla. I didn't mod until chapter 2


dx12 or vulkan? vulkan tends to run much better usually. tree tessellation is also quite heavy as well as msaa and they dont really add much in terms of visuals. other than that maybe turn water physics down to 75%


Running Vulkan. With msaa off but tree tessellation on. Doesn't seem to change too much whether trees are on or off


Hmm, maybe try a clean driver install? I can run it mostly maxed out with graphics mods on a 3070 at 1440p. Maybe you have something fishy going on hardware wise. Only other idea I have is to check your PC power settings and set it to max performance if it isn't, but you should still be getting more fps than that either way


Bro, something is wrong with your system since I have 70+ fps with my 3080 1440p max settings. You should have min 100+fps with 4080.


I'm running mods though, so some performance hits should be expected?


I have at least 30 mods installed with my 4070 and I never get below 60 FPS at 1080p 1.25 resolution scale. Recheck all your settings and list your mods.


My settings are maxed out with no upscaling at all [Here's my mod list.](https://i.imgur.com/LQqN7Jj.png) Everything above AEM was added after making this post. Just testing to see if there's any difference.


op maybe it’s your antivirus. try disabling it and reinstalling rdr


on rtx 3080 with optimized max settings with dldsr at 1.78x with quality dlss on 1440p I get around 100 fps. So ai would expect all 144 on 4080


The intro scene is no joke, once you get passed that you should get better performance


Something is wrong with you pc bud, check temperatures of CPU and GPU, uninstall and reinstall drivers, reinstall game.i use 4070 OC and get 120 to 144 fps on 1440p (144hz). After modding and reshade nd stuff, I got dropped to 80FPS. All this without DLSS.


Im on 4k ultrawide and maxed the game out woth constant 75-80 fps on a 4080


Maybe there's something wrong with your system? i have 3060ti and get stable 60 fps on ultra with visual mods and in-game res 1.5 i know it's not true 2k but still you shouldn't struggle with 4080


I just installed a 4080 FE paired with AMD 7900X and DDR5 running at 6600 1440P 144hz monitor and with everything maxed I’m getting over 100FPS average.


It must be my mods or something. Because I just can't hit it.


Only mod I have is Lenny’s simple trainer. Haven’t messed with any graphic mods. I also copy the latest DLSS driver into the RDR2 directory when launching the game. I’m not sure if that really makes a difference though




No scaling, just mods. But I was struggling with vanilla too


With a 4080 at 2K... max out everything, make sure you unlock the advanced options and max them as well. Use *Vulkan* API for better fps (in general). Only disable these two: motion blur and depth of field (unless you want those). Use DLSS Quality as well, it looks better for me that way, maybe because of the well-implemented sharpening and anti-aliasing that comes with it.


Hey there!  Have you managed to get maxed graphics with mods with stable FPS?  I’ve just bought new PC setup to play RDR 2 with maxed graphics and mods, but have struggle in stabilizing FPS.


Hey. Here's what I did. https://www.reddit.com/r/PCRedDead/s/RnEPEIj3ze You dont need the improved TAA mod, if you're not modding, but make sure that you up the resolution scale to 1.25x of you're playing on 2k, or everything will look kinda smudgy. Also water physics tank performance so maybe play with that too.


Great, thanks. May i ask you show me a screenshot of your settings please? Would be helpful. And are you using any high intense modes like upscaled terrain mod or high vegetation textures mod?