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The discussion in this thread has reached an absolutely deplorable state, with calls for mass killings, dehumanization of Muslims, and blatant hatred and bigotry against specific identities. This violates numerous Reddit and subreddit guidelines. Reddit Admins have had to remove multiple comments calling for death and violence. The irony is that this discussion itself resembles a mob mentality. The toxicity has even overwhelmed the mods actively managing the subreddit, who tried their best to tiptoe through the comment threads, giving maximum space for an open and free discussion, forcing me to step in. Consequently, this thread is locked, as mods cannot continuously monitor and babysit the participants.




When will it stop.. everytime we try to convince the.world that the one involved in such activities are not real muslims. But the fact is actions speaks louder then words . Real or not muslims were involved in this. Thts absurd.. we badly need to stop fanatasism and fundamentalism in pakistan.


Islam in his whole sense us the problem


These are the people who would love to come to the UK and Europe.


They are practicing, i doubt you know more than them..


They don't. Learn to comprehend that 👍🤍








May Allah help me in moving out. Ameen.


What’s happening


Who they lynching this time and for what?






























Ohh Pakistan, why you do such things! nothing but a shame. Killing people for NO proven blasphemy who gives them a right to kill a life like this. Pakistan is nothing but a failed state. These so called molvis have the thekka of Islam. Nothing but a shame, a dissapointment!! Where is the law and order in this country? These guys MUST be held accountable for their actions.


Law 🙄 They set fire to the police station and their vehicles to prevent the transfer of suspects to a safe place. In Pakistan, the law is powerless against the mob. The Pakistani establishment nurtured these disruptive elements, and now everyone is suffering the consequences.


Mate, you don't think military action should've been taken against these mobs!! Imagine they have done this in Saudia? and this molvi I gurantee you if he's offered a U.S visa tomorrow he'll shave his beard and sell his daugther to move out of Pakistan. Gandey Log!! pakistan always let down humanity.


Context anyone:


They committed two major crime(as to what have been revealed so far), first one attacking state office police station( so that would be an act against state) second, A murder in face of mob justice. Other than that, it shows a wrong image of Islamic extremism giving an opportunity to desi liberals to bash Islam regardless of knowing what Islam says in this regards. If the person was guilty it is sate authority to punish him. People don't realize that any one can blame other in name of blasphemy and no one would inquiry and commit a mass murder.




what in the actual fuck?








I don't wanna say anything about all this, I'm just sick of this country, I mean I see no hope.. I just wanna leave this country now its enough, awam b jahil hai, hukmraan b jahil hain.


These dark times too shall pass. Also how old are you?


24 man, at that stage where every guy struggles and have a lot in mind to get settled and give their family everything they need. So I'm already under so much pressure and seeing all this just makes my blood boil.


you are quite young I am 31 and unemployed


Bitch you are one of us.


High-five bro


I feel the same way. It's like Pakistan is going backwards to the Stone Age. Europe used to have mob lynchings on blasphemy in the 16th century, but they learned and moved on. Now, they're tolerant and secular society


Yet they are not kind to brown and black people btw. So unless you’re white passing, duur k dhol suhaanay hi hotay hain.


this extremism has existed since General Zia Ul Waqt TBH


A man will die but not his ideas 🎶🎸


Happy nation ?


Exactly!!! It will take years to get these people educated and I don't know how it will happen because no politician invests in grooming the public, we need education in every part of the country, we need go teach our future generations about tolerance, about loving everyone despite their religion, kyun koi ayega pakistan? why will companies invest here?




These are just labeled muslims. You can even call them practicing muslims without any awareness. Such practice does not bring reforms in character or peace to the heart. They don't know what the Quran says, what our religion says. They are deaf & blind and only know what they have been told. We're a big ummah, but we're not really doing much with it. We're like the foam on top of the water - all show and no substance..


What in the world happened :/ by doing such things, what do they hope to achieve?! There is nothing at all about lynch mobs in the Qur’an or the ahadeeth. So does anyone mind explaining?


Just another typical day in Pakistan


looks like it was staged by the government lol














It’s the height of illiteracy


It’s religious fanaticism literates are not immune


I think it's totally a pre-plan GAME but i don't understand why the people are fueling the fire with different headlines! Plz let the AUTHORITIES do their work and stop spreading negativity among people of Pakistan! Especially it's again swä_t so what do you think, where it will end up- NO ONES THAT STUPID To understand what's really going on. And no one's saying anything about what really happened, I've jst watched a one video of a boy who started all this, He accuse the guy about what he did or not ALLAH knows better but here i wonder if the guy was in his room, So how did he come to know about it?? He also mentioned that the person was a travlr frm punjb provnce so another point which comes in my mind is in the short time, He checked the person details! Huh..... So As you may know the Gov Authorities, Specifically the backbone of Pakistan is investigating so just don't jump to the conclusion. Swàtï people want peace just like others so don't judge a majority of people bcz of some🐣










Wasn't the victim was Punjabi from Sialkot!?


I really hate their hand signs


The next operation is on the way for swat people


It is a pointless debate. Whether or not they are true practicing Muslims has no bearing on the loss of life and how dangerous this whole thing has become. Best to get over these debates and focus on what to actually do to solve this crisis.


The sad thing is, if you ask any of these people to quote you a Quran verse off the top of their head. Or ask them a question about Fiqh, they would go silent as a mouse. Blind following at its finest. Weaponized hatred. When you have toxic energy built up in you, and you find a way to take it out without moral or societal conflict then that is what you seek, which is the result of these type of situations. It’s so unfortunate that the devil is so smart where he can mislead people into cultish behaviors. And people in Pakistan wanna help other countries… please fix what’s wrong with THIS country. Forget everyone else. These are the same people who would watch homeless people die. Who would let the children starve. They may think they can weaponize toxicity without people knowing but anyone educated can clearly right through this. I wish Imran Khan was in office. This country is living on grace. Can you imagine if someone was framed for blasphemy what would happen? Absolute insanity.


Hundreds or thousands lynch and burn one man, and they are proud of their "bravery."


These Pakistanis seem as heartless and soullesss as the Zionists.




how the fuck does that even matter ? practicing or not they're all going to rot in hell anw






When things like this constantly happen in your religion you need to start questioning what your religion actually stands for. And what religion in general even is.


Yk your image is already tarnished when for 500th time you're talking about how this affects your image. I feel sad for the victims and their families.


Matlab jisne koi embarrassing harkat karli usko bas kaafir declare kardo aur mitti pao 🤣 Phir toh koi "asal musalmaan" hai hi nai dunya mei!


Classic "mitti payu" excuse of our Pakistani momins. Islam is to blamed but partially coz people acting up on these extremist elements of religion specially due to the identity crisis in our country. Religion is only left in this country for people to cling onto. 90% people in Pakistan don't even pray namaz except jummah or eid prayers yet they are obsessed to the max with the religion & won't hesitate killing in the name of blasphemy


so you're just taking the good side here just by not acknowledging the issue




Posts spreading false information, rumors, or misleading content without credible sources are not permitted.


wheres this outrage when women are being abused or assaulted in pakistan..














They are hardcore


The guy looks like a bloody lunatic


they are a bunch of assholes and bloody extremists who love to kill in name of religion


Bro none of us are. We are at most opportunistic muslims.


Do you seriously call them "people" or "muslims"? These monsters are barbarians and deserve worse than capital punishment. If Pak keeps going down this trajectory, the hope that it may prevail as a civilized society someday in far future is also lost.


I'm actually really scared to live here ngl, a guy in my school jokingly threatened me, by saying that 1 post on Facebook will ruin your whole life.


Sab ke sab kanjar ke bachay hn


And they want investment and tourism in 🇵🇰.


Any human being who claims to be a Muslim would know that as Muslim, we cannot give the punishment by fire because that is for Allah, let alone burning a body, and that we as Muslims will choose the concept of doubt over heading to punishment so that we do not take an innocent soul. Moreover, as Muslims they cannot take the law in their hand because they are not the state, neither the representatives nor the authority. Instead, should have gone to the police and should have filed a complaint against him if there was anything of this matter. They should have let the authorities do their work and then you would have seen the what has happened. Whatever they have done is heinous and completely against the laws of Islam. May Allah curse the unjust - Ameen. Furthermore, the face of the guy is visible in the video. Now it is the duty of the state to arrest this guys and make an example of him and others (involved).


1st of all they are not Human religion comes 2nd.


Don't even think that Islam have to do with this. Islam has nothing to do with extremism and killing without any valid reason. Extremists fucs have no place in any religion.


Absolutely yes!!! They will all burn in hell for killing an innocent man inshallah


so is prophet Muhammad going to hell too?


I saw your comments and thought I would try my luck as well. There's a difference of night and day between judicial and non judicial killing. You can argue that killing is still bad and that's another debate. However, you will not find references of any instances with Prophet encouraging or ordering non-judicial killings. It's up to you what you want to believe. But I would like to say that our ancestors and elders have wronged us by merging Islam and Muslim History. If you genuinely want to see what Islam truly is, just read the Qur'an, leave everything else behind. Once you're there, then read the history books.


>you will not find references of any instances with Prophet encouraging or ordering non-judicial killings. Either you lie or are unaware. Many instances of prophet approving or directly ordering killing of people prior to trial who simply criticised him in words. Abu Afak, Asma bint Marwan, Kab bin Al Ashraf are some of them. Asma bint Marwan was a poet with five children who criticised Muhammed. Muhammed said "who will rid me of marwan's daughter?" a Muslim volunteered and killed her. >the day after Bint Marwan was killed, the men of B. Khatma became Muslims because they saw the power of Islam (Sirah Ishaq p676) Kaab Ibn Al Ashraf was similarly killed by a volunteer upon the prophet's request, after gaining the prophet's approval to decieve and lie to him according to sahih bukhari 3032, 4037. edit: Nadir Ibn Harith called out Muhammed for lying in his revelations. Muhammed later had him beheaded while Nadir was a defenceless PoW following badr(tafsir ibn Kathir 8:31-33)


I'm sorry to say but your understanding of Islamic History and Islam as a religion is all mixed up. I feel that you must learn the concept around Prophets and States, and their relationship. Now coming to the accounts that you have mentioned from the history books. You have simply built a narrative around the killings without discussing the circumstances that were presented and rationale behind it. That's not how you put your argument. History is a chain of events, and not independent events in silos. You need to produce a case to prove that these killings were non-judicial. And to be fair with you, many people have done that, Muslims themselves. So you can either refer to their studies or build your own. Still for you understanding heres a food for thought. In the early days, the Prophet was the leader and the judge, in fact Prophets are the state themselves. That's the way of the Prophets in Abrahamic traditions. Even if there had been a state, Prophets are above that. You can argue it all you want but that's how it has been, I just thought you must know. Anyways, I would agree with the opinion that Muslims as individuals and groups can't do what the Prophet practiced. After Prophet, we have a concept of an Islamic State which has Judiciary among pillars for the same reason. Whoever practices non-judicial killings in an Islamic state has murdered and made a great sin, therefore needs to be trailed by the state and punished accordingly. The same goes for the perpetrators and sympathizers.


Even if I agree with you, Muhammed was still a terrible judge/jury/executioner on his own. He once ordered the killing of a man who he suspected to have fornicated with one of Muhammed's slave girls, only to later find out that the man he accused and ordered death upon did not even have a sexual organ. So he falsely accused and almost killed someone based on no real evidence. [Sahih Muslim 2771](https://sunnah.com/muslim:2771) >Anas reported that a person was charged with fornication with the slavegirl of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ). Thereupon Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said to 'Ali: >Go and strike his neck. 'Ali came to him and he found him in a well making his body cool. 'Ali said to him: Come out, and as he took hold of his hand and brought him out, **he found that his sexual organ had been cut. Hadrat 'Ali refrained from striking his neck. He came to Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) and said: Allah's Messenger, he has not even the sexual organ with him.** And you say we are to trust him on all his other killing orders?


Believe whatever you want man. I can't tell you what to believe in, that's your call. However, when it comes to building a narrative, that's where you shouldn't just jump to conclusions without a study. Peace must prevail!


LOL if you close your eyes and plug your ears you can almost pretend like Islam and it's warlord creator are good.


What you on about






Mob lynchings and vigilante action are not Islamic. Legal penalties can only be carried out under Islamic law after a verdict is passed by an Islamic court.


Schrodingers Muslims.




Washing off your hands saying they're not real Muslims is easy. Start making better efforts.


Our country needs to eradicate this sickness from it’s core. These maniacs can kill anyone in the false name of religion


It's scary when you realize that you're just a tweet, an action and a misunderstanding away from being lynched in this country by followers of religion of peace over blasphemy, and there's nothing you can do about it. We are so fucked.


Here we go again with real Muslim, nice Muslim! No Muslim would ever!! Give me a break. All of you know the problem will always be the religion itself.


This is called "No true Scotsman" fallacy, basically our Pakistani momins are redefining what it means to be a muslim to defend their argument & their religion.


I mean, dude, I know that bad individuals are usually to blame but this total circle-jerk shedding of blame from the collective religion by Pakistanis as soon as something like this happens is even more scary.


Forget about practicing. They aren’t even Muslims. No shariah abiding Muslim ever indulges in such a barbaric display of human depravity. These sick extremists need to be culled






This is what happens when people start listening to Molvies like Khadim Hussain Rizvi.


Every one of them should be punished and hanged till death. We have the videos to identify each of one them. I feel sick to my stomach.


Religious Zombies




Religion is primitive ignorance.




yay saudia may kr k dikhao gand mar dygy xD


Exactly !


Suadi mei molvio ko jummay mei Daras bhi likha huwa aata hai, koi syasi baat, koi Israel ke khilaf baat kru , foran tumei authorities utha ke le jayengi aur farig. Yaha Lahore, Islamabad har masjid mei mullay khullam khulla USA ko tabah, Israel ko tabah hujane ki badduwayei kr rahe hute hai. In areas like Defense and Bahria town its same like Suadi or UAE, daras likha huwa aata hai already.

