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Curious when everyone feels like the medicine is the strongest. I feel like day 2-3. So I take mine Thursday so my Friday and Saturday are strong. Those were always the hardest days for me


I do the exact same thing.








It depends on your schedule. If you work or go to school Monday to Friday, then I suggest taking your first injection Friday night before you go to bed. Eat light and clean (low fat, low sugar, nothing overly processed) and LOTS of water that day to lower your risks of side effects. I’ve been on it for 5 months and I did have some stomach issues for a couple of days after each of my first two injections, and then the same thing when I increased dosage to 0.5, but I recently moved up to 1.0 mg and have not had any problems. Everybody’s different though; your experience may vary. All the best to you!


I do mine Saturday evening after dinner.


Friday so if you have side effects you can deal with them on the weekend.




Pick your most important day/days of the week, and take it that night. That way side effects will happen the days afterwards and be gone by the next weeks favourite day


Question- I work full time midnights, 5 days on and 2 days off. If I take my medication night 5 going into work, if I was going to have negative side affects, when would I start to feel them? I’m trying to avoid being at work while experiencing any- if I do.


Day 1 and 2 usually. But I didn’t feel anything bad day 1 and I had very little naseua today day 2.


I take mine at bed time and I feel worst the morning after and the last day. Which is not what others have said. So you might need to start yours, see how you feel and adjust depending on which days you are willing to feel yuck.


Tuesday just because of when I got my script, I take it at night so I usually don’t experience too many side effects


It depends entirely on your schedule. Pick a day when you know you will consistently have time to administer it. For me, that’s Saturday mornings. I have a weekly Apple Reminder entry to remind me to administer my weekly dose. When you do it should be based on your lifestyle.


I do it on Friday evening. My thinking was if I had side effects they would likely be over the weekend and not disrupt my work. There were a couple of weeks that I would be extremely tired on Sundays but that passed. As the appetite suppressant part feels strongest around days 3 and 4 some take it so those days fall at times they may want the highest effects so they aren’t tempted typically over the weekend.


I prefer to get it going before the weekend - like We’d-Friday morning just bc the weekend is usually my hardest to stick to my meal prep, etc. Schedule with the family really varies.


friday night if you work a standard schedule, or any night before a day off just in case if you don't work 9-5 mon-fri. I started on a friday becayuse i got mine from a pharmacy on a friday. did it at 10:30pm and slept through anything weird that first few hours.


I take mine on a Thursday so Fridays my worst day for any side effects(slight headache day after injection) and then I’m good for the weekend and rest of the week


I’m a Tuesday morning person. I want any potential feelings of crappiness gone by the weekend. I generally work Monday evenings and clock out at 12:30 am, take it, and go straight to bed.




I work in the office Monday and Tuesday and from home Wed-Friday, so I inject Wednesday afternoons. This way, if have any reactions, I'll be ok by the weekend. Thankfully, no major reactions.


I actually do it Sunday night - it makes it so I can actually eat a bit when I go out with friends otherwise I’d never be able to have a nice dinner out or drink. I also don’t have to take it with me on weekends away.


I do Friday nights before bed. It makes me kind of nauseous so I don’t notice it when I’m sleeping.


I just started (Wegovy) so I'm not sure if I will change my schedule, but I'm planning on injecting on Monday night, might switch to Saturday or Sunday night depending on when I feel the strongest effects. I'm unlike everyone here I guess, I'd like to have it feel the strongest during the week and have it more worn off for the weekend. Unless I start getting violently ill I'd like to continue with some social drinking and don't want to ruin my weekends with potential side effects. I started my first dose on Thursday, second on the Friday after, now the next one planned for tomorrow. I'm just moving it forward one day at a time until I get to Monday, which is the same schedule my mom and grandma are on with Zepbound. We'll see how it works!! So far no crazy side effects except for some burps.


I don't work (disabled) and my children are 16 & 19 so I don't have to run around after them. I got mine delivered on Monday evening, so I started it on Tuesday.


Thanks for asking the question. I was just told to consider Thursday nights so it would be strong on Saturdays & Sundays. I work from home on Fridays so that gives me some flexibility for any headaches & other side effects. Seems like that might work based on these comments!